Can I assign a custom FQDN for an Amazon EKS cluster? - aws-cli

When I run aws eks update-kubeconfig, my ~/.kube/config file contains the following line:
This hostname resolves to some IP address in our VPC.
Which used to work fine, but now my company is migrating to a DNS-based VPN and, due to factors outside my team's control, blanket DNS routing of a domain we don't control, such as, is not an option. Also the server hostnames are constantly changing because we use Blue-Green Deployment.
There's a really crappy workaround in which we manually keep a CNAME record in Route53 and manually edit that address in kube config after we run update-kubeconfig.
Is there a way to tell EKS to use a Route53 Record instead of that URLs in a way that update-kubeconfig will know about?

DNS is the core discovery system for EKS, Kubernetes. Having said that, a potential solution is external DNS which integrates with Route53.


EC2 box ssh using new hostname

I have an ec2 box, it is an ubuntu 18.04 OS. I can using "ssh -i {pemfile} ubuntu#{ip address}" also "ssh -i {pemfile} ubuntu#{}" from another EC2 box. Now I wanted to change the hostname and use it in ssh. I followed some of linux and AWS articles AWS Article and changed /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts file. Can not use route 53 DNS entry as per requirement.
/etc/hosts =
/etc/hostname =
Getting below error "ssh -i {pemfile}"
ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known.
As you’ve made the changes on the server only these will only be resolvable on that host (otherwise anyone could use any domain).
There are a few options you can take if you want to use a custom domain name.
The obvious one is you can use a domain you control, this will allow it to resolve across any hosts that are able to resolve your public DNS. If you don’t own a domain you can purchase one through a registrar (such as Route 53).
The second option is to look at using Route 53 private hosted zones. By attaching to your VPC you can set DNS records that resolve within your VPC. If you want these records to resolve in a hybrid network you would need to look at adding a DNS resolver.
The third option is to look at using a resource that can resolve the domain name, to do this you would either join a domain (using a service such as managed active directory or simple directory), or you could setup an EC2 host to resolve DNS. This is an expensive solution and the most complex if you’re using a hybrid architecture.
Take a look at the Centralized DNS management of hybrid cloud with Amazon Route 53 and AWS Transit Gateway post for more information about hybrid DNS
Your local machine knows nothing about changes you've made to the EC2 configuration. Those changes are local to the EC2 instance.
One way to connect to your cloud instance via a DNS name like is to associate an elastic IP to the EC2 instance. Elastic IPs persist even if the instance is rebooted.
Next, create a new A-type DNS record at your DNS provider pointing to the newly issued IP address.
You can now connect to the server with the DNS name.

Adding domain name to ECS application with AWS ELB

I have an application which is running on an AWS ECS cluster which has 2 instances. I'm using EC2 instance type for ECS. I also have an application load balancer attached to this ECS cluster which uses dynamic port mapping. Right now, the application is working fine with the Load balancer's domain name.
I'm planning to add SSL feature for the load balancer and also a domain name for my application. For simplicity, I'm planning to use AWS ACM to create SSL certificates for HTTPS connectivity. But I'm not very aware of the domain name registration and all.
So I'm not sure on where to attach this domain if I go for a new domain registration. What IP do I use for domain registration? Or If I have a domain name, can I attach it to my application.
But still, I'm not sure where to point to. Any help regarding attaching domain to app with ecs and aws alb will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Basically, you have to create an A record in your DNS server pointing to the ELB.
Amazon has Route53 for registering domains, if your domain is registered with Route53 it's easy as selecting the ELB from the list on the route53 console.
If you host your domain on a different registrar (e.g. GoDaddy) then make sure your ELB is publicly available and use its address for host address if your domain A record.

How do I configure my DNS to work with Rancher 2.0 ingress?

I'm new to Kubernetes and Rancher, but have a cluster setup and a workload deployed. I'm looking at setting up an ingress, but am confused by what my DNS should look like.
I'll keep it simple: I have a domain ( and I want to be able to configure the DNS so that it's routed through to the correct IP in my 3 node cluster, then to the right ingress and load balancer, eventually to the workload.
I'm not interested in this stuff as I need something real-world, not a sandbox, and there's no documentation on the Rancher site that points to what I should do.
Should I run my own DNS via Kubernetes? I'm using DigitalOcean droplets and haven't found any way to get Rancher to setup DNS records for me (as it purports to do for other cloud providers).
It's really frustrating as it's basically the first and only thing you need to do... "expose an application to the outside world", and this is somehow not trivial.
Would love any help, or for someone to explain to me how fundamentally dumb I am and wha tI'm missing!
You aren't dumb, man. This stuff gets complicated. Are you using AWS or GKE? Most methods of deploying kubernetes will deploy an internal DNS resolver by default for intra-cluster communication. These URLs are only useful inside the cluster. They take the form of <service-name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local and have no meaning to the outside world.
However, exposing a service to the outside world is a different story. On AWS you may do this by setting the service's ServiceType to LoadBalancer, where kubernetes will automatically spin up an AWS LoadBalancer, and along with it a public domain name, and configure it to point to the service inside the cluster. From here, you can then configure any domain name that you own to point to that loadbalancer.

Configure linux hosts file to resolve domain name to kubernetes cluster

So I have a simple node app for "hello node" and I am running it on a kubernetes cluster, I have exposed it as a service, configured an ingress for it and now I would like to target that service with a domain name, so I can use that instead of the ip address.
Does anybody know how to configure this? I have tried searching for External domain names and dns, but they keep pointing me back to how to configure some part of kubernetes which configures the external dns, which is not what I am looking for.
I am perhaps not using the correct terminology for this. Can anybody help?

Amazon Elastic IP + EC2

I have set up an EC2 instance and an Elastic IP which is associated to the instance. I have also set an A record in my DNS provider's Zone editor so that the domain name points to the elastic IP e.g. =
After reading many posts, this seems like it should be enough to work but my domain name still isn't resolving. I can't even ping the IP address! Weirdly I CAN ssh into the EC2 instance via the elastic IP and everything seems fine, except that my domain name doesn't resolve to the EC2 instance!
Any thoughts?
DNS names take a while to propagate so that is probably your first issue.
Go to and enter your domain name. If all of the locations are returning with the correct ip then you can safely assume its not a DNS propagation issue.
Enable ICMP rules in the security group. If using the aws console create a new rule for "All ICMP" with a source of "". Enabling this creates a security risk for your server so only enable this temporarily while testing. At this point you should be able to ping your instance.
If using HTTP or HTTPS enable the correct ports on the security group for those protocols and as long as the instance is configured correctly with Apache you should be up and running.
Please check your EC2 security group & make sure desired ports are open
