shebangs for cross-platform scripts - python-3.x

I use Google Drive Desktop for Windows 10 and rclone connected to Google Drive for Linux. I would like to have a folder containing Python scripts to use on whichever system I happen to be on.
On Windows, I can type into cmd.exe "(script) arg1 arg2 ..." and it will run.
On Linux, I am using python virtualenv, so I add a shebang to line 1 pointing to the environment I want to use. Something like #!/home/(username)/venv1/bin/python. Then from bash I type "./(script).py arg1 arg2 ..." and it runs fine.
After adding the shebang, when attempting to run the file on Windows again, it fails with an error "windows Unable to create process using /home/(username)/venv1/bin/python".
Some of my google fu search results say "WiNdOwS dOeSnT sUpPoRt sHeBaNgS" but it clearly is having an effect on running my script (Win 10 x64 Python 3.10). Other search results say something like "use /usr/bin/env (python version) and it will all work out".
Does anyone know the proper way to do this? I think the problem with the second solution for me is that I am using a virtualenv, not a system version of python.


can someone help me get python to run my scripts in CMD in windows 10 without having to cd to exact path each time.?

I'm trying to get python to run my scripts via CMD line.
note: idr if the book said where (a specific place to store my files for) python to access them but scanning back over the beginning I didn't find any relation to it.
According to this book I am supposed to be able to type python ( in command line just like this and it should run the script:
Here's the error I am getting upon execution, compared to the example from the book below it to show that this is supposed to work.
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18362.1016]
(c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
As you can see I get a python Error and researching this has given me nothing I found useful.
Here is the exact sample quoted from the book:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.648]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Hello, world!
First off, doing some research I have found a way to make it work, by cd(change directory) to the direct path of the folder containing the scripts C:\Users\Armagon\Desktop\mystuff. This helps to verify that the script I am trying to run is in fact located there and I've spelled it correctly.
But, according to everything I've followed up to this point I shouldn't have to do it this way.
The scripts are on my desktop all in the same folder called mystuff.
Following this link as well as a video Add a directory to Python sys.path so that it's included each time I use Python
I added the mystuff folder to PYTHONPATH in environment variables exactly as suggested. Here is a partial output of the sys.path (ran from IDLE) that shows mystuff filepath is added, so I'm pretty sure I did that part right.
['', 'C:\\Program Files\\Python38\\Lib\\idlelib', 'C:\\Users\\Armagon\\Desktop\\mystuff']
Maybe I've confused what is supposed to be happening here
I am operating under the assumption (based off what I've learned so far) that when CMD executes the line: python (script).py
It's supposed to run python.
Which in turn python is supposed to find my scripts on desktop (by the PYTHONPATH environment variable I created) and execute the script typed in CMD.
I've tried a lot of things in the process of getting just this far. I'd really appreciate if someone could point out what it is I'm overlooking to run python scripts from my desktop just like the book. I'm not very skilled at present and will gladly add any information as needed if I have excluded pertinent info I apologize in advance.
You should be able to do this as long as the script is in the module search path, for example, the PYTHONPATH environment variable. You should then be able to run the script like this:
python -m script
Well, the cd way is the way to go to run a python file via the command prompt. There is no other way I can think of.
Follow these steps or this link -> to do it:
1)Open command prompt. type cmd or command prompt in search bar or run and press enter key.
2)In command prompt, given that the folder you are trying to access is in desktop, type-> cd desktop\myStuff.. Press enter.
3)Just write- python and enter.
4)It should run automatically.

Running Matlab code on a cluster

I have a university account for the university's cluster, but I don't know how can I use it to run my Matlab code. Could anyone help? I connect to the cluster by typing below code in the terminal of my laptop:
ssh myusername#
Then it asks me to type my password.After that, below text appears:
Welcome to gav 9.1.1 (3.12.60-ql-generic-9.1-74) based on Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
Last login: Sun Apr 16 10:45:49 2017 from
gav:~ >
How can I run my code after these processes? Could anyone help me?
It looks like you have a Linux shell, so you can run your script (for instance yourScript.m)
> matlab -nojvm -nodisplay -nosplash < yourScript.m
(see also
As far as I know, there are two possibilities:
Conventional Matlab is installed on the Cluster
The Matlab Distributed Computing server is installed on the cluster
Conventional Matlab is installed on the Cluster
You execute Matlab on the cluster as you would on your local computer. I guess that you work on Windows on your local computer, given that you quote a simple shell prompt in your question ;) All right, all right, bad psychic skillz ;) see edit below.
What you see is the cluster awaiting a program name to execute. This is called the "Shell". Google "Linux shell tutorial" or start with this tutorial to get information about how to operate a Linux system without a graphical desktop.
Try to start matlab by simply typing matlab after the text you've seen. If it works, you see Matlab's welcome message and the Matlab prompt as you would see it in Matlab's command window on your local PC.
Bonus: you can try to execute Matlab on the cluster but see a graphical interface by replacing your ssh call by ssh -X myusername#, so add an additional -X.
Upload your Matlab scripts to the cluster, for example by using WinSCP (tutorial)
Execute your Matlab functions like you would locally by navigating into the correct folder and typing the function name.
EDIT: As you use Linux, you may use gio mount ssh://myusername# to access your home folder on the cluster via your file manager. If that fails, try gvfs-mount ssh://myusername# (the old name of the tool). The packages gvfs-backends and gvfs-fuse (I assume that you use ubuntu, other distributions may have different package names) must be installed for this; use your Package manager to install them if you get an error like "command not found".
Distributed Computing Server
This provides a set of Matlab "Workers" which are sent tasks from your local Computer. You use your local Matlab installation to connect to the Distributed computing server. Start with the Matlab Help Pages for the Distributed Computing Server

Nodejs terminal script problematic cygwin paths of arguments - cannot make an universal script

I have an issue with using node.js as a script language in the Cygwin terminal. The script is used not only on Cygwin, but also on other platforms like OS X or GNU/Linux (no issue there).
Local or absolute path arguments to the script are passed as Cygwin paths (example: /cygdrive/c/Users/username/Dir/some-file.txt), but node requires Windows path (example: C:\Users\username\Dir\some-file.txt).
There is a tool cygpath that is used to translate between the two, but because of the multiplatform requirement, I cannot hardcode them. I would not like to make any bash wrappers so I can keep it a one file script.
For example this would work: ./script $(cygpath -w /tmp/file), but I cannot require the users of the script to put cygpath every time they want to use it.
Node is installed as the windows binary and is invoked with a shabang: #!/usr/bin/env node. which nodejs yields /cygdrive/c/Program Files/nodejs/node.
TL;DR: is there any sane and portable way to trigger automatic path translation in Cygwin for arguments of a nodejs script?

Linux executable on cygwin terminal [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Executable file generated using GCC under cygwin
(5 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Let me tell you my problem. I've a shell script which execute a Linux executable. I don't have access to the source code of this exe.
When I run the script on the Linux machine, there is no problem.
But, if I try to run the script on my Windows laptop, using cygwin, I have the error "cannot execute binary file".
There is any solution ?
Thanks !
"... Cygwin is a compatibility layer, which aims to implement as much as possible of the POSIX and Linux APIs within Windows. This means that programs have to be compiled specifically for Cygwin ..."
What does this script look like? Is it a bash script? If so, you may want to try sh <scriptfile> in Cygwin. If this doesn't work, and it is a bash script, make sure you have sh.exe. Type sh and hit tab twice to check.
Another potential issue if it is a bash script is that you don't have something installed that Cygwin requires to run the script. Make sure all the commands the script is trying to run will work. If not, you may have to run the Cygwin installer and install whatever is needed to run the script.
Also, you may want to check permissions.
If the file has an exe extension, it SHOULD work on Windows unless it was compiled for 64 bit architecture and you're running a 32 bit OS. Otherwise, you could be missing some .dll files that the executable relies on.
If this is the contents of your script:
echo START
then it's likely you have the incorrect path. Cygwin paths typically start with /cygdrive/c/ in Windows. Go to where the file exists and type pwd to get the correct path, then modify your script accordingly.
Content of in oper folder :
echo START
In Cygwin terminal (in the right folder):
(Path updated)

Can't use "." to execute files with cygwin

I recently installed Cygwin on Windows 8.1, it works great but I can't execute file using the dot, for example "./". I'm using the Windows's command prompt.
When I try using it, it show me that "." is not reconized. How can I make it works ?
You need to use the cygwin terminal or powershell instead.
The command interpreter doesn't think that your files are executable because they aren't one of the types that are recognized as binary executables. In general, Windows would use file associations from the registry to make things happen when you try to run a file. The cygwin terminal follows the unix-like convention and knows that your scripts are ml files and they are executable by using the ml interpreter, most likely from a #! at the top of your file.
