I'm trying to add a string (Week) next to the week number in xAxes in Chartjs 3. But it shows a random number instead of the string.
Here is the part of my code in the options:
scales: {
x: {
type: 'time',
time: {
unit: 'week',
displayFormats: {
week: "'Week' W",
tooltipFormat: 'YYYY-W',
ticks: {
source: 'data',
offset: true,
Current output:
'51124' 10
Expected output:
Week 10
any help would be appreciated.
"'Week' W" is a formating string, depending on which adapter you are using 'Week' will be translated to a specific value.
You could check if your adapter support custom strings in the format-string,...
Or you try to modify the label with a callback, like shown here in the documentation: https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/axes/labelling.html
Here the relevat code, adapted to fit your code snippet:
scales: {
x: {
type: 'time',
time: {
unit: 'week',
displayFormats: {
week: 'W',
ticks: {
// This prepends the "Week" before the label
callback: function(value, index, ticks) {
return '"Week" ' + value;
I'm using ApexchartJS library.
Is it possible to set a candle width or indentation size between separate candle bars for the candlestick chart?
Now I have overlapping of two bars on top of each other.
Please take a look on CodePen:
This is my options config:
const options = {
series: [{
data: [
x: 'First',
y: [6630, 6660, 6623, 6650]
x: 'Second',
y: [6650, 6663, 6623, 6630]
x: 'Third',
y: [6630, 6660, 6623, 6650]
chart: {
type: 'candlestick',
height: 400
xaxis: {
type: 'category',
min: 0,
max: 4
It looks like a bug in ApexCharts when small number of candles are present.
A small workaround is to set the tickPlacement property (you'll lose the ability to zoom though)
xaxis: {
tickPlacement: 'between'
I am using GRPCv3 on node.js
I have a .proto file with the following message:
message ProductAvailabilityWithRatesResponse {
// How many slots are available for this day/time. Mandatory.
int32 capacity = 1;
// Date for when this product is available. Mandatory.
Date date = 2;
// When does this event start? Unset if this product does not support times.
Time time = 3;
// When does a pickup for this product start? Unset if this product does not support times or pickups.
Time pickupTime = 4;
// Rates with prices. Mandatory (should at least have one entry).
repeated RateWithPrice rates = 5;
on the server using console.log i see this output:
{ capacity: 1,
date: { year: 2019, month: 7, day: 1 },
rates: [ { rateId: 1, pricePerPerson: [Object] } ],
time: { hour: 9, minute: 0 } }
and on a client using node.js too:
{ rates:
[ { rateId: '1',
pricePerPerson: [Object],
pricingOptions: 'pricePerPerson' } ],
capacity: 0,
date: { year: 2019, month: 7, day: 1 },
time: { hour: 9, minute: 0 },
pickupTime: null }
but another person using a java client tells me that he sees:
2019-06-26 10:59:39,442 ← getProductAvailability::grpc response {date { year: 2019 month: 7 day: 1 } time { hour: 9 } rates { rateId: "1" pricePerPerson { pricingCategoryWithPrice { pricingCategoryId: "30" price { currency: "EUR" amount: "145" } } pricingCategoryWithPrice { pricingCategoryId: "31" price { currency: "EUR" amount: "150" } } } }}
where capacity is not set.
If it's value is 1 and not 0, everything works well everywhere.
Is it possible?
How can i force the server to output the value?
I already tried using capacity = parseInt(capacity)
I'm using the Chart.js 2.0
The formula : Failure Rate: Failure Count / Total Count.
I've got the an array for failure rate, failure count and total count.
Plotting failure rate of a component against time in a line chart is straight forward but now i also want the failure count and total count to be displayed when the user hovers over the tool tip. I'm not able to figure out how to customize it.
we have e.time, e.count, e.failure_count, e.rate
new Chart(document.getElementById(event_id).getContext("2d"), {type: "line", data:
labels: e.time,
datasets: [
label: "Failure Rate",
fill: false,
borderColor: "#4caf50",
backgroundColor: "#4caf50",
pointBorderWidth: 1,
pointHoverRadius: 3,
data: e.rate
}, options: {
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
suggestedMin: -1,
suggestedMax: 6
tooltips: {
custom: function(tooltip) {
tooltip.text= "Not working????"
In 2.0, the callback needs a return.
So basically what you want to do is :
custom: function(tooltip) {
tooltip.text= "Not working????"
callbacks: {
label: function(tooltipItem, data) { return "What you want as a tooltip" }
Why is it that when I put a dynamic array value in the ticks, It always starts with zero but when I specify a min and max in my flot options I get the correct output? any views on this?
I commented the one using min/max:
$(function () {
var data = [ [
[1301634000000, 315.71], //Apr 1, 2011
[1302238800000, 209.21], //Apr 8, 2011
[1302843600000, 420.36], //Apr 15
[1303448400000, 189.86], //4/22
[1304053200000, 314.93], //4/29
[1304658000000, 279.71], //5/6
[1305262800000, 313.34], //5/13
[1305867600000, 114.67], //5/20
[1306472400000, 315.58] //5/27
] ];
var ticks = [];
var ticker=[315.71,209.21,420.36,189.86,314.93,279.71,313.34,114.67,315.58];
for (var i = 0; i < data[0].length; i++) {
$.plot($("#placeholder"), data, {
xaxis: {
mode: "time",
ticks: ticks,
timeformat: "%m/%d",
min: (new Date(2011, 2, 31)).getTime(),
max: (new Date(2011, 4, 31)).getTime()
yaxis: {
ticks: ticker
/*min: 114.67,
max: 420.36*/
series: {
lines: { show: true },
points: { show: true }
grid: {
hoverable: true,
clickable: true
and here is my Fiddle
I notice that in this example, it's not just formatted correctly and not properly scaled so entirely different from what Im asking but I applied the same thing in my prototype.
Can you render a bar chart like this using flot?
Do I need to create the dataset manually to get this result, instead of using mode: 'time' ?
Actually pretty easy to produce using flot.
var options = {
series: {
bars: {
show: true,
barWidth: 15778463000, // 1/2 year in milliseconds
align: 'center'
yaxes: {
min: 0
xaxis: {
mode: 'time',
timeformat: "%y",
tickSize: [1, "year"],
autoscaleMargin: .10 // allow space left and right
$(function() {
$.plot($('#placeholder'), [[[1230768000*1000, 100], //[seconds * 1000 = milli, y value]
[1262304000*1000, 200],
[1293840000*1000, 300]]], options);