Function A start Function B, how to ensure B continue to execute after A finishes - multithreading

A async function B is called in the async A function, and then the function C which runs a loop starts in A. How to ensure that C continues to execute after B finishes executing.
async fn A() -> Result<()>{
// start B
async fn B() -> Result<()> {
//start C
fn C(){
//running a loop
If possible, please attach a rust demo;

In standard rust, you would have to return C() without awaiting it, and have A await it, possibly concurrently with other futures. You could also spawn a thread to run C(), but that defeats the purpose of using async.
When you have a runtime, you can spawn it on that. For example, with tokio::task::spawn:
async fn B() -> Result<()> {
//start C
You may still want to return the JoinHandle to A.
If you are writing a library and don't want to depend on a specific runtime, you can take a function that accepts a future:
async fn B<F, R>(f: F) -> Result<R>
F: FnOnce(Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static>>) -> R,
let r = f(Box::pin(C()));
You may need different traits on F or R. I also don't think it is possible to do this without Box, unless you have access to type alias impl trait, or make a concrete Future type instead of using an async function.
Here is a playground of this working.


Call a random function with variable arguments dynamically

I have a list of functions with variable arguments, and I want to randomly pick one of them, in runtime, and call it, on a loop. I'm looking to enhance the performance of my solution.
I have a function that calculates the arguments based on some randomness, and then (should) return a function pointer, which I could then call.
pub async fn choose_random_endpoint(
rng: ThreadRng,
endpoint_type: EndpointType,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<std::string::String, MyError>> {
match endpoint_type {
EndpointType::Type1 => {
let endpoint_arguments = self.choose_endpoint_arguments(rng);
let endpoint = endpoint1(&self.arg1, &self.arg2, &endpoint_arguments.arg3);
EndpointType::Type2 => {
let endpoint_arguments = self.choose_endpoint_arguments(rng);
let endpoint = endpoint2(
EndpointType::Type3 => {
let endpoint_arguments = self.choose_endpoint_arguments(rng);
let endpoint = endpoint3(
The error I obtain is
expected opaque type `impl Future<Output = Result<std::string::String, MyError>>` (opaque type at <src/calls/>)
found opaque type `impl Future<Output = Result<std::string::String, MyError>>` (opaque type at <src/>)
. The compiler advises me to await the endpoints, and this solves the issue, but is there a performance overhead to this?
Outer function:
Aassume there is a loop calling this function:
pub async fn make_call(arg1: &str, arg2: &str) -> Result<String> {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let random_endpoint_type = choose_random_endpoint_type(&mut rng);
let random_endpoint = choose_random_endpoint(&rng, random_endpoint_type);
// call the endpoint
Now, I want to call make_call every X seconds, but I don't want my main thread to block during the endpoint calls, as those are expensive. I suppose the right way to approach this is spawning a new thread per X seconds of interval, that call make_call?
Also, performance-wise: having so many clones on the rng seems quite expensive. Is there a more performant way to do this?
The error you get is sort of unrelated to async. It's the same one you get when you try to return two different iterators from a function. Your function as written doesn't even need to be async. I'm going to remove async from it when it's not needed, but if you need async (like for implementing an async-trait) then you can add it back and it'll probably work the same.
I've reduced your code into a simpler example that has the same issue (playground):
async fn a() -> &'static str {
async fn b() -> &'static str {
fn a_or_b() -> impl Future<Output = &'static str> {
if rand::random() {
} else {
What you're trying to write
When you want to return a trait, but the specific type that implements that trait isn't known at compile time, you can return a trait object. Futures need to be Unpin to be awaited, so this uses a pinned box (playground).
fn a_or_b() -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = &'static str>>> {
if rand::random() {
} else {
You may need the type to be something like Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = &'static str> + Send + Sync + 'static>> depending on the context.
What you should write
I think the only reason you'd do the above is if you want to generate the future with some kind of async rng, then do something else, and then run the generated future after that. Otherwise there's no need to have nested futures; just await the inner futures when you call them (playground).
async fn a_or_b() -> &'static str {
if rand::random() {
} else {
This is conceptually equivalent to the Pin<Box> method, just without having to allocate a Box. Instead, you have an opaque type that implements Future itself.
The blocking behavior of these is only slightly different. Pin<Box> will block on non-async things when you call it, while the async one will block on non-async things where you await it. This is probably mostly the random generation.
The blocking behavior of the endpoint is the same and depends on what happens inside there. It'll block or not block wherever you await either way.
If you want to have multiple make_call calls happening at the same time, you'll need to do that outside the function anyway. Using the tokio runtime, it would look something like this:
use tokio::task;
use futures::future::join_all;
let tasks: Vec<_> = (0..100).map(|_| task::spawn(make_call())).collect();
let results = join_all(tasks).await;
This also lets you do other stuff while the futures are running, in between collect(); and let results.
If something inside your function blocks, you'd want to spawn it with task::spawn_blocking (and then await that handle) so that the await call in make_call doesn't get blocked.
If your runtime is multithreaded, the ThreadRng will be an issue. You could create a type that implements Rng + Send with from_entropy, and pass that into your functions. Or you can call thread_rng or even just rand::random where you need it. This makes a new rng per thread, but will reuse them on later calls since it's a thread-local static. On the other hand, if you don't need as much randomness, you can go with a Rng + Send type from the beginning.
If your runtime isn't multithreaded, you should be able to pass &mut ThreadRng all the way through, assuming the borrow checker is smart enough. You won't be able to pass it into an async function and then spawn it, though, so you'd have to create a new one inside that function.

How do I avoid incurring in lifetime issues when refactoring a function?

Playground if you want to jump directly into the code.
I'm trying to implement a function filter_con<T, F>(v: Vec<T>, predicate: F) that allows concurrent filter on a Vec, via async predicates.
That is, instead of doing:
let arr = vec![...];
let arr_filtered = join_all(arr.into_iter().map(|it| async move {
if some_getter(&it).await > some_value {
} else {
.filter_map(|it| it)
every time I need to filter for a Vec, I want to be able to:
let arr = vec![...];
let arr_filtered = filter_con(arr, |it| async move {
some_getter(&it).await > some_value
Tentative implementation
I've extracted the function into its own but I am incurring in lifetime issues
async fn filter_con<T, B, F>(arr: Vec<T>, predicate: F) -> Vec<T>
F: FnMut(&T) -> B,
B: futures::Future<Output = bool>,
join_all(arr.into_iter().map(|it| async move {
if predicate(&it).await {
} else {
.filter_map(|p| p)
error[E0507]: cannot move out of a shared reference
I don't know what I'm moving out of predicate?
For more details, see the playground.
You won't be able to make the predicate an FnOnce, because, if you have 10 items in your Vec, you'll need to call the predicate 10 times, but an FnOnce only guarantees it can be called once, which could lead to something like this:
let vec = vec![1, 2, 3];
let has_drop_impl = String::from("hello");
filter_con(vec, |&i| async {
i < 5
So F must be either an FnMut or an Fn. The standard library Iterator::filter takes an FnMut, though this can be a source of confusion (it is the captured variables of the closure that need a mutable reference, not the elements of the iterator).
Because the predicate is an FnMut, any caller needs to be able to get an &mut F. For Iterator::filter, this can be used to do something like this:
let vec = vec![1, 2, 3];
let mut count = 0;
vec.into_iter().filter(|&x| {
count += 1; // this line makes the closure an `FnMut`
x < 2
However, by sending the iterator to join_all, you are essentially allowing your async runtime to schedule these calls as it wants, potentially at the same time, which would cause an aliased &mut T, which is always undefined behaviour. This issue has a slightly more cut down version of the same issue
I'm still not 100% on the details, but it seems the compiler is being conservative here and doesn't even let you create the closure in the first place to prevent soundness issues.
I'd recommend making your function only accept Fns. This way, your runtime is free to call the function however it wants. This does means that your closure cannot have mutable state, but this is unlikely to be a problem in a tokio application. For the counting example, the "correct" solution is to use an AtomicUsize (or equivalent), which allows mutation via shared reference. If you're referencing mutable state in your filter call, it should be thread safe, and thread safe data structures generally allow mutation via shared reference.
Given that restriction, the following gives the answer you expect:
async fn filter_con<T, B, F>(arr: Vec<T>, predicate: F) -> Vec<T>
F: Fn(&T) -> B,
B: Future<Output = bool>,
join_all(arr.into_iter().map(|it| async {
if predicate(&it).await {
} else {
.filter_map(|p| p)

Run async function in run_interval and return result

I need to run an async function in actix::prelude::AsyncContext::run_interval, but I need to also pass in a struct member and return the result (not the future). This is a somewhat more complex version of this question here. As can be seen in the commented section below, I have tried a few approaches but all of them fail for one reason or another.
I have looked at a few related resources, including the AsyncContext trait and these StackOverflow questions: 3, 4.
Here is my example code (actix crate is required in Cargo.toml):
use std::time::Duration;
use actix::{Actor, Arbiter, AsyncContext, Context, System};
struct MyActor {
id: i32
impl MyActor {
fn new(id: i32) -> Self {
Self {
id: id,
fn heartbeat(&self, ctx: &mut <Self as Actor>::Context) {
ctx.run_interval(Duration::from_secs(1), |act, ctx| {
//lifetime issue
//let res = 0;
//Arbiter::spawn(async {
// res = two(;
//future must return `()`
//let res = Arbiter::spawn(two(;
//async closures unstable
//let res = Arbiter::current().exec(async || {
// two(
impl Actor for MyActor {
type Context = Context<Self>;
fn started(&mut self, ctx: &mut Self::Context) {
// assume functions `one` and `two` live in another module
async fn one(id: i32) -> i32 {
// assume something is done with id here
let x = id;
async fn two(id: i32) -> i32 {
let x = id;
// assume this may call other async functions
fn main() {
let mut system = System::new("test");
system.block_on(async { MyActor::new(10).start() });;
Rust version:
$ rustc --version
rustc 1.50.0 (cb75ad5db 2021-02-10)
Using Arbiter::spawn would work, but the issue is with the data being accessed from inside the async block that's passed to Arbiter::spawn. Since you're accessing act from inside the async block, that reference will have to live longer than the closure that calls Arbiter::spawn. In fact, in will have to have a lifetime of 'static since the future produced by the async block could potentially live until the end of the program.
One way to get around this in this specific case, given that you need an i32 inside the async block, and an i32 is a Copy type, is to move it:
ctx.run_interval(Duration::from_secs(1), |act, ctx| {
let id =;
Arbiter::spawn(async move {
Since we're using async move, the id variable will be moved into the future, and will thus be available whenever the future is run. By assigning it to id first, we are actually copying the data, and it's the copy (id) that will be moved.
But this might not be what you want, if you're trying to get a more general solution where you can access the object inside the async function. In that case, it gets a bit tricker, and you might want to consider not using async functions if possible. If you must, it might be possible to have a separate object with the data you need which is surrounded by std::rc::Rc, which can then be moved into the async block without duplicating the underlying data.

How do you write test assertions inside of tokio::run futures?

How do you test your futures which are meant to be run in the Tokio runtime?
fn fut_dns() -> impl Future<Item = (), Error = ()> {
let f = dns::lookup("", "");
f.then(|result| match result {
Ok(smtptls) => {
println!("{:?}", smtptls);
assert_eq!(smtptls.version, "TLSRPTv1");
assert!(smtptls.rua.len() > 0);
assert_eq!(smtptls.rua[0], "mailto://...");
Err(e) => {
println!("error: {:?}", e);
fn smtp_log_test() {
The future runs and the thread of the future panics on an assert. You can read the panic in the console, but the test doesn't recognize the threads of tokio::run.
The How can I test a future that is bound to a tokio TcpStream? doesn't answer this, because it simply says: A simple way to test async code may be to use a dedicated runtime for each test
I do this!
My question is related to how the test can detect if the future works. The future needs a started runtime environment.
The test is successful although the future asserts or calls err().
So what can I do?
Do not write your assertions inside the future.
As described in How can I test a future that is bound to a tokio TcpStream?, create a Runtime to execute your future. As described in How do I synchronously return a value calculated in an asynchronous Future in stable Rust?, compute your value and then exit the async world:
fn run_one<F>(f: F) -> Result<F::Item, F::Error>
F: IntoFuture,
F::Future: Send + 'static,
F::Item: Send + 'static,
F::Error: Send + 'static,
let mut runtime = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().expect("Unable to create a runtime");
fn smtp_log_test() {
let smtptls = run_one(dns::lookup("", "")).unwrap();
assert_eq!(smtptls.version, "TLSRPTv1");
assert!(smtptls.rua.len() > 0);
assert_eq!(smtptls.rua[0], "mailto://...");

Waiting for a result mapped future

I'm using the future library and I have a future which implements Future<T, E>. I'd like to map this future with a function FnOnce(T) -> D where D: From<E>. Now when I want to wait() for this future to finsih, I'll get a Result<Result<T, E>, D>, however I'd like a Result<T, D>.
Here's some example code for better understanding:
struct ReadError;
enum DownloadError {
impl From<ReadError> for DownloadError { ... }
fn parse(bytes: [u8; 4]) -> Result<i32, DownloadError> { ... }
fn map_and_wait<F: Future<Item = [u8; 4]; Error = ReadError>>(f: F) -> Result<i32, DownloadError> {
match|x| parse(x)).wait() {
Ok(Ok(x)) => Ok(x),
Ok(Err(x)) => Err(x.into()),
Err(x) => Err(x),
What's the easiest and most understandable way of doing this (without matching)?
This is for futures v0.1 (old, experimental)
I found an answer to the question:
You can just first wait on the future to finish, use ? to return a potential error and then apply parse on it:
This should have equal semantics, because, when polled, the Future returned by map executes its closure. Another solution was to map a possible error and to use and_then:
f.map_error(|x| x.into()).and_then(|x| parse(x)).wait()
