Access pipeline A´s variables from pipeline B... Azure Devops - azure

After some internet search, I wasnt able to find a proper way or suggestion on how to access variables from different pipelines. Lets say, from Pipeline A access variables of Pipeline B.
What I did find, is the idea to use Key Vault, which I am not able to use right now. I was wondering if there is a workaround, lets say, with powershell.
All of this is happening in an Azure Devops environment, where I am trying to access/read variables from different pipelines.
Any ideas?
Kind regards

You can make use of variable groups to call variables in multiple pipelines within a project.
You just need to reference that variable in the YAML script or release pipeline with the variable group and use it in any pipeline, Refer below :-
I went to my project > Pipelines > Library > Variable Group > And added a variable > You can add multiple variables here storing your secrets or values.
Using the variable group in a yaml pipeline :-
- main
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- group: SharedVariables
- script: |
echo $(databaseserverpassword)
Now, when you run the pipeline, It will ask you to permit the use of variable group for the pipeline.
This will enable access to all the variables in the SharedVariables group.
Output :-
We got our databaseservername value masked.
You can also enable this variable group for all the pipeline in the project by default.
You can use the same variable group in your Classic pipeline or release pipeline in release or specific stages like below :-
Reference :-
Variable groups for Azure Pipelines - Azure Pipelines | Microsoft Learn
For PowerShell - Azure DevOps: how to manage CI/CD variable groups using PowerShell – Radu Narita (


How can we define different variable group for different schedule trigger in Azure devops

Different variable group for different schedule trigger in Azure devops
Do you mean you would like to use variable in different variable groups in different schedule triggered pipelines? What about go to UI->library->choose the specific variable group then choose pipeline permission and add the corresponding schedule pipelines.
Then add the variable group name in the schedule pipelines yml and you could output the value of variables in the group, for example if there is a variable named 'SomeNumber' in the variable group.
- group: MyVarGroup
- task: PowerShell#2
targetType: 'inline'
script: Write-Host "$(SomeNumber)"
But if you mean to add variable into the schedule trigger syntax, you can't use pipeline variables when specifying schedules in yml. You could see the official doc for more details.
If it is not what you want, please kindly specific your issue with the sample yaml, then I will try to do further investigation.

Pass pipeline variable to release variable Azure DevOps

Created CICD pipeline with trigger release, and Pipeline variable set in to Azure Devops Rest API. Getting variable in pipeline and set Output true using PowerShell.
Write-Host $(webAppName)
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=webAppName;isoutput=true]$webAppName"
And set the release pipeline variable using
WebAppName= ${{variables.webAppName}} on the variable tab. It's not working, don't have idea how can we retrive the pipeline variable in release.
The is no official way to pass variables from Build to Release.
Using Variable Groups in Azure Pipeline Library is a good option:
Another work around, you could store the variable values in a file and attach that as a Build Artifact. That way you can read the file in the release pipeline by downloading Build Artifacts and set the variable again. You could check my answer here: is there any way to pass variables from CI to CD pipeline

Environments are not automatically created in Azure Devops when declared in yaml pipeline config

I'm new to Azure Devops. I would like to have devops pipeline environments to be created automatically during pipeline flow. So the 5th line below should create environment if it does not exist:
- deployment: Deploy
displayName: Deploy job
vmImage: $(vmImageName)
environment: 'production'
Instead I'm getting:
What am I missing?
To automate environment creation I could also use Terraform but this time I cannot find terraform resource config responsible for that.
I had a similar problem and found that the documentation lists some possible reasons for why this can happen:
Quote from
Q: Why am I getting error "Job XXXX: Environment XXXX could not be
found. The environment does not exist or has not been authorized for
A: These are some of the possible reasons of the failure:
When you author a YAML pipeline and refer to an environment that does not exist
in the YAML file, Azure Pipelines automatically creates the
environment in some cases:
You use the YAML pipeline creation wizard in the Azure Pipelines web
experience and refer to an environment that hasn't been created yet.
You update the YAML file using the Azure Pipelines web editor and save
the pipeline after adding a reference to an environment that does not
In the following flows, Azure Pipelines does not have
information about the user creating the environment: you update the
YAML file using another external code editor, add a reference to an
environment that does not exist, and then cause a manual or continuous
integration pipeline to be triggered. In this case, Azure Pipelines
does not know about the user. Previously, we handled this case by
adding all the project contributors to the administrator role of the
environment. Any member of the project could then change these
permissions and prevent others from accessing the environment.
If you are using runtime parameters for creating the environment, it
will fail as these parameters are expanded at run time. Environment
creation happens at compile time, so we have to use variables to
create the environment.
A user with stakeholder access level cannot create the environment as
stakeholders do not access to repository.
In our case, the problem was using runtime parameters for creating the environment.
You have the environment name 'production' hardcoded, so your problem might be related to one of the other cases.

Is it possible to edit the YAML of a release pipeline?

I'm working on my first Azure DevOps Services release pipeline. I've got a secret in a variable group in the Azure DevOps | Library area. I've been struggling with getting to that secret so I can use it in the release pipeline. I see by this article Add & use variable groups on Microsoft's Docs that I must add that in the variables section of the YAML file. However, I've not seen any way to edit the release pipeline YAML file. I can view it, but there appears to be all. If there's a way of editing the YAML file, how do I get to it?
You should be able to do that, earlier To enable YAML release pipeline, you need to activate Multi-stage YAML pipelines in Preview features:
From the Docs,
To help make it even easier to edit and update your pipeline, we’ve
created an in-product editor with IntelliSense smart code completion,
and an easy task assistant
From the documentation you're pointing at.
If you're using YAML pipelines, you can reference the variable group in your YAML pipeline:
- group: my-variable-group
If you're using the classic mode, you can link the variable group to your pipeline through the UI:

Cannot authorize variable group in Azure Pipelines

I am constructing a multi-stage Azure Pipeline in Azure DevOps to build and release my product.
I want to use variable groups in this pipeline, so that I can substitute different configuration values for different deployment environments.
I am unable to authorize my variable groups to be used by the pipeline.
When I manually run a build, I see a message on the summary page telling me the variable group is not authorized:
The Azure DevOps documentation says this is to be expected:
When you make changes to the YAML file and add additional resources (assuming that these not authorized for use in all pipelines as explained above), then the build fails with a resource authorization error that is similar to the following: Could not find a {RESOURCE} with name {NAME}. The {RESOURCE} does not exist or has not been authorized for use.
In this case, on the Summary page, you will see an option to authorize the resources on the failed build. If you are a member of the User role for the resource, you can select this option. Once the resources are authorized, you can start a new build.
I am a member of the User role for the variable group, and I am seeing the message, but I am presented with no option to authorize. Is there something else I need to do? Or is there another way I can authorize a specific pipeline to use a variable group?
The provided solution proposed by #hey didn't work for me because i had to use deployment jobs. I've found a hacky way to resolve this error:
Go to your pipeline
Click on the tree dots > Triggers
Navigate to the variables tab
Variable groups
Add variable groups
Variable groups can only be accessed if they are imported at the "job" level.
I have tested and tried to reproduce your issue. In order to solve it, you need to add the variable group under "job".
Explanation / Analysis:
This is how to reproduce and solve the issue:
First, I have tested with the below yaml script, by adding the variable group to the stage (literally at the same level as jobs):
- stage: build
- group: 789
- job: run_build
vmImage: 'Ubuntu 16.04'
- script: echo Build
With this configuration, I was not able to use the variable group. I got the same issue as you:
I then moved the variable group into the job section of the yaml file:
- stage: build
- job: run_build
vmImage: 'Ubuntu 16.04'
- script: echo Build
- group: 789
With the modified configuration, I was able to see and use the Authorize resources option in the error message:
I had this issue as well, but it was because when I created a variable group under Pipelines > Library, the name in Azure Portal did not match the name in my yml file.
