Swagger for wcf not working after deploying wcf services to IIS - iis

when I host my WCF services swaggerWcf not working from IIS, is there any possibility how to run from IIS
After hosting WCF services in IIS SwaggerWcf is working from IIS Browse


Azure App Service hosting internal technology

When I host a .NET Core application in Azure App Service, it takes a web.config custom headers configuration, same as in IIS.
Which technology is used in the Azure App Service to host a .NET Core web application?
Thank you Lex Li for your suggestion posting it as answer to help other community members .
"Azure app service is just a name.
you can either host your web app on Windows (IIS) or Linux or on Docker, as you said web.config takes effect, you were using the Windows based App Service hosting plan."
According to that when we host our application in Azure app service there will be no change in our application .
Please refer the below links for more information :
MS DOC : Quickstart: Deploy an ASP.NET web app
MS DOC: ASP.NET Web Deployment using Visual Studio: Web.config File Transformations.
MS DOC : Troubleshoot ASP.NET Core on Azure App Service and IIS

Is a node.js app running on express.js hosted in Azure using IIS?

I'm working on a app that is hosted in Azure.
The app is a web-app based on node.js/express.js.
Is it running on/in a IIS server since it is hosted in Azure?
My app does not use the iisnode package. But i wonder if it is inherently running on IIS since it is hosted in Azure?
Also: As i understand at the moment, IIS-express and express.js is two completely different environments for hosting web-servers.....?
Just according to your description, it seems that you were talking about hosting a node App based on express.js to Azure WebApp for Windows.
Yes for hosting Node.js app in IIS on Azure WebApp for Windows, you need to use iisnode (a native IIS module) to host node.js applications with the web.config file in IIS on Windows. For more details, you can refer to the wiki page iisnode wiki of GitHub repo Azure/iisnode to know what iisnode is, and to know how to host it with a web.config file in IIS via the other wiki page Using a custom web.config for Node apps of GitHub repo projectkudu/kudu.
However, No for Azure WebApp for Windows, because you also can use IIS as a reverse proxy server to handle a Node app via the default port %HTTP_PLATFORM_PORT% specified by Azure WebApp like the blog Running java jar file to serve web requests on Azure App Service Web Apps for Java said. But generally, it's not a recommended way.
Meanwhile, No for hosting Node app on other Azure services, such as Azure WebApp for Liunx, Azure VM, or Azure Container services, these services based on Linux do not require IIS, so the iisnode module also be not absolute required.

Application pool recycling with Selfhosting a ASP.NET application

If I want to selfhost a asp.net web api application with Owin in a windows service, how can I integrate kind of a application pool recycling that IIS offers?
The answer is simple: you cannot. Application pool is an IIS feature that you can only enjoy by hosting on IIS.

Web Application Proxy + Azure WebRole

I am using Azure PAAS. All database servers, application servers and proxy servers are with in my virtual network.
How to setup web application proxy for azure web role?
Change webrole endpoint to Localhost and enable Firewall rule Http trafic in. then site can access form proxy server.
Using web application proxy setup https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn383650.aspx we can configure proxy for web role.

After installation of website it changes Application Pool of web application that follows it.

I have InstallShield (IS) Basic MSI project, that creates Application Pool and installs web application on IIS under existing website.
On IIS default website is stopped and different website named WebApps using port 80 is running it uses AppPool1. Under WebApps we have several applications that use different App Pool for themselves for example AppPool2, AppPool3. When I install new application under WebApps and set its App Pool to newly created AppPool4 some applications App Pool changes to ASP.NET v4.0 AppPool1.
You can see my Application Pool and Web App settings below from IS.
Does anyone know why this could be happening?
Issue was with Web App .NET Framework version was set to v4.0 and this would cause all the Web Apps under Website to be set to use .NET Framework v4.0
