Getting error while deleting ItemClass and having only edit rights of screen - acumatica-kb

In Acumatica a user has edit rights of Item Class, but they are able to delete the record with showing error Click here to see image
Logged in user has edit rights of item class screen, when they try to delete the record, they can delete, but it also shows an error message.


Modx give to a user permissions to add new users

I am using Modx, and I try to give to a user permission to add/edit/delete new users.. So far so good, the user can do that, the thing is that I get an annoying error message. (even everything works).
The message appears when I access the user info.
Code: 200 OK {"success":false,"message":"Permission
Action for requests where I have this error:
action: workspace/namespace/getlist
action: security/user/setting/getList
It seems you don't have some other permission. Shortly here is how you should get some hint what permission: when user edition is in progress please open browser console and check all AJAX calls via Network should return JSON from above. If so please check what MODX processor was requested in action form parameter.. f.e. it can be /users/getlist.. so you should update your ACLs and add the permissions for the user list.

Acumatica: Why Some User Becomes Duplicate When Modified?

I added new users with roles designated to it and got no error. But when I add role or reset password or update info and then try to save I got error of duplicate Primary_Key.
Primary Key Error
So I delete the user and add again with correct info then it saved but when I look into the user it listed with duplicate.
Duplicate User
How can I fix it?

When I do document preview it will logout first time?

I have liferay open office integration. My problem is when I preview any document after login first time it is logout and ask to login again. Next time it is working fine the problem persist while document preview generation and after user log first time. suppose there are 5 page of document only 2 page display other while show processing image.
Below are logs come while logout.
06:55:17,743 ERROR [ajp-bio-8009-exec-88][PollerServlet:63] No channel exists with user id 1810503
06:55:17,782 ERROR [ajp-bio-8009-exec-88][status_jsp:752] No channel exists with user id 1810503
06:55:26,360 ERROR [ajp-bio-8009-exec-95][PollerServlet:63] No channel exists with user id 1810503
06:55:26,403 ERROR [ajp-bio-8009-exec-95][status_jsp:752] No channel exists with user id 1810503
Above logs come each time when i log in.
I am using Liferay 6.2 CE GA3 + Mysql + Openoffice + xuggler.
I have seen liferay issues related with No channel exists with user id but it does not answer my question

If New Document/Media uploaded in liferay by admin, user has to get message after login

I am very new to liferay. Please help me implementing the below requirement.
Using Document and media portlet in liferay, If any new document is uploaded or uploaded document is modified(Version changed) by admin user, then
How can i identify that the particular document is modified or newly uploaded as i have to show a popup message to user based upon if any new files is uploaded or modified after log on.
That is not a little change request - this required bit more development. And here is more different variants:
Simple but nonperformance variant:
With UserLocalServiceUtil you can check the last user-login date
Similarly iterate over all documents and check last modification date
Create Liferay-Portlet that shows the list of documents with modification date after last user-login date
Here are the steps:
Use corresponding Document Listener i.e
DlFolderListener or DlFileEntryListener. You have to use hook to
add your listner in
For Example, you would need to workaround below property.
This class would be extending BaseModelListener<FileEntry>
Override and use onAfterUpdate method to notify appropriate audience
Now this can be done by setting this notification in user
On user Login, check corresponding user preferences for this
notification and notify user. You can use hook LoginPostAction to read user preferences for notification.
Hope this helps.
Create customfield for user. Create table with service builder to store the fileEntry Id which modified.
Create DLFileEntry Listener and write
code on FileUpdate. Add DLFileEntryID in same table created in step 1. Set
custom field true for all the user.
Create LoginPostActionHook and on Check the user's flag and fetch the FileEntryId get info of that fileEntryId and display notification with all file's information. Set customfield Flag false for particular user and remove the fileentryid from table or mark them all as read.

using Cucumber with Netzke to call an action in Grid Panel

I'm working on Rails(3.1.3) with Netzke(0.7.3).
I very new for Cucumber.
Feature: Add Account For User Feature
In order to add login account
As an Administrator
I want to add login account for other role
Scenario: Adding Login Account
When I login as an Administrator
Then I should be on admin page
When I click on 'Administration' button at right upper of page
Then I should see 'Administrator Management'
And I should see 'Add' button in Administrator Management toolbar
When I click on 'Add' button
Then I wait 10 seconds # for check what happen
The problem is at When I click on 'Add' button step.
It pass but not working correctly. (It should fire event onAddInForm)
It's hanging in loading and do not show new windows panel.
Then /^(?:|I )click on '(\w*)'(?:|.*)$/ do |label|
step "wait for the response from sever"
When /^(?:|I )wait for (?:.*)$/ do
Found the solution!!
The solution is try to collect Component that you use. and then call that action directly.
When /I press 'Add' button in the '(\w*)' grid$/ do |grid_name|
page.driver.browser.execute_script <<-JS
var containerComp = Ext.getCmp("main_container");
var grid = containerComp.down("#"+"#{grid_name.underscore}_grid");
But I still don't understand why it not call onAddInForm after click.
