I am trying to import API using swagger.json file using Azure Pipeline. I have added a Azure CLI Task Version 2. Selected Script Type as Powershell Core.
In the inline script I have used below commands
$apiMgmtContext = New-AzApiManagementContext -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ServiceName $ServiceName
$api = Get-AzApiManagementApi -Context $apiMgmtContext -Name $ApiName
The first one is working fine. But the second line of code is throwing error.
Below is the error I get:
I have searched this error Status Code : CloseError But no solid information on the same. I tried to Install few powershell modules for Azure Api , still it gives the same error.
I have tried with the below mentioned Azure APIM PowerShell Commands to get the API details from the Azure APIM Instance and got expected results:
$ApimResource = New-AzApiManagement -Name "pravusapim1205" -ResourceGroupName "pravutestrg" -Location "West US" -Organization "Contoso" -AdminEmail "admin#contoso.com"
$ApimResourceDetails = Get-AzApiManagement -Name "pravusapim1205" -ResourceGroupName "pravutestrg"
$ApiMgmtContext = New-AzApiManagementContext -ResourceGroupName "pravutestrg" -ServiceName "pravusapim1205"
$ApiName = "Echo API"
$api = Get-AzApiManagementApi -Context $apiMgmtContext -Name $ApiName
Reference: GitHub Doc on APIM PS Commands.
we have a problem with a Microsoft bot hosted in Azure.
As long as we haven't resolved it, we want to periodically restart it.
We found 3 sets of powershell commands and spent the full day on it without making it work.
Solution 1:
we found the cmdlets : Get-AzCloudService Restart-AzCloudService.
We didn't understand from the documentation what module to install.
It returns : The term 'Restart-AzCloudService' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet.
They talk about an obscure "extended support" to have access to it.
Solution 2:
We are able to list the cloud service using:
get-azresource -name $serviceName -resourcetype
But we do not find the cmdlet to restart the resource.
Solution 3:
Reset-AzureRoleInstance -serviceName $serviceName -Slot "production" -InstanceName $serviceName
Error : No default subscription has been designated. Use Select-AzureSubscription -Default
We are using MFA. Login-AzureRmAccount systematically fails , evenly saying that our account is disabled.
We did no manager to run the sequence:
Select-AzureSubscription -Default
Reset-AzureRoleInstance -serviceName $serviceName -Slot "production" -InstanceName $serviceName
The idea is to run this script twice a day, either from a VM or from an Azure Runbook.
We managed to run this code using an automation Account but we are still missing the last command that would restart the bot (that we consider a cloud service).
$automationAccount = "xxx"
$resourceGroup = "xxx"
$serviceName = "xxx"
$subscriptionname ="xxx"
$subscriptionid ="xxx"
# Ensures you do not inherit an AzContext in your runbook
Disable-AzContextAutosave -Scope Process | Out-Null
# Connect using a Managed Service Identity
try {
$AzureContext = (Connect-AzAccount -Identity).context
Write-Output "There is no system-assigned user identity. Aborting.";
#Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionid
$AzureContext = Set-AzContext -SubscriptionName $AzureContext.Subscription `
-DefaultProfile $AzureContext
get-azresource -name $serviceName -resourcetype "Microsoft.BotService/botServices"
I am trying to configure Function App Private Key binding to a Key Vault connection using PowerShell
I can successfully do it with Portal as shown below
I have tried various iterations of the following command against the Function App and the App Service Plan but it seems this is not supported.
Import-AzWebAppKeyVaultCertificate -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -KeyVaultName $vaultName -CertName $CertName -WebAppName "Don't think this CMDLet Supports Azure Functions"
Can anyone suggest a workaround or the correct CMDLet for this?
When I configure it manually I can see it when I run
Managed to get it working with this:
$appServicePlan = Get-AzAppServicePlan -Name $AppServicePlanName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName;
$PropertiesObject = #{
keyVaultId = $keyVault.ResourceId
keyVaultSecretName = $ADServicePrincipalCertificateName
serverFarmId = $appServicePlan.Id
New-AzResource -Name $ADServicePrincipalCertificateName -Location $kv.Location -PropertyObject $PropertiesObject -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/certificates -ApiVersion 2015-08-01 -Force;
I am trying to deploy web application with Rest api and after that add the api definition (swagger.json) to API management service. This should be done in powershell step via Import-AzApiManagementApi cmdlet. It works locally with the same arguments, but not in the pipeline. Is there some bug that I don't know about, or some hidden dependency?
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionID $subscriptionId;
$ApiMgmtContext = New-AzApiManagementContext -ResourceGroupName $rgName -ServiceName $serviceName;
Import-AzApiManagementApi -Context $ApiMgmtContext -ApiId $apiId -SpecificationFormat "OpenApiJson" -SpecificationPath $swaggerPath -ServiceUrl "https://$webAppHostName" -Path $apiPath
I've tried without specifying the apiId or ServiceUrl but no luck. I found some hint to also set it afterwards (fixes some bug), but this also does not work.
Set-AzApiManagementApi -Context $ApiMgmtContext -ApiId $apiId -Name $ApiName -Path $ApiPath -Protocols #("https") -ServiceUrl $ServiceUrl
but also no luck. Any ideas are very welcome.
I know it can be done using Azure CLI like this:
az webapp vnet-integration add -g $resourceGroupName -n $applicationName --vnet $vnetName --subnet $subnetName
Is there an equivalent command using PowerShell Az?
If you reference the docs at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/web-sites-integrate-with-vnet, at the bottom is a link to the Script Center gallery where this is a full PS1 script at https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Connect-an-app-in-Azure-ab7527e3 which shows how to integrate web app with vnet.
The final lines of interest (it uses AzureRM, but should be easy to convert to Az):
$PropertiesObject = #{
"vnetName" = $VirtualNetworkName; "vpnPackageUri" = $packageUri
New-AzureRmResource -Location $location -Properties $PropertiesObject -ResourceName "$($webAppName)/$($vnetName)/primary" -ResourceType "Microsoft.Web/sites/virtualNetworkConnections/gateways" -ApiVersion 2015-08-01 -ResourceGroupName $webAppResourceGroup -Force
What is the equivalient of this code using New-AzAppServicePlan?
az appservice plan create --resource-group $ServerFarmResourceGroupName `
--name $AppServicePlanName `
--is-linux `
--location $ResourceGroupLocation `
--sku $AppServicePlanTier `
--number-of-workers $NumberOfWorkers
Is there really no way to create an App Service Plan using Az Powershell? Why can it only be done via Azure CLI or ARM?
I only found this answer, which basically uses ARM directly: How do I use Powershell to create an Azure Web App that runs on Linux?
There are some issues about this, suppose for now this is not supported for New-AzureRmAppServicePlan, however you could use New-AzureRmResource to create a linux plan. You could try the below command.
New-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName <>group name -Location "Central US" -ResourceType microsoft.web/serverfarms -ResourceName <plan name> -kind linux -Properties #{reserved="true"} -Sku #{name="S1";tier="Standard"; size="S1"; family="S"; capacity="1"} -Force
I originally used my script to create a ConsumptionPlan (Y1) through PowerShell and AzureCLI because I don't like when Azure put a generated name when creating a ConsumptionPlan.
Please find my solution to create a Linux App Service Plan (B1) using New-AzResource:
$fullObject = #{
location = "West Europe"
sku = #{
name = "B1"
tier = "Basic"
kind = "linux"
properties = #{
reserved = $true
$resourceGroupName = "rg-AppServicePlanLinux"
$serverFarmName = "aspl-test"
Write-Host "Step 1: CREATING APP SERVICE PLAN B1:Basic named [$serverFarmName]"
# Create a server farm which will host the function app in the resource group specified
New-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ResourceType "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms" -Name $serverFarmName -IsFullObject -PropertyObject $fullObject -Force
So I used the ARM template to understand which information you need to provide on the -PropertyObject parameter
It also now seems possible to do an App Service Plan Linux with New-AzAppServicePlan command since Az PowerShell 4.3.0 (June 2020) with the parameter -Linux
Added safeguard to delete created webapp if restore failed in 'Restore-AzDeletedWebApp'
Added 'SourceWebApp.Location' for 'New-AzWebApp' and 'New-AzWebAppSlot'
Fixed bug that prevented changing Container settings in 'Set-AzWebApp' and 'Set-AzWebAppSlot'
Fixed bug to get SiteConfig when -Name is not given for Get-AzWebApp
Added a support to create ASP for Linux Apps
Added exceptions for clone across resource groups
Release Note: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/azure/release-notes-azureps?view=azps-5.6.0&viewFallbackFrom=azps-4.3.0#azwebsites-7
New-AzAppServicePlan: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/az.websites/new-azappserviceplan?view=azps-5.6.0
If you get "The Service is unavailable" after deploying your new Function app (Consumption Plan) with Azure CLI, please make sure the following statement from Microsoft:
I waste the whole day because I got another Function App (Premium Plan) in the same resource group I used to deploy the Consumption one.
This worked for me:
Adding -Linux as a parameter to my command
New-AzAppServicePlan -ResourceGroupName 'MyResourceGroup' -Name 'MyServicePlan' -Location 'northeurope' -Linux -Tier 'PremiumV2' -NumberofWorkers 2 -WorkerSize Medium
That's all.
I hope this helps