Groovy replace using Regex - groovy

I have varibale which contains raw data as shown below.
I want to replace the comma inside double quotes to nothing/blank.
I used replaceAll(',',''), but all other commas are also getting replaced.
So need regex function to identify pattern like "123,456,775" and then replace here comma into blank.
var = '
2/2/2023,37,"723,545","26,603,765" '
Tried replaceAll, but did not work

If you just want to replace "," with "", you have to escape the quotes this will do:
var.replaceAll(/\",\"/, /\"\"/)
If you want to replace commas inside the number strings, "725,674" with "725674" you will have to use a regex and capture groups, like this:
var.replaceAll(/(\"\d+),(\d+\")/, /$1$2/)
It will change for three groupings, like "18,132,406", you will have to use three capture groups.


nodejs how to replace ; with ',' to make an sql query

I have a query that looks like this:
INSERT INTO table VALUES ('47677;2019;2019;10T-1001-10010AS;A05;International;TieLineKoman-KosovoB;L_KOM-KOSB;2018;NULL;NULL;;NULL;Tieline;NULL;10XAL-KESH-----J;0;3')
that is produced by parsing a csv file.
The query is not in a valid form, I have to replace all semicolons with the string ',' (comma inside single quotes). What I want to get is:
I have tried to do this in many different ways, but I end up with backshlashes added in my string. This is what I get:
"INSERT INTO AllocatedEICDetail VALUES ('47677\\',\\'2019\\',\\'2019\\',\\'10T-1001-10010AS\\',\\'A05\\',\\'International\\',\\'TieLineKoman-KosovoB\\',\\'L_KOM-KOSB\\',\\'2018\\',\\'NULL\\',\\'NULL\\',\\'\\',\\'NULL\\',\\'Tieline\\',\\'NULL\\',\\'10XAL-KESH-----J\\',\\'0\\',\\'3')"
Any ideas how to do this properly without having the backslashes added?
Thank you!
//the string you have
const string = '47677;2019;2019;10T-1001-10010AS;A05;International;TieLineKoman-KosovoB;L_KOM-KOSB;2018;NULL;NULL;;NULL;Tieline;NULL;10XAL-KESH-----J;0;3';
//the string you need:
const targetString = string.replace(/\;/g,',');
You specify a small regex between the forward slashes in replace which is a simple ';', give it a 'g' flag for global which will replace all instances, and in the second argument supply what you need it replaced with.

Regular expression for splitting a comma with the string

I had to split string data based on Comma.
This is the excel data:-
Please find the excel data
string strCurrentLine="\"Himalayan Salt Body Scrub with Lychee Essential Oil from Majestic Pure, All Natural Scrub to Exfoliate & Moisturize Skin, 12 oz\",SKU_27,\"Tombow Dual Brush Pen Art Markers, Portrait, 6-Pack\",SKU_27,My Shopify Store 1,Valid,NonInventory".
Regex CSVParser = new Regex(",(?=(?:[^\"]\"[^\"]\")(?![^\"]\"))");
string[] lstColumnValues = CSVParser.Split(strCurrentLine);
I have attached the image.The problem is I used the Regex to split the string with comma but i need the ouptut just like SKU_27 because string[0] and string2 contains the forward and backward slash.I need the output string1 and remove the forward and backward slash.
The file seems to be a CVA file. For CVA to be properly formatted, it will use quotes "" to wrap strings that contains comma, such as
id, name, date
1,"Some text, that includes comma", 2020/01/01
Simply split the string by comma, you will get the 2nd column with double quote.
I'm not sure whether you are asking how to remove the double-quotes from lstColumnValues[0] and lstColumnValues[2], or add them to lstColumnValues[1].
To remove the double-quotes, just use Replace:
string myString = lstColumnValues[0].Replace("\"", "");
If you need to add them:
string myString = $"\"{lstColumnValues[1]}\"";

Escaping quotes and delimiters in CSV files with Excel

I try to import a CSV file in Excel, using ; as delimiters, but some columns contains
; and/or quotes.
My problem is : I can use double quotes to ignore the delimiters for a specific string, but if there is a double quote inside the string, it ignores delimiters until the first double quote, but not after.
I don't know if it's clear, it's not that easy to explain.
I will try to explain with a example :
Suppose I have this string this is a;test : I use double quotes around the string, to ignore the delimiter => It works.
Now if this string contains delimiters AND double quotes : my trick doesn't work anymore. For example if I have the string this; is" a;test : My added double quotes around the string ignore delimiters for the first part (the delimiter in the part this; is is correctly ignored, but since there is a double quote after, Excel doesn't ignore the next delimiter in the a;test part.
I tried my best to be as clear as possible, I hope you'll understand what is the problem.
When reading in a quoted string in a csv file, Excel will interpret all pairs of double-quotes ("") with single double-quotes(").
so "this; is"" a;test" will be converted to one cell containing this; is" a;test
So replace all double-quotes in your strings with pairs of double quotes.
Excel will reverse this process when exporting as CSV.
Here is some CSV
And this is how it looks after importing into Excel:
Import your Excel file in openOffice and export as CSV (column escaped with " unlike Excel csv, utf8, comma against ";").

Reading from a string using sscanf in Matlab

I'm trying to read a string in a specific format
this is one example of string and what I want to extract is the name of the team.
I've tried something like this,
houseteam = sscanf(str, '%s');
but it does not work, why?
You can use regexprep like you did in your post above to do this for you. Even though your post says to use sscanf and from the comments in your post, you'd like to see this done using regexprep. You would have to do this using two nested regexprep calls, and you can retrieve the team name (i.e. RealSociedad) like so, given that str is in the format that you have provided:
str = 'RealSociedad';
houseteam = regexprep(regexprep(str, '^<a(.*)">', ''), '</a>$', '')
This looks very intimidating, but let's break this up. First, look at this statement:
regexprep(str, '^<a(.*)">', '')
How regexprep works is you specify the string you want to analyze, the pattern you are searching for, then what you want to replace this pattern with. The pattern we are looking for is:
This says you are looking for patterns where the beginning of the string starts with a a<. After this, the (.*)"> is performing a greedy evaluation. This is saying that we want to find the longest sequence of characters until we reach the characters of ">. As such, what the regular expression will match is the following string:
We then replace this with a blank string. As such, the output of the first regexprep call will be this:
We want to get rid of the </a> string, and so we would make another regexprep call where we look for the </a> at the end of the string, then replace this with the blank string yet again. The pattern you are looking for is thus:
The dollar sign ($) symbolizes that this pattern should appear at the end of the string. If we find such a pattern, we will replace it with the blank string. Therefore, what we get in the end is:
Found a solution. So, %s stops when it finds a space.
str = regexprep(str, '<', ' <');
str = regexprep(str, '>', '> ');
houseteam = sscanf(str, '%*s %s %*s');
This will create a space between my desired string.

Removing comma from the string in rdlc

How to remove comma from the end of a string in RDLC text box formula field?
Here is the expression:
If you're sure there won't be any other commas (and are okay with removing all of them), you can replace the commas with nothing, like this:
=Replace(Fields!Titles.Value, ",", "")
If there could be commas elsewhere in the fields that you don't want to remove (and you want to remove commas occurring at the end of the field only), you could do something like this:
=iif(Right(Fields!Titles.Value, 1) = ",",
Left(Fields!Titles.Value, Len(Fields!Titles.Value)-1),
If there can be whitespace before or after the comma, you'll need to add handling for that also (use Trim, LTrim, and RTrim as needed for your situation).
