How to Add LastModifiedDate in Warehouse endpoint of ver 2022 R2 Acumatica - acumatica

do not find LastModifiedDate in warehouse summary in warehouse endpoint In Acumatica ver 2022-R2, endpoint of Warehouse I am trying to add LastModifiedDate for date filter by trying to use extended property but unable to do, please let me know how to do it.
I am trying to add LastModifiedDate for date filter by trying to use extended property of Acumatica endpoint of warehouse

For fields that are present in the Data Access Class (DAC), but not visible on the screen, you need to manually type their name in the fields.
Usually for audit fields you can use the same mapped object as the top left most field on the screen, in this case Warehouse ID.
Field Name : LastModifiedDateTime
Mapped Object : Warehouse Summary
Mapped Field : LastModifiedDateTime
Field Type : DateTimeValue

I don't think you need to extend the endpoint in order to use lastmodifieddatetime to filter your request. See this thread for a test


Override id creation in Azure cosmos DB

I have a JSON document, which I need to push to azure cosmos db. I am using DocumentDB data migration tool to dump my json file to azure cosmos DB. The problem is my JSON contains an id field which is same for all the records. For e,g.
And because of this id field, I am not able to insert more than 1 record in my collection as after inserting one record I get an error message "resource with specified id already exist".
Is there a way to force cosmos DB to ignore the id field in JSON and create a GUID for each entry, like it does if it does not find an id field.
After a lot of searching i came to the verdict that if you have a column named "id"(case sensitive) in your json, cosmos db will be make that column value as the id for the document, you can not use any other column as the unique identifier.
If cosmos does not find id field, it will create a GUID as the id for the document.
Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Resource.Id documentation hints that it is serialised in JSON with fixed name "id":
public virtual string Id { get; set; }
So, I would say that you cannot use another property as storage PK.
What you CAN do, is convert your JSON document yourself, for example renaming your current id to originalId or similar. Then documentDB would generate unique ids on import for you.

How to use extended table fields in where condition?

I have extended INItemLotSerial table by creating a new table InfoINItemLotSerialExtNV. The Table is left joined on InventoryID & LotSerialNbr.
I am trying to use the Extended table fields in the where condition. The fields are not show up in the INItemLotSerial. Do I have to link again the table using join or Just use the InfoINItemLotSerialExtNV in where condition?
Assuming you extended INItemLotSerial DAC by declaring InfoINItemLotSerialExtNV like that:
class InfoINItemLotSerialExtNV : PXCacheExtension<INItemLotSerial>
The custom fields contained in InfoINItemLotSerialExtNV should be accessible whenever INItemLotSerial is accessible. Extension DAC fields are loaded by the framework when the base DAC is loaded.
Your query should look like:
PXSelect<INItemLotSerial, Where<InfoINItemLotSerialExtNV.customField, Equal< ... >>
In BQL expressions, you have to refer to the custom field by its BQL name in the extension class. For an example please refer to Acumatica Customization Guide. The practice shown in documentation can be applied both to the regular DAC extension and the DAC extension mapped to an extension table.

Acumatica Pass custom field vales into Cash Transaction detail table

I have added two custom fields in the Screens: Payment and Application(AR302000), Cash Transactions(CA304000), Funds Transfers(301000) and Back Deposits(305000), and I pretend to add those fields also in the Table CATran
I have a Generic Inquiry that mimic the Report Cash Account Detail (CA633500) where I can see that the Field ExtReference and Description are copied from the Original Ducument (AR302000,CA304000,etc) to the CATran records.
If I would like to pass the value of my custom field to the CATran Table, to get the same behavior that the External Reference and Description does.
Does anybody know what is the action'name to override the Insertion of CATran Detail?
Form AR302000 uses following class: PX.Objects.AP.APPaymentEntry. It means that you should create extension for this class in way similar to this:
public class APPaymentEntryExt : PXGraphExtension<APPaymentEntryExt>
Then you can use extending with help of CATran_RowInserting for initial values configuration and CATran_RowInserted for modification of inserted values

Net Suite Override internal id

Is this possible to set or override the internalid of a custom record type ?
The internalid is self generated, but I want to try to set inernalid value from a cvs field.
I do not believe you can override the internalid of any record instance, even a custom one. You can, however, use the externalid field that I believe every record has if you want to specify a "secondary" identifier for the record.
You cannot override the internal ID of a record. As mentioned in a previous response to your question, you can (and should) set the external ID field on the NetSuite records to equal the primary key of the data being imported.
On future imports that update NetSuite data, you simply map the key field of the imported data to the external ID field in NetSuite. You can ignore the internal ID field on those future imports, as Netsuite will match up the records based upon the external ID.
This is the proper way to do this - I've seen tons of situations where people did not understand the external ID concept, and created huge, long term maintenance issues by not following this simple solution.
OK. Given your feedback, why not create another custom field on the customer record that references the lookup value in the custom record?
The field type should be the same as the field type of the lookup value, with "store value" checkbox unchecked. On the Sourcing and Filtering tab, you specify the custom record type and field to reference. Think of it as a SQL join of sorts between the customer record and custom record.
Then, you should be able to do what you want with 2 getCurrentAttribute tags:
<%= getcurrentattribute('cusomter', 'custentity_mappingid')%>
<%= getcurrentattribute('cusomter', 'custentity_mappingvalue')%>
BTW, your custom field internal IDs look a little odd. They should start with 'custentity', and 'custrecord', respectively. My code above reflects what you'd normally expect from NetSuite.
You can set ExternalId and if you want to get record then you can use callGetRecordByExternalId .
public ReadResponse callGetRecordByExternalId(String externalId, RecordType recordType) throws RemoteException {
return this.callGetRecord(Utils.createRecordRefWithExternalId(externalId, recordType));

Get list of objects and its fields in Netsuite

Is there a way to get list of all record types - both standard and custom (employee, lead, customer etc.) and their fields using APIs (SOAP or REST) in Netsuite?
List of all supported records through Suitescript is available at
List of all supported records through Websrevices is available at
For getting List of all field available for a particular record type use getAllFields() and getAllLineItemFields(group)
For getting list of Custom Field using Webservices use
The answer given by Saqib is correct. If you want to show them in a select field you could use this function.
var form = nlapiCreateForm('New Form');
form.addField('custpage_field', 'select', 'Select A Record Type', '-123'); //Here -123 is the internal id for the record types given to the source for the addField function.
You could get all the internal id's of the record types you could create from this link(in the List/Record Type IDs).
