Fine-tune a davinci model to be similar to InstructGPT - gpt-3

I have a few-shot GPT-3 text-davinci-003 prompt that produces "pretty good" results, but I quickly run out of tokens per request for interesting use cases. I have a data set (n~20) which I'd like to train the model with more but there is no way to fine-tune these InstructGPT models, only base GPT models.
As I understand it I can either:
A: Find a way to harvest 10x more data (I don't see an easy option here)
or B: Find a way to fine-tune Davinci into something capable of simpler InstructGPT behaviours
(Please let me know if there's a third option. I've attempted to increase epochs from 4 to 10 but the quality is really nowhere near as good).
Is there any way to fine-tune Davinci up to the point where it can model some of the things Instruct does? I don't need full capabilities, but if I can make it narrowed down to my use case it would be ideal.
By the way there is a common misconception that fine-tuning a GPT-3 model on a base (davinci, ada, babbage, etc...) will train it on the latest, eg: text-davinci-003. This is not how GPT works and is explained by GPT blog posts and support posts:
Please don't claim openai api fine_tunes.create -t "model_prepared.jsonl" -m "davinci" will create a model based on text-davinci-003, it is not true, it uses base davinci.


What does "fine-tuning of a BERT model" refer to?

I was not able to understand one thing , when it says "fine-tuning of BERT", what does it actually mean:
Are we retraining the entire model again with new data.
Or are we just training top few transformer layers with new data.
Or we are training the entire model but considering the pretrained weights as initial weight.
Or there is already few layers of ANN on top of transformer layers which is only getting trained keeping transformer weight freeze.
Tried Google but I am getting confused, if someone can help me on this.
Thanks in advance!
I remember reading about a Twitter poll with similar context, and it seems that most people tend to accept your suggestion 3. (or variants thereof) as the standard definition.
However, this obviously does not speak for every single work, but I think it's fairly safe to say that 1. is usually not included when talking about fine-tuning. Unless you have vast amounts of (labeled) task-specific data, this step would be referred to as pre-training a model.
2. and 4. could be considered fine-tuning as well, but from personal/anecdotal experience, allowing all parameters to change during fine-tuning has provided significantly better results. Depending on your use case, this is also fairly simple to experiment with, since freezing layers is trivial in libraries such as Huggingface transformers.
In either case, I would really consider them as variants of 3., since you're implicitly assuming that we start from pre-trained weights in these scenarios (correct me if I'm wrong).
Therefore, trying my best at a concise definition would be:
Fine-tuning refers to the step of training any number of parameters/layers with task-specific and labeled data, from a previous model checkpoint that has generally been trained on large amounts of text data with unsupervised MLM (masked language modeling).

How to continue training Doc2Vec with a specific domain corpus after training with a generic corpus

I want to train a Doc2Vec model with a generic corpus and, then, continue training with a domain-specific corpus (I have read that is a common strategy and I want to test results).
I have all the documents, so I can build and tag the vocab at the beginning.
As I understand, I should train initially all the epochs with the generic docs, and then repeat the epochs with the ad hoc docs. But, this way, I cannot place all the docs in a corpus iterator and call train() once (as it is recommended everywhere).
So, after building the global vocab, I have created two iterators, the first one for the generic docs and the second one for the ad hoc docs, and called train() twice.
Is it the best way or it is a more appropriate way?
If the best, how I should manage alpha and min_alpha? Is it a good decision not to mention them in the train() calls and let the train() manage them?
This is probably not a wise strategy, because:
the Python Gensim Doc2Vec class hasn't ever properly supported expanding its known vocabulary after a 1st single build_vocab() call. (Up through at least 3.8.3, such attempts typically cause a Segmentation Fault process crash.) Thus if there are words that are only in your domain-corpus, an initial typical initialization/training on the generic-corpus would leave them out of the model entirely. (You could work around this, with some atypical extra steps, but the other concerns below would remain.)
if there is truly an important contrast between the words/word-senses used in your generic and the different words/word-senses used in your domain corpus, influence of the words from the generic corpus may not be beneficial, diluting domain-relevant meanings
further, any followup training that just uses a subset of all documents (the domain corpus) will only be updating the vectors for that subset of words/word-senses, and the model's internal weights used for further unseen-document inference, in directions that make sense for the domain-corpus alone. Such later-trained vectors may be nudged arbitrarily far out of comparable alignment with other words not appearing in the domain-corpus, and earlier-trained vectors will find themselves no longer tuned in relation to the model's later-updated internal-weights. (Exactly how far will depend on the learning-rate alpha & epochs choices in the followup training, and how well that followup training optimizes model loss.)
If your domain dataset is sufficient, or can be grown with more domain data, it may not be necessary to mix in other training steps/data. But if you think you must try that, the best-grounded approach would be to shuffle all training data together, and train in one session where all words are known from the beginning, and all training examples are presented in balanced, interleaved fashion. (Or possibly, where some training texts considered extra-important are oversampled, but still mixed in with the variety of all available documents, in all epochs.)
If you see an authoritative source suggesting such a "train with one dataset, then another disjoint dataset" approach with the Doc2Vec algorithms, you should press them for more details on what they did to make that work: exact code steps, and the evaluations which showed an improvement. (It's not impossible that there's some way to manage all the issues! But I've seen many vague impressions that this separate-pretraining is straightforward or beneficial, and zero actual working writeups with code and evaluation metrics showing that it's working.)
Update with respect to the additional clarifications you provided at
Even with that context, my recommendation remains: don't do this segmenting of training into two batches. It's almost certain to degrade the model compared to a combined training.
I would be interested to see links to the "references in the literature" you allude to. They may be confused or talking about algorithms other than the Doc2Vec ("Paragraph Vectors") algorithm.
If there is any reason to give your domain docs more weight, a better-grounded way would be to oversample them in the combined corpus.
Bu by all means, test all these variants & publish the relative results. If you're exploring shaky hypotheses, I would ignore any advice from StackOverflow-like sources & just run all the variants that your reading of the literature suggest, to see which, if any actually help.
You're right to recognized that the choice of alpha parameters is a murky area that could majorly influence what impact such add-on training has. There's no right answer, so you'll have to search-for and reason-out what might make sense. The inherent issues I've mentioned with such subset-followup-training could make it so that even if you find benefits in some combos, they may be more a product of a lucky combination of data & arbitrary parameters than a generalizable practice.
And: your specific question "if it is better to set such values or not provide them at all" reduces to: "do you want to use the default values, or values set when the model was created, or not?"
Which values might be workable, if at all, for this unproven technique is something that'd need to be experimentally discovered. That is, if you wanted to have comparable (or publishable) results here, I think you'd have to justify from your own novel work some specific strategy for choosing good alpha/epochs and other parameters, rather than adopt any practice merely recommended in a StackOverflow answer.

speech to text training for impaired voice

I want to train and use an ML based personal voice to text converter for a highly impaired voice, for a small set of 300-400 words. This is to be used for people with voice impairment. But cannot be generic because each person will have a unique voice input for words, depending on their type of impairment.
Wanted to know if there are any ML engines which allow for such a training. If not, what is the best approach to go about it.
Most of the speech recognition engines support training (wav2letter, deepspeech, espnet, kaldi, etc), you just need to feed in the data. The only issue is that you need a lot of data to train reliably (1000 of samples for each word). You can check Google Commands dataset for example of how to train from scratch.
Since the training dataset will be pretty small for your case and will consist of just a few samples, you can probably start with existing pretrained model and finetune it on your samples to get best accuracy. You need to look on "few short learning" setups.
You can probably look on wav2vec 2.0 pretrained model, it should be effective for such learning. You can find examples and commands for fine-tuning and inference here.
You can also try fine-tuning Japser models in Google Commands for NVIDIA NEMO. It might be a little less effective but could still work and should be easier to setup.
I highely recommend watching the youtube original series "The age of AI"'s First season, episode two.
Basically, google already done this for people who can't really form normal words with impared voice. It is very interesting and speaks a little bit about how they done and doing that with ML technologies.
enter link description here

Emphasis on a feature while training a vanilla nn

I have some 360 odd features on which I am training my neural network model.
The accuracy I am getting is abysmally bad. There is one feature amongst the 360 that is more important than the others.
Right now, it does not enjoy any special status amongst the other features.
Is there a way to lay emphasis on one of the features while training the model? I believe this could improve my model's accuracy.
I am using Python 3.5 with Keras and Scikit-learn.
EDIT: I am attempting a regression problem
Any help would be appreciated
First of all, I would make sure that this feature alone has a decent prediction probability, but I am assuming that you already made sure of it.
Then, one approach that you could take, is to "embed" your 359 other features in a first layer, and only feed in your special feature once you have compressed the remaining information.
Contrary to what most tutorials make you believe, you do not have to add in all features already in the first layer, but can technically insert them at any point in time (or even multiple times).
The first layer that captures your other inputs is then some form of "PCA approximator", where you are embedding a high-dimensional feature space (359 dimensions) into something that is less dominant over your other feature (maybe 20-50 dimensions as a starting point?)
Of course there is no guarantee that this will work, but you might have a much better chance of getting attention on your special feature, although I am fairly certain that in general you should still see an increase in performance if the single feature is strongly enough correlated with your output.
The other question that is still open is the kind of task you are training for, i.e., whether you are doing some form of classification (if so, how many classes?), or regression. This might also influence architectural choices, and the amount of focus you can/should put on a single feature.
There are several feature selection and importance techniques in machine learning. Please follow this link.

News Article Categorization (Subject / Entity Analysis via NLP?); Preferably in Node.js

Objective: a node.js function that can be passed a news article (title, text, tags, etc.) and will return a category for that article ("Technology", "Fashion", "Food", etc.)
I'm not picky about exactly what categories are returned, as long as the list of possible results is finite and reasonable (10-50).
There are Web APIs that do this (eg, alchemy), but I'd prefer not to incur the extra cost (both in terms of external HTTP requests and also $$) if possible.
I've had a look at the node module "natural". I'm a bit new to NLP, but it seems like maybe I could achieve this by training a BayesClassifier on a reasonable word list. Does this seem like a good/logical approach? Can you think of anything better?
I don't know if you are still looking for an answer, but let me put my two cents for anyone who happens to come back to this question.
Having worked in NLP i would suggest you look into the following approach to solve the problem.
Don't look for a single package solution. There are great packages out there, no doubt for lots of things. But when it comes to active research areas like NLP, ML and optimization, the tools tend to be atleast 3 or 4 iterations behind whats there is academia.
Coming to the core problem. What you want to achieve is text classification.
The simplest way to achieve this would be an SVM multiclass classifier.
Simplest yes, but also with very very (see the double stress) reasonable classification accuracy, runtime performance and ease of use.
The thing which you would need to work on would be the feature set used to represent your news article/text/tag. You could use a bag of words model. add named entities as additional features. You can use article location/time as features. (though for a simple category classification this might not give you much improvement).
The bottom line is. SVM works great. they have multiple implementations. and during runtime you don't really need much ML machinery.
Feature engineering on the other hand is very task specific. But given some basic set of features and a good labelled data you can train a very decent classifier.
here are some resources for you.
SVM multiclass is what you would be interested in.
And here is a tutorial by SVM zen himself!
I don't know about the stability of this but from the code its a binary classifier SVM. which means if you have a known set of tags of size N you want to classify the text into, you will have to train N binary SVM classifiers. One each for the N category tags.
Hope this helps.
