Can't run my vite and sveltekit non-js module files deprecated - vite

I am using seveltkit and vite when I run with npm run devthen it give me a
Localhost localhost:5173 when I go to it give me this
First it was give me 500|error then I wrote some code and this error come back again it was here before the 500|error


How to use source maps in node js?

I stareted my node app with node index.js and got the following message:
(node:10128) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: e.reduce is not a function
at Module.te (C:\Projects\myproject\node_modules\tronweb\dist\TronWeb.node.js:1:9236)
Now I'm interessted in whats happening. I've seen that there are mapping files in the tronweb\dist directory. I started again using --inspect and opened the chrome dev tools. But in the console I see exactly the same message.
In Node v12.12.0+ sourcemaps are supported natively. Pass --enable-source-maps flag to enable them.
One caveat in Node v12.12.0 is that Error.prepareStackTrace will no longer be called when source maps are enabled. This was fixed in v12.16+.
You can use
$ npm install source-map-support --save-dev
Then change your run command in package.json to:
node -r source-map-support/register index.js
(Note that you should have an next to index.js)

How to debug Angular universal?

I am using Angular Universal Starter repo. In angular 4 universal for ssr we could debug browser and node part of application in dev mode(see console), but now I do not see way to debug node part. I tried to execute ts-node server.ts with some changes( paths to files, etc), but angular seems needs aot compiled app and
throw Error: You must pass in a NgModule or NgModuleFactory to be
from docs:
Development (Client-side only rendering)
- run npm run start which will start ng serve
Production (also for testing SSR/Pre-rendering locally)
- npm run build:ssr && npm run serve:ssr
At first glance debug on Node.js in development do not work. At least from the box. May be someone resolve this issue.
You can't debug node part of your Angular 4 app in browser. Node work on server part so you can't see this in browser (client side).
Only way to debug this part when you start it from ts-node server.ts is to use external tools like WebStorm etc. If you start your App in TS mode from Debug mode you can use all features of this tools.
I think this small piece of code can help you
create the project
ng n debuggable-universal-server --interactive=false
cd debuggable-universal-server
add universal
ng add #nguniversal/express-engine --clientProject debuggable-universal-server
To create the server-side app module, app.server.module.ts, run the following CLI command.
ng add #nguniversal/express-engine
To start rendering your app with Universal on your local system, use the following command.
npm run dev:ssr

How does NPM start an Angular and Typescript application?

Would it be possible to get an explanation of how npm start works?
I have an Angular 2 application written in Typescript. I enter npm start in the console and this both compiles and launches the application using Node's built in web server.
However what is the starting point for this? Which files does the npm start command read in order to compile and start the application? Also why do I use npm start and not e.g. node start? I understood that NPM was just the package manager for node itself.
What I understand so far:
I have a tsconfig.js file which tells the TypeScript compiler what to do.
I have a packages.json file which tells node which packages to download.
Where do the following files fit into this:
app/app.module.ts - which I understand is the starting point for my application.
How do all of these components fit together to form the application?
npm start is just an alias for npm run start, which runs whatever command is in scripts.start in your package.json.
It neither knows nor cares about TypeScript, or Angular, or anything like that - it just executes whatever script it's given on the command line.

Electron-forge + Babel + React + JSX: "unknown option base.Children" in production app

This seems related to BABEL: Unknown option: base.Children, but the fixes provided there don't help my situation. Two days ago I had an Electron application that ran in development mode (via 'electron-forge start') and as a packaged application (starting the executable in the folder produced by 'electron-forge package'). The app continues to run in development, and it will execute in production, but Babel produces an error in the Web console:
Unknown option: base.Children. Check out http://...
This occurs on the first require statement calling for one of my JSX files (there's another thing: react-forge doesn't transpile the JSX, and I suspect I'm about to be told to RTFM over that matter). I can get the same error to pop up whenever I want; all I have to do is enter "require('somefile.jsx')" in the console, and it'll do the same thing. Investigation of the error reveals that the options manager's mergeOptions function is passed a copy of React at one point during the loop that's supposed to incorporate the presets and plugins. Again, this did not start happening after a change to the application code; I tried to update some packages in NPM, and the next build I did produced this error.
I've wiped the node_modules directory completely and run a fresh 'npm install' followed by 'electron-rebuild' and a repackaging of the app produces the same results. I've tried incorporating the .babelrc contents in package.json according to the docs at the Babel website. Again, dev works fine and production fails. Creating a compliant .compilerc produced similarly disparate results. How is my production app getting a React component where it should have the Babel options?
I just found the solution. It's a combination problem. React itself and the React preset for Babel both answer to 'react' as a preset name. If the plugin is missing but React is present, Babel will pull React and pass it to mergeOptions, producing the error described.
On the other side, if you've made the mistake of requiring a module (like the React preset) in your package.json under both dev dependencies and general dependencies, the packaging subprocess run by electron-forge will ignore the entry under general dependencies. Result: no preset, and instead of spitting out a "missing a preset" error, Babel just sucks up React itself and pretends it's found the preset it was told to look for.

Deploying NodeJS/Babel/Grunt app on Heroku

I'm trying to deploy my project on Heroku. I've been able to heroku open the app and see it but I get a 404 on my bundle.js. The app is on github here. The app is on heroku here.
I've tried making sure my dependencies are all there regarding babel, babelify, grunt, etc. But I must be still missing something.
I don't get any errors after my git push heroku but I still get my 404.
I am able to recreate this locally as well. This is what I get when I run your postinstall script code:
$ npm run postinstall
> ncps-mms#0.0.0 postinstall ncps-mms
> gulp transpile --gulpfile client/gulpfile.babel.js
[00:18:43] Requiring external module babel-register
[00:18:43] Working directory changed to ncps-mms/client
(node:30276) fs: re-evaluating native module sources is not supported. If you are using the graceful-fs module, please update it to a more recent version.
[00:18:43] Using gulpfile ncps-mms/client/gulpfile.babel.js
[00:18:44] Starting 'transpile'...
Error: Cannot find module './controllers/members-detail-controller' from 'ncps-mms/client/src'
[00:18:44] Finished 'transpile' after 184 ms
I see this error:
Error: Cannot find module './controllers/members-detail-controller' from 'ncps-mms/client/src'
The members-detail-controller is missing - See:
If I comment out the following lines, and then run npm run postinstall again, the gulp tasks run without errors. I am then able to start the server without the 404's on bundle.js.
