Error! No Service on Cellular win 10 lite. How to Fix it? - windows-10

i got an error when using dcom on windows 10 minified. I guess it erased something that caused cellular to fail. someone help me fix it without reinstalling new windows.


Dell SupportAssist does not start

SupportAssist on my Dell XPS 15 stopped working recently. When I run it, is starts for a couple of minutes and then says This is taking longer than expected. We recommend restarting your PC and trying again.
Dell support got me to uninstall/reinstall it, which did not help. At that point they gave up and said the only remaining option was to reinstall Windows, which I'm obviously not going to do. Any help would be appreciated.

Imagemagick IIS install issue VBScript error "800a01ad"

I have Imagemagick running on a remote server and have had it running on a local server successfully for many years, but recently I have had need to reinstall on a new machine and can't for the life of me figure out what i'm doing wrong, It's probably really simple and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
WIN 10 running iis as localhost
Successfully installed Imagemagick 32 and 64 bit so they run on the local machine, however when try to access the localhost web page requiring Imagemagic I'm receiving the following message
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'
ActiveX component can't create object: 'ImageMagickObject.MagickImage.1'
my app pool is current set to allow 32bt application and as far as I am aware all permissions are correct, although I do believe this may be the issue somewhere.
Can anyone help to shed some light on this issue.
Thanks :-)
Resolved.. It turns out the latest version of Imagemagick 7.1.x does not ship with ImagemagickObject.dll, fortunately, I had a saved download .exe for an earlier version 7.0.8 which still had the .dll, once install I could copy imageMagickObject.dll to the system32 folder, after that everything worked as expected. Not sure what would replace this in my code if I have to ever user a newer version, if someone knows please add to the post.

Android Studio 4.0 Installation failed due to: 'null'

All of a sudden I have had issue trying to install my app onto my device. I am getting a set of errors and i'm having trouble finding the solution.
Installation did not succeed.
The application could not be installed: INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED
List of apks:
[0] 'C:\Users\simonszarco\AndroidStudioProjects\Dartsystems\app\build\outputs\apk\debug\app-arm64-v8a-debug.apk'
Installation failed due to: 'null'
Has anyone else come across this error before and if so how did you fix it.
Thank you
For some reason I changed the android skd minimum requirements to android 23 and it started working after that.
No clue why this occurred maybe someone can shed some light to this.
I try a lot of solution and finally, I found one solution that works for me
On your mobile go to the setting of your mobile then Addition Setting -> Developer option -> and disable verify apps via USB
Then install the app. Hope it will work

nodejs bluescreen on install

I was about to install node.js on a brand new Windows 7 64bit system. But during the installation I get a bluescreen. It happens while "copying new files". I tried node.js 8.9.4 and 9.5.0, both in 64 bit. Any idea what's wrong?
edit: I now enabled virtual memory and the message has changed. Now I get
The driver is attempting to access memory beyond the end of the allocation.
And here the current screenshot of the dump:
Honestly, these problems seem absolutely weird... I have never before had such issues with the installation of nodejs. And I'm doing it on a new machine which is up-to-date.
I've figured out what the issue was. It had to do with Comodo Programs Manager. After having deinstalled the program, everything worked fine again. But on my old machine I used to run Comodo Programs Manager as well. So it remains strange why it now caused such issues.

Application running from VC++ 6 crashes with "kernelbase.dll module not found"

This happens only in a specific machine.
So it must be VS 6 installation in the machine or the machine itself.
If I run the application in VC++6, I will get a crash with "kernelbase.dll module not found " after a certain operation.
But when executed in standalone, it is running fine.
Has anybody experience this symptom? Do I have to reinstall VC++6 again?
I fixed this problem by reorganizing system path. By some of unnecessary directories from the system path, I could resolve this problem. Hope this will help others with a similar problem.
