Azure function triggered from dynamic list of queues - azure

We’re trying to create a functionality where we can create individual user queues so that the downstream apps can process each user messages at a different pace in-order.
And when any of those queues have messages, we’d like to trigger the same Azure function for all the queues.
Not supported by ServiceBusTrigger on Azure function, since it requires a function per queue to be configured at deployment time.
All suggestions welcome!
PS: We’re okay to deploy new pieces of wiring when new queues are created.


Triggering multiple functions on a single queue

Can I trigger multiple azure function on a single queue trigger.
Use case is that i am storing auth token in a queue, and multiple functions take up the token to call the different endpoints respectively.
Or will the first one grab the message (token) and remove it from the queue.
In this scenario, I would use ServiceBusTrigger function.
You can create a topic in a Service Bus, then for this one topic you can have multiple subscribers.
So, even if 1 subscriber has finished going trough the messages, you can still have a subscriber which has not even started once and don't worry about this subscriber missing any message.
Useful links
ServiceBusTrigger Example
Topics and Subscribers
#dhruv Yes you can create multiple functions with the same queue, all works in parallel as likewise event grid subscribers, which queue you're using, is it storage queue or service bus etc?
You could use a durable function for this.

Azure function binding multiple Service Bus events

Is there a way to make an Azure function triggerable by multiple Service Bus event queues? For example, if there is a function which logic is valid for multiple cases(event start, event end- each inserted into a different Service Bus queue) and I want to reuse it for these events can I subscribe to both of them in the Service Bus from the same function?
I was looking for an answer to this question, but so far everywhere I checked it seems to be impossible.
Azure Functions can be triggered by a single source queue or subscription.
If you'd like to consolidate multiple sources to serve as a trigger for a single function, you could forward messages to a single entity (let's assume a queue) and configure Function to be triggered by messages in that queue. Azure Service Bus support Auto-Forwarding natively.
Note that there cannot be more than 3 hops and you cannot necessarily know what the source was if message was forwarded from a queue. For subscriptions, there's a possible workaround to stamp messages.
If your goal is to simply reuse code, what about refactoring that Function to create a class which is then used in multiple functions.
If your goal is implementing events aggregation, you could probably create an Azure Durable Function Workflow that would do a fan-in on multiple Events.
Excerpt from
Processing Azure blobs in hourly batches.
New blob notifications are sent to a trigger function using Event Grid trigger.
The event grid trigger uses the singleton pattern to create a single orchestration instance of a well-known name and raises an event to the instance containing the blob payload(s).
To protect against race conditions in instance creation, the event grid trigger is configured as a singleton using SingletonAttribute.
Blob payloads are aggregated into a List and sent to another function for processing - in this case, aggregated into a single per-batch output blob.
A Durable Timer is used to determine the one-hour time boundaries.
You might want to consider switching the pattern around by using only one queue but multiple Topics/Subscriptions for the clients.
Then the Function in question can be triggered by the Start-End Topic.
Some other Function can be triggered by the Working Topic, etc.

Should I change how our microservices communicate?

Our application consist of 7 microservices that have some intercommunication. Currently we're using simple storage queues that a microservice publish events to (the number of events is relative low). Then we have a azurefunction for each queue that might call another microservices. This is working fine for us right now the services uses about 20 queues with a corresponding function.
Now we need to handle an blobstorage event, and I did some googling and a started to get really confused. Suddenly there was a lot of questions:
Should we switch to Azure Event Grid
It handles blobstorage without any limitations (functions blobstorage trigger has some)
It allows for multiple subscribers (storage queues does not)
It has a lot of fuz - maybe this is the new recommended way
I like the idea of one central thing, but it reminds me a bit about biztalk...
Should I switch to Azure Service Bus
It has a nice tool (ServiceBusExplorer) for monitoring the queues and listners, and I could to a repost of any failed events
It visulizes my azure functions subscribers nicely
Should I continue with only storage queues
A bit difficult to monitor, but it works nice
I'll be really thankful for any advice or insights to this question.
EventGrid is great when you have notifications floating to multiple subscribers. Is that the case for you?
An example would be deferring messages. With queues you can defer a message, not with EventGrid. Whenever to choose Storage Queues or Service Bus depends on the specific requirement that you have. Do you need de-duplication? Or ordered delivery? If you do, Service Bus is the way. Otherwise Storage Queues is enough.
First of All, I would like to recommend these two articles, it will clarify most of your doubts about these services:
Choose between Azure services that deliver messages
Storage queues and Service Bus queues compared
Regarding Event Grid, it acts like a bridge between the publisher and the subscriber, where publisher will send messages and forget whether it has been processed or not, and the Event Grid will handle the retry if the receiver\subscriber does not acknowledge that it was processed successfully.
As you mentioned, storage queues has limitations, as such blob triggered functions, and maybe Service Bus, but it will depend on your design requirements. I would like to point out some things you might consider before moving to Event Grid.
Storage queues & Service Bus does not care about your message schema, in Event Grid you have to create a custom event based on their schema to wrap your event, so the publisher and subscriber has to understand Event Grid for that, not that is a big deal, but now you have both sides coupled to Event Grid.
If you want to send the event straight to your micro-service, you have to implement the subscription validation in your service, otherwise the service won't be able to receive the events
Event Grid only retry the delivery of your messages for 24 hours, if your service is down or not process the message correctly for longer than 24h, it will make the event dead. Currently, there is no way to query dead messages. Storage Queues and Service Bus are configurable how long you keep the message and it can be kept for many days.
Your service web-hook must acknowledge the receipt(http 200 or 202) of an event within 60 seconds, otherwise it will consider failed. If your operation is longer that that, you should send it to a queue and handle the locking from your service.
Probably there are more limitations, but these are the ones I remember right now that might change anytime soon, I think Event Grid is a great technology still on early days, and there is much to improve, I would recommencement only as a hub for Azure management events, I don't think it is ready for use as an application integrator.
Regarding your comment for queue manager, for Service Bus your have the Service Bus Explorer, and for Azure Storage you have the Azure Storage Explorer, where you can check the messages in the queue, is not the same as Service Bus, but helps.
It very much depends on how are you consuming the queue messages, you can take a look at this comparison:
If you don't need ordering and if you don't have a strong limit on message volume, size or TTL, you can stick to storage queues.

Reading Azure Service Bus Queue

I'm simply trying to work out how best to retrieve messages as quickly as possible from an Azure Service Bus Queue.
I was shocked that there wasn't some way to properly subscribe to the queue for notifications and that I'm going to have to poll. (unless I'm wrong in which case the documentation is terrible).
I got long polling working, but checking a single message every 60 seconds looks like it'll cost around £900 per month (again, unless I've misunderstood that). And if I add a redundant/second service to poll it'll double.
So I'm wondering what the best/most cost efficient way of doing it is.
Essentially I just want to take a message from the queue, perform an API lookup on some internally held data (perhaps using hybrid services?) and then perhaps post a message back to a different queue with some additional information .
I looked at worker roles(?) -- is that something that could do it?
I should mention that I've been looking at doing this with node.js.
Check out these videos from Scott Hanselman and Mark Simms on Azure Queues.
It's C# but you get the idea.
Touches on:
Storage Queues vs. Service Bus Queues
Grabbing messages in bulk vs. one by one (chunky vs. chatty)
Dealing with poison messages (bad actors)
Misc implementation details
Much more stuff i can't remember now
As for your compute, you can either do a VM, a Worker Role (Cloud Services), App Service Webjobs, or Azure Functions.
The Webjobs SDK and Azure Functions bot have a way to subscribe to Queue events (notify on message).
(Listed from IaaS to PaaS to FaaS - Azure Functions - if such a thing exists).
Azure Functions already has sample code provided as templates to do all that with Node. Just make a new Function and follow the wizard.
If you need to touch data on-prem you either need to look at integrating with a VNET that has site-to-site connectivity back to your prem, or Hybrid Connections (App Service only!). Azure Functions can't do that yet, but every other compute is a go.
(That tutorial is Windows only but you can pull data from any OS. The Hybrid Connection Manager has to live on a Windows box, but then it acts as a reverse proxy to any host on your network).
To deal with Azure ServiceBus Queue easily, the best option seems to be Azure Webjob.
There is a ServiceBusTrigger that allows you to get messages from an Azure ServiceBus queue.
For node.js integration, you should have a look at Azure Function. It is built on top of the webjob SDK and have node.js integration :
Azure Functions NodeJS developer reference
Azure Functions Service Bus triggers and bindings for queues and topics
In the second article, there is an example on how get messages from a queue using Azure Function and nodejs :
module.exports = function(context, myQueueItem) {
context.log('Node.js ServiceBus queue trigger function processed message', myQueueItem);

Azure Service Bus Queue grouped messages

I have a web api application which performs different type of actions an a Domain entity, called Application. Actions like "Copy", "Update", "Recycle", "Restore" etc.
This actions needs to be executed, per Application, in First In First Out order, not randomly or simultaneous. However, it can process simultaneously two Actions as long as they are for two separate Applications.
Is some kind of a queue, but not a big queue for all the requests, but a queue of actions for each Application in database.
Knowing this, i think that azure service bus queue is a good solution for this scenario.
However, the solution i can think of right now is to programmatically create a queue for each Application i have in database, and start listening to that queue.
Is possible to get messages from the queue based on a filter? (using FIFO principle) So i have to subscribe only to one queue? (instead of having a queue for each Application - which is very hard to maintain)
What you want is Azure Service Bus Topics/Subscriptions.
Subscriptions allow you to filter messages that are published to a topic using a SqlFilter on the message headers.
The article linked above should provide enough examples to meet your needs.
I think u can solve this by using Sessions.
I just came across this very clear article: which explains in to detail how Azure Service Bus Queue sessions work.
In short: by defining a SessionId on the messages you can force the ordering of the processing within a session, the downside is that there will be no parallelization for all messages in a session between multiple consumers of the queue.
