Beautiful Soup Value not extracting properly - python-3.x

Recently i was working with python beautiful soup to extract some data and put it into pandas DataFrame.
I used python beautiful soup to extract some of the hotel data from the website
I was able to extract some of the attributes very correctly without any empty.
Here is my code snippet:
def get_Hotel_Facilities(soup):
title = soup.find_all("div", attrs={"class":"db29ecfbe2 c21a2f2d97 fe87d598e8"})
new_list = []
# Inner NavigatableString Object
for i in range(len(title)):
except AttributeError:
return new_list
The above code is my function to retrieve the Facilities of a hotel and return the facilitites List items.
d = {"Hotel_Name":[], "Hotel_Rating":[], "Room_type":[],"Room_price":[],"Room_sqft":[],"Facilities":[],"Location":[]}
while (page_no<=25):
URL = f"{page_no}"
new_webpage = requests.get(URL, headers=HEADERS)
soup = BeautifulSoup(new_webpage.content,"html.parser")
links = soup.find_all("a", attrs={"class":"e13098a59f"})
for link in links:
new_webpage = requests.get(link.get('href'), headers=HEADERS)
new_soup = BeautifulSoup(new_webpage.content, "html.parser")
page_no += 25
The above code is the main one where the while loop will traverse the linked pages and retrieve the URL's of the pages. After retrieving ,it goes to every page to retrieve the corresponding atrributes.
I was able to retrieve the rest of the attributes correctly but i am not able to retrive the facilities, Like only some of the room facilities are being returned and some are not returning.
Here is my below o/p after making it into a pandas data frame.
Facilities o/p image
Please help me in this Problem as why some are coming and some are not coming.
P.S:- The facilities are available in the website
I have Tried using all the corresponding classes and attributes for retrieval but i am not getting the facilities column properly.

Probably as a predictive measure, the html fetched by the requests don't seem to consistent in their layouts or even the contents.
There might be more possible selectors, but try
def get_Hotel_Facilities(soup):
selectors = ['div[data-testid="property-highlights"]', '#facilities',
'.hp-description~div div.important_facility']
new_list = []
for sel in selectors:
for sect in
new_list += list(sect.stripped_strings)
return list(set(new_list)) # set <--> unique
But even with this, the results are inconsistent. E.g.: I tested on this page with
for i in range(10):
soup = BeautifulSoup(cloudscraper.create_scraper().get(url).content)
fl = get_Hotel_Facilities(soup) if soup else []
print(f'[{i}] {len(fl)} facilities: {", ".join(fl)}')
(But the inconsistencies might be due to using cloudscraper - maybe you'll get better results with your headers?)


Not getting any data entry with 'find_all' while scraping Spotify Charts webpage

I am trying to scrape the spotify charts containing top 200 songs in India on 2022-02-01. My python code :
#It reads the webpage.
def get_webpage(link):
page = requests.get(link)
soup = bs(page.content, 'html.parser')
#It collects the data for each country, and write them in a list.
#The entries are (in order): Song, Artist, Date, Play Count, Rank
def get_data():
rows = []
soup = get_webpage('')
entries = soup.find_all("td", class_ = "chart-table-track")
streams = soup.find_all("td", class_= "chart-table-streams")
for i, (entry, stream) in enumerate(zip(entries,streams)):
song = entry.find('strong').get_text()
artist = entry.find('span').get_text()[3:]
play_count = stream.get_text()
rows.append([song, artist, date, play_count, i+1])
I tried printing the entries and streams but get a blank value
entries = soup.find_all("td", class_ = "chart-table-track")
streams = soup.find_all("td", class_= "chart-table-streams")
I have copied/referenced this from Here
and tried running the full script but that gives error : 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find_all' in the country function. Hence I tried for a smaller section as above.
NoneType suggests that is doesn't find the "Entries" or "Streams", if you print soup it will show you that the selectors set up for entries and streams does not exist.
After checking your soup object, it seems that Cloudflare is blocking your access to Spotify and you need to complete a CAPTCHA to get around this. There is a library set up for bypassing cloudflare called "cloudscraper".

web scraping help needed

I was wondering if someone could help me put together some code for
I currently use this code to scrape the current price
currentPriceData = soup.find_all('div', {'class':'My(6px) Pos(r) smartphone_Mt(6px)'})[0].find('span').text
This works fine but I occasionally get an error not really sure why as the links are all correct. but I would like to try to get the price again
so something like
currentPriceData = soup.find_all('div', {'class':'My(6px) Pos(r) smartphone_Mt(6px)'})[0].find('span').text
except Exception:
currentPriceData = soup.find('span', {'class':'Trsdu(0.3s) Fw(b) Fz(36px) Mb(-4px) D(ib)'})[0].text
The problem is that I can't get it to scrape the number using this method any help would be greatly appreciated.
The data is embedded within the page as Javascript variable. But you can use json module to parse it.
For example:
import re
import json
import requests
url = ''
html_data = requests.get(url).text
#the next line extracts from the HTML source javascript variable
#that holds all data that is rendered on page.
#BeautifulSoup cannot run Javascript, so we are going to use
#`json` module to extract the data.
#NOTE: When you view source in Firefox/Chrome, you can search for
# `root.App.main` to see it.
data = json.loads('root\.App\.main = ({.*?});\n', html_data).group(1))
# uncomment this to print all data:
# print(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
# We now have the Javascript variable extracted to standard python
# dict, so now we just print contents of some keys:
price = data['context']['dispatcher']['stores']['QuoteSummaryStore']['price']['regularMarketPrice']['fmt']
currency_symbol = data['context']['dispatcher']['stores']['QuoteSummaryStore']['price']['currencySymbol']
print('{} {}'.format(price, currency_symbol))
227.30 £

how to read links from a list with beautifulsoup?

I have a list with lots of links and I want to scrape them with beautifulsoup in Python 3
links is my list and it contains hundreds of urls. I have tried this code to scrape them all, but it's not working for some reason
links= ['',
raw = urlopen(i in links).read()
ufos_doc = BeautifulSoup(raw, "html.parser")
raw should be a list containing the data of each web-page. For each entry in raw, parse it and create a soup object. You can store each soup object in a list (I called it soups):
links= ['',
raw = [urlopen(i).read() for i in links]
soups = []
for page in raw:
You can then access eg. the soup object for the first link with soups[0].
Also, for fetching the response of each URL, consider using the requests module instead of urllib. See this post.
You need a Loop over the list links. If you have a lot of these to do, as mentioned in other answer, consider requests. With requests you can create a Session object which will allow you to re-use connection thereby more efficiently scraping
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
links= ['',
with requests.Session as s:
for link in links:
r = s.get(link)
soup = bs(r.content, 'lxml')
#do something

Problem exporting Web Url results into CSV using beautifulsoup3

Problem: I tried to export results (Name, Address, Phone) into CSV but the CSV code not returning expected results.
#Import the installed modules
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import json
import re
import csv
#To get the data from the web page we will use requests get() method
url = ""
page = requests.get(url)
# To check the http response status code
#Now I have collected the data from the web page, let's see what we got
#The above data can be view in a pretty format by using beautifulsoup's prettify() method. For this we will create a bs4 object and use the prettify method
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, 'lxml')
#Find all DIVs that contain Companies information
product_name_list = soup.findAll("div",{"class":"CompanyInfo"})
#Find all Companies Name under h2tag
company_name_list_heading = soup.findAll("h2")
#Find all Address on page Name under a tag
company_name_list_items = soup.findAll("a",{"class":"address"})
#Find all Phone numbers on page Name under ul
company_name_list_numbers = soup.findAll("ul",{"class":"submenu"})
Created for loop to print out all company Data
for company_address in company_name_list_items:
# Create for loop to print out all company Names
for company_name in company_name_list_heading:
# Create for loop to print out all company Numbers
for company_numbers in company_name_list_numbers:
Below is the code to export the results (name, address & phonenumber) into CSV
outfile = open('gymlookup.csv','w', newline='')
writer = csv.writer(outfile)
writer.writerow(["name", "Address", "Phone"])
product_name_list = soup.findAll("div",{"class":"CompanyInfo"})
company_name_list_heading = soup.findAll("h2")
company_name_list_items = soup.findAll("a",{"class":"address"})
company_name_list_numbers = soup.findAll("ul",{"class":"submenu"})
Here is the for loop to loop over data.
for company_name in company_name_list_heading:
names = company_name.contents[0]
for company_numbers in company_name_list_numbers:
names = company_numbers.contents[1]
for company_address in company_name_list_items:
address = company_address.contents[1]
writer.writerow([name, Address, Phone])
You need to work on understanding how for loops work, and also the difference between strings, and variables and other datatypes. You also need to work on using what you have seen from other stackoverflow questions and learn to apply that. This is essentially the same as youre other 2 questions you already posted, but just a different site you're scraping from (but I didn't flag it as a duplicate, as you're new to stackoverflow and web scrpaing and I remember what it was like to try to learn). I'll still answer your questions, but eventually you need to be able to find the answers on your own and learn how to adapt it and apply (coding isn't a paint by colors. Which I do see you are adapting some of it. Good job in finding the "div",{"class":"CompanyInfo"} tag to get the company info)
That data you are pulling (name, address, phone) needs to be within a nested loop of the div class=CompanyInfo element/tag. You could theoretically have it the way you have it now, by putting those into a list, and then writing to the csv file from your lists, but theres a risk of data missing and then your data/info could be off or not with the correct corresponding company.
Here's what the full code looks like. notice that the variables are stored with in the loop, and then written. It then goes to the next block of CompanyInfo and continues.
#Import the installed modules
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import csv
#To get the data from the web page we will use requests get() method
url = ""
page = requests.get(url)
# To check the http response status code
#Now I have collected the data from the web page, let's see what we got
#The above data can be view in a pretty format by using beautifulsoup's prettify() method. For this we will create a bs4 object and use the prettify method
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, 'html.parser')
outfile = open('gymlookup.csv','w', newline='')
writer = csv.writer(outfile)
writer.writerow(["Name", "Address", "Phone"])
#Find all DIVs that contain Companies information
product_name_list = soup.findAll("div",{"class":"CompanyInfo"})
# Now loop through those elements
for element in product_name_list:
# Takes 1 block of the "div",{"class":"CompanyInfo"} tag and finds/stores name, address, phone
name = element.find('h2').text
address = element.find('address').text.strip()
phone = element.find("ul",{"class":"submenu"}).text.strip()
# writes the name, address, phone to csv
writer.writerow([name, address, phone])
# now will go to the next "div",{"class":"CompanyInfo"} tag and repeats

Optimizing a webcrawl

The following crawl, though very short, is painfully slow. I mean, "Pop in a full-length feature film," slow.
def bestActressDOB():
# create empty bday list
bdays = []
# for every base url
for actress in getBestActresses(""):
# use actress list to create unique actress url
URL = ""+actress
# connect to html
html = urlopen(URL)
# create soup object
bsObj = BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")
# get text from <span class='bday">
bday = bsObj.find("span", {"class":"bday"}).get_text()
except AttributeError:
return bdays
It grabs the name of every actress nominated for an Academy Award from a table on one Wikipedia page, then converts that to a list, uses those names to create URLs to visit each actresses' wiki, where it grabs her date of birth. The data will be used to calculate the age at which each actress was nominated for, or won, the Academy Award for Best Actress. Beyond Big O, is there a way to speed this up in real time. I have little experience with this sort of thing, so I am unsure of how normal this is. Thoughts?
Edit: Requested sub-routine
def getBestActresses(URL):
bestActressNomineeLinks = []
html = urlopen(URL)
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")
table = soup.find("table", {"class":"wikitable sortable"})
except AttributeError:
print("Error creating/navigating soup object")
table_row = table.find_all("tr")
for row in table_row:
first_data_cell = row.find_all("td")[0:1]
for datum in first_data_cell:
actress_name = datum.find("a")
links = actress_name.attrs['href']
return bestActressNomineeLinks
I would reccomend trying on a faster computer or even running on a service like google cloud platform, microsoft azure, or amazon web services. There is no code that will make it go faster.
