Modelling inter thread communication in activity diagram - multithreading

I am trying to model an application which runs multiple concurrent flows.
In this situation multiple threads can create events and store them in a buffer which are then collected and displayed by another thread. The receiving thread is supposed to block and wait for incoming events.
I have currently modelled it like this:
This example uses object flows. However I am not sure if this is the correct way to model this type of inter thread communication.
The other option I was looking at is using signals but I'm not sure about that either.
Any help would be appreciated.

Every activity requires all tokens to be offered before it can start. You will have to use a buffer node as a queue.

Object flows capture inter thread communication well.
You could also use signals, if you want to be more specific and your system uses in fact messages.
There is one problem in your diagram though: The Display Event action consumes all offered control tokens and one object token on each invocation. I can‘t tell from your diagram, but probably there is only one control token. That means, the action will only run once. The solution is, to delete the control flow. The action then starts for each incoming object token.
Each output pin acts as a local buffer. If tokens are generated faster than the event can be displayed, tokens will potentially pile up in multiple pins. In this case it is undefined which pin will be the source of the next token. This is not necessarily a problem, but if tokens shall be processed in chronological order, you need to use a central buffer. The symbol is a rectangle with the keyword «central buffer»


What is the intended usage of Qt threads in conjunction with dependency injection?

Let's have a worker thread which is accessed from a wide variety of objects. This worker object has some public slots, so anyone who connects its signals to the worker's slots can use emit to trigger the worker thread's useful tasks.
This worker thread needs to be almost global, in the sense that several different classes use it, some of them are deep in the hierarchy (child of a child of a child of the main application).
I guess there are two major ways of doing this:
All the methods of the child classes pass their messages upwards the hierarchy via their return values, and let the main (e.g. the GUI) object handle all the emitting.
All those classes which require the services of the worker thread have a pointer to the Worker object (which is a member of the main class), and they all connect() to it in their constructors. Every such class then does the emitting by itself. Basically, dependency injection.
Option 2. seems much more clean and flexible to me, I'm only worried that it will create a huge number of connections. For example, if I have an array of an object which needs the thread, I will have a separate connection for each element of the array.
Is there an "official" way of doing this, as the creators of Qt intended it?
There is no magic silver bullet for this. You'll need to consider many factors, such as:
Why do those objects emit the data in the first place? Is it because they need to do something, that is, emission is a “command”? Then maybe they could call some sort of service to do the job without even worrying about whether it's going to happen in another thread or not. Or is it because they inform about an event? In such case they probably should just emit signals but not connect them. Its up to the using code to decide what to do with events.
How many objects are we talking about? Some performance tests are needed. Maybe it's not even an issue.
If there is an array of objects, what purpose does it serve? Perhaps instead of using a plain array some sort of “container” class is needed? Then the container could handle the emission and connection and objects could just do something like container()->handle(data). Then you'd only have one connection per container.

React Flux dispatcher vs Node.js EventEmitter - scalable?

When you use Node's EventEmitter, you subscribe to a single event. Your callback is only executed when that specific event is fired up:
eventBus.on('some-event', function(data){
// data is specific to 'some-event'
In Flux, you register your store with the dispatcher, then your store gets called when every single event is dispatched. It is the job of the store to filter through every event it gets, and determine if the event is important to the store:
case 'some-event':
// now data is specific to 'some-event'
In this video, the presenter says:
"Stores subscribe to actions. Actually, all stores receive all actions, and that's what keeps it scalable."
Why and how is sending every action to every store [presumably] more scalable than only sending actions to specific stores?
The scalability referred to here is more about scaling the codebase than scaling in terms of how fast the software is. Data in flux systems is easy to trace because every store is registered to every action, and the actions define every app-wide event that can happen in the system. Each store can determine how it needs to update itself in response to each action, without the programmer needing to decide which stores to wire up to which actions, and in most cases, you can change or read the code for a store without needing to worrying about how it affects any other store.
At some point the programmer will need to register the store. The store is very specific to the data it'll receive from the event. How exactly is looking up the data inside the store better than registering for a specific event, and having the store always expect the data it needs/cares about?
The actions in the system represent the things that can happen in a system, along with the relevant data for that event. For example:
A user logged in; comes with user profile
A user added a comment; comes with comment data, item ID it was added to
A user updated a post; comes with the post data
So, you can think about actions as the database of things the stores can know about. Any time an action is dispatched, it's sent to each store. So, at any given time, you only need to think about your data mutations a single store + action at a time.
For instance, when a post is updated, you might have a PostStore that watches for the POST_UPDATED action, and when it sees it, it will update its internal state to store off the new post. This is completely separate from any other store which may also care about the POST_UPDATED event—any other programmer from any other team working on the app can make that decision separately, with the knowledge that they are able to hook into any action in the database of actions that may take place.
Another reason this is useful and scalable in terms of the codebase is inversion of control; each store decides what actions it cares about and how to respond to each action; all the data logic is centralized in that store. This is in contrast to a pattern like MVC, where a controller is explicitly set up to call mutation methods on models, and one or more other controllers may also be calling mutation methods on the same models at the same time (or different times); the data update logic is spread through the system, and understanding the data flow requires understanding each place the model might update.
Finally, another thing to keep in mind is that registering vs. not registering is sort of a matter of semantics; it's trivial to abstract away the fact that the store receives all actions. For example, in Fluxxor, the stores have a method called bindActions that binds specific actions to specific callbacks:
"FIRST_ACTION_TYPE", this.handleFirstActionType,
"OTHER_ACTION_TYPE", this.handleOtherActionType
Even though the store receives all actions, under the hood it looks up the action type in an internal map and calls the appropriate callback on the store.
Ive been asking myself the same question, and cant see technically how registering adds much, beyond simplification. I will pose my understanding of the system so that hopefully if i am wrong, i can be corrected.
TLDR; EventEmitter and Dispatcher serve similar purposes (pub/sub) but focus their efforts on different features. Specifically, the 'waitFor' functionality (which allows one event handler to ensure that a different one has already been called) is not available with EventEmitter. Dispatcher has focussed its efforts on the 'waitFor' feature.
The final result of the system is to communicate to the stores that an action has happened. Whether the store 'subscribes to all events, then filters' or 'subscribes a specific event' (filtering at the dispatcher). Should not affect the final result. Data is transferred in your application. (handler always only switches on event type and processes, eg. it doesn't want to operate on ALL events)
As you said "At some point the programmer will need to register the store.". It is just a question of fidelity of subscription. I don't think that a change in fidelity has any affect on 'inversion of control' for instance.
The added (killer) feature in facebook's Dispatcher is it's ability to 'waitFor' a different store, to handle the event first. The question is, does this feature require that each store has only one event handler?
Let's look at the process. When you dispatch an action on the Dispatcher, it (omitting some details):
iterates all registered subscribers (to the dispatcher)
calls the registered callback (one per stores)
the callback can call 'waitfor()', and pass a 'dispatchId'. This internally references the callback of registered by a different store. This is executed synchronously, causing the other store to receive the action and be updated first. This requires that the 'waitFor()' is called before your code which handles the action.
The callback called by 'waitFor' switches on action type to execute the correct code.
the callback can now run its code, knowing that its dependancies (other stores) have already been updated.
the callback switches on the action 'type' to execute the correct code.
This seems a very simple way to allow event dependancies.
Basically all callbacks are eventually called, but in a specific order. And then switch to only execute specific code. So, it is as if we only triggered a handler for the 'add-item' event on the each store, in the correct order.
If subscriptions where at a callback level (not 'store' level), would this still be possible? It would mean:
Each store would register multiple callbacks to specific events, keeping reference to their 'dispatchTokens' (same as currently)
Each callback would have its own 'dispatchToken'
The user would still 'waitFor' a specific callback, but be a specific handler for a specific store
The dispatcher would then only need to dispatch to callbacks of a specific action, in the same order
Possibly, the smart people at facebook have figured out that this would actually be less performant to add the complexity of individual callbacks, or possibly it is not a priority.

Unity3D: Smooth Interaction When Loading Asset Via Network?

I'm making a networked computer game using Unity3D version 3.x on Mac. I have a game client and a game server. Whenever data arrives at the client from the server, the client would freeze for a little bit (~0.5 seconds), render the new data, and then continue. Is there any way I can optimize my game so that incoming data does not affect user's interaction with the game client?
Here's what I'm doing now:
I created a new thread to pull data from the server.
When the data arrives I put it in a buffer which is protected by a mutual exclusion lock.
In the Unity thread, on every frame, I check if the buffer is empty. If it is not empty, I wait on the mutual exclusion lock for permission to process the data. Once I got the permission, I parse the data and render it.
I'm doing this because Unity does not allow me to create new GameObjects in the network thread that I created. But I wonder if there's anything I can do to optimize user experience.
It's always best to first profile to know the source of the freezing, i.e. is it due to waiting on the lock? due to parsing? due to GameObject instantiation? all three?
Unity Profiler (Pro only)
General solutions:
If the pause is due to the lock, try splitting up your buffering into
different bins, so that the main thread can access the next non-empty
bin without having to acquire lock, or at least such a coarse-grained lock.
If parsing is the slowdown, you can still do all of that in a
background thread. Perform as much as you possibly can before you finally must instantiate GameObjects.
If it's the final step of instantiating GameObjects, then you
can try to preinstantiate objects you expect, simply reconfiguring
them upon new network data; or divide up the instantation
process into separate, incremental phases, with unnoticeably small
pauses, e.g. a root node first, then next phase its children, and so on, until fully reconstructed.

Silverlight Multithreading; Need to Synchronize?

I have a Silverlight app where I've implemented the M-V-VM pattern so my actual UI elements (Views) are separated from the data (Models). Anyways, at one point after the user has gone and done some selections and possible other input, I'd like to asyncronously go though the model and scan it and compile a list of optiions that the user has changed (different from the default), and eventually update that on the UI as a summary, but that would be a final step.
My question is that if I use a background worker to do this, up until I actually want to do the UI updates, I just want to read current values in one of my models, I don't have to synchronize access to the model right? I'm not modifying data just reading current values...
There are Lists (ObservableCollections), so I will have to call methods of those collections like "_ABCCollection.GetSelectedItems()" but again I'm just reading, I'm not making changes. Since they are not primitives, will I have to synchronize access to them for just reads, or does that not matter?
I assume I'll have to sychronize my final step as it will cause PropertyChanged events to fire and eventually the Views will request the new data through the bindings...
Thanks in advance for any and all advice.
You are correct. You can read from your Model objects and ObservableCollections on a worker thread without having a cross-thread violation. Getting or setting the value of a property on a UI element (more specifically, an object that derives from DispatcherObject) must be done on the UI thread (more specifically, the thread on which the DispatcherObject subclass instance was created). For more info about this, see here.

Using Core Data using multithreading and notifications

Here's yet another question on Core Data and multithreading:
I'm writing an application on the iPhone that retrieves XML data from the internet, parses it in a background thread (using NSXMLparser) and saves the data in Core Data using its own NSManagedObjectContext. I have a class - let's call it DataRetriever - that does this for me.
There are different UIViewControllers that then retrieve the data to display it in their respective UITableViews, of course this happens on the main thread using NSFetchedResultsControllers and a single managed object context that is used for reading.
I've read the answer to this question, which tells me that I need to register for NSManagedObjectDidSaveNotifications on the background thread (this will be done by the DataRetriever class I suppose) and then call the mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification method on the reading context from that class on the main thread. This, I think, is totally thread-unsafe. I might have interpreted this the wrong way, though.
I've also read this part of Apple's documentation on the subject (Track Changes in Other Threads Using Notifications), and it tells me to simply register for NSManagedObjectDidSaveNotifications coming from the reading context in the view controller on the main thread and then it would have to call mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification to update its reading context.
I went with Apple's recommendations: I now have my view controllers register themselves to NSManagedObjectDidSaveNotifications on the main thread using the reading managed object context as the source of the notifications. Doing this on the writing context probably isn't thread safe, and Apple's documentation isn't very specific on this.
Result: No crashes, but I am not receiving any notifications either.
Side note: I've read in Apple's documentation that notifications don't automatically propagate to other threads and I might even be listening for notifications from the wrong context, but why is Apple telling me to do it this way, then?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
-- EDIT --
Just to be clear, I'm registering for notifications coming from a particular NSManagedObjectContext, Apple's documentation specifically states (here) that some system frameworks may use an instance of Core Data themselves, so I could be receiving notifications from contexts that don't concern me if I don't specify a source. The documentation I referred to earlier on doesn't say anything about this, though. Any comments on this design choice are welcome.
The UI runs on the main thread so you want any intensive processing that might bog the UI down done on another thread. You have the context in the main thread listen for notifications because the main thread context is usually the only one that needs to update itself because of changes by other context in other threads.
All this is thread safe because data won't be deleted from the persistent store as long as one or more context is still using it. So, if context A has an object with the data while context B deletes another object representing the same data, the object in context A remains alive until context A calls for a merge.
Basically, each context operates in its own little world until you call merge. The race conditions that normally bedevil thread based data operations don't occur with Core Data.
