Convert VBA user form into Android mobile application is there any way to achieve this? - excel

I designed an user form in VBA. I key in data in the user form and entries get registered in the excel automatically in the background.
However, I was wondering if there is any way to convert VBA desktop user-form UI into mobile application. So that, I am able to key in data from the desktop and as well as Android(exactly same UI) with the data being entered in the same excel sheet- basically ,allowing me to do the same job while I am away from my laptop.
I have so many buttons with different functionalities in the user-form. I coded them in VBA modules. I need to achieve the same objective in the android app as well.
Please, if anyone have any resources, please refer it to me. I couldn't find the solution on YouTube.


Creating a website with functionalities as given below:

VenEx wants to create an Interactive tool on WIX or any other no code web platform. We would like users to input 6 params on the website, connect the website to an Excel spreadsheet that does the calculation & displays graphs/output back on the website. Pls. Advise
The proper way to do this in Wix would be to use Velo, which requires a bit of coding. But, you won't need to use the spreadsheet because you can write the calculation logic into the site itself.

Excel Mobile Data Entry Form

I am trying to create a data entry "app" to collect daily readings across our site. Here are the three biggest constraints:
Software - ideally, we would use some software within the Microsoft 365 Suite, mainly because those are the only approved apps on site. It may be possible to use open source software, but that might raise some flags in terms of security. So my thoughts are to use either Excel or Access.
Cost - ideally, we do not want purchase any additional software licenses. I would try and create something with Power Apps, but we do not have the licensing for an Azure or SQL server to store the data. I could be missing something here though.
Mobile-Friendly - finally, it needs to work on an Android tablet. Currently, we collect readings using pen and paper. The whole idea of this is to move towards using a tablet.
The easiest approach would be to create an Excel spreadsheet, save it on OneDrive, and edit the spreadsheet. I don't love this option because we are collecting 100's of data points each day. This would end up with a very wide spreadsheet that will be cumbersome to navigate.
The other option I looked into was creating an Access database and accompanying form and storing it on SharePoint. However, it seems Microsoft has stopped supporting Access databases on SharePoint.
I have created data entry forms using VBA, similar to this, but these do not work on mobile.
Is it possible to create a data entry form in Excel that also works on the Android version of Excel? Are there other alternatives I am not thinking of?
I am engaged in just this kind of project also. I have written an app in PowerApps, built an Excel spreadsheet and stored it in OneDrive, and am running it (the app) on an iPad. The design differs somewhat from your description of directly presenting a spreadsheet to the user (which I think PowerApps could do) because I don't want users having direct access to the data.
Edit: You do not need Azure or SQL, unless you are storing tons of data. Excel can be a satisfactory data storage location for modest uses.
I found the learning curve for PowerApps to be quite steep, as it's a different paradigm than line-by-line coding.
I think this is a more user friendly way to collect data than trying to run an Excel form, and once you get it made and polished, you'll look like a pro :)
I am by no means an expert but if you need some tips I'll do what I can to help. It sounds like we are at similar developmental stages.
Is it possible to create a data entry form in Excel that also works on the Android version of Excel? Are there other alternatives I am not thinking of?
Microsoft Forms does the job when created from OneDrive on mobile browser. Side note: the form I just created and the response I submitted have now disappeared from my OneDrive.
I also saw some people using Power Automate to save responses from a form into an Excel file (every reponse).

Excel stops running protected workbook, runs fine if unlocking it

I have a tool, which uses VBA.
As the tool has company secrets, the project is password protected to avoid the info getting into the wrong hands (to some extent). Therefore, as soon as anyone wants to "view code", they have to put in the password.
The tool has a simple GUI, which just loads values from various worksheets and displays them with simple VBA controls.
In some version updates of the tool, excel stops running when trying to load the GUI. No error codes are displayed. In others, work just fine. I don't know what causes this. The updates are simple changes to formulas, updating of price structuring and the like.
If i put in the password before loading the GUI, it works just fine. This, however, is not a good workaround if i want to deploy the tool to anyone who is not authorized to view the internal info.
Any ideas how to debug this issue?
Windows 10 64-bit
Excel 365
Dell Latitude PC

Communication between a webpage and Excel?

I am trying to find a way to make a web application communicate with Excel in the same way that a desktop application could talk to it using COM. The basic description of my problem is as follows:
User selects a cell within an Excel worksheet.
User switches focus to a web application running inside a browser and clicks a button.
The clicking of the button inside the web application causes a string to drop into the open Excel spreadsheet at the cell that was previously selected.
I should reiterate at this point that I am not trying to make a webpage generate an Excel file. Rather, I am trying to have the web application directly pass a message to the open instance of Excel.
This would be straightforward if I were writing a desktop application. But in the browser context, security is going to keep the web application from communicating with Excel. I understand that it might be possible to use an ActiveX control in IE to do this sort of thing, but I would prefer allow the application to run in any browser and ensure that the user does not have to modify their browser security settings.
Can anyone suggest a workaround? One thing I wondered about is whether you could use RTD to approach the problem. I have not used RTD, so I am unfamiliar with its exact capabilities. But if the user is logged into the web application, could their button click send a message to the server that is then relied back to the Excel instance using RTD? This assumes that the user also has an Excel plugin that provides their account credentials to the RTD server.
Thanks very much.
barrowc - The button is just there to communicate with Excel.

Use Excel for calculations in web app

I've inherited a large Excel spreadsheet that does some financial calculation magic using any number of simulation tables, and have been asked to write a web application as a front end. Now I could spend endless hours trying to figure out the sheet, or I could call the excel sheet from my web app. I seem to need the Office Primary Interop Assemblies, but do I also need to install office/excel on the web server? How can I handle multiple simultaneous requests to the same sheet? Is this approach even possible?
We have implement a project where we call several Excel spreadsheets from a web app.
We use Sharepoint Excel Services to do this. It has worked very well for us.
In our case our largest spreadsheet has over 300 input parameters, 1000 formuals and 50 results. This takes about 0.5 seconds, where most of that time is moving data in and out of excel services via a web service.
The main draw back in using Sharepoint Excel Services is the cost. However, in our case the saving in development time far out weighed the cost.
Excel is a desktop Application (and a very good one) and not designed for either multiple users or deployment in a web application. You might be able to cobble something together but you are likely to have to write a lot of code to manage the design features of a desktop app which are inadequacies in a web app.
You are better off trying to understand what the Excel workbook is doing and simulating it in code with the desired multi-user features in mind which must have been beneath the request for a web app. If you have access to the current users and/or author you should be able to document the requirement and you have the Excel workbook for you to test your algorithm against once you have understood it.
Best of luck.
Take a look at SpreadsheetGear. Ordinarily it is used to generate new spreadsheets, but it has a calculation engine for existing spreadsheets too. And unlike Excel, it was designed for a server environment.
Spreadsheet Gear
You can try SmartXLS for .net,it has a calculation engine for Excel workbook,it does not depend on Excel.
Not sure if this is appropriate to your task, but could you not import it into Google Spreadsheets to make it multi-user? If it is really complicated then I shouldn't think this will work, but might be worth a try.
