the contents of my website is not showing - node.js

When I deployed my react website with three fiber, the contents such as my html would show at first before the content in the div start disappearing on the live. The js would load at first and then disappear. The model did not show at all.
Here is the live site:
It was fine before I compiled and exported onto github. I have no idea why this is happening
the development build is currently facing the same issues as the live one .The hosted code is on the gh-pages branch. The only thing that seems to be working is the background.
I did this from gui's response
however this was the response from the live site. It is working now in the development site with the fetch being portfolio/assets/airplane.fbx. how can I get rid of the second portfolio?

The only actionable item I can discern is your model not showing up. This is because the fetch for it is returning a 404 error. I'm unsure if this is the cause of everything else not loading correctly but if you open your console you'll see something like this:
Console error
I believe if you change the fetch from to Your model should show up since that is where your model lives in your files.


Refreshing Angular app breaks one component, but only on version hosted on Heroku

I am working on a personal project for my portfolio and I'm completely stuck.
I have an Angular 14 app I've been working on. The stack is PEAN. I currently have a live version of it hosted on Heroku. The issue I'm running into is that in my local development version of the app, everything works as intended, however on the live version on Heroku, If I refresh the page using f5 while on the main backlog page, it does not refresh, and instead shows a blank page with "[ ]" at the top of the page. Every other part of the app functions fine, and it does not fully crash when I run into this issue. If I type a different URL in and go to that page, it works again. If after doing so, I click a link that loads the crashed component, it will reload just fine. It appears that the component only breaks if I refresh the component with f5 (or clicking the refresh button on chrome).
I've been working on this for a long time and I think I've narrowed it down a bit. So far I've:
confirmed that my express server is serving my static HTML files from their folder correctly
added a catch all code block at the bottom of my express file to redirect to index.html
made sure that Heroku was actually executing my server.js file
removed potential offending portions of code, like auth/error interceptors and newly added Google Sign-in
I've also:
checked with various browsers/mobile browsers
checked for console errors (there are none)
checked network tab on refresh. (just shows a 304-OK response)
checked Heroku logs. No errors there either.
The issue can not be recreated locally, and it only happens on refresh of one component, the Backlog component.
If there is any more info I can add please let me know, I'm hoping this is a regularly encountered issue. I can't seem to find anything that specifically deals with my exact issue by searching. Any help is greatly appreciated.
The blank page with "[ ]" appears to be my database's response when hit without a user ID to check against, and return data. I've narrowed this down to an HTTP-INTERCEPTOR that injects the user ID into the headers, which the route that would use that info for the DB wouldn't have. This makes my DB return "[]".
The only thing I don't understand is that this happens only when hosted on heroku, and not locally.

How to change Ghost Routing to make a landing page first

I am building a Ghost Theme at the moment and I am having trouble swapping the blog for the home.
I went and created a post called "news", then change it to a static page, so I can access the slug. Then I created a "page-news.hbs" and it worked fine.
The problem is that when I add {{pagination}} everything breaks. I get a 500 with error
[page-news.hbs] pagination data is not an object or is a function
I'm also running the home.hbs. Not sure if that's relevant.
I checked an earlier version of this question here but it was from 2014.

Trying to get Redux app to display React elements (setup issue)

I'm trying to get async calls to work, but am stuck at a setup hurdle. I just read and replicated this async example, and then tried to copy some bits over into my app
My app won't display any errors and React elements do not get put onto the DOM and I'm only able to display my index.html...
If someone could check out the client folder where the react code sits that would be amazing (index.html is in views folder in root, bundle is in public/javascripts)
No idea what's going wrong and am wondering how I might be able to debug this type of issue in the future
Extra info:
I started out with everything working (a button saying show all and another saying hide all, which displayed a string) inside the client/twitter folder. My additions were inside the Tweets folder and appComponent/index files

SharePoint 2013 REST upload from App works on image, fails on video

Has anyone tried to upload a video via REST to SharePoint 2013 from a SharePoint hosted app?
Below are my two POSTs. The first one, an image, works fine. The second one does add my video but it throws a 404 (Not Found). Subsequent executions do not overwrite but instead create new video files with some random letters afterwards. The subsequent executions also pop the 404.
I should also point out the the overwrite flag is obviously being ignored because it always creates a new file. Further when I tried to use the "manipulated" video URL that you see in a library after uploading it blows with a server error.
My suspicion is that it's because of the way SP2013 handles videos by creating items that don't retain their extension like an image does. Anyone know for sure?
Or know if there's some sort of RESPONSE that is sent back that would cause the 404?

CouchDB app Toast won't load attachments

I'm learning CouchDB. I'm trying to load the example app Toast onto a local database and then take it apart to see how it works. The problem is that it isn't working, and I feel like the error is obvious but I just don't quite see it.
I've downloaded the development code from Github as a zip, extracted it into CouchDB/bin/toast, then used erica to push Toast onto my CouchDB. Here is my local Toast in Futon:
It appears to have been pushed correctly. However, when I navigate to as erica instructs, I get this (with Chrome console):
I assumed the resources might be missing, but I checked, they are there both in the attachments for /vendor/ on CouchDB and in my file system from where erica pushed the application. Nonetheless, they do not appear to load.
What could be going wrong?
These resources should under _attachments, otherwise you'll get HTTP Error 404 Not found.
