Basically we are using a powerapp to do the register. We do this once a week and it populates a column called "Attendance" with the value "Present" For each child that attends.
However before the next register happens I require the attendance column to be clear. In order to do this I would require the attendance column to be copied to a new column with "today" date".
I have managed to create a column with "today" date but need help in copying the values over. You can see the code i have used to create a column. The attendance column is column M.
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
var today = new Date();
var dd = String(today.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
var mm = String(today.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); //January is 0!
var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
let x = dd + '/' + mm + '/' + yyyy;
let sh = workbook.getActiveWorksheet()
let tbl = sh.getTable("FBRegister")

You can try the following script:
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
var today = new Date();
var dd = String(today.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
var mm = String(today.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); //January is 0!
var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
let x = dd + '/' + mm + '/' + yyyy;
let sh = workbook.getActiveWorksheet()
let tbl = sh.getTable("FBRegister")
let todayColumn = tbl.addColumn(); // Save the new column
todayColumn.setName(x); // Set the name to today's date
// Get the attendance column, excluding the header
let attendance = tbl.getColumn('Attendance').getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal();
// Copy values from attendance column to the new column
// Clear attendance column
I've assumed the attendance column is named "Attendance", but if not, you can modify that line (let attendance = ... ) accordingly. Additionally, the last line of code clears the attendance column once the values have been copied over, but you can comment out/delete that line if you don't want that.
Hopefully that helps!


Excel Office Scripts - Replace "blank cells" with the text "null"

I'm trying to replace blank cells in column B (column name= Status) with the text "null". I have two different approaches that get me halfway there, however I can't figure out how to fully solution this. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Here's the excel table showing column B and a few cells in that column with blank cells
Here's two different scripts I created trying to solution this
Script 1= I can identify the blank cells, but cannot figure out how to set the values for the cells.
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
let source = workbook.getWorksheet("Source");
let sourceTable = workbook.getTable("Source");
const statusVisibleRange = source.getUsedRange().getColumn(0);
const statusVisibleRangeShifted = statusVisibleRange.getOffsetRange(1,1);
const StatusFilter = "Status";
const StatusFilterValues = '';
let stringValue = "null";
let blankCells =
Script 2=Script works if there are blank cells in column B (column name = Status), however if there are not any blank cells...it's filtering to all values and updating the statuses of everything in this column to "null".
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
let source = workbook.getWorksheet("Source");
let sourceTable = workbook.getTable("Source");
const statusVisibleRange = source.getUsedRange().getColumn(0);
const statusVisibleRangeShifted = statusVisibleRange.getOffsetRange(1,1);
const StatusFilter = "Status";
const StatusFilterValues = '';
let stringValue = "null";
const statusFilter = sourceTable.getColumnByName(StatusFilter);
This worked for me ...
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook)
let worksheet = workbook.getWorksheet("Source");
let table = worksheet.getTable("Source");
let statusColumn = table.getColumnByName("Status");
let statusColumnRange = statusColumn.getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal();
let emptyStatusCells = statusColumnRange.getSpecialCells(ExcelScript.SpecialCellType.blanks);
if (emptyStatusCells != undefined) {
let rangeAreas = emptyStatusCells.getAreas();
rangeAreas.forEach(range => {
let values = range.getValues();
values.forEach(cellValue => {
cellValue[0] = "null";
// Add additional logic here once the blank cells are dealt with.

How can I search for edited rows on Sheets to compare the values and change the timestamp on different columns accordingly?

I have been looking endlessly for a method to compare values on different columns in the same row, to know which cell I should update.
The speradsheet is a simple model of stock management (it's quite simple and I've been doing it manually), but I wanted a 'faster'(*) ou automated way of updating the amounts os each item, and the timestamps (which are two: one for adding units to the stock, and one for withdrawing).
The obstacles so far are:
The onEdit() function won't work on automated changes like macros, so it's off the table;
I need to scan the whole spreadsheet to find every filled cell on column D, which carries the value i'm adding to or subtracting from my column C;
-For this i have already setup do filter the column 'from Z to A' to get all the cells with values on them, but the amount of items changed can vary, so i cant set a search with a fixed number of rows.
Since my sheet has over 90 entries (likely to increase) of at least 6 columns each, a for loop with if statements takes too long, (*)but execution time is not exactly the main concern right now.
The code is as follows, and I'll be attaching a picture of the sheet I'm working with.
/** #OnlyCurrentDoc */
function geral() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
spreadsheet.getActiveRange().autoFill(spreadsheet.getRange('G2:G92'), SpreadsheetApp.AutoFillSeries.DEFAULT_SERIES);
var currentCell = spreadsheet.getCurrentCell();
spreadsheet.getRange('G2:G').copyTo(spreadsheet.getActiveRange(), SpreadsheetApp.CopyPasteType.PASTE_VALUES, false);
spreadsheet.getActiveRangeList().clear({contentsOnly: true, skipFilteredRows: true});
//adds the input OR output timestamp depending on the value in D column
//!!WORK IN PROGRESS!! --> here's where it gets tricky, and that's what I got so far (which doesn't work)
for (var i = 2; i < 100; i++) {
var cell1 = spreadsheet.getRange('????').getValue(); //from this point on, I don't know how to proceed
var cell2 = spreadsheet.getRange('????').getValue();
if(cell1 > cell2){
spreadsheet.getActiveCell().setValue(new Date());
else if(cell1 < cell2){
spreadsheet.getActiveCell().setValue(new Date());
spreadsheet.getActiveRangeList().clear({contentsOnly: true, skipFilteredRows: true});
function filtro() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
spreadsheet.getActiveSheet().sort(4, false);
EDIT: With my review after #IrvingJayG.'s comment, I noticed a few mistakes and unnecessary extra steps, so instead of doing all the copy-paste-delete dance and then compare results, I'd go for the pseudocode below:
//Ci's value pre-exists in the sheet, where i is the row index
//manually input Di value
//set formula for Gi = Ci+Di
//and then compare either Ci and Gi, or Di and 0
if(Di > 0){
//the following steps can be defined as a new function for each case, (e.g. updateIn() and updateOut())
copy Gi to Ci;
update Ei with new Date();
delete Gi and Di;
else if(Di < 0){
copy Gi to Ci;
update Fi with new Date();
delete Gi and Di;
Unfortunately, it still doesn't solve my problem, just simplifies the code by a lot.
Sheet example
I've created a sample sheet (based on your attached example sheet) with 6 rows of data and with 4 random sample cell values on Column D. Then, I've created a sample script below, where you can use a reference:
NOTE: This script will scan every row on your sheet that has data (e.g. if you have 30 rows of data, it will scan every row one-by-one until it reaches the 30th row) and may slow-down once you have bunch of data on it. That's the catch because it's an expected behavior
function onOpen() { //[OPTIONAL] Created a custom menu "Timestamp" on your Spreadsheet, where you can run the script
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
.addItem('Automate Timestamp', 'mainFunction')
function mainFunction() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
spreadsheet.getActiveSheet().sort(4, false);
function automateSheetCheck(){
var d = new Date();
var formattedDate = Utilities.formatDate(d, "GMT", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var currentRow = spreadsheet.getDataRange().getLastRow(); //Get the last row with value on your sheet data as a whole to only scan rows with values
for(var x =2; x<=currentRow; x++){ //Loop starts at row 2
if(spreadsheet.getRange("D"+x).getValue() == ""){ //Checks if D (row# or x) value is null
Logger.log("Cell D"+x+" is empty"); //Logs the result for review
var res = spreadsheet.getRange("C"+x).getValue() + spreadsheet.getRange("D"+x).getValue(); //SUM of C & D values
if(spreadsheet.getRange("D"+x).getValue() > 0){ // If D value is greater than 0, E cell is updated with new timestamp and then C value is replaced with res
Logger.log("Updated Timestamp on cell E"+x + " because D"+x+ " with value of "+ spreadsheet.getRange("D"+x).getValue() +" is greater than 0"); //Logs the result for review
spreadsheet.getRange("C"+x).setValue(res); //Replace C value with "res"
spreadsheet.getRange("D"+x).setValue(""); //remove D value
}else{ // If D value is less than 0, F cell is updated with a new timestamp
Logger.log("Updated Timestamp on cell F"+x + " because D"+x+ " with value of "+ spreadsheet.getRange("D"+x).getValue() +" is less than 0"); //Logs the result for review
spreadsheet.getRange("C"+x).setValue(res); //Replace C value with "res"
spreadsheet.getRange("D"+x).setValue(""); //remove D value
After running the script, the will be the result on the sample sheet:
Here's the Execution Logs, where that you can review what happened after running the code:

Time Stamp Script not working on Pasting/Dragging Cell Values

I have a script which records the time stamp on which an entry is made in a specific cell. It uses a onEdit trigger.
When I'm dragging/copy-pasting the data over a range of adjacent cells(in the same column), only the first entry is producing a time-stamp output.
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var sName = s.getName();
var r = s.getActiveCell();
if( r.getColumn() == 8 && sName == 'Processing') { //which column to watch on which sheet
var row = r.getRow();
var time = new Date();
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('CU' + row.toString()).setValue(time); //which column to put timestamp in
You are using onEdit to insert a timestamp when a field is edited. But when an edit is done by copy/paste or dragging a cell/range, the timestamp is applied only for the first cell in the new target range.
The reason that this is happening is that your script output recognises only the activecell and does not recognise the rest of the activerange
var r = s.getActiveCell();
var row = r.getRow();
There are several solutions to your problem.
Enable the script to process the number of rows in the active range.
function onEdit() {
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var sName = s.getName();
var r = s.getActiveCell();
var row = r.getRow();
var ar = s.getActiveRange();
var arRows = ar.getNumRows()
// Logger.log("DEBUG: the active range = "+ar.getA1Notation()+", the number of rows = "+ar.getNumRows());
var time = new Date();
if( r.getColumn() == 8 && sName == 'Processing') { //which column to watch on which sheet
// loop through the number of rows
for (var i = 0;i<arRows;i++){
var rowstamp = row+i;
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('CU' + rowstamp.toString()).setValue(time); //which column to put timestamp in
Event Objects: Enable the script to take advantage of the event Objects generated by OnEdit.
In the following script, the edited range, the column, sheet name, the starting and ending row numbers are all obtained/determined by using Event Objects available to onEdit.
function onEdit(event) {
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
// Logger.log(JSON.stringify(event)); //DEBUG
var ecolumnStart = event.range.columnStart;
var erowStart = event.range.rowStart;
var erowEnd = event.range.rowEnd;
var ecolumnEnd = event.range.columnEnd;
// Logger.log("DEBUG: Range details - Column Start:"+ecolumnStart+", Column End:"+ecolumnEnd+", Row start:"+erowStart+", and Row End:"+erowEnd);
// Logger.log("DEBUG: the sheet is "+event.source.getName()+", the range = "+event.range.getA1Notation());
var sName = event.range.getSheet().getName();
// Logger.log("DEBUG: the sheet name is "+sName)
var time = new Date();
var numRows = event.range.rowEnd -event.range.rowStart+1;
if( event.range.columnStart == 8 && sName == 'Processing') { //which column to watch on which sheet
// loop though the number of rows
for (var i = 0;i<numRows;i++){
var row = event.range.rowStart+i;
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('B' + row.toString()).setValue(time); //which column to put timestamp in

auto copy value of cell from sheet 2 to sheet 1 using google apps script

I’m trying to get the value of column Notes in Sheet 2 and put it to column Notes of Sheet 1. To do that, they should have the same column Company value. When I enter a value in Company (Sheet 2), the code will find if it has the same value in Company (Sheet 1). If the code finds the same value of Company, the value in Notes (Sheet 2) that I enter will automatically put in Notes (Sheet 1). I used the if/else statement in my code but it is not running.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sheet 1
enter image description here
Sheet 2
enter image description here
Here's my code :)
function onEdit() {
var sheetId = SpreadsheetApp.openById('1fx59GrC_8WEU5DCM5y2N8YR3PK936RLqZVknQ66WWUA'); //replace with source ID
var sourceSheet = sheetId.getSheetByName('Notes'); //replace with source Sheet tab name
var notesActiveCell = sourceSheet.getActiveCell();
var notesRow = notesActiveCell.getRow();
var notesComp = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('B' + notesRow.toString());
var destSheet = sheetId.getSheetByName('Companies'); //replace with destination Sheet tab name
var compActiveCell = destSheet.getActiveCell();
var compRow = compActiveCell.getRow();
var companies = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('B' + compRow.toString());
if (notesComp.getValues() == companies.getValues()) {
var sourceRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('C' + notesRow.toString()); //assign the range you want to copy
var notesData = sourceRange.getValues();
destSheet.getRange('F' + compRow.toString()).setValues(notesData);
There are a lot of errors in your code. I'm not a very experienced programmer, but form what you have said I think the script below should give you a good starting point.
Don't forget, you also need to add an onEdit trigger to run the script when you enter a value.
function onEdit(e) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sourceSheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var sourceCellRow = sourceSheet.getActiveCell().getRowIndex();
var sourceData = sourceSheet.getRange(sourceCellRow, 1, 1, 2).getValues();
var destSS = SpreadsheetApp.openById('Paste destination Spreadsheet ID here');
var destSheet = destSS.getSheetByName('Companies');
var searchData = destSheet.getRange(1, 1, destSheet.getLastRow()).getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < searchData.length; i ++){
if(searchData[i][0] == sourceData[0][0]){
destSheet.getRange(i + 1, 2).setValue(sourceData[0][1]);
Try using the copyTo(destination)
Copies the data from a range of cells to another range of cells. Both the values and formatting are copied.
// The code below will copy the first 5 columns over to the 6th column.
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var rangeToCopy = sheet.getRange(1, 1, sheet.getMaxRows(), 5);
rangeToCopy.copyTo(sheet.getRange(1, 6));
I think that will be invaluable inside your onEdit() function.\
You might also want to check this sample from this google forum
function Copy() {
var sss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('spreadsheet_key'); //replace with source ID
var ss = sss.getSheetByName('Source'); //replace with source Sheet tab name
var range = ss.getRange('A2:E6'); //assign the range you want to copy
var data = range.getValues();
var tss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('spreadsheet_key'); //replace with destination ID
var ts = tss.getSheetByName('SavedData'); //replace with destination Sheet tab name
ts.getRange(ts.getLastRow()+1, 1,5,5).setValues(data); //you will need to define the size of the copied data see getRange()

How can I change the format of the ColumnField column headings in EPPlus?

I create a column field in EPPlus like so:
// Column field[s]
var monthYrColField = pivotTable.Fields["MonthYr"];
...that displays like so (the "201509" and "201510" columns):
I want those values to display instead as "Sep 15" and "Oct 15"
In Excel Interop it's done like this:
var monthField = pvt.PivotFields("MonthYr");
monthField.Orientation = XlPivotFieldOrientation.xlColumnField;
monthField.NumberFormat = "MMM yy";
...but in EPPlus the corresponding variable (monthYrColField) has no "NumberFormat" (or "Style") member.
I tried this:
pivotTableWorksheet.Column(2).Style.Numberformat.Format = "MMM yy";
...but, while it didn't complain or wreak havoc, also did not change the vals from "201509" and "201510"
How can I change the format of my ColumnField column headings in EPPlus from "untransformed" to "MMM yy" format?
As you can see by the comments, there are many things related to PivotTables which don't work or are hard to get to work in EPPlus; Excel Interop is a bear (and not a teddy or a Koala, but more like a grizzly) compared to EPPlus, but as to PivotTables, it seems that EPPlus is kind of half-baked to compared to Exterop's fried-to-a-crispness.
private void PopulatePivotTableSheet()
var dataRange = pivotDataWorksheet.Cells[pivotDataWorksheet.Dimension.Address];
var pivotTable = pivotTableWorksheet.PivotTables.Add(
pivotTable.MultipleFieldFilters = true;
pivotTable.GridDropZones = false;
pivotTable.Outline = false;
pivotTable.OutlineData = false;
pivotTable.ShowError = true;
pivotTable.ErrorCaption = "[error]";
pivotTable.ShowHeaders = true;
pivotTable.UseAutoFormatting = true;
pivotTable.ApplyWidthHeightFormats = true;
pivotTable.ShowDrill = true;
// Row field[s]
var descRowField = pivotTable.Fields["Description"];
// Column field[s]
var monthYrColField = pivotTable.Fields["MonthYr"];
// Data field[s]
var totQtyField = pivotTable.Fields["TotalQty"];
var totPriceField = pivotTable.Fields["TotalPrice"];
// Don't know how to calc these vals here, so had to put them on the data sheet
var avgPriceField = pivotTable.Fields["AvgPrice"];
var prcntgOfTotalField = pivotTable.Fields["PrcntgOfTotal"];
// TODO: Get the sorting (by sales, descending) working:
// These two lines don't seem that they would do so, but they do result in the items
// being sorted by (grand) total purchases descending
//var fld = ((PivotField)pvt.PivotFields("Description"));
//fld.AutoSort(2, "Total Purchases");
//int dataCnt = pivotTable.ra //DataBodyRange.Columns.Count + 1;
private void FormatPivotTable()
int HEADER_ROW = 7;
if (DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo != null)
pivotTableWorksheet.Column(2).Style.Numberformat.Format =
// Pivot Table Header Row - bold and increase height
using (var headerRowFirstCell = pivotTableWorksheet.Cells[HEADER_ROW, 1])
headerRowFirstCell.Style.VerticalAlignment = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;
headerRowFirstCell.Style.Font.Bold = true;
headerRowFirstCell.Style.Font.Size = 12;
pivotTableWorksheet.Row(HEADER_ROW).Height = 25;
// TODO: Why is the hiding not working?
You can use the build-in Date format YearMonthPattern. which would give september 2016 as format.
pivotTableWorksheet.Column(2).Style.Numberformat.Format = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.YearMonthPattern;
If you really want MMM yy as pattern, you need to overwrite the culture format:
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("nl-NL")
DateTimeFormat = { YearMonthPattern = "MMM yy" }
pivotTableWorksheet.Column(2).Style.Numberformat.Format = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.YearMonthPattern;
It doesn't seem that you can set the format on the field itself. You have to access through the pivot table object:
pivotTable.DataFields[0].Format = "MMM yy";
Any formatting applied to the underlying worksheet seems to be completely ignored.
