unable to fetch result in azure cognitive search when using searchMode=all - azure

I am using semantic search in azs, api version is 21-04-30, analyers i have selected is engish microsoft while creating index.
When i am typing any question in query string with searchMode=all, i am getting nothing as a result, when i am typing searchMode=any, then it is giving me result but not accurate. Can anyone help me?
Please check this image
I am writing query in question form with all search mode, but not getting expected result. if i am removing query keywords such as what , it is giving me result but not while framing question. Please help.


Reddit Search Query parameter

I am using a Reddit search query but I am facing one problem. For example a search for a query DOG is returning results with DOGS and i want the exact DOG query results. Is there any parameter that I can use in a search query to get only exact searches, not others. I am using reddit.subreddit("subreddit_name").search(query=DOG). Please guide

Opensearch with term query returns no aggregations

I am trying to query data using the term aggregation in AWS OpenSearch to get the group by the result using 1 field. The query below working in their Dev tools successfully as expected. Attaching a screenshot below.
But when I try to do this same in the query in Node.js it's not giving a bucket array result. I search a lot but I found nothing different than my code. I have attached a screenshot and the result below. In the screenshot, I am able to see 16 as the total result but not a bucket result. Please help me to figure out what I am doing wrong here.

Azure Search Autocomplete API not working for Fuzzy search

I have configured azure autocomplete API with all parameters. It gives results for normal keywords but when I tried with misspell keyword then it doesn't provide me expected results. Also, I have added UseFuzzyMatching=true while configuration.
eg. machine -> gives the expected results. If we try with magine then it provides 0 results from autocomplete API.
Please let me know if I'm missing any configurations to make Fuzzy workable.
I have data in my index that contains product description and comment fields 'Boormachine' or 'machine', also it provide me result in search API for this.
I have configured suggester while creation of index with the following source fields:
Comment, CommentSmall, Description,
ItemBrandDescription, Itemcode,
We have configured autocomplete API with this:
as I need to find for keyword suggestions not in group and brand name so excluded these two fields from search fields in configuration.
We can see fuzzy related configuration in autocomplete with UseFuzzyMatching flag. Please let me know if I am missing some configuration to work fuzzy in azure search autocomplete API.
For References click this Link
The behavior Azure Search is providing is correct.
Magine is a different term than machine, and probably it does not exist in your index, this is why you're getting 0 results. To enable Fuzzy Search you actually need to append the ~ symbol to the term, so your search will look like:

querieng document which doesn't have a given field or is empty string in Solr

I am doing a query with solr where I need to find documents without a given field say 'name' and I am trying following part;
$q=+status:active -name:["" TO *]'
But it sends both all the documents with and without that field.
Can anyone help me figure this out?
the field name is a normal String type and is indexed.
I am using nodejs. Can anyone help me with this
According to docs:
-field:[* TO *] finds all documents without a value for field
I tried it but it sends even the ones with the field non empty
Then my wild quess is that you are using search query q instead of using filter query fq. Since you are using multiple statements in query I assume that q does some extra magic to get the most relevant documents for you, which can lead to returning some non-wanted results.
If you want to get the strict set of results you should use filter query fq instead, see docs.

Can solr return function values (not solr score or document fields)?

We are making a solr query where we are giving a custom function (which is pretty complex) and sorting the results by value of that function. The query looks something like:
Our understanding is that we can only get back fields on the document and solr score back from solr. Can someone tell us if and how we can fetch the computed value of customFunc for each document. For some reasons we cannot set solr score to be customFunc.
You should use the fl parameter to select pseudo fields, functions and so on, but this is supported only on trunk, which will be released with the 4.0 version of Solr. Have a look at the CommonQueryParameters wiki. The SOLR-2444 issue might be interesting too.
A brief example:
This helped me :
You will see the values of the function in the debug part.
