3 websockets not working (shiba, shushi, luna2) - binance

I would like to retrieve the current price for these 3 cryptos below:
I retrieve data for btc or eth but not these cryptos below:
Maybe I made a mistake?
new WebSocket('wss://stream.binance.com:9443/ws/1000shibusdt#trade');
new WebSocket('wss://stream.binance.com:9443/ws/shushiusdt#trade');
new WebSocket('wss://stream.binance.com:9443/ws/luna2usdt#trade');
I use the binance platform

According to the exchangeInfo endpoint, these coins/tokens are currently not listed on Binance.
You'll need to retrieve them from other sources.


How to handle replies in with Pyrogram when using ForceReply?

I am building a telegram bot where I am attempting to get the user to fill in detail about an event and store them in a dictionary which is itself in a list.
However I want it be link a conversation. I want it to look like:
user: /create
bot-reply: What would you like to call it?
user-reply: Chris' birth day
bot-reply: When is it?
user-reply: 08/11/2021
bot-reply: Event Chris birth day on 08/11/2021 has been saved!
To achieve this I plan to use ForceReply which states in the documentation
This can be extremely useful if you want to create user-friendly step-by-step interfaces without having to sacrifice privacy mode.
The problem is the documentation does not seem to explain how to handle responses.
Currently my code looks like this:
async def create_countdown(client, message):
global countdowns
countdown = {
'countdown_id': str(uuid4())[:8],
'countdown_owner_id': message.from_user.id,
'countdown_onwner_username': message.from_user.username,
await message.reply('What do you want to name the countdown?',
except FloodWait as e:
await asyncio.sleep(e.x)
Looking through the form I have found options like this:
python telegram bot ForceReply callback
which are exactly what I am looking for but they are using different libraries like python-telegram-bot which permit them to use ConversationHandler. It seems to not be part of pyrogram
How to I create user-friendly step-by-step interfaces with pyrogram?
Pyrogram doesn't have a ConversationHandler.
You could use a dict with your users' ID as the key and the state they're in as the value, then you can use that dictionary of states as your reference to know where your User is in the conversation.
Dan: (Pyrogram creator)
A conversation-like feature is not available yet in the lib. One way to do that is saving states into a dictionary using user IDs as keys. Check the dictionary before taking actions so that you know in which step your users are and update it once they successfully go past one action

How to retrieve Stripe subscription and credit card with one request only?

in Stripe version 2020-03-02 I was able to retrieve a subscription and its associated credit_card in one go like this:
stripe_subscription = Stripe::Subscription.retrieve({:id => stripe_subscription_id, :expand => [:customer]})
stripe_customer = stripe_subscription.customer
stripe_credit_card = stripe_customer.sources.data.first
In version 2020-08-27 this seems no longer possible since Stripe won't recognise the sources attribute on customer.
So how can I retrieve a subscription and its credit card with one request only?
Since sources on Customer is not included by default, you have to explicitly include it when you expand the related properties. Your code would look like this:
stripe_subscription = Stripe::Subscription.retrieve({
id: stripe_subscription_id,
expand: ['customer.sources'],
stripe_customer = stripe_subscription.customer
stripe_credit_card = stripe_customer.sources.data.first
The expand feature is quite powerful and lets you expand multiple separate properties or chain expansion like we did above. I recommend reading the detailed documentation that Stripe shipped.

Stripe: Getting Credit Card's Last 4 Digits

I have upgraded the Stripe.net to the latest version which is 20.3.0 and now I don't seem to find the .Last4 for the credit card. I had the following method:
public void CreateLocalCustomer(Stripe.Customer stipeCustomer)
var newCustomer = new Data.Models.Customer
Email = stipeCustomer.Email,
StripeCustomerId = stipeCustomer.Id,
CardLast4 = stipeCustomer.Sources.Data[0].Card.Last4
But now the stipeCustomer.Sources.Data[0].Card.Last4 says 'IPaymentSource' does not contain a definition for 'Card'. Does anyone know how I can get the card details now? The flow is that I create the customer by passing the Stripe token to Stripe, then I get the above stripeCustomer. So I expect it to be somewhere in that object. But I can't find it. The release notes can be found here.
Thank you.
In the old world of Stripe, there only used to be one type of payment method you could attach to a Customer; specifically, Card-objects. You would create a Card-object by using Stripe.js/v2 or the Create Token API Endpoint to first create a Token-object and then attach that token to a Customer-object with the Create Card API Endpoint.
Once Stripe expanded to support a number of other payment methods though, Stripe built support for a new object type that encapsulated a number of payment methods (including credit cards) called Source-objects. A Source-object is created either by using Stripe.js/v3 or the Create Source API Endpoint. It can also be attached to a Customer-object in much the same way as the Card-objects mentioned above, except they retain their object type. They're still a Source. You use the Attach Source API Endpoint to do this (that is notably identical to the Create Card API Endpoint mentioned above).
What I'm getting at here, is there are now two different object types (or more) that you can expect to see returned in the sources-array (or Sources in .NET). All of these methods though inherit from the IPaymentSource-interface. So if you know you have a Card-object getting returned, you can simply cast the returned object to the Card-class.
Something like this should get you going:
CardLast4 = ((Card) stipeCustomer.Sources.Data[0]).Last4
You can see what I mean by inheritance by looking at this line in the Card-class file:
Good luck!
As of Stripe.net.21.4.1, this is what works:
var chargeService = new ChargeService();
var charge = chargeService.Get(id);
CardLast4 = ((Card)charge.Source).Last4;
It's getting hard not to panic when code breaks because of all the micro-changes Stripe makes.
So after debugging, it looks like the Data[0] needs to be cast as Card to get the card.
So it will be CardLast4 = ((Card)stipeCustomer.Sources.Data[0]).Last4.

infusionsoft contact field query with python

I know how to connect to Infusionsoft with Python 3 and how to process the following simple example:
#Set up the contact data we want to add
contact = {}; #blank dictionary
contact[“FirstName”] = “John”;
contact[“LastName”] = “Doe”;
contact[“Email”] = "john#doe.com";
contact[“Company”] = “ACME”;
But how do I mass update the WHOLE database? e.g. If I want to update ALL The Phone1 fields with an extra bit of code using IF statements.
Using Infusionsoft API you can only update contacts data one by one, sending a separate request per contact. Exact request depends on which type of API you use: REST or XML-RPC

How can I get the previous resolved query to webhook in API.AI?

I have a webhook setup with api.ai. The webhook is integrated with youtube api which search for given keywords and return corresponding video. I'm facing a trouble like below
Example conversations with bot:
Me: Base 10 equations
bot: Which grade are you studying ?
me: grade 3
Then i want to search the keyword “Base 10 equations grade 3” using webhook youtube api and send the most relevant video to api.ai.
I’m getting only the parameter grade 3 to the Webook. But i want both “base 10 equations” and “grade 3” to the webhook to proceed. Can somebody please help me how to proceed ?? Thanks.
I had the same problem. In my case it was crypto conversions
My case
User: BTC to usd
Bot: 1 BTC = 4000 USD
User: on bittrex
Bot: 1 BTC = 4100 USD on Bittrex
The way I handled this query was by making 2 separate intents: convert and exchanges
The convert intent sets an output context
The convert Intent sends all the detected entities to my webhook
The exchanges intent has an input context
Notice the parameters under action, #convert.source and #convert.destination refer to the variables stored while triggering the webhook prior to calling exchanges. That's how you can do it.
In your case I believe one intent handles base 10 and another handles grade 3 and the grade 3 intent refers to #contextname.variable name Hope that helps
