Raycast2D end not detecting collision - godot

I have a Raycast2D where I want to detect collision with the enemy, but it does not collide at the end. What I'm saying is that it only detects collision at the place where it originates. Here is my code:
extends KinematicBody2D
export var speed = 200
var velocity = Vector2.ZERO
var enemy = 0
onready var navigation_agent = $NavigationAgent2D
onready var bullet = preload("res://Bullet.tscn").instance()
func _ready():
navigation_agent.connect("velocity_computed", self, "move")
$RayCast2D.global_rotation = self.global_rotation - 90
func _input(event):
if event.is_action_pressed("mouse_right"):
func _process(_delta):
if $RayCast2D.is_colliding():
if $RayCast2D.get_collider().is_in_group("enemy_ground_troop"):
enemy = $RayCast2D.get_collider()
velocity = Vector2.ZERO
if navigation_agent.is_navigation_finished():
velocity = global_position.direction_to(navigation_agent.get_next_location()) * speed
func move(velocity):
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity)
func ranged_attack():
bullet.global_position = self.global_position
bullet.target = enemy.global_position
Could someone help me fix this?

are you debugging the physics collisions during runtime? you should be able to see if the line is intersecting or not.
look under Debug > Visible Collision Shapes
also try
$RayCast2D.force_raycast_update() inside of _process and see if that makes some difference.

Are you sure the raycast is enabled under the inspector?


Player not looking in the right direction

I have a player that you can move by clicking in a location. They are guided by pathfinding to also move around any potential obstacles in their way. Here is my script:
extends KinematicBody2D
export var speed = 200
var velocity = Vector2.ZERO
onready var navigation_agent = $NavigationAgent2D
func _ready():
navigation_agent.connect("velocity_computed", self, "move")
func _input(event):
if event.is_action_pressed("mouse_right"):
func _process(_delta):
if $RayCast2D.is_colliding():
if $RayCast2D.get_collider().is_in_group("enemy_ground_troop"):
self.velocity = Vector2.ZERO
if navigation_agent.is_navigation_finished():
var overlapping_areas = $EnemyDetector.get_overlapping_areas()
for area in overlapping_areas:
if area.is_in_group("enemy_ground_troop"):
velocity = global_position.direction_to(navigation_agent.get_next_location()) * speed
$RayCast2D.global_rotation = self.global_rotation
func move(velocity):
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity)
func ranged_attack():
print_debug("fired ranged attack")
When I run the scene, the player is not looking where I want them too based on the look at commands. How can I fix this?
The look_at method takes a target position, not a direction.
So, instead of this:
Try this:

Godot apply_central_force direction is changing after the rigidbody2d is rotated

Simple top down mini golf game. I'm using a rigidbody2d as a ball, and a ray that points from the ball to the mouse. I use apply_central_force towards the mouse position (normalized) * speed. you can see this works fine at first. the ball goes in the direction of the ray. once it gets rotated it doesn't.
Gif of the issue
I tried changing the rigidbody mode to character but it sticks to the wall to much. I tried having a position node be the beginning of the ray and setting its rotation to 0 every frame but that didnt work either. Here is my scene tree and code. all code is in the "Planet" which is the rigidbody ball.
Scene Tree
extends RigidBody2D
const max_length = 2000
onready var beam = $Beam
onready var end = $end
onready var ray = $RayCast2D
onready var begin = $begin
onready var my_line = $Line2D
export var shot_speed = 10
export var default_speed = 10
func _ready():
shot_speed = default_speed
func _physics_process(delta):
func _handle_ray():
var mouse_pos = get_local_mouse_position()
var max_cast_to = mouse_pos.normalized() * max_length
ray.cast_to = max_cast_to
if ray.is_colliding():
end.global_position = ray.get_collision_point()
end.global_position = ray.cast_to
beam.rotation = ray.cast_to.angle()
beam.region_rect.end.x = end.position.length()
if Input.is_action_pressed("Fire"):
shot_speed += 10
if Input.is_action_just_released("Fire"):
apply_central_impulse(ray.cast_to.normalized() * shot_speed)
shot_speed = default_speed

enemy follow player my "player" when it enters the "enemy" detection zone the enemy continues forward (to the left)

what is happening is that my "enemy" is not following the "player", when my player enters the detection area the "enemy" continues straight ahead (to the left).
thank you, if you understand something or need more information let me know
detection zone
enemy code
enemy code:
const EnemyDeathEffect = preload("res://Bots/EnemyDeathEffect.tscn")
export var MAX_SPEED = 60
export var ACCELERATION= 25
export var FRICTION = 700
enum {
var velocity = Vector2.ZERO
var knockback = Vector2.ZERO
var state = CHASE
var path: PoolVector2Array
onready var sprite = $AnimatedSprite
onready var stats = $Stats
onready var playerDetectionZone = $PlayerDetectionZone
func _physics_process(delta):
knockback = knockback.move_toward(Vector2.ZERO, FRICTION * delta)
knockback = move_and_slide(knockback)
match state:
velocity = velocity.move_toward(Vector2.ZERO, FRICTION * delta)
var player = playerDetectionZone.player
if player != null:
var direction = (player.position - global_position).normalized()
velocity = velocity.move_toward(direction * MAX_SPEED , ACCELERATION * delta)
state = IDLE
sprite.flip_h = velocity.x > 0
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity)
func seek_player():
if playerDetectionZone.can_see_player():
state = CHASE
func _on_Hurtbox_area_entered(area):
stats.health -= area.damage
knockback = area.knockback_vector * 100
func _on_Stats_no_health():
var enemyDeathEffect = EnemyDeathEffect.instance()
enemyDeathEffect.global_position = global_position
I only possible culprit I see is this line:
var direction = (player.position - global_position).normalized()
Here player.position is in its parent local coordinates, while global_position as the name says is in global coordinates. You want this instead:
var direction = (player.global_position - global_position).normalized()
I see this is the way you have on the linked image.
Or if you prefer:
var direction = global_position.direction_to(player.global_position)
Aside from that, it could be that it is changing direction too slowly. Which - given the code - is the same as saying that the ACCELERATION is low, but that is for you to tweak.
I guess it is worth debugging that playerDetectionZone is getting the player, and the CHASE is working correctly.
Common approaches include using a breakpoint, or print. You already have a print for direction. Try also printing player to check the enemy is chasing what you expect it to chase.
For this particular case I also suggest to go to the run the project from the editor, and then go to the Scene panel on the Remote tab, and select the enemy. That would allow you to the properties of the enemy on real time on the Inspector. You should see the state change to CHASE (which would have the value 2), and velocity should also steadily change.
Enabling "Visible Collision Shapes" form the debug menu may also help debugging.
If it is not working, double check the playerDetectionZone has monitoring enabled. Also check that the collision_mask of the playerDetectionZone and the collision_layer of the player are correct.

Kinematic Body 2D not moving

I'm trying to game a game using the Godot Engine but I'm stuck at the beginning! I can't make my KinematicBody2D move!
This is my Player.GD script
extends KinematicBody2D
var velocity = Vector2.ZERO
var move_speed = 480
var gravity = 1200
var jump_force = -720
var right = Input.is_action_pressed("move_right")
var left = Input.is_action_pressed("move_left")
var jump = Input.is_action_pressed("jump")
func _ready():
func _physics_process(_delta):
var move_direction = int(right) - int(left)
velocity.x = move_speed * move_direction
Can someone, please, help me?
All this code will run when the KinematicBody2D is initialized:
var velocity = Vector2.ZERO
var move_speed = 480
var gravity = 1200
var jump_force = -720
var right = Input.is_action_pressed("move_right")
var left = Input.is_action_pressed("move_left")
var jump = Input.is_action_pressed("jump")
In consequence, it will not be taking input in real time. Instead you want the last three lines here:
func _physics_process(_delta):
var right = Input.is_action_pressed("move_right")
var left = Input.is_action_pressed("move_left")
var jump = Input.is_action_pressed("jump")
# …
Those are boolean, by the way. You can get a float from 0.0 to 1.0 if you use Input.get_action_strength instead. Which will also let your code ready for analog input.
I also want to point out that move_and_collide does not take a velocity, but a displacement vector. So to call it correctly, you want to multiply the velocity by delta:
func _physics_process(delta):
# …
move_and_collide(velocity * delta)
Or use move_and_slide, which does take a velocity. By the way, the up parameter that move_and_slide takes is to discern between floor, ceiling, and walls. Without, everything is considered a wall.

How To Make KinematicBody2D Move By Drag in One Direction in GDScript?

I wanted to create a game similar to this (Slyway), but I had a problem with the child's movement, so I don't know what to use to do the movement during the draw. Is InputEventScreenTouch Or InputEventScreenDrag, all I come up with is this code that isn't working
extends KinematicBody2D
var velocity = Vector2.ZERO
var direction = Vector2.ZERO
var speed = 200
func input(event):
if event is InputEventScreenTouch:
if event.ispressed():
direction.x -= 1
func physicsprocess(delta):
if velocity.length() == 0:
velocity = Vector2.ZERO
velocity += direction * speed
velocity = moveand_slide (velocity)
