Set animation position - godot

I'm using Godot 4 beta. I want to skip to a specific frame in an AnimationPlayer, but I'm getting:
Invalid set index 'current_animation_position' (on base: 'AnimationPlayer') with value of type 'float'.
Here's the related documentation:
I currently have one AnimationPlayer in my scene, named 'animation', with an animation named 'Animation' with "Autoplay on Load". The animation 'Animation' has a length of 4.x seconds.
Here's my code attached to the scene:
func _process(_delta):
if Input.is_action_just_released("skip_intro"):
if animation_player.current_animation_position < 1.3:
animation_player.current_animation_position = 1.3
Update (2)
I know I can use animation_player.advance(), but it adds to the relative time. I'm looking for a way to go to a fixed frame, not a relative frame.

As you can read in the documentation you linked current_animation_position only has a getter. It is a read-only property.
If you want to go to an specific time you can use the seek method.

I found that I can use play() before advance() to go to an absolute frame. But I'd appreciate any other way to do it inliner."Animation")
IMO it should be allowed to rewrite the current_animation_position property.


How to properly use .itemconfigure() in tkinter

I am trying to remove the underline from the items in my list box when i select it. I tried giving the entire list box the "activestyle=None" but i learned that you need to use the "itemconfigure". What i am lost on is what i should be putting for index. I have my .insert index as 'end' and it works properly but when i do that for the item configure it says its out of range. Here is the code if anyone can assist me here.
taskList = Listbox(setBox, bg="#1B2834",fg="white")
taskList.configure(width=183,height=39, activestyle=None, fg="#4299E9", selectbackground="#061523",
taskList.itemconfigure('end', activestyle=None)
taskList.insert('end', taskIDnum)
You don't use itemconfigure to set the activestyle attribute. You should use the configure method of the listbox. The documented value to turn off the ring around active item (or underline, depending on platform) is the string "none", not the python value None.

Vuforia video playback with fixed dimension

I am using vuforia video playback demo with cloud recognition.
I have combined both projects and it is working properly. But currently video dimension is according to detected object. But i need fixed width and height when video plays.
Can anyone help me ?
Thanks in advance.
Well apparently Vuforia fixes the width and height at the start of the game no matter what the size of the object is. I could not find when exactly this operation is conducted but it is done at beginning of your game. When you change the size of the ImageTarget in runtime it is not fixed anymore. Add these lines to your OnTrackingFound function of DefaultTrackableEventHandler.cs
if ( == "WhateverTheNameOfYourRelatedImageTarget"&& !isScaled)
//Increase the size however you want i just added 1 to each dimension
this.transform.localScale +=;
// make isScaled true not to scale every time it is found initially it shoud be false
isScaled = true;
Good luck!
What i usually do is , instead of Videoplayback , i play the video on canvas object and hook this object to Defaulttrackableeventhandler script. So when target is found, gameobject.setactive(true) and gameobject.setactive(false) when target is lost. By this method the size of the gameobject is fixed and it stays in a fixed location .
I just made an example you can get here (have to import it to any project and open the scene Assets/VideoExample/Examples). You can see there a bit clearer what the ScreenSpace - Overlay does ... it might be better to just switch to ScreenSpace - Camera in general

How to get moving object's mask using OpenCV BackgroundSubtractorMOG2

I want to mask the moving objects from video.
I found that OpenCV has some built-in BackgroundSubtractors which could possibly saving my time a lot. However, according to the official reference, the function:
void BackgroundSubtractorMOG2::operator()(InputArray image, OutputArray fgmask, double learningRate=-1)
should output a mask, fgmask, but it doesn't. The fgmask variable will contain the "contour of the mask" instead after invoking above method. That's weird. All I want is a simple closed region filled with white color(for example) to represent the moving objects. How could I do that?
Any reply or recommendation would be very appreciate. Thanks a lot.
Here's my code:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cv::BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 bg = BackgroundSubtractorMOG2(30,16.0,false);
cv::VideoCapture cap(0);
cv::Mat frame, mask, _frame, _fmask;
cvNamedWindow("mask", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
cap >> frame;
_frame = IplImage(frame);
_fmask = IplImage(fmask);
cvShowImage("mask", &_fmask);
if(cv::waitKey(30) >= 0) break;
return 0;
A snapshot of the output video is:
p.s. My working environment is OpenCV2.4.3 on OSX 10.8 and XCode 4.5.2 with apple LLVM compiler 4.1.
If you want to acquire the whole objects filled with white pixels in the foreground then I would ask you to tell me something about your experience.
My question is, for the code, you mentioned above, do you get more white pixels when you generate more motion in front of your camera?
If yes then there are two paramenters to learn about for your requirement.
First is the History parameter. which you have configured as 30 in the constructor BackgroundSubtractorMOG2(30,16.0,false);. You can test this param by incresing, say to 300. It will maintain the motion history of the object in the foreground. So if you have moved completely from your starting location within the 300 frames then you will get whole object covered with white pixels as you want. but it will be erased gradually. So it cannot give you the 100% solution.
The second parameter is called learning rate. In the code you mentioned bg(frame,fmask,-1); where -1 is your learning rate. you can set it to 0.0 to 1.0 and default is -1. When you set it 0, you will get what you want for the objects which are not part of the frame in the starting of the video. You can call this kind of object "foreign objects". You will get foreign object covered with white pixels.
Explore your testing from the information I have mentioned above and share your experience.

Height of tab (JTabbedPane) does not change

As the title says, the height of my tabs is not increasing as it should, my code looks like this:
JTabbedPane jtp = new JTabbedPane();
JLabel iconInTab = new JLabel(new ImageIcon("myImage.png"));
iconInTab.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100,80)); // is the size of my Image, I've also try to do this using getSize
jtp.addTab(null,new JPanel());
I've also try this using html but it did not work either:
jtp.addTab("<html><p><p><p></html>",new ImageIcon("myImage.png"),new JPanel());
with the first code the problem is not the change of the size horizontally (the width change correctly), the problem is only on the height, with the second code, if I add multiple lines inside the html code, the text appear incomplete (just show the middle line) (also the width behaves as expected, the problem is the height). . .
why is this happening? or how could I get this done?
Note: S.O.: Mac OS X 10.8.1
Solved!!! The problem was that the default UI over MAC OS X (, you only need to change it to the basicTabbedPaneUI (or the one of your preference), in my particular case I need to extend this class (it was a pain in the *, because what I wanted was really complex) to get the look & feel that I was expecting, if you have the same trouble just do this before adding your tabs:
myTabbedPane.setUI(new BasicTabbedPaneUI());
Note: Checking the default UI of your TabbedPane, may solve many different problems.

best option for background subtraction using emgucv?

can you suggest a good option for background subtraction using emgucv? my project is real time pedestrian detection.
Not sure if you still need this, EmguCV, if you have 2 images of say type Image<Bgr, Byte> or any other type, called img1 and img2, doing img1 - img2 does work! There is a function called AbsDiff as well, I think it works like this: img1.AbsDiff(img2), you could look into that.
If you already have the picture of the background (img1) and you have the current frame (img2), you could do the above.
This is quite possible take a look at the "MotionDetection" example provided with EMGU this should get you started.
Effectively the code that removes the foreground is effectively named "_forgroundDetector" it is the "_motionHistory" that presents stores what movement has occurred.
The example has everything you need if you have trouble running it let me know,
See:Removing background from _capture.QueryFrame()
