How can we enrich a document on the fly before getting it ingested to the Opensearch Index - logstash

We have several existing indexes, where we need to add some additional attributes whose values should be derived based on a lookup on another index.We need to update/enrich the document before the ingestion, as update/re-indexing would add the additional overhead which might not be able to afford.
As per the documentations around, it seems like enrichment policies in Elasticsearch is meant to solve something similar, but was wondering is there any workaround for OpenSearch ?
Also, we have approx one third data coming from python scripts, to enrich these, is there any way to send pandas df to logstash directly to enrich them before ingestion to the index ?
Tried enrichment policies, lookup processor, but turns out these are not supported by Opensearch.


How do I find out right data design and right tools/database/query for below requirement

I have a kind of requirement but not able to figure out how can I solve it. I have datasets in below format
id, atime, grade
123, time1, A
241, time2, B
123, time3, C
or if I put in list format:
Now my use-case is to perform comparison, aggregation and queries over multiple row like
time difference between last 2 rows where id=123
time difference between last 2 rows where id=123&GradeA
Time difference between first, 3rd, 5th and latest one
all data (or last 10 records for particular id) should be easily accessible.
Also need to further do compute. What format should I chose for dataset
and what database/tools should I use?
I don't Relational Database is useful here. I am not able to solve it with Solr/Elastic if you have any ideas, please give a brief.Or any other tool Spark, hadoop, cassandra any heads?
I am trying out things but any help is appreciated.
Choosing the right technology is highly dependent on things related to your SLA. things like how much can your query have latency? what are your query types? is your data categorized as big data or not? Is data updateable? Do we expect late events? Do we need historical data in the future or we can use techniques like rollup? and things like that. To clarify my answer, probably by using window functions you can solve your problems. For example, you can store your data on any of the tools you mentioned and by using the Presto SQL engine you can query and get your desired result. But not all of them are optimal. Furthermore, usually, these kinds of problems can not be solved with a single tool. A set of tools can cover all requirements.
tl;dr. In the below text we don't find a solution. It introduces a way to think about data modeling and choosing tools.
Let me take try to model the problem to choose a single tool. I assume your data is not updatable, you need a low latency response time, we don't expect any late event and we face a large volume data stream that must be saved as raw data.
Based on the first and second requirements, it's crucial to have random access (it seems you wanna query on a particular ID), so solutions like parquet or ORC files are not a good choice.
Based on the last requirement, data must be partitioned based on the ID. Both the first and second requirements and the last requirement, count on ID as an identifier part and it seems there is nothing like join and global ordering based on other fields like time. So we can choose ID as the partitioner (physical or logical) and atime as the cluster part; For each ID, events are ordered based on the time.
The third requirement is a bit vague. You wanna result on all data? or for each ID?
For computing the first three conditions, we need a tool that supports window functions.
Based on the mentioned notes, it seems we should choose a tool that has good support for random access queries. Tools like Cassandra, Postgres, Druid, MongoDB, and ElasticSearch are things that currently I can remember them. Let's check them:
Cassandra: It's great on response time on random access queries, can handle a huge amount of data easily, and does not have a single point of failure. But sadly it does not support window functions. Also, you should carefully design your data model and it seems it's not a good tool that we can choose (because of future need for raw data). We can bypass some of these limitations by using Spark alongside Cassandra, but for now, we prefer to avoid adding a new tool to our stack.
Postgres: It's great on random access queries and indexed columns. It supports window functions. We can shard data (horizontal partitioning) across multiple servers (and by choosing ID as the shard key, we can have data locality on computations). But there is a problem: ID is not unique; so we can not choose ID as the primary key and we face some problems with random access (We can choose the ID and atime columns (as a timestamp column) as a compound primary key, but it does not save us).
Druid: It's a great OLAP tool. Based on the storing manner (segment files) that Druid follows, by choosing the right data model, you can have analytic queries on a huge volume of data in sub-seconds. It does not support window functions, but with rollup and some other functions (like EARLIEST), we can answer our questions. But by using rollup, we lose raw data and we need them.
MongoDB: It supports random access queries and sharding. Also, we can have some type of window function on its computing framework and we can define some sort of pipelines for doing aggregations. It supports capped collections and we can use it to store the last 10 events for each ID if the cardinality of the ID column is not high. It seems this tool can cover all of our requirements.
ElasticSearch: It's great on random access, maybe the greatest. With some kind of filter aggregations, we can have a type of window function. It can handle a large amount of data with sharding. But its query language is hard. I can imagine we can answer the first and second questions with ES, but for now, I can't make a query in my mind. It takes time to find the right solution with it.
So it seems MongoDB and ElasticSearch can answer our requirements, but there is a lot of 'if's on the way. I think we can't find a straightforward solution with a single tool. Maybe we should choose multiple tools and use techniques like duplicating data to find an optimal solution.

How to use Azure Search Service with heterogenous data sources

I have worked on Azure Search service previously where I created an indexer directly on a SQL DB in the Azure Portal.
Now I have a use-case where I would want to ingest from multiple data sources each having different data schema. Assume these data sources to be 3 search APIs of X,Y,Z teams. All of them take search term and gives back results in their own schema. I want my Azure Search Service to be proxy for these so that I have one search API that a user can use to get results from multiple sources, ordered correctly.
How should I go about doing it? I assume that I might have to create a common schema and whenever user searches something, I would call these 3 APIs and get results, map them to a common schema and then index this data in common schema into Azure Search index. Finally, call this Azure Search API to give back the results to the caller.
I would appreciate any help! If I can get hold of a better documentation for doing this work, that will be great as well.
Your assumption is correct. You can work with 3 different indexes and fire queries against them, or you can try to combine all of them in the same index. The benefit of the second approach is a better way to implement ordering / paging as all the information will be stored in the same index.
It really depends on what you mean by ordered correctly. Should team X be able to see results from teams Y and Z? The only way you can get ranked results like this is to maintain a single index with a common schema containing data from all teams.
One potential pitfall with this approach is conflicts in the schema. For example if one team requires a field to be of a specific datatype or use a specific analyzer, while another team has different requirements. We do this in our indexes, but with some carefully selected common fields and then dedicated fields prefixed according to our own naming convention to avoid conflicts.
One thing to consider is the need to reset the index. If you need to add, change or remove fields you will have to delete the index and create it again with a new schema. If you have a common index and team X needs to add a new property, you would need to reset (delete and create) the common index which affects all teams.
So, creating separate indexes per team has its benefits. Each team can have their own schema without risk of conflicts and they can reset their index without affecting the other teams.

Complex json log data transformation using?

I am new to data science tools and have a use case to transform json logs into a flattened columnar data maybe considered as normal csv, I was looking into a lot of alternatives (tools) to approach this problem and found that I can easily solve this using Apache Spark Sql but the problem is my json log can be a complex data structure with hierarchical arrays i.e. I would have to explode the dataset multiple times to transform it.
The problem is I don't want to hard code the logic for data transformation as I wish to reuse the same chunk of code with different transformation logic, or to put it in a better way I want my transformation to be driven by configurations rather than code.
For the same reason I was looking into Apache Avro which provides me with liberty to define my own schema for the input, but here the problem is I am unaware if I can also define the output schema as well ? If not then it will be same as reading and filtering the avro data structure (generated) into my code logic.
One probable solution which I can think of is to define my schema along with the array fields and some flags to notify my parser to explode on them, which might be recursive as well till I transform the input schema into output i.e. generating the transformation logic based on my input and output schemas.
Is there any better approach which I am unaware of or not being able to think about ?

Avoid the use of Java data structures in Apache Spark to avoid copying the data

I have a MySQL database with a single table containing about 100 million records (~25GB, ~5 columns). Using Apache Spark, I extract this data via a JDBC connector and store it in a DataFrame.
From here, I do some pre-processing of the data (e.g. replacing the NULL values), so I absolutely need to go through each record.
Then I would like to perform dimensionality reduction and feature selection (e.g. using PCA), perform clustering (e.g. K-Means) and later on do the testing of the model on new data.
I have implemented this in Spark's Java API, but it is too slow (for my purposes) since I do a lot of copying of the data from a DataFrame to a java.util.Vector and java.util.List (to be able to iterate over all records and do the pre-processing), and later back to a DataFrame (since PCA in Spark expects a DataFrame as input).
I have tried extracting information from the database into a org.apache.spark.sql.Column but cannot find a way to iterate over it.
I also tried avoiding the use of Java data structures (such as List and Vector) by using the org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{DenseVector, SparseVector}, but cannot get that to work either.
Finally, I also considered using JavaRDD (by creating it from a DataFrame and a custom schema), but couldn't work it out entirely.
After a lengthy description, my question is: is there a way to do all steps mentioned in the first paragraph, without copying all the data into a Java data structure?
Maybe one of the options I tried could actually work, but I just can't seem to find out how, as the docs and literature on Spark are a bit scarce.
From the wording of your question, it seems there is some confusion about the stages of Spark processing.
First, we tell Spark what to do by specifying inputs and transformations. At this point, the only things that are known are (a) the number of partitions at various stages of processing and (b) the schema of the data. org.apache.spark.sql.Column is used at this stage to identify the metadata associated with a column. However, it doesn't contain any of the data. In fact, there is no data at all at this stage.
Second, we tell Spark to execute an action on a dataframe/dataset. This is what kicks off processing. The input is read and flows through the various transformations and into the final action operation, be it collect or save or something else.
So, that explains why you cannot "extract information from the database into" a Column.
As for the core of your question, it's hard to comment without seeing your code and knowing exactly what it is you are trying to accomplish but it is safe to say that much migrating between types is a bad idea.
Here are a couple of questions that might help guide you to a better outcome:
Why can't you perform the data transformations you need by operating directly on the Row instances?
Would it be convenient to wrap some of your transformation code into a UDF or UDAF?
Hope this helps.

Does U-Sql support cursors for iterating through data sets and extracting more data based on row values?

Does Azure Data Lake Analytics and U-SQL support the notion of Cursors in scripts?
I have a data set that contains paths to further data sets I would like to extract and I want to output the results to separate files.
At the moment I can't seem to find a solution for dynamically extracting and outputting data based on values inside data sets.
U-SQL currently expect that files are known at compile time. Thus, you cannot do extraction or outputting based on locations provided inside a file.
You can specify filesets in the EXTRACT statement that will be somewhat data driven. We are currently working on adding the ability to use filesets on OUTPUT as well.
You can file feature requests at
You might be able to write a Processor to iterate over the rows in the primary dataset. However, you might not be able to access the additional datasets in the Processor.
Another work around might be to concatenate all the additional datasets and perform a join with the primary dataset.
