Remain / store entered values in GUI after closing - pyqt

When the user opens the GUI (which is an .exe file) and enters various values, is there a way to "store" this values so the user does not have to enter these again, after closing and opening the .exe again?


Opening image in a new window and then opening a new one once they close it

I am trying to make user friendly step by step instructions on how to do a certain process however I am having trouble with:
Opening photos(.pnb, .jpeg, etc...)
Having it appear in a msgbox type form instead of the photo file being opened.
After that once they close the a new msg box will appear afterword with a new photo.
I have tried the Application.FollowHyperlink and it returns Run Time Error:438 "Object doesn't support this property or method and have tried the shell command with Error: 5 Invalid Procedure call or Argument.
Any help would be appreciated let me know if you need any more information about the problem
Figured out to use userforms to insert pictures and hide tabs on the multipage whenever I click the command button.

Prevent Pop Up message by opening Excel

Task scheduler opens an Excel application. Sometimes appears at starting the excel instance a window in saying "The last time you opened " of the file...", it caused a serious error. Do you still want to open it?" I need to click on YES manually. After that excel runs normally. I found this has to deal with the registry in this link:
How to "clear" or change the registry before launching Excel to prevent an appearing the pop-up window? (vbs, cmd)Thanks

Python3 detecting manual termination

Is it possible to detect if user quit the terminal/command line by pressing X button and take actions before that for example some cleanup or asking user whether he wants to save data?

Sending a paste command to a specific X11 window

I'm launching multiple instances of a game via bash. Each instance has it's own login password, which I can retrieve from my password manager, which will place it in the clipboard. I'd like to send each instance it's corresponding password and an "Enter" key event, to log them in automatically. The game runs inside a wine virtual desktop, and each instance has a unique window title in WM_NAME.
Any way I can automate the login process?
try xte & wmctrl packages... Using wmctrl, you can focus any specific window & using xte, you can fake keystrokes.
Based on title, you can focus any window, using wmctrl.
They add some time delay, if required
Send keystrokes using xte
Check the man-pages for syntax.

How to prohibit user to change OS window focus/type keys for several seconds on Linux

I write automated tests for a website. One of the tests needs to press Ctrl+S and type some letters to save a webpage including CSS/JS. The test should require Firefox to have window focus for those several seconds to be able to type the filename and click "Save" (currently XDoTool is used for pressing keys and clicking the mouse).
Sometimes I run the tests on my computer. I don't want to occasionally type something or change the window focus while the page is being saved, so I want to prohibit changing focus for those several seconds when those mouse clicks/key presses are running.
It's not possible to do it at the Webdriver level (a tool that I use for controlling the browser), so I think I should do it at the OS level. Can I prohibit the user from changing window focus or typing anything for a period of time? It may look like:
prohibit user from typing keys/change window focus
save page
allow user to type/change window focus
I guess that another way to achieve the desired effect would be to run Firefox and your automated tests on a nested X server (xf86-video-nested/Xephyr/Xnest).
$ Xnest :1
$ export DISPLAY=:1.0
$ firefox http://something/to/test &
$ your-test-script
Since the nested X server has it's own idea of the focused window, moving the focus on your desktop shouldn't affect it.
(If you don't actually need to see the test progressing, you could use a dummy X server (xf86-video-dummy/Xvfb/Xfake) instead)
