Include mathjax equations in CHM file - mathjax

I'm looking to create a chm file with a topic with some mathjax equations. The html file corresponding to the topic is very simple:
<script type="text/javascript"
When \(a \ne 0\), there are two solutions to \(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\) and they are
$$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$
When I compile in HTML Help Workshop, it's all good. But when I open the resulting chm file and navigate to that topic, I get this issue:
and then the equations don't render - I just get whatever is written in plain text mode. Is there any way at all to get mathjax equations render properly in a chm file?

The CHM help file format is very old and hasn't been updated by Microsoft in a long time: internally it still uses a very old version of Internet Explorer to display the content of the topics.
Recent versions of MathJax are not compatible with older web browsers and that is probably why you are seeing this error.
To avoid this problem, you can either:
Use an older version of MathJax which is compatible with older web browsers such as Internet Explorer 6
Create a hyperlinks in your CHM help file to a webpage which shows the problematic content: it will be opened by the system's default web browser which is (almost) guaranteed to be much newer
Some help authoring tools also include a way to change the Internet Explorer compatibility settings which could be used to force Microsoft Edge to be used to display content: it should allow MathJax to run properly

MathJax used to be able to work in CHM files, but it was a bit fiddly to get it to work. As I recall, you had to use an explicit configuration rather than the ?config=... approach for one thing. There are some very old discussion about it in the MathJax user's forum; see here. it was always a bit difficult to get it to work, and these discussions were about very early versions of MathJax (v1.1, v2.0, v2.1), so you might need to explicitly select older versions of MathJax. Also note that the address was retired in 2017 (it still exists, but redirects to another CDN, and that might also be a problem for CHM files), so you may want to use one of the other CDNs that serve MathJax, e.g.,, instead.

As a first simple step you'd try to add following line into your HTML topic files:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=11">
Tested and compiled by using FAR HTML with HTML file shown below and some css stuff. I did a reverse test by deleting the line mentioned above only and the script error window appears again.
For further information using X-UA-Compatible see also:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=11">
<title>MathJax Test</title>
<script type="text/javascript"
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../design.css">
<h1>MathJax Test</h1>
When \(a \ne 0\), there are two solutions to \(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\) and they are
$$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$
is resulting in a CHM topic like this:
Of course you need a internet connection.


What's the best practice to fix history.pushState which is deleted by office.js?

Our team wants to build a documentation website that can be opened in browsers and Excel add-ins.
We chose Docusaurus V2 as the main framework to build the documentation website, and embedded office.js in it.
Office.js deletes history.pushState and history.replaceState APIs after being loaded,
so I added some JS code to polyfill it, as follows:
... ...
<script type="text/javascript">
if (history) {
var pushStateRef = history.pushState;
var replaceStateRef = history.replaceState;
function patch() {
if (history && !history.pushState) {
history.pushState = pushStateRef;
history.replaceState = replaceStateRef;
function onOfficejsLoad() {
Office.onReady(function() {
console.log('office.js is ready.');
The above code made the website to work well within our add-in in Excel Online in Chrome, Safari, as well as IE 11. However, it did not work well in Excel for Windows: when we clicked to tigger a router event, e.g. clicking on docusaurus' sidebar, there was a error, the router had no effect, and the sidebar did not work well (see Screenshot).
I managed to fix this error by adding the loading of history.js:
... ...
I still post the question, because I don't understand why the previous version did work our in add-in in Excel Online IE 11, but not in Excel for Windows, shouldn't their behaviors the same? Most importantly, when developing Excel add-ins, is there any best practice to follow to manage the conflit of history.pushState and office.js?
I added some JS code to polyfill it
I think what you have done is what I would have done too. I don't think Office.js is right to delete/override the history methods, but perhaps they had good reasons to do so (e.g. only allowing full page refreshes).
However, it did not work well in Excel for Windows
Do you know what browser is being used in Excel for Windows? It could be an entirely different browser that doesn't conform to the standards/runs in a different environment (e.g. not all the HTML5 APIs are provided on the window object). That could be why there's the weird behavior.
Sorry I don't have a Windows machine to debug this issue.

Why MathJax does not render the LaTeX logo with the "\LaTeX" macro?

I'm using MathJax in a hand-written web page (which is unfortunately not online yet, so I cannot point you to the whole source code).
I embed MathJax in the page as follows, which is simply copy/pasted from the official documentation:
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
webFont: "TeX"
After that, MathJax seems to work well on every formula I tried, but I cannot get it to render the \TeX and \LaTeX commands to obtain the TeX and LaTeX logos. Everything on the web makes it look like these two commands are supported by MathJax, and I remember of having used them with MathJax in a wordpress blog years ago, so I think there must be some extension or option missing.
So why are those commands not working and what can I do to fix them? Or are they not supported?
MathJax only processes the math on the page, not other text-mode macros. So if you want MathJax to process the \TeX or \LaTeX macros, try using
$\rm\TeX$ or $\rm\LaTeX$
in your page instead.
Here is an example. Run the code snippet to see it work.
<script src=""></script>
\(\rm\TeX\) and \(\rm\LaTeX\)

How to use Appcache with web frameworks?

I have a problem about changing the main page, I use Tornado, and in Tornado, there is a special value which is generated everytime the server is reached, it is a token to avoid xsrf attack, but when I use .appcache file, the problem is that it caches everything! and I only show to cache static like css, js, fonts, here is what it contains:
# v = 2
It doesent work, the / get cached!
So how to do this with new Framework, where it we dont make the html file in the route, but the uri that is bound to a function/class?
Here is a video I made about it
And it seems that the master is always cached :
Update: From this page, it is noway!
But, you say, why don’t we not cache the HTML file, but cache all the rest.
Well. AppCache has a concept of “master entries”. A master entry is an HTML file that includes a manifest attribute in the html element that points to a manifest file (which is the only way to create an HTML5 appcache BTW). Any such HTML file is automatically added to the cache. This makes sense a lot of the time, but not always. In particular, when an HTML document changes frequently, we won’t want it cached (as a stale version of the page will most likely be served to the user as we just saw).
Is there no way to over-​​ride this? Well, AppCache has the idea of a
NETWORK whitelist, which instructs the appcache to always use the
online version of a file. What if we add HTML files we don’t want
cached to this? Sorry, no dice. HTML files in a master entry stay
cached, even when included in the NETWORK whitelist. See what I mean.
Poor AppCache didn’t make these rules. He’s just following them
literally. He’s not a douchebag, he’s a pain in the %^&*, a total
I got the solution from here:
I made a hack.html which contains:
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Hack 4 Manifest</title>
{% raw xsrf_form_html() %}
And then
Add this in the main page:
<iframe style='display: none;' src='/hack'></iframe>
And then in Tornado:
(r"/hack", handlers.Hack),
class Hack(MainHandler):
def get(self):
And then I use the javascript call:
xsrf = $("iframe").contents().find("input").val()
$("#laat").html('<input id="lat" type="hidden" name="lat"></input><input type="hidden" name="_xsrf" value='+xsrf+'><input id="lon" type="hidden" name="lon"></input><input class="ui fluid massive yellow button" value="Get forecast" type="submit"/>');

Is there a simple way to embed a MathJax formula to webpage?

If MathJax can export formula as image, I can use to insert it to a webpage easily. Unfortunately, current MathJax don't support to export image! :(
Is there a simple way to create a embeded code to show formula just like Twitter above? If you have, could you show me some sample codes? Thanks!
< href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="horizontal" data-via="my">Tweet
< script type="text/javascript" src="//">
See my response to this question on the MathJax user's forum.
MathJax does not have image creation capabilities, and I don't know of a way to
make that possible from Javascript (a quick web search suggests it is not readily doable).
If you are looking to convert TeX to images, there are plenty of tools for doing that
already. You could, for example, use TeX with dvipng, or one of the tools designed for
that like the LaTeX Equation Editor or Laeqed applications. There are a number of
on-line tools for doing this as well.
This question is already kinda old. But was searching for something like this myself. Apparently there are some Tex Rendering Services Available.
Take a look at this Answer:
Try this
<script type="text/javascript" async src="">
$$e = mc^2$$

Get source code of website loaded in current tab - Chrome extension programming

I'm programming a host proof application which "by definition" requires to chcek source code on client side (html,js,css).
This is best done (I believe) by extension for browser that takes source code, and generate checksum (e.g. sha1 or md5 which is implemented via javascript)
Is there any way to get source code of currently opened tab ?
(body.innerHTML or head.innerHTML is not enough)
application is after developement standalone, so all javascript,css is bundled into just one file, therefore checking is easy (no need for parsing and hashing any external scripts, style sheets,...)
body.innerHTML and head.innerHTML should be enough. On this test doc:
it automatically put alerts 1, 2, and 3 into head.innerHTML, while alerts 4 and 5 went to body.innerHTML.
