console program publishing web job - azure-web-app-service

I need to download a certificate from azure vault. When I use this method, CertificateClient.DownloadCertificateAsync local it works. However, when a publish to Azure I get this message Unhandled exception. System.Exception: Creating JWT bearer token failed.
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: The system cannot find the file specified. Is the problem I don't have access to key vault or I cant "download" the certification the file system/environment. I want to say it is the file system because it runs on my local machine. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot?

The error message indicates that you may have a problem with accessing your Azure Key Vault and/or downloading the certificate.
To troubleshoot the error, you can check the below steps:
Verify that the Certificate is not Expired.
Check whether you have the proper permissions to access the Azure Key Vault and download the certificate.
Ensure that the certificate exists in your Azure Key Vault and that the name and version are correct.
Also check that you have the correct connection details for your Azure Key Vault, including the correct URL, subscription ID, and tenant ID.
Check the network connection to your Azure Key Vault to make sure that it is accessible.
Try accessing the Azure Key Vault using the Azure CLI or Azure portal to see if the issue is with your code or with the Azure Key Vault.
If you continue to experience issues, you may want to look at the logs or event viewer to see if they provide any additional information.
C# Code to Download the Azure KeyVault Certificate
ClientSecretCredential clientCredential = new ClientSecretCredential(tenantId, clientId, clientSecret);
var secretClient = new SecretClient(new Uri(keyVaultAddress), clientCredential);
var response = await secretClient.GetSecretAsync(certificateName);
var keyVaultSecret = response?.Value;
if (keyVaultSecret != null)
var privateKeyBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(keyVaultSecret.Value);
return new X509Certificate2(privateKeyBytes);
return null;
Azure CLI Command to download Key Vault Certificate.
az keyvault certificate download --vault-name YourKeyVaultName -n cert-name -e `DER/PEM`
Steps to publish a console program as a web job in Azure :
Package your console program as a deployment package, this is usually a ZIP file that contains the compiled executable and all its dependencies.
Create a web job in Azure App Service using Azure portal or using the Azure CLI /Powershell.
When you create the web job, you have to specify the type of web job - continuous or triggered, the deployment package, and any configuration settings.
Start the web job using Azure portal, the Azure CLI, or Azure Powershell. You can also configure the web job to start automatically when the App Service starts.
References taken from DownloadCertificateAsync Method and az keyvault certificate


Unable to import key vault certificate to app service - Failed to get App Service Service principal details

I have a SSL cert in my Azure key vault that I am trying to import to the correct App Service.
I am the owner of the Azure subscription and I have given the App Service GET and LIST permissions for certificates on the vault.
On my App Service I click TLS/SSL settings > Private Key Certificates (.pfx) > Import Key Vault Certificate
This is the message I receive
Another owner on the subscription is able to complete this process successfully. So I am not sure why I am not able to when we both have owner roles on the subscription?
Is anyone able to offer any suggestions please?
When you are trying the operation from Azure Portal and you are a Owner of the Subscription, then Azure by default adds a access policy for the Azure APP Service Resource Provider and you do not further require to add the any access policies for the Web App.
I created a Web App with system managed identity and a Key vault with the below added Access Policies. I am an Owner of the Subscription and a User in the Azure Active Directory.
When , I perform the import certificate operation in the TLS/SSL Settings, the access policy get automatically updated with the Azure App Service Service Principal Credential.
In your case its not able to find the details of the Resource Provider Service Principal. As a Solution you can try adding Microsoft.Azure.CertificateRegistration (i.e. ObjectId : ed47c2a1-bd23-4341-b39c-f4fd69138dd3) , Microsoft Azure App Service (Internal) (i.e. ObjectId : 505e3754-d8a9-4f8b-97b6-c3e48ac7a543) & Microsoft Azure App Service (i.e. ObjectId : f8daea97-62e7-4026-becf-13c2ea98e8b4) in access policy for key vault.
Note: If the Issue is still not resolved , Please reach out to Azure Support for better assistance.

How to instruct Azure pipeline to read the storage account key from Azure vault for configuring diagnostics extension during publishing code?

I have configured the Diagnostics Extension on my Azure cloud project so that I can collect the IIS logs and publish them to a storage account on azure.
However, I do not want to store the secret key of the storage account in the cscfg file, so I unchecked the "Don't remove storage key secret from project configuration (.cscfg) file". Please check the following.
I want to store the key of the storage account in the azure vault and I want Azure to pull the key from the azure vault while configuring the diagnostics extension during publishing of the code.
The code is published via Devops yaml pipeline.
Is there any way to instruct the Azure pipeline to read the storage account key from Azure vault and use it for configuring the diagnostics extension during publishing code?
You need to use "Variable groups" feature of Azure Devops to link secrets from key vault into your pipeline, and forward them to your task.
Add secret to key vault
Create service connection in AzureDevops with permissions to access key vault
Create variable group and link secrets from key vault
Link variable group created in previous step into your .yaml pipeline
Any secret from variable group is accessible from within the pipeline like $(VariableName).
More information here.

Azure Data Factory Linked Service error- Failed to get the secret from key vault

I am creating a linked service to a remote server in Azure Data Factory v2. The remote server uses username-password authentication mechanism. I have already created a linked service to the same server using username and password both in the linked service creation window and its working fine. I would like to store the password as a secret in Azure Key vault and access that secret from Azure Data Factory.
I have the secret in Azure Key vault and i have granted the access permission to Azure Data Factory to access Azure Key Vault by adding the Access policy in Key vault. I created linked service to azure key vault and it shows 'connection successful' when i tested the connection. However, when i try to create the linked service to a remote server using Azure key vault credentials instead of password, the connection failed. The error looks like this:
Failed to get the secret from key vault, secretName: *********, secretVersion: , vaultBaseUrl:*****************. The error message is: An error occurred while sending the request. The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel. The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
I couldn't proceed further. Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.
Please follow the steps that is linked in the doc to create a managed identity for your azure data factory?
Below powershell script can be used to associate the MSI. Using the new Azure Powershell Az Module :
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Set-AzDataFactoryV2 -ResourceGroupName <resourceGroupName> -Name <dataFactoryName> -Location <region>
DataFactoryName : ADFV2DemoFactory
DataFactoryId : /subscriptions/<subsID>/resourceGroups/<resourceGroupName>/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/ADFV2DemoFactory
ResourceGroupName : <resourceGroupName>
Location : East US
Tags : {}
Identity : Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.FactoryIdentity
ProvisioningState : Succeeded

Unable to Import Key Vault Certificate in Azure Government Cloud

I am trying to import a certificate from a Key Vault to an App Service to configure SSL in the Azure Government Cloud. When I do this I get an error stating:
Failed to get App Service Service principal details.
I am getting a similar error when I try to do this through an ARM template which it what caused me to try this manually. I have tried giving my App Service a managed identity and giving that identity access to the key vault. I have tried a technique that worked in the regular Azure Cloud of giving "Microsoft Azure App Service" account permission to the key vault but that doesn't seem to exist in the Government Cloud.
I would have expected this to simply work and allow me to configure my SSL correctly on the app service so I don't need to manage the certificates individually on every app service.
You have to enable in the Identity of your app services that can be assigned through the azure permissions, then you have to go to the KeyVault and grant the permissions to the App Services.
More information:
I eventually found the solution to the issue.
Following the directions found here:
I tried to authorize the 'Microsoft.Azure.WebSites' Resource Provider as described in the link, but that GUID doesn't exist in the Government Cloud.
This link however does give you the equivalent GUID for the Government Cloud:
After using the script from the first link with the GUID value from the second link I was able to get both deployments and manual SSL added.

How do I register my application locally created with one I created in Azure Active Directory?

I am following directions here for learning the AzureKeyVault config settings
Key Vault Configuration Provider sample application (ASP.NET Core 2.x)
This sample illustrates the use of the Azure Key Vault Configuration
Provider for ASP.NET Core 2.x. For the ASP.NET Core 1.x sample, see
Key Vault Configuration Provider sample application (ASP.NET Core
For more information on how the sample works, see the Azure Key Vault
configuration provider topic.
Using the sample
Create a key vault and set up Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) for the application following the guidance in Get started with Azure Key
Add secrets to the key vault using the AzureRM Key Vault PowerShell Module available from the
the Azure Key Vault REST API, or the Azure
Portal. Secrets are created as either
Manual or Certificate secrets. Certificate secrets are certificates for use by apps and services but are not supported by the
configuration provider. You should use the Manual option to create
name-value pair secrets for use with the configuration provider.
Simple secrets are created as name-value pairs. Azure Key Vault secret names are limited to alphanumeric characters and dashes.
Hierarchical values (configuration sections) use -- (two dashes) as a separator in the sample. Colons, which are normally used
to delimit a section from a subkey in ASP.NET Core
configuration, aren't allowed
in secret names. Therefore, two dashes are used and swapped for a
colon when the secrets are loaded into the app's configuration.
Create two Manual secrets with the following name-value pairs. The first secret is a simple name and value, and the second
secret creates a secret value with a section and subkey in the secret
SecretName: secret_value_1
Section--SecretName: secret_value_2
Register the sample app with Azure Active Directory.
Authorize the app to
access the key vault. When you use the
Set-AzureRmKeyVaultAccessPolicy PowerShell cmdlet to authorize the
app to access the key vault, provide List and Get access to
secrets with -PermissionsToSecrets list,get.
Update the app's appsettings.json file with the values of Vault, ClientId, and ClientSecret.
Run the sample app, which obtains its configuration values from IConfigurationRoot with the same name as the secret name. *
Non-hierarchical values: The value for SecretName is obtained with
config["SecretName"]. * Hierarchical values (sections): Use :
(colon) notation or the GetSection extension method. Use either of
these approaches to obtain the configuration value:
Okay so I have copied the name of my application into Azure Active Directory as an 'Enterprise Application'. And I have added 'Access policies' for 'get' and 'list' in Azure for my ADD object I just created. Yet I get this error in the program when attempting to start the application:
Exception: {"error":"unauthorized_client","error_description":"AADSTS70001:
Application with identifier '(guid)' was not found in the directory ...(continues)
Update 8-4-18
Okay I found out that Azure uses the 'ClientId' and 'ClientSecret' in the local appsettings.json to connect to what Azure registers in this tutorial:
I get the clientId in appsettings.json from the applicationId on ADD I create with ADD>App Registrations>New
I click settings in ADD on the app I just created and create a key with an expiration to store as ClientSecret in appsettings.json.
I change my 'Vault' in appsettings to my named vault.
I run the powershell above to give access or else do it in ADD.
So now I am getting a simpler error:
'Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.Models.KeyVaultErrorException: 'Access denied''
I have tried running as Administrator in Visual Studio. I went under Subscriptions in Azure>Access Control>(IAM)>set my new apps to Reader.
So the reason your powershell is failing is because you are trying to assign a User Principal - a user - when actually you want a Service Principal.
I can’t see your C# to support more there than saying when you use the SDK to log in as the Service Principal you use the application id of the Application/Service Principal (its the same id).
The service principal acts like a user in the local directory but you log in as the application.
I looked at the example you posted and ran it myself and had very similar problems. However I have got it working. Here's the steps:
Creating the Application
Create the Registered Application. I do this through the Azure Portal so
a Service Principal is created automatically. Make a note of the ApplicationId.
Generate a key credential on the created application and make a note of it.
In the Application click on the link to the Managed app in local directory. This is the Service Principal, make a note of the ObjectId
Creating the Key Vault
Create KeyVault - I used PowerShell to do this. New-AzureRmKeyVault
Apply the Service Principal to the Key Vault.
Set-AzureRmKeyVaultAccessPolicy -VaultName <vault> -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName> -ObjectId <Object Id of the Created Service Principal> -PermissionsToSecrets Get,List
Running the Sample App
In your application settings follow this format:
"Vault": <the name of your vault>,
"ClientId": <ApplicationId of the Registered Application>,
"ClientSecret": <Credential generated from the Registered Application>
This worked for me and allowed me to run the sample and retrieve the secrets from the vault.
The ultimate problem for me became that running 'Set-AzureRmKeyVaultAccessPolicy' was not needed and for whatever reason it was easier to just ignore it and follow this subsection:
I kept trying to set up Object Id and Keys and really I had just overlooked a section mentioning a 'ServerPrincipalName'
They set one commandlet for keys
Set-AzureRmKeyVaultAccessPolicy -VaultName '<vaultName>' -ServicePrincipalName <ApplicationIdGuid> -PermissionsToKeys decrypt,sign
They set one commandlet for secrets
Set-AzureRmKeyVaultAccessPolicy -VaultName '<vaultName>' -ServicePrincipalName <ApplicationIdGuid> -PermissionsToSecrets Get, List
But I decided to follow the immediate proceeding section on doing it all in the Portal. The key take away for me was that the instructions were not wrong. Just vague when it says: "Register a sample app" then "Authorize the App". Really they should be saying
Register a sample app (
Authorize the app with Key Vault (
Ultimately all the information is there it was just confusing if you happen to already have a vault and an application and don't understand the prerequisite is that really you need to have a 1. A Vault, 2. An ADD Web Application, 3. Associate permissions for 2 in 1.
