Netty webclient memory leak in tomcat server - memory-leaks

I am observing swap memory issue in our tomcat servers which is installed in linux machines and when tried to collect heap dump, got this while analyzing heap dump.
16 instances of "io.netty.buffer.PoolArena$HeapArena", loaded by "org.apache.catalina.loader.ParallelWebappClassLoader # 0x7f07994aeb58" occupy 201,697,824 (15.40%) bytes.
Have seen in this blog Memory accumulated in netty PoolChunk that Adding -Dio.netty.allocator.type=unpooled showed significant reduction in the memory. Where do we need to add this property in our tomcat servers?


G1GC and Permgen

I'm having doubts regarding which metrics I should follow to allocate memory for the permgen.
I'm having crashing problems and that permgen is full, my server has 32gb of memory for the heap and 512m for permgen, would you have any metrics or recommendations to follow to configure Permgen? Another doubt would be related to the GC, the G1GC was configured because from what I had researched it was one of the best options, but I noticed that it demands more of the heap memory, would there be a better gc for a server with a lot of demand and that needs a precise collection or would it just be the same?
CentOS operating system
Java 7
tomcat 7

JVM GC behaviour on heap dump and unnecessary heap usage

We have problem tuning the memory management of JVM's. The very same application running on the k8s cluster, but one of the pods' jvm heap usage rises to ~95% and, when we try to get a heapdump on this vs, somehow gc runs and heap usage drops suddenly, leaving us with a tiny heap dump.
I think the old space has grown unnecessarily, and gc did not work to reclaim memory (for nearly 15 hours). Unfortunately we can't see what is occupying the space, because the heap dump is very small as gc is forced.
All 3 pods are having memory of 1500m and
here is the jvm heap usage percentage graph (3 pods, green being the problematic one):
openjdk 15.0.1 2020-10-20
OpenJDK Runtime Environment AdoptOpenJDK (build 15.0.1+9)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM AdoptOpenJDK (build 15.0.1+9, mixed mode, sharing)
JVM Parameters:
The questions are:
Why a full gc is called when we try to get heap dump?
What is the motivation behind the gc not reclaiming memory and causes the application run with the heap size between ~70% and ~95%, while jvm can use and perfectly work with only 10%?
What can be done to force jvm to do gc more aggresively to avoid this situation? Or should it be done for production environment?
JVM heap dump procedure has 2 modes
live objects - this mode executes Full GC along side with heap dump. This is default options.
all objects - heap dump would include all object on heap both reachable and unreachable.
Heap dump mode is usually possible to choose via tool specific option.
Answering your questions
Why a full gc is called when we try to get heap dump?
Answered above
What is the motivation behind the gc not reclaiming memory and causes the application run with the heap size between ~70% and ~95%, while jvm can use and perfectly work with only 10%?
Reclaiming memory required CPU resources and impacts application latency. While JVM is operating withing memory limits it will mostly avoid expensive GC.
Recent development of containers is driving some changes in JVM GC department, but statement above is still relevant for default GC configuration.
What can be done to force jvm to do gc more aggressively to avoid this situation? Or should it be done for production environment?
Original answers lack problem statement. But general advises are
manage memory limits per container (JVM derive heap size from container limits unless they are overridden explicitly)
forcing GC periodically is possible, though unlikely to be a solution to any problem
G1GC has wide range of tuning options relevant for containers

Why Java 8 allocates 1.07 gb MetaSpace, but uses only 81mb?

I am analyzing GC log from my application.
I wonder why my JVM allocated 1.07 gigabyte for Meta Space, but used only 81 megabytes.
I use jdk8_8.91.14 (Oracle JDK) without any additional settings for memory.
Those numbers come from analyzing GC log file (-XX:+PrintGCDetails ) with
All used metatada was allocated shorty after application was started, and it stays that way for whole applicaton lifetime.
Why JVM defaults are so wastefull when in comes to metadata?
It seems, that in my case I just waste 1GB of memory.
How to safely tune Metadata, so it starts small (like 52Mb), grows only when needed, and grows in small chunks?
I am running application on (Virtual Machine), CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core).
Inside that VM , I have docker with Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS

Potential Memory leak in Suse

I've a SUSE server running tomcat with my web application (which has threads running in the backend to update database).
The server has 4GB RAM and tomcat is configured to use maximum of 1GB.
After running for few days, the free command shows that system has only 300MB free memory. Tomcat uses only 400MB and no other process seems to use unreasonable amount of memory.
Adding up the memory usage of all process (returned from ps aux command) shows only 2GB is in use.
Is there any way to identify if there is leak at system level?

Java OutOfMemoryError in Windows Azure Virtual Machine

When I run my Java applications on a Window Azure's Ubuntu 12.04 VM,
with 4 by 1.6GHZ core and 7G RAM, I get the following out of memory error after a few minutes.
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
I have a swap size of 15G byte, and the max heap size is set to 2G. I am using a Oracle Java 1.6. Increase the max heap size only delays the out of memory error.
It seems the JVM is not doing garbage collection.
However, when I run the above Java application on my local Windows 8 PC (core i7) , with the same JVM parameters, it runs fine. The heap size never exceed 1G.
Is there any extra setting on Windows Azure linux VM for running Java apps ?
On Azure VM, I used the following JVM parameters
to get a heap dump. The heap dump shows an actor mailbox and Camel messages are taking up all the 2G.
In my Akka application, I have used Akka Camel Redis to publish processed messages to a Redis channel.
The out of memory error goes away when I stub out the above Camel Actor. It looks as though Akka Camel Redis Actor
is not performant on the VM, which has a slower cpu clock speed than my Xeon CPU.
The GC throws this exception when too much time is spent in garbage collection without collecting anything. I believe the default settings are 98% of CPU time being spent on GC with only 2% of heap being recovered.
This is to prevent applications from running for an extended period of time while making no progress because the heap is too small.
You can turn this off with the command line option -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit
