I have created below shell script and running using crontab. This shell script creates a proxy/tunnel in Saucelabs. After adding the shell script to cronjob it's not running, and the proxy/tunnel is not getting created in Saucelabs. The shell script is working as expected when executed manually.
cd /SauceLABS/sc-4.8.1-linux/bin/
./sc -u <usernmae> -k <passowrd > --tunnel-pool --region eu-central -T -B all --tunnel-name Saucelabs_Tunnel -s &
sleep 30
echo "Sauce-Connect is up and running"
When I try execute a shell script from within a shell script it works when executing in terminal manually. However, when executing it via a #reboot cron via sudo crontab -e on Raspberry Pi OS it runs everything apart from sh /home/pi/script.sh within the shell script.
My shell script:
sleep 5
python /home/pi/Desktop/Relay-Script-On.py
sleep 3
sh /home/pi/script.sh
sleep 5
python /home/pi/Desktop/Relay-Script-Off.py
sleep 3
I have made the other shell file executable using sudo chmod +x
Note I am still new to shell (apologies if there is an obvious error here).
My question:
After the following lines in my script, the script ends unexpectedly. I am trying to enter chroot inside of a bash script. How can I make this work
I am writing a script that installs Gentoo
echo " Entering the new environment"
chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash
source /etc/profile
export PS1="(chroot) ${PS1}"
chroot command will start new child bash process, so rest of your script will not be executed until you quit from child bash process.
So instead of /bin/bash just run your script in chroot:
chroot /mnt/gentoo myscript.sh
echo " Entering the new environment"
source /etc/profile
export PS1="(chroot) ${PS1}"
I can run a local script on a remote server using the -s option, like so:
# run a local script without nohup...
ssh $SSH_USER#$SSH_HOST "bash -s" < myLocalScript.sh;
And I can run a remote script using nohup, like so:
# run a script on server with nohup...
ssh $SSH_USER#$SSH_HOST "nohup bash myRemoteScript.sh > results.out 2>&1 &"
But can I run my local script with nohup on the remote server? I expect the script to take many hours to complete so I need something like nohup. I know I can copy the script to the server and execute it but then I have to make sure I delete it once the script is complete, would rather not have to do that if possible.
I've tried the following but it's not working:
# run a local script without nohup...
ssh $SSH_USER#$SSH_HOST "nohup bash -s > results.out 2>&1 &" < myLocalScript.sh;
You shouldn't have to do anything special - Once you kick off a script on another machine, it should finish running even if you terminate the connection:
For example
ssh $SSH_USER#$SSH_HOST "bash -s > results.out 2>&1" < myLocalScript.sh &
# Please wait a few seconds for the connection to be established
kill $! # Optional: Kill the last process
If you want to test it, try a simple script like this
# myLocalScript.sh
echo 'File created - sleeping'
sleep 30
echo 'Finally done!'
The results.out file should immediately be created on the other machine with "File created - sleeping" in it. You can actually kill the local ssh process with kill <your_pid>, and it will still keep running on the other machine, and after 30 seconds, print "Finally done!" into the file, and exit.
I´ve written a small batchjob that should kill and start a process on a linux host. Killing the process works fine but executing the shellscript to start the job again dos not.
plink -v -pw password root# "pgrep -f jobname | xargs kill"
plink -v -pw password root# "cd /data/server && /bin/bash runsrv.sh"
So the second row shows no error but also no job is startet and I´ve no idea why.
Here is the content of the runsrv.sh fil:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dfile.encoding=utf8 -Xms3072M -Xmx3072M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis"
export JAVA_OPTS
nohup ../../bin/run.sh -c idx -b > log/serverstdout.log 2>&1 &
Thanks for any hint in advance!
I set up a cron job on a linux server to kill and restart a python script (run.py) every other day. I set the job to run as root, but I find that sometimes it doesn't kill the process properly (and ends up running two scripts in a row).
Is there a better way to do this?
My cron job parameters:
0 8 * * 1,4,7 cd /home/myUser && ./start.sh
echo "Running..."
sudo pkill -f run.py
sudo python run.py &
I guess run.py runs as python, not run.py. So you won't find anything with kill -f run.py.
You should echo the PID of the process to a file and use that value to kill the previous process if it's still running. Just add echo $! >/path/to/pid.file as the last line in your start.sh script to do so.
Read more:
How to read a file into a variable in shell?
Example to get you started:
echo "Running..."
sudo pkill -F /path/to/pid.pid
sudo python /path/to/run.py &
echo $! > /path/to/pid.pid
Another alternative to this is making the python script run on upstart if you are on a system that supports upstart. Then you can just do sudo /sbin/start job_name at the begin and sudo /sbin/stop job_name this makes upstart manage the pids for you.
Python upstart script
Upstart python script