Is Microsoft Bot Framework Composer compatible with Dot Net 6.0 or Dot Net 7.0 SDK Installations? - azure

I have installed Dot Net 6.0 & 7.0 SDK versions in my computer. I have also installed Bot Framework Composer 2.1.2. I just created an empty bot and started it for testing. But the build is always failing.
Error Message: You must install or update .NET to run this application.
I know that Dot Net 3.1 version has reached it end of life and support will no longer be provided for it. Should I still download it to make the composer work or is there a way to work with 7.0 or 6.0 versions of Dot Net SDK?


How do I upgrade an existing Cloud Service Project to use Azure SDK 3.0?

I'm migrating from VS2015 to VS2017, and updating a repo's solutions to be able to be compatible with VS2017. In the process, I'm also updating the Azure SDK version from 2.7 to 3.0.
I'm setting up a fresh dev environment, and installed Azure SDK 3.0 via VS2017's Azure development workload.
When I opened the solution file in the repo, I got one notice per cloud service project that its Microsoft Azure Tools version was getting upgraded from 2.7 to 2.9...
...and the ProductVersion tag in the corresponding .csproj files was updated from 2.7 to 2.9.
Why wasn't this updated to 3.0?
Is there anyway for me to update it
to 3.0 without manually editing the csproj file? I don't see an
option to do so in Properties when I right click the cloud service
projects in Solution Explorer.
Is there some reason I shouldn't be
doing this?
"Microsoft Azure Tools - v2.9" mentioned in your screenshot is just a little misleading.
Underlying reason is that Microsoft hasn't really changed the version number of most components as part of 3.0 SDK release. Even the binaries get installed in the same folder as 2.9.
Good news is that you don't need to do anything special apart from converting the project to target latest version, which you're already getting prompted for.
So once you do convert your project as per the prompt, you're essentially working with SDK 3.0, even though version string says v2.9, because as the links explain, most of the components haven't changed major version number as part of SDK 3.0 version (when comparing with 2.9)
Here are some of the links which talk about this -
Azure SDK for .NET 3.0 Release Summary
No breaking changes to the Azure SDK 3.0 have been introduced in this
release. There is also no upgrade process needed to leverage this SDK
with existing Cloud Service projects. To allow use of the Azure SDK
3.0 without requiring an upgrade process, Azure SDK 3.0 installs to the same directories as Azure SDK 2.9. Most the components did not
change the major version from 2.9 but instead just updated the build
Visual Studio 2017 latest installer does not install Azure SDK 3.0
In this link look at the response from Devin Breshears - MSFT
Azure 3.0 SDK Install Weirdness
An independent blog talking about the same issue.

I can't run/debug Azure Function project in VS2017 using Windows 10 Enterprise

Whenever i try to run/debug an Azure Function project in Visual Studio 2017 i get an error stating that i need .Net Framework 4.7.1 (which i can't install due to have preinstalled windows 10 Enterprise in my working machine by company policy),I'm using Azure Functions and Web Tools Extension version 15.0.40608.0, anyone can help me with a workaround on this matter ?
If you got exactly this error message
The reference assemblies for framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.1" were not found. To resolve this, install the SDK or Targeting Pack for this framework version or retarget your application to a version of the framework for which you have the SDK or Targeting Pack installed. ...
You can try to change your target framework to a version you have installed, like the error suggests.
Right click on your project, Edit FunctionProjectName.csproj, find <TargetFramework>net471</TargetFramework>, change it to the version installed, like net461.
If you can't run this project correctly on lower version of .Net Framework, as rickvdbosch says, it might be required to update your Windows and install the SDK or modify your code to make it compatible on lower version.

Is Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs 1.0.9 compatible with .NET Core 2.0?

We are using NotificationHubs version 1.0.9 with .NetCore 2.0 and .Net Framework 4.7.
At compile time, we get this warning:
"Package Microsoft.Azure.NOtificationHubs 1.0.9 was restored using '.NETFramework, version=4.6.1' instead of the project target framework '.NETCoreApp, version=2.0. this package may not be fully compatible with your project."
Everything is still built, but at runtime when this call is invoked:
RegistrationDescription hubRegistration = await hubClient.CreateAppleNativeRegistrationAsync(device.DeviceToken); //hubClient is NotificationHubClient
We get this error:
Has anyone encountered this before and have any idea how to fix it?
At compile time, see this warning: "Package Microsoft.Azure.NOtificationHubs 1.0.9 was restored using '.NETFramework, version=4.6.1' instead of the project target framework '.NETCoreApp, version=2.0. this package may not be fully compatible with your project."
The Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs package requires .Net Framework 4.5 Full Profile. And here is a feedback Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs add support for .NET CORE.
AFAIK, if you create the ASP.NET Core Web Application with the target framework at .NetCore 1.0 or .NetCore 1.1, you could edit your *.csproj and change the TargetFramework to net461, then you could install and use Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs 1.0.9.
While for .NetCore 2.0 MVC, after you create the project, it would reference the Microsoft.AspNetCore.All 2.0.0, and this package supports netcoreapp2.0. I assumed that you could leverage Notification Hubs REST APIs and follow the git sample azure-notifications Send REST to access your notification hub for a workaround.
A preview version of a .NET Standard compatible NuGet is now available. It will allow using Notification Hubs with .NET core.
According to a Microsoft Product Manager a new version of the .NET SDK supporting .NET Core will be deployed very soon.
cf this question
But no mention on Feedback Microsoft site. I would recommend to vote for this feature

Azure - SDK 2.0 to 2.3 - Will they run side by side?

I am looking to install the newest version of the Azure SDK which is version 2.3. Can this run side by side with Azure SDK 2.0?
When you install the SDK, there're two things which gets installed -
Some libraries & helper utilities.
Emulators (compute and storage).
At any point of time, the emulator you have is that of the latest version. So if you have installed SDK 2.0 and then install SDK 2.3, you will have the libraries & utilities for both 2.0 and 2.3 so that you can reference libraries from that SDK in your application and use the utilities there but the emulator would be of version 2.3.
For example, please take a look at the screenshot below. I have SDK 2.3 installed on my computer.

Metadata exception - schema specified is not valid - Installing a C# Windows Forms application on Windows XP using ClickOnce and EF Code First

I have a C# Windows Forms application that makes use of SQL Server 2008 R2, .NET Framework 4, .NET Framework 4 Client, and Entity Framework Code First.
SQL Server 2008 R2 Express exists on the machine, and the program does create the database and tables.
I tried installing .NET framework 4.5, but I got this message:
Blocking Issues:
The .NET Framework 4.5 is not supported on this operating system.
Setup may not run properly, because the Windows Modules Installer
Service is not available on this computer.
with this link
The operating system is Windows XP 2002 SP3 running inside VMware Player.
[Update 25th May 20xx]: I found a link here that caused me to think the problem is just that ClickOnce won't install on Windows XP. However I recreated the set up in Visual Studio 2010 and have the same error.
[update 26 May 20xx]: I created a test project with Visual Studio 2012 and Entity Framework 5 and was able to successfully install on Windows XP using ClickOnce. Strangely I was then able to publish a version of my big application that worked.
I am not sure what is going on. I also did install a program containing Entity Framework 6 on my test computer - but this would not have been referenced by my big application.
Have you tried installing .NET 4.5?
I know it sounds absurd, but we're seeing the same issue: Entity Framework 5.0 (4.4) targetting .NET 4.0, Code First on SQL Server CE.
Installing .NET 4.5 made the issue go away. We're still investigating, because we also have a couple of Windows XP clients.
Portions of the Entity Framework 5 code are part of the .NET framework itself (that's why there's a 4.4 version for .NET 4.0 that e.g. doesn't support enums, while the 5.0 for 4.5 does).
It seems this issue is related to that since installing .NET 4.5 inexpliccably solves this.
For Entity Framework 6 those portions were moved to Entity Framework, so Entity Framework 6 doesn't depend on framework specifics anymore. We've updated to Entity Framework 6.0 alpha 3 and everything seems fine.
Now, I don't like running alpha code, but this is the only solution we could find.
