How can I download an image from a webpage that creates a new image on each load - python-3.x

I sent a request for a website and on that website is a captcha image (the text ones) and I wanted to be able to download the image directly from the webpage. However, when I attempt to save the image (manually), a completely different one is downloaded instead. All the images share the same URL.
There are a few things that will give me the correct image, however:
Dragging and dropping the image directly to my file manager
going in the Sources tab in inspect element and saving from there (it downloads it as .php but changing the extension to .png works)
copying the image as data URI in Sources tab
copying the image request response in the Network tab


Insert protected image in Jodit

I'm using Jodit 3.18.9 with
ace 1.4.12
js-beautify 1.13.0
with uploader configs allowing to upload images separately from text into DB.
Once the image is uploaded, we use .insertImage(xxx) to add images into jodit editor. In this case, if we want to protect uploaded files, we may need to generate and attach a temp token to the url.
My question is, without doing some custom implementations (such as doing http requests for each image to get contents, and replace links with their base64 contents), is there some 'official' supports to do a get (image) query with jwt token or not ?
thanks a lot

S3 image link getting downloaded for some image links and viewed for some image links

I'm trying to select files from my system and uploading it in the AWS S3 Bucket. When trying to do so, the URL that is generated gets downloaded when clicked but when I upload it from the camera and not selecting it from the system, I'm getting the URL which can be viewed from the browser.
I got to know that the links are stored in virtual host style when uploaded from the camera and stored in path style when selected from the file system. How can I make the S3 URL's downloadable either way ?

Is image or file being always downloaded from Google Cloud Storage on click?

Please help me to understand the following, I have a node.js app which I want to run on Google Cloud App Engine, this app will contain some images which are planned to be stored on Google Cloud Storage. On my sample app once I upload an image and get a url (mediaLink or selfLink) image is being downloaded.
Why is that? Each download each click costs money I understand google, but is there any way to make url just show images NOT to be downloaded?
Saving a file from Google Cloud Storage is the same as displaying it. Both action require transferring the content of the image to the device for display or saving.
The action of displaying an image or popping up a save as dialog is controlled by HTTP headers. For example if you have the HTTP header content-type set incorrectly (not as an image) then some browsers will save the file. If you want your image files to be displayed as images set the headers correctly for the type of picture. For PNG files set the header contenty-type: image/png.
You can also force a download with the content-disposition: attachment header.
In summary, it does not matter if you are displaying an image or saving it to local storage, it will cost you money. Both actions requiring downloading (transferring) the contents of the file across the Internet.

Episerver Thumbnails for jpegs are getting a 404

In Episerver 11, the thumbnails for jpegs are broken. In the media library, they display as broken images:
And I see this in the browser tools:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
On the actual url,,26/Thumbnail?epieditmode=False?1527614597161
On an actual web page and in the Image editor, they display fine. Not entirely sure how the thumbnail system works.
Make sure your thumbnails are saved as png's.
I had the same problem, due to a third-party library for image resizing.
It turns out Episerver (CMS version 9.12), always wants to save the thumbnail for an image in a png format.
Run the scheduled job "Clear Thumbnail Properties" in admin
From the documentation
You can clear generated thumbnail images in the Products list and
Media list views and add them again with the Clear Thumbnail
Properties job. Run this job manually if you experience problems with
refreshing thumbnails, such as on the website and BLOB-supported

How can you prevent direct browsing to an image in a web directory?

I'm creating an image gallery site that you have to log in to access. The site will use sessions to keep track of usernames and passwords. Logged in users will be able to search for images and see results. Presumably, this means I'll be putting images in a web directory. How do I keep non-logged in people from being able to browse directly to an image in this directory?
This is PHP-based, with MySQL.
Check for a referrer header, and require it to be from your site.
You can also check that cookies get sent to you (that they're logged in).
Your best bet is then having PHP fetch the images from a location outside of your web dir.
Also, check out the comment string: using mod_rewrite can do all this directly from apache.
Put the images in a folder that isn't accessible through a direct Url, and have the program serve the image directly
Don't put the images in a browsable directory. Better yet, store them outside of your webroot. Put some sort of custom handler in place that will load the requested image and send it back to the user, after the user has been validated and verified. This will also prevent hot-linking of your images.
Put the images in a folder outside the web site, and use a proxy page to send the image to the browser. Make a page that you use as url in your img tag, something like:
In the page you check that the user is logged in, and determine from the parameters what image to send. Set the content type of the page to the type that matches the image, for example "image/jpeg", read the image file and send directly to the response stream.
If your images are not too large, there is a very smart way of protecting them from unauthorized access.
You can you base64 econding, the same as Outlook Express attachment encoding, and put the code inside an ASP page which uses the SESSION object. SEE TUTORIALS ON ASP FOR MORE ON THIS SUBJECT.
When a user accesses the page, the asp code checks if the user is autheticated. If he isn't the script interrupts the page code, not visualizing the image.
If the user is authenticated the scripts loads the entire page and the base64 is reconstructed into a visible image.
The trick here is that you don't have a directory with plain images in it, but the image is encoded in the page html, so it is reconstructed on the fly by the script.
Since you don't have images in the directory, nobody can attempt to point the browser directly to them, since thay simply do not exist.
You can use this site to encode the images:
Then you have to "call" the image in the html code using this tag:
img src="data:image/gif;base64, ..............................................(here you place the code obtained from the site above)...............
You're done! Your images are not accessible if the user is not logged in.
Do not let people access your image directories directly.
Let your image gallery software forward the image to the user. Check the needed credentials.
