Loading failed for the <script> with source “https://www.instagram.com/embed.js” - instagram

Hello I am facing problem while loading instagram embed script
See this webpage: https://newskranti.com/article/37917/papas-angel-was-flying-furiously-on-the-road-even-the
On console it shows the following error:
Loading failed for the with source “https://www.instagram.com/embed.js”.
This is preventing instagram embed to work. It only shows the instagram link.
Please help how to resolve this issue.


normalize.css:undefined:undefined: plugin is not a function error

I am trying to upload a website on netlify but I get this error
enter image description here
but I don't know how the undefined problem came because it never occurred before.
This same problem also occurs in Visual studio code.
enter image description here
This is my second time uploading a website as I am very new to web development and I am 15years old.
I tried visiting the link given after the error message but it would say site not found aster that
I haven't tried anything as whatever I have found is confusing since it always has new terminologies.

while storing the value of ckeditor5 in mysql showing forbidden error using code igniter4

I have integrated ckeditor5 in code igniter 4.When the content of ckeditor is normal paragrap,It is processsed in post request and stored in db.But when content is style paragrap, showing forbiden error.This issue not faced in core php and ci3.In ci4 i am facing this issue.I have searched since 3 days but i am not getting exact solution.Please help me regarding this issue.
content of texteditor : <p>test</p>:It will be processed fine.
content of texteditor : <p style="color:red;">test</p>: It showing error

"Unable to Load Asset" for PDF's in Form Recognizer Labeling Tool

Form Recognizer shows 'unable to load asset' on PDFs. I have tried multiple PDF's from various sources and they all return this error. JPGs work as expected.
An additional error popped up
Uncaught NetworkError: Failed to execute 'importScripts' on
'WorkerGlobalScope': The script at
failed to load
What Form Recognizer sample tool version are you using ? Do you get this error also on the latest release - http://fott-2-1.azurewebsites.net/

google.search.Search.apiary19431 is not a function

I have used google custom search in my site and it works well in chrome but I am facing problem in firefox It gives error like this.
TypeError: google.search.Search.apiary19431 is not a function.
Please friends help me to resolve this.

Google docs viewer not working

Using this code:
<iframe height="780" src="http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://ruh.kz/sites/default/files/doc/ritorika.pdf&embedded=true" style="border: none;" width="600"></iframe>
But all the time im getting this annoying message:
Sorry, we are unable to retrieve the document for viewing or you don't have permission to view the document.
By the way, i have read about ISP might block google docs. But i've checked another sites with google docs viewer and they seemed to work perfectly.
to embed your pdf without putting it in your server , just login to your gmail and upload it in google docs then copy the link and put it in your iframe's src
first you try with online version to view your file if it shows your file,you gave wrong url to iframe,if viewer does not show your file at embedded version and online version check your file size,file url and file permissions to viewer can reach your document.You can try your url, for example http://www.foo.com/bar.pdf paste in your browser,if url is right browser shows the file...
