Spring Integration, Google Pubsub Auto ack not working - spring-integration

Following is an Spring IntegrationFlow i am trying to make work using Spring integration 6 and Google PubSub 1.123. However, AUTO acknowledgment is not working reason being the routeToRecpient is one way message handle. Is routeToRecipents one-way MessageHandle or am i doing something worng. is there a way to pass on the message to main flow ?
public IntegrationFlow processEvent() {
return IntegrationFlow.from(Function.class, gateway -> gateway.beanName("onMessage"))
.enrichHeaders(h -> h
.headerFunction(POSTGRES, t -> POSTGRES.equalsIgnoreCase(store) || ALL.equalsIgnoreCase(store))
.headerFunction(BIGTABLE, t -> BIGTABLE.equalsIgnoreCase(store) || ALL.equalsIgnoreCase(store))
t -> !BIGTABLE.equalsIgnoreCase(store) && !ALL.equalsIgnoreCase(store)
&& !POSTGRES.equalsIgnoreCase(store)))
.log(LoggingHandler.Level.DEBUG, "Message Routed to DB store", t -> t.toString())
.routeToRecipients(r -> r
.recipientMessageSelectorFlow(m -> m.getHeaders().get(BIGTABLE, Boolean.class),
c -> c.channel(postgresRouteChannel()))
.recipientMessageSelectorFlow(m -> m.getHeaders().get(BIGTABLE, Boolean.class),
c -> c.channel(bigtableRouteChannel()))
.recipientMessageSelectorFlow(m -> m.getHeaders().get(NOSUPPORT, Boolean.class),
c -> c.channel(noSupportRouteChannel())))
Need a way to handle the acknowledgement to PubSub messages

Why is that a Function? What do you produce from your flow? It really looks like your logic is one way and distribution. Isn't Consumer works for your instead?
That's probably indeed a reason why auto-ack is not happened: the Function waits for a reply, but you don't produce one. We may do that as well, but need to understand what you are going to produce as a reply.


Max Aggregation with Hazelcast-jet

I want to do a simple max across an entire dataset. I started with the Kafka example at: https://github.com/hazelcast/hazelcast-jet-code-samples/blob/0.7-maintenance/kafka/src/main/java/avro/KafkaAvroSource.java
I just changed the pipeline to:
p.drawFrom(KafkaSources.<Integer, User>kafka(brokerProperties(), TOPIC))
.rollingAggregate(minBy(comparingInt(user -> (Integer) user.get(2))))
.map(user -> (Integer) user.get(2))
and the go to:
IListJet<Integer> res = jet.getList("result");
to get the largest age of people in the topic. It however doesn't return 20 and seems to return different values on different runs. Any idea why?
You seem to be using rollingAggregate, which produces a new output item every time it receives some input, but all you check is the first item it emitted. You must instead find the latest item it emitted. One way to achieve it is by pushing the result into an IMap sink, using the same key every time:
p.drawFrom(KafkaSources.<Integer, User>kafka(brokerProperties(), TOPIC))
.rollingAggregate(minBy(comparingInt(user -> (Integer) user.get(2))))
.map(user -> entry("user", (Integer) user.get(2)))
You can fetch the latest result with
IMap<String, Integer> result = jet.getMap("result");

Spark stream data from IBM MQ

I want to stream data from IBM MQ. I have tried out this code I found on Github.
I am able to stream data from the Queue but each time it streams, it takes all the data from it. I just want to take the current data that is pushed into the queue. I looked up on many sites but didn't find the correct solution.
In Kafka we had something like KafkaStreamUtils for streaming the near-real-time data. Is there anything similar to that in IBM MQ so that it streams only the latest data?
The sample in the link you provided shows that it calls the following method to recieve from the the IBM MQ:
CustomMQReciever(String host , int port, String qm, String channel, String qn)
If you review CustomMQReciever here you can see that it is only Browsing the messages from the queue. This means the message will still be on the queue and the next time you connect you will receive the same messages:
MQQueueBrowser browser = (MQQueueBrowser) qSession.createBrowser(queue);
If you wanted to remove the messages from the queue you would need to call a method that does consume them from the queue instead of browsing them from the queue. Below is an example of changes to CustomMQReciever.java that should accomplish what you want:
Under the initConnection() change the above code to the following to cause it to remove the messages from the queue:
MQMessageConsumer consumer = (MQMessageConsumer) qSession.createConsumer(queue);
Get rid of:
enumeration= browser.getEnumeration();
Under receive() change the following:
while (!isStopped() && enumeration.hasMoreElements() )
receivedMessage= (JMSMessage) enumeration.nextElement();
String userInput = convertStreamToString(receivedMessage);
//System.out.println("Received data :'" + userInput + "'");
To something like this:
while (!isStopped() && (receivedMessage = consumer.receiveNoWait()) != null))
String userInput = convertStreamToString(receivedMessage);
//System.out.println("Received data :'" + userInput + "'");

Akka: How to ensure that message has been received?

I have an actor Dispenser. What it does is it
dispenses some objects by request
listens to arriving new ones
Code follows
class Dispenser extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case Get =>
context.sender ! getObj()
case x: SomeType =>
In real processing it doesn't matter whether 1 ms or even few seconds passed since new object was sent until the dispenser starts to dispense it, so there's no code tracking it.
But now I'm writing test for the dispenser and I want to be sure that firstly it receives new object and only then it receives a Get request.
Here's the test code I came up with:
val dispenser = system.actorOf(Props.create(classOf[Dispenser]))
dispenser ! obj
val task = dispenser ? Get()
val result = Await.result(task, timeout)
It satisfies one important requirement - it doesn't change original code. But it is
At least 100ms seconds slow even on very high performance boxes
Unstable and fails sometimes because 100 ms or any other constant doesn't provide any guaranties.
And the question is how to make a test that satisfies requirement and doesn't have cons above (neither any other obvious cons)
You can take out the Thread.sleep(..) and your test will be fine. Akka guarantees the ordering you need.
With the code
dispenser ! obj
val task = dispenser ? Get()
dispenser will process obj before Get deterministically because
The same thread puts obj then Get in the actor's mailbox, so they're in the correct order in the actor's mailbox
Actors process messages sequentially and one-at-a-time, so the two messages will be received by the actor and processed in the order they're queued in the mailbox.
(..if there's nothing else going on that's not in your sample code - routers, async processing in getObj or addObj, stashing, ..)
Akka FSM module is really handy for testing underlying state and behavior of the actor and does not require to change its implementation specifically for tests.
By using TestFSMRef one can get actors current state and and data by:
val testActor = TestFSMRef(<actors constructor or Props>)
testActor.stateName shouldBe <state name>
testActor.stateData shouldBe <state data>

Firebase... Add/Update Firebase Using node.js Script

I have arbitrary JSON that is sensibly laid out like this:
"name":"Buckeye, AZ",
"street":"416 S Watson RD",
I've written a node.js script like this for proof of concept (why I'm using node is that the JS API seems better supported than REST or Ruby for this. I could be wrong):
http = require('http')
Firebase = require('firebase')
all_sites_url = "http://supercharge.info/service/supercharge/allSites"
firebase_url = "https://tesla-supercharger.firebaseio.com/"
http.get(all_sites_url, (res) ->
body = ""
res.on "data", (chunk) ->
body += chunk
res.on "end", ->
response = JSON.parse(body)
all_sites = response
).on "error", (e) ->
console.log "Got error: ", e
send_to_firebase = (response) ->
firebase_ref = new Firebase(firebase_url)
for charger in response
console.log charger
new_child = firebase_ref.push()
new_child.set {id: charger.id, data: charger}, (error) ->
if error
console.log "Data cound not be saved #{error}"
console.log "Data saved successfully"
The result is a unique id generated by Firebase, which has as a child a data and an id child. The data child has the expected information like name, status, etc.
What I'd prefer is to generate a key-value pair. E.g., for an id of 100:
- 100
- name
- address
etc. So my first question is how to accomplish this or if it is even sensible.
After the first time around, this data (call it the data from an external server) will be there and a mobile app will have added some fields. These are not present in the data already there. Next time I fetch data from the external server, I want to update things that have changed that the server would know about, like status. I don't want to tamper with things that only the mobile devices would know about like remote_observations.
I know I'm seeming a bit dense here, but I'm trying to put together a sensible data model that will be updatable from that server using a CRON job and incrementally updatable from a bunch of mobile devices.
Any help is much appreciated.
UPDATE: I have found that this works for getting the structure I want:
send_to_firebase = (response) ->
firebase_ref = new Firebase(firebase_url)
for charger in response
firebase_ref.child(charger.id).update charger, (error) ->
if error
console.log "Data could not be saved #{error}"
responses_pending += 1
console.log "Data saved successfully : #{responses_pending} pending"
firebase_ref.on 'value', ->
console.log "value received rp=#{responses_pending}"
process.exit() if (responses_pending -= 1) < 1
So the code I settled on is this:
http = require('http')
Firebase = require('firebase')
firebase_url = '/path/to/your/firebase'
# code to get JSON of the form:
"name":"Buckeye, AZ",
"address":{"street":"416 S Watson RD",
... etc.
# Asynchronous get of JSON hash from some server or other.
get_my_fine_JSON().on 'complete', (response) ->
send_to_firebase = (response) ->
firebase_ref = new Firebase(firebase_url)
length = response.length
for charger in response
firebase_ref.child(charger.id).update charger, (error) ->
if error
console.log "Data could not be saved #{error}"
console.log "Data saved successfully"
process.exit() if length -= 1 is 0
The idea was to have a Firebase structure like this:
- 100
- address
street: "123 Main Street"
That's reason 1 why id is pulled up to be the primary key. Reason 2 is so that I can uniquely identify an object pulled off the external server as the "same" one in my Firebase and apply any updates necessary.
Epiphany 1: Update is more like upsert. If the key is there, whatever hash you supply replaces matching values. If it's not there, then Firebase happily adds it. Which is way cool because it covers both the push and patch cases.
Epiphany 2: This process will hang waiting for events if nothing tells it to stop. That's why the countdown index, length is decremented until the code has upserted (for lack of a better term) each item.
Observation 1: Doing this in node.js is super fast compared with REST using Python or Ruby. And this upsert stuff is wicked cool if I'm understanding it right.
Observation 2: There isn't a ton of wisdom out there as of this writing regarding writing node shell scripts to do this kind of stuff. Maybe it's a good idea, maybe a bad one. I don't know.
Observation 3: Because of the asynchronous nature of node and the Firebase Javascript API (both GOOD THINGs), terminating a process before the last bit is done can be tricky because your process has to hang on just long enough to complete its last request/response with Firebase. This is, as mentioned before, done in the completion handler of the update. Otherwise we wouldn't necessarily be complete when the process exited.
Caveat 1: Related to observation 2, this could be a bad idea, but I haven't been able to find resources that speak to the problem.
Caveat 2: This could be a horrid abuse or misunderstanding of the Firebase update API. I am reporting observed behavior in the limited case of my specific data. YMMV.
Caveat 3: I'm hoping the process lifetime is as I suggest it is in observation 3.
A note to the decaffeinated: The Javascript for this is so trivially different that it shouldn't be too tough to translate. Or go to js2coffee and paste the Coffeescript into the right pane to get real Javascript in the left pane that you can tune.

Where is the breaking change?

I wrote a CRUD application to interface with JIRA. I ended up upgrading my haskell enviornment, because cabal-dev doesn't solve everything. As a result, I've got some breakage, with this error anytime I try to use any code that interfaces with JIRA.
Spike: HandshakeFailed (Error_Misc "user error (unexpected type received. expecting
handshake and got: Alert [(AlertLevel_Warning,UnrecognizedName)])")
After a little googling, I think this either has to do with tls or http-conduit which uses tls.
I'm currently using tls-1.1.2 and http-conduit-
previously I was using
tls-0.9.11 and http-conduit >= 1.5 && < 1.7 (not sure which exactly, old install is gone.
This is where I believe the break is happening
manSettings :: ManagerSettings
manSettings = def { managerCheckCerts = \ _ _ _-> return CertificateUsageAccept }
this is what it used to look like
manSettings :: ManagerSettings
manSettings = def { managerCheckCerts = \ _ _ -> return CertificateUsageAccept }
Here's the code that uses it
initialRequest :: forall (m :: * -> *). URI -> IO (Request m,Manager)
initialRequest uri = do
initReq <- parseUrl uri -- let the server tell you what the request header
-- should look like
manager <- newManager manSettings -- a Manager manages http connections
-- we mod the settings to handle
-- the SSL cert. See manSettings below.
return (modReq initReq,manager)
where modReq initReq = applyBasicAuth username password initReq
Let me know if I'm left something out. I'm not sure at this point what broke between then and now.
It's a good guess about the error source, but very unlikely: managerCheckCerts simply uses the certificate package to inspect certificates for validity. The error message you're seeing seems to be coming from tls itself and indicates a failure in the data transport. It's probably a good idea to file a bug report with tls, preferably first by narrowing down the issue to a single HTTPS call that fails (or even better, using tls alone and demonstrating the same failure).
