Fabric JS compatibility with Flutter or ReactNative - fabricjs

We want to use FabricJS as part of Canvas features and objects creation with drag/drop experience on a mobile app intended to build on ReactNative or Flutter.
Has anyone hosted FabricJS objects panel and a canvas to drag objects on it? Is FabricJS compatible for Mobile APP Frameworks or just for web (SPA)?
Glad to understand if we can use FabricJS with ReactNative or Flutter


Display an SVG from web URL in MAUI

I am converting my Xamarin Forms Application to .NET MAUI.
In existing app we have used FFImageLoader for loading svg image from url but this library doesn't support .net MAUI.
According to this Link it's not currently supported in MAUI and has been moved to backlog.
Is there any alternative approach?
Any help is appreciated!

How to convert a Node js based website to a mobile app?

I have a node js based web app also using HTML CSS and Javascript. I want to convert it into a mobile app compatible with both android and ios. What is the best approach for this? Can I use cordova to convert to a mobile app?

how to load a polymer based website in a webview in an android app

I have made a project based on polymer. It works fine on any web browser. I want to make an android app with only a webview that loads my polymer website. The webview is working fine for all websites but not for my polymer based website. Please help.
If you use any other version of Android other than Lollipop you will surely run into this problem, that's because html imports are relatively new to HTML so it is implemented only in the very latested builds of chromium.
One way to get around the problem is to install an app by Google called Android System WebView, which brings the latest features including html import of Chromium to older devices.
Eric Bidelman has just posted an article on how to do this on the official Polymer site.
If you need support for older versions of Android you should look into Crosswalk by Intel. It's covered a bit in the article as well.

fabric.js 1.4.0 - How can I get animation and gestures support?

it seems as if there is something missing in the current fabric.js version (1.4.0): When I use the version from github, the support for gestures is missing. When I download a custom buid from the fabric.js website, I get gestures support, but the animation functions are missing. I tried to load both version, but gestures are still not working.
Does anyone have a current fabric.js version that supports both, animation and gestures?
Make your own custom build.
As per fabric.js documentation clone the repository on your pc and type (assuming node.js is already installed):
node build.js modules=ALL
to get a full featured fabric.js source in dist/fabric.js

How to convert existing iOS native application into iOS titanium module

I have followed http://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/guides/iOS+Module+Development+Guide and created a ios module and integrated it to titanium application. Now kindly help me how to convert an existing iOS4 (iPhone) application into iOS module for titanium.
My question might be very sily, kindly help me :)
Titanium mobile uses its native javascript to develop modules. At compile time it translates the source code into native code.
And as per your situation you have a native application in iOS 4, so in order to convert it to titanium you got to create the application from scratch in titanium using its native javascript.
I don't think there is any trick or application that converts a native iOS application to titanium.
One suggestion would be by creating an empty module and putting your existing code inside it. The tricky part is getting rid of your own Appdelegate and attching the Modules delegate to your source.
You can show any of your view controllers as follows
[[TiApp app] showModalController:myViewController animated:YES];
