Pyperclip does not paste until entire code was run - python-3.x

I am trying to use pyperclip (1.8.2) on ubuntu (20), and it seems like the pasting only occurs once all the script has finished being executed. Moreover, pasting into a program seems to freeze that program (chrome for example).
import time
import pyperclip
pyperclip.copy('Hello, world!')
# Paste anywhere, it will only appear after the 20 seconds are over.
What is the reason for this ? Is there a way to make this work (paste anywhere without delay) ?


python pyautogui module are not support bangla text

Here is my python code. I am trying to write something in Bangla text using pyautoGUI but unfortunately, it's not working.
import time
import pyautogui
text = "হ্যালো,"
Pyautogui doesn't seem to allow some characters without giving a Unicode hex string but I found an easier way by putting it in your clipboard.
import pyautogui
import pyperclip
import time
# Store our string to the clipboard
# Hotkey the paste command
pyautogui.hotkey("ctrl", "v")
This works about the same as typewrite just using a paste command instead of sending it like a keyboard (one charachter at a time)
# Output to typed

Python program stops right away

So I tried to record they keystrokes of my keyboard, when I use the python IDLE and write it in there, it works, but when i run it in the terminal with python3.8.1 it ends right away. That's the code:
import keyboard
def on_key(key):
keyboard.on_press(on_key, suppress=False)

Press enter stops computing python

I'm doing some engineering analysis with the help of a FEA program and Python. When the analysis ends I need to press a key to continue. But this is not a normal press any key to continue. Every code executed with the scripts stops. Like a handput debug break. Nothing runs until I press something or switch windows.
I cant use send keys and subprocesses because running code completely stops. Only solution I could come up with is to use another script in another command window with simple send keys command. This extra script is useless if computer is used or another window is active.
I'm a beginner level programmer and maybe I'm missing something simple. I guess the problem is caused by the FEA programs code but I'm not sure. So is there any way to prevent my code from stopping? Thank you for your time.
It seems that the FEA program does the windowing and you cannot do much about it. I actually automate scripting in DIANA FEA. For this program I would try something like pywinauto.
And call your python script from another python script.
from pywinauto import Desktop, Application
import time
app = Application().start("FEA_program.exe")
while True:
# send key presses to the app every arbitrary seconds

Making Python text green and using Spinning cursor - Newbies questions

I want to make my Python script file,when I "announce" something to the user, to be green like this:
How can this be done?I saw a script using this with sys.stdout.write but I dont understand how to use it, Im using a simple "print" commands..
Also, I would like to have the Spinning cursor spin as long as this command runs and only stops when this command stops(finishes):
print('running network scan')
output = subprocesss.check_output('nmap -sL',shell=True)
Any way to do that (unknown time until task is done)?
Im using a code suggested by nos here:
Spinning Cursor
So, about getting the terminal color to be green, there is a neat package called colorama that generally works great for me. To check whether the process is running or not, I would recommend using Popen instead of check_output, since the latter does not allow you to communicate with the process as far as I know. But you need to since you want to know if your subprocess is still running. Here is a little code example that should get you running:
import subprocess
import shlex
import time
import sys
import colorama
def spinning_cursor():
"""Spinner taken from"""
while True:
for cursor in '|/-\\':
yield cursor
# Create spinner
spinner = spinning_cursor()
# Print and change color to green
print(colorama.Fore.GREEN + 'running network scan')
# Define command we want to run
cmd = 'your command goes here'
# Split args for POpen
# Create subprocess
p = subprocess.Popen(args,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
# Check if process is still running
while p.poll()==None:
# Print spinner
# Grab output
# Reset color (otherwise your terminal is green)

Python colorama not working with input?

Finally got colorama working today, and it works excellent when printing strings, but I got the common error everyone seems to get when I attempted to use colorama with input.
Here's my code:
launch = input(Fore.GREEN + "Launch attack?(Y/N): ")
Screenshot of output:
I had this same issue (Python 3.5.4) and, just in case it is not too obvious for somebody else looking at this, you can always rely on the workaround of combining print / input calls where you previously had just an input call:
print(Fore.GREEN + "Launch attack?(Y/N): ", end='')
launch = input()
This should produce the exact same output as in your question, with no extra blank lines and with the code coloring working without the need of importing anything else.
The (small?) disadvantage is that you you will end up with two lines of code where you previously had just one.
On my system, input() works with colors if you add
import sphinx.quickstart
to your module.
So here is the full code.
from colorama import Fore
import colorama
import sphinx.quickstart
launch = input(Fore.GREEN + "Launch attack? (Y/N): ")
(This leads to two questions:
Why does it not work in the first place?
What is the actual reason? – Someone might like to dive into the sphinx source code.)
N.B. if you run python via winpty from Git Bash, set convert.
Otherwise, you do not get color with the current versions.
To get rid of this problem in the starting of the code add
import os
This will clear the screen and hence clear all the external factors blocking the colorama in input.
This works 100% you just need to do it once in the starting of the program [or just before the first use of colorama with input] and after that use colorama in any creative way you want to.
I hope this will help all the creative minds trying to make their codes more colourful
just make sure about the 'autoreset' in init()
