Malformed Component? Uncaught (in promise) Error: Found malformed component comment at Blazor: - components

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Found malformed component comment at Blazor:
Alright, so I keep running into this error. It's very inconsistent, and not always reproducible. I'm on .NET6, using Blazorise, and every once in a while on a page load, I get this error. The result is that the page will load, but without the sidebar, leaving me no ability to navigate. So far my notes of the error are as follows:
It happens in all browsers.
It happens more often when my screen size is smaller, or the window is not full screen.
It only seems to happen on screens that have an EditForm (Blazorise component).
It only seems to happen on screens that have multiple columns.
If I refresh the page between 2 and 370 times, eventually, the sidebar will load as usual.
Research into this issue has shown that sometimes it happens when there's a double body tag or something, but I have not seen anything of the sort on any of my pages thus far when examining the content in the browser. Does anyone have any tips or tricks on this?
Any input appreciated, thank you.


WKWebView - didFinishNavigation or decidePolicyForNavigationResponse not being called on goBack action

I am not sure whether its a usual behavior or not, but, on [WKWebView goBack] navigates to previous page from the Back-Forward list. but, in my case on very first back action, it does not calls didFinishNavigation delegate method.
So, if it's usual behavior then how to detects that page loading is completed after back the action.
Are you seeing this on a specific iOS version? Im seeing this too, only and error is being thrown and the page just stops loading, hence didFinish... not being called.
I've only started seeing this since 13.4 (or 13.4.1)
--- EDIT ---
I do have a workaround.
This appears to happen more often on slower networks and when the user interacts before a page is fully loaded. Normally if a user taps back before the page they visited finished loading then a "Cancelled" error is thrown.
What seems to be happening now is, if the page they are returning to never finished loading at the point they left, then the error is thrown again, but this time referencing the page they are returning to. and more importantly the web view is no longer loading at this point.
what we have done is monitor this and check to see if the page is not loading, and if it isn't, reload it. This seems to work and while not ideal, its buying us some time to investigate a proper fix.
In addition, I put a retry limit on this and we show an error with a reload button after the third attempt, though in practice we've never seen it go beyond the first reload attempt.
The fact that the error is thrown almost instantaneously means the reload adds no perceivable delay for the user.
I even see this on the simulator. Navigate to, click privacy, then goBack and while the page loads normally, navigation reports a failure with error:
Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-999 "(null)" UserInfo={NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _WKRecoveryAttempterErrorKey=<WKReloadFrameErrorRecoveryAttempter: 0x600003904e40>}
What you need to do is capture this with the didFailNavigation: delegate method and handle it gracefully (if you see a consistent error like the above you can even treat it exactly the same as success).

Untraceable errors in XHTML templates caused by a missing space between attributes among (X)HTML tags

Have a simple question. Let's consider the following tag.
<h:inputText id="text" value="#{bean.value}"/>
If it is mistakenly written as follows.
<h:inputText id="text"value="#{bean.value}"/>
Please notice that there is no space between the id and the value attributes in this case. This is expected to be a parse error that should occur during parsing of the XHTML file possibly throwing an appropriate exception.
If it were to happen, absolutely nothing exceptional would be reported. No errors/exceptions would be thrown on the server-side. The target web page on the browser would then merely be left blank (white) in its entirely which would also indicate no errors as obvious on the client-side, since parsing of the file happens on the server-side.
Additional Information :
This already happened to me several times on XHTML files having several lines of code even though extreme care is exercised/taken. Mostly happens during copy/pasting which is many a times essential.
If it were to happen, the only way to trace the error was scan the XHTML document manually starting from the first line, all the way down to the last line (or the trace line, if one is caught) possibly scrolling in the middle through a long, ugly horizontal scroll bar on the IDE's GUI too.
Fortunately, I duplicated the same application twice - once using Java EE and again using Spring hereby XHTML code was same in both of the projects. I had been solving this problem as of now, since I began those applications in parallel by copy/pasting the whole XHTML code from one project to another, when it happened and I was unable to trace the line by average attempts. This is not always an alternative.
Can it get to throw an exception, when an XHTML document is mal-formed in this way? Are there someways to make it debuggable/traceable so that one can get rid of manual/tedious/time-consuming/eye-stretching tracing of an XHTML document?

Is it possible to disable JSF's silent failure behaviour?

When there is a parsing error in a JSF page, no error message is printed to System.err nor System.out. The affected page simply does not load. We spend about half of our working days doing trial and error in xhtml files (there are extremely obscure causes of failure, such as setting a CSS class-attribute on a p:fileUpload-component) and it is very inefficient (and not so fun). Can this behaviour be changed to receive useful error messages?
Try to set javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE to Developmet. It supposes to give you better error messages.
Read this for more information:

page div/item shudders when hovering certain items

I have a very unusual behaviour when hovering my menu here:
It shudders and the links don't work.
You can see this by hovering over the 4 main links or any of the sub-nav links.
Any ideas?
I'm seeing an error in console: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token << jquery.main.js:1.
It looks like the hover state is being applied on mousemove when it should be applied on mouseover or mouseenter. Maybe it's an event bubbling issue that causes the mouseover event to fire constantly.
Upon refreshing the page the problem no longer appears. Did you fix it?

How to make an action when the page fails to load?

How do I know when a page fails to load?
When there's a server error, and I get the gray window that sayd "Google Chrome fails to load this page..." or "this page in not available" ?
I want to add my extension an option of auto refresh after 10 seconds. I work with some web-app that sometimes the server fails to load for some reason, and a refresh just brings it back to life.
So I'm looking for auto-refresh in this case.
Thanks in advance!
You may want to take a look at the chrome.webRequest.onErrorOccurred.addListener(function details){} listener. Per the documentation, errors that are triggered by any event before the completion of a request will fire the onErrorOccurred method. The details will contain information about the error, but in your case it sounds like any triggered error should cause a refresh, so perhaps something like this (completely untested, more theoretical :) ):
chrome.webRequest.onErrorOccurred.addListener(function details){
