Using artifacts from an upstream pipeline in GitLab CI - gitlab

The GitLab documentation mentions the use of needs:project ( to specify a project (and branch or whatever) from which to get the artifacts, but "the artifacts are downloaded from the latest successful specified job for the specified ref".
This looks really wrong for the case of an upstream pipeline triggering a downstream pipeline. The latter should not depend (and download) on "the latest successful" artifacts, but the artifacts from the specific pipeline that triggered the current one.
Am I misinterpreting something? Is there some way to get it right (i.e. to download the artifacts from the correct pipeline/job, and not just from whatever happens to be latest)?


Azure PR Build gets invalidated when the version file is committed in the build pipeline

I am trying to create an Azure DevOps build pipeline. I have a script in the build pipeline that bumps up the version number, updates the version.h file and commits that file to the git repo. But as soon as this file is committed, the PR shows "Build Not Run":
I am using [skip ci] tag in the beginning of the commit message but doesn't resolve the problem either. I also tried adding "!/version.h; /*" as filters in the branch build policy. It still didn't make any difference. I have been trying to find solutions on google for a few days but it doesn't look like there are a lot of help posts related to this.
How can I make the Pull Request ignore the latest commit pushed from the build pipeline?
At a guess from the image I think this build is being triggered due to the branch policy of having build validation since it sates required check not yet run. Can you check the Build validation policy for this branch and check the build expiration. At a guess this is set to immediately, so when your build pipeline runs and updates the code it immediately invalidates the build validation. If this is the case adding the Path filter on the build validation to exclude the files you are updating should fix the problem

How to make azure devops release pipeline deploy into a stage only if new version of the artifact comes?

I have a release pipeline that deploys multiple components using multiple stages. With the current setup i have if a release pipeline triggers then deployment happens in all stages even if new version of artifact is not generated.
My requirement is, deployment into stage should happen only if new version of artifact is generated i.e., out of 10 components if only one component got new version of artifact then the stage respective to that should only triggered and other components should be skipped.
i don't want to create separate release pipelines for the components
I think the condition of the tasks should be able to achieve your requirements.
Just give an idea, for example, if you publish new artifact to DevOps feed, you can use this REST API to get the packages versions:
Then, you can compare the latest version that the REST API returned with the artifact version in your release pipeline.
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(<version in pipeline>, <latest version in feed>))
You can refer to this official document:
If you have continuous deployment triggers enabled for an artifact, the pipeline creates a new release (with all stages) every time. Since the build artifact trigger is abstracted away from the stages, you can't select a stage per artifact.
You said you didn't want to create a separate pipeline per artifact but that really sounds like the correct design. That way only the associated stage(s) will be deployed when the artifact is updated.

How to automatically trigger releases in Azure Devops, from multiple branches, using multiple artifacts

Say you have a build and its corresponding release definition on Azure Devops.
Generally, the way it's used is like:
Repository "A" changes -> Build repo "A" -> Release to a given environment
Within this scenario (using only one build artifact), it's easy to trigger deployments (after successful build) for different branches.
But, say you also have a release definition with multiple build artifacts (from different repos), and you want to, changes coming from branch "dev" you want to deploy to environment "Development", but if changes come from branch "hotfix" you want to deploy to environment "Staging".
Something like this
You can play with branch filters on the specific environment and artifact filters on the artifact triggers.
The above scenario works very well for "dev" changes when you define your build artifacts to use "dev" as default branch.
But if you make changes on Repo A (branch hotfix), but not in Repo B, the build artifacts for that release will come from different branches, hence the "artifacts will not meet requirements", cause all changes must come from hotfix branch in order to trigger the deployment.
In my opinion, the "Default Version" of the Build Artifact itself, makes this confusion for the pipeline.
See this image example
That being said, how can we trigger a deployment into "Staging" environment if only one of the triggered changes come from the branch "hotfix" ?
The way I can see, when that happens, "Staging" environment never "meets the artifacts requirements", cause other artifacts will use version from "dev" as it's the default source branch.
Has anyone worked with a similar scenario ?
Thanks for reading my question.
According to your scenario, the best solution at present is to create two release pipelines to deploy separately, because Artifact A and Artifact B have no dependencies.
In the Continuous deployment trigger of the build artifact, you can set Build branch filters to include the dev and hotfix branches.
Then enable Artifact filters in the Pre-deployment conditions of the stage to set the build branch artifact conditions that trigger the deployment.
Artifact filters: Select artifact condition(s) to trigger a new deployment. A release will be deployed to this stage only if all artifact conditions match.

Running through the Azure DevOps Fundamentals for beginners course, having trouble with the release pipeline

So I'm currently trying to proceed through the release pipeline portion of an Azure DevOps Fundamentals for beginners course on Udemy, and the goal is to deploy the code for a small webapp game called "Flatris" for the purpose of showing how Azure works.
I've been following along with all the steps as per the course, but when I run the release pipeline build, it consistently fails with the message:
"Error: No package found with specified pattern: D:\a\r1\a***.zipCheck if the package mentioned in the task is published as an artifact in the build or a previous stage and downloaded in the current job."
So far, I've double checked the function of the Web App resource provided through Azure, it's showing traffic when I try and run the pipelines, so it's not the problem(i think), I've double checked the repositories, and they seem to be functioning well(i think), I'm unsure about the artifacts and whether that may be the source of the problem, but theres not enough specificity in the error logs for me to accurately isolate where the problem is.
I don't know if anyone else has managed to get pat this problem, or if it's unique to me with something I'm doing, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
Error: No package found with specified pattern: D:\a\r1\a***.zip
Check if the package mentioned in the task is published as an artifact in the build or a previous stage and downloaded in the current job."
When we use release pipeline for our application, we have to specify the artifacts that make up the application. And the artifact is a deployable component of your application. It is typically produced through a Continuous Integration or a build pipeline. Azure Pipelines releases can deploy artifacts that are produced by a wide range of artifact sources such as Azure Pipelines build, Jenkins, or Team City.
According to the error message, it seems you are using the build pipeline as artifact resource in the release pipeline.
To resolve this issue, we need make sure we have use the Publish build artifacts task to publish the artifacts to the Azure Pipelines in the build pipeline.
Then select the above build pipeline when we select the artifact source type:
In this case, Azure release pipeline will download the artifact automatically when we execute the release pipeline, the artifact will be save in the default folder D:\a\r1\a. That will resolve your issue.

For release pipeline (configured for build artifact) to get triggered, the build pipeline must have the "publish artifact" task?

A release can be triggered when the build artifact is available as shown in screenshot below.
So does this necessitate that for the release pipeline (configured for build artifact) to get triggered, the build pipeline must have the "publish artifact" task?
Agree with Shayki Abramczyk, the answer is No. But I think maybe you need more descriptions to help you understand ~
In your situation, you set build pipeline as release pipeline's artifact. If you've checked this document you would find these statements:
1.When authoring a release pipeline, you link the appropriate artifact sources to your release pipeline. For example, you might link an Azure Pipelines build pipeline or a Jenkins project to your release pipeline.
2.Note from here:
You must include a Publish Artifacts task in your build pipeline. For XAML build pipelines, an artifact with the name drop is published implicitly.
3.Auto-trigger releases feature(CD trigger in artifact): New releases can be created automatically when new builds (including XAML builds) are produced. See Continuous Deployment for details. You do not need to configure anything within the build pipeline. See the notes above for differences between version of TFS.
To sum up, the artifact source here represents a build pipeline instead of the outputs of a build pipeline. So when you enabled the CD trigger in artifact(in your situation a build pipeline), the release is triggered whenever a new build finishes. And this behavior won't be affected by whether the build pipeline has Publish Artifact task to publish the outputs from it.
For the 2.Note: It can be considered as we must include a Publish Artifacts task in build pipeline so that the release pipeline can access the outputs of build pipeline. And then we can deploy the outputs(.dll/.exe or what) to target machines/environments. (Actually we think the must in document should be replaced with It's recommended to/should)
Publish Artifacts task make the build+release process meaningful. Cause if our release pipeline can't access outputs of build pipeline, what should we use to deploy? But whether this task exists or not won't actually affect the CD trigger. (Just like the third statement:You do not need to configure anything within the build pipeline)
The answer is No, the release will be triggered when the build finished even he doesn't have Publish Artifacts step.
