Smart contract works as intended when deployed in Remix VM but not in Goerli Testnet - security

I'm working on this Ethernaut challenge
My plan is as follows.
1-Deploy an exploit contract:
contract Exploit {
// stores a timestamp
uint public a;
uint public b;
address public storedTime;
function setTime(uint _time) public {
storedTime = tx.origin;
When sending a delegatecall to the setTime function, the third state variable of the calling contract should be set to tx.origin.
2- Call the setFirstTime function of the Preservation contract while passing it the address of the deployed Exploit contract, converted to decimals.
3- Call the setFirstTime function again, this time the called contract is the Exploit contract that will set the third state variable of the calling contract (owner) to tx.origin.
It works just fine when deploying the contracts in Remix VM, but when deploying to Goerli, the timezone1Library variable is effectively changed to the exploit contract address, but the owner variable won't budge. No idea why.


DDD: How to refactor (wrap) remote service call into domain?

There is a service class FooService and method named fetchFoos that calls remote service, deserialize the JSON response and returns graph of value objects (starting with root Foo object). For now, there is no other behavior with this remote service, i.e. we are just fetching some 3rd party data. Speaking in DDD terms, this is closed bounded context with sole purpose of providing data, using its own models.
We may leave this method as a service; but... it seems it would be better if we may rename it to something more 'linguistic'.
For example, we could migrate singleton service to a simple bean named: FooFetcher (any better name?) and have method fetchFooForBar() that does the same. Then instead of injecting the service, we would simple create a new instance of this object and use it.
I even think that FooFetcher is a wrong domain name, it should be just Foos and the method would be fetchForBar().
However, some other ppl think that should come from a repository - so basically, we would just need to rename the FooService to FooRepository.
Any collective wisdom on how to encapsulate remote services in DDD?
Assuming Foo is an entity in your bounded context, you can think of this service as an infrastructure service that will be invoked from a repository.
In the following example, I named the fetcher "FooFetchService" and it has a method called "getFoo" return a JSON string with the "contents" of the foo object
public interface FooRepository {
public Foo getById(String fooId);
public class RemoteFooRepository implements FooRepository {
FooFetchService fooFetchService;
public Foo getById(String fooId) {
String returnedFoo = fooFetchService.getFoo(fooId);
/* add code here to deserialize the JSON contents of the returnFoo variable to an object Foo foo*/
return foo;
RemoteFooRepository is just an implementation of FooRepository which happens to retrieve a Foo via some remote service. You can inject this in any of your other services classes that need it.

CRM 2011 SDK - get underlying IOrganizationService from service context

I have generated ServiceContext for my CRM organization. I'm able to connect to CRM properly. Since I have all my context configuration in app.config file, I wonder is it possible to get IOrganizationService from already instantiated OrganizationServiceContext?
When I need to access the service reference from multiple places, I usually do it in two steps. First of all I try to see if it's possible to pass it down to the called methods (I'm assuming that you have something like the following).
using (IOrganizationService service
= (IOrganizationService) new OrganizationServiceProxy(...))
private void DoSomething(IOrganizationService service) { ... }
When it fails (due to technical setup or just plain dumbness), I set up a private property and in the constructor (or at least the first calling method) assign it a value for future access like this.
class MyClass
private IOrganization _service;
private IOrganization _Service
if(_service == null)
_service = (IOrganizationService) new OrganizationServiceProxy(...);
return _service;
And if you have a lot of code that operates on the server, you might want to move all that stuff to a separate class and have the calls made to it (with the property setup discussed above).
I'm not fully sure if I got your question correctly so be nice if I'm missing your point.

Domain Driven Design - Access modifier for domain entities

I am just starting out with domain driven design and have a project for my domain which is structured like this:
As I understand DDD, apart from the boundaries with which the outside world communicates with the domain, everything in the domain should be invisble. All of the examples I have seen of entity classes within a domain have a public access modifer, for example here I have a entity named Message:
public class Message
private string _text;
public string Text
get { return _text; }
set { _text = value; }
public Message()
public bool IsValid()
// Do some validation on text
Would it not be more correct if the entity class and its members were marked as internal so it is only accessible within the domain project?
For example:
internal class Message
private string _text;
internal string Text
get { return _text; }
set { _text = value; }
internal Message()
internal bool IsValid()
// Do some validation on text
I think there's a confusion here: the Bounded Context is a concept which defines the context in which a model is valid there aren't classes actualy named Boundary. Maybe those are objects for anti corruption purposes, but really the Aggregate Root should deal with that or some entry point in the Bounded Context.
I wouldn't structure a Domain like this, this is artificial, you should structure the Domain according to what make sense in the real world process. You're using DDD to model a real world process in code and I haven't heard anyone outside software devel talking aobut Entities or Value Objects. They talk about Orders, Products, Prices etc
Btw that Message is almost certain a value object, unless the Domain really needs to identify uniquely each Message. Here the Message is a Domain concept, I hope you don't mean a command or an event. And you should put the validation in the constructor or in the method where the new value is given.
In fairness this code is way to simplistc, perhaps you've picked the wrong example. About the classes being internal or public, they might be one or another it isn't a rule, it depends on many things. At one extreme you'll have the approach where almost every object is internal but implements a public interface common for the application, this can be highly inefficient.
A rule of the thumb: if the class is used outside the Domain assembly make it public, if it's something internally used by the Domain and/or implements a public interface, make it internal.

Connecting the dots with DDD

I have read Evans, Nilsson and McCarthy, amongst others, and understand the concepts and reasoning behind a domain driven design; however, I'm finding it difficult to put all of these together in a real-world application. The lack of complete examples has left me scratching my head. I've found a lot of frameworks and simple examples but nothing so far that really demonstrates how to build a real business application following a DDD.
Using the typical order management system as an example, take the case of order cancellation. In my design I can see an OrderCancellationService with a CancelOrder method which accepts the order # and a reason as parameters. It then has to perform the following 'steps':
Verify that the current user has the necessary permission to cancel an Order
Retrieve the Order entity with the specified order # from the OrderRepository
Verify that the Order may be canceled (should the service interrogate the state of the Order to evaluate the rules or should the Order have a CanCancel property that encapsulates the rules?)
Update the state of the Order entity by calling Order.Cancel(reason)
Persist the updated Order to the data store
Contact the CreditCardService to revert any credit card charges that have already been processed
Add an audit entry for the operation
Of course, all of this should happen in a transaction and none of the operations should be allowed to occur independently. What I mean is, I must revert the credit card transaction if I cancel the order, I cannot cancel and not perform this step. This, imo, suggests better encapsulation but I don't want to have a dependency on the CreditCardService in my domain object (Order), so it seems like this is the responsibility of the domain service.
I am looking for someone to show me code examples how this could/should be "assembled". The thought-process behind the code would be helpful in getting me to connect all of the dots for myself. Thx!
Your domain service may look like this. Note that we want to keep as much logic as possible in the entities, keeping the domain service thin. Also note that there is no direct dependency on credit card or auditor implementation (DIP). We only depend on interfaces that are defined in our domain code. The implementation can later be injected in the application layer. Application layer would also be responsible for finding Order by number and, more importantly, for wrapping 'Cancel' call in a transaction (rolling back on exceptions).
class OrderCancellationService {
private readonly ICreditCardGateway _creditCardGateway;
private readonly IAuditor _auditor;
public OrderCancellationService(
ICreditCardGateway creditCardGateway,
IAuditor auditor) {
if (creditCardGateway == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("creditCardGateway");
if (auditor == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("auditor");
_creditCardGateway = creditCardGateway;
_auditor = auditor;
public void Cancel(Order order) {
if (order == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("order");
// get current user through Ambient Context:
if (!CurrentUser.CanCancelOrders()) {
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Not enough permissions to cancel order. Use 'CanCancelOrders' to check.");
// try to keep as much domain logic in entities as possible
if(!order.CanBeCancelled()) {
throw new ArgumentException(
"Order can not be cancelled. Use 'CanBeCancelled' to check.");
// this can throw GatewayException that would be caught by the
// 'Cancel' caller and rollback the transaction
A slightly different take on it:
public class OrderController
private readonly IApplicationService _applicationService;
public ActionResult CancelOrder(CancelOrderViewModel viewModel)
_applicationService.CancelOrder(new CancelOrderCommand
OrderId = viewModel.OrderId,
UserChangedTheirMind = viewModel.UserChangedTheirMind,
UserFoundItemCheaperElsewhere = viewModel.UserFoundItemCheaperElsewhere
return RedirectToAction("CancelledSucessfully");
//App Service
public class ApplicationService : IApplicationService
private readonly IOrderRepository _orderRepository;
private readonly IPaymentGateway _paymentGateway;
//provided by DI
public ApplicationService(IOrderRepository orderRepository, IPaymentGateway paymentGateway)
_orderRepository = orderRepository;
_paymentGateway = paymentGateway;
public void CancelOrder(CancelOrderCommand command)
using (IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = UnitOfWorkFactory.Create())
Order order = _orderRepository.GetById(command.OrderId);
if (!order.CanBeCancelled())
throw new InvalidOperationException("The order cannot be cancelled");
if (command.UserChangedTheirMind)
if (command.UserFoundItemCheaperElsewhere)
_paymentGateway.RevertCharges(order.PaymentAuthorisationCode, order.Amount);
In general I only see the need for a domain service when a command/use case involves the state change of more than one aggregate. For example, if I needed to invoke methods on the Customer aggregate as well as Order, then I'd create the domain service OrderCancellationService that invoked the methods on both aggregates.
The application layer orchestrates between infrastructure (payment gateways) and the domain. Like domain objects, domain services should only be concerned with domain logic, and ignorant of infrastructure such as payment gateways; even if you've abstracted it using your own adapter.
With regards to permissions, I would use aspect oriented programming to extract this away from the logic itself. As you see in my example, I've added an attribute to the CancelOrder method. You can use an intercepter on that method to see if the current user (which I would set on Thread.CurrentPrincipal) has that permission.
With regards to auditing, you simply said 'audit for the operation'. If you just mean auditing in general, (i.e. for all app service calls), again I would use interceptors on the method, logging the user, which method was called, and with what parameters. If however you meant auditing specifically for the cancellation of orders/payments then do something similar to Dmitry's example.

How do I use code contracts in .NET 4.0 without making my code look cluttered?

I have started using Code Contracts and have found that it makes it difficult to immediately spot the 'guts' of a method.
Take this (very simple) example:
public static void UserAddNew(string domain, string username, string displayName)
LinqDal.User.UserAddNew(domain, username, displayName);
Now I'm tempted to put the contracts in a region, so that they can be hidden away, but then I'm concerned that I'm losing a nice advantage of being able to glance at the method and see what it expects.
What do you do to keep your contracts 'tidy'? Or am I just being too picky?
Have a look at the ContractClass and ContractClassFor attributes. This allows you to write classes with the code contracts in separate assemblies. This allows you to have the contracts available for dev work, doesn't clutter your code and also means you don't have to deploy the contracts with the live code:
Contract Class Attribute
Contract Class For Attribute
