How to calculate time by the angle of the ecliptic - trigonometry

I am editing the code of one astrological site, and slowed down for one moment =). There is a natal chart (aka the sphere of the ecliptic). Accordingly, 360 degrees correspond to 24 hours. But the movement of the sun is not uniform. And how can I find out, what is the time shift, for example, in 190 degrees? I can't find a formula anywhere on the internet. Thank you.


Finding the relationship between two variables for RE Investment Analysis

I've been struggling with how to attack this problem for the better part of a week. I'll give some quick background to the situation. Basically, I'm trying to figure out a formula to find the average value of below-ground square footage (basement) and above-ground square footage independently within specified areas. This way, I can divide the two averages to determine a ratio of below-ground sf to above-ground sf. This will help me make certain adjustments for a few different real estate investment analytics. It is commonly known that a square foot in a basement is not as valuable as a square foot above the ground. The national average is roughly half. Meaning, a square foot in the basement holds half the value as a square foot on the main floor or upstairs.
If I have a spreadsheet with columns of the sold price for all homes in an area, the above-ground square footage, and the below-ground square footage; is there a way to properly isolate above-ground square footage from below-ground square footage to figure out on average what a square foot in the basement is worth relative to a square foot on the main floor/upstairs?
I've tried a lot of different approaches. I thought I solved it a few different times until realizing upon testing that I was finding solutions for different things... not what I wanted. I tried creating a system of linear equations... but realized quickly that there was no solution that way. Then I also tried to run regressions... but in all honesty, some of that went over my head. I know there has to be a way to figure this out, but I'm looking for any assistance that I can at this point. Any suggestions or resources would be much appreciated, thanks!

Excel Chart Scatter Straight Line and show length based on 3rd series

I'm trying to create a scatter straight line chart to visually show how a retaining wall looks in elevation view. I have a top of wall dimension and bottom of wall dimension and the length of each wall section. I am able to use the top and bottom of wall dimension but having trouble showing the length of the run. I have tried to add the wall length as another data point, but doesn't work, it just skews the other two points. Tried to use a cumulative run length, helper column, but couldn't get that value to populate the x axis properly. I added some notes in red in the image below. Spent a few hours and appreciate any help.
I perhaps wouldn't use excel for diagramming this, but I think you would need to add more points and interpolate the values. If your minimum wall length is 25, then you could use 25 as your base. Wall 1 is 100, so you need 4 points (100 / 25). Wall 3 is 150 so you need 6 points. Plus 1 point for each wall to accommodate start/stop.
For missing values in wall 1 top, you would take (230-224.3)/4 = 1.425. Then add 1.425 to the value above it.
It would look something like this:
And this would need to be a line chart, where column A can represent the X-axis for labeling.

Calculate a plot and intersect on a curve in an excel chart based on a single value

I have some data that I'm using to plot a curve in excel. It uses a non-linear calculation.
The calculation is called the rule of twelfths - it is used to calculate changes in tidal height between a high and low tide. The rule states that in the first sixth (often approximated to an hour) of the time period, the tide will move 1/12th of the overall range. In the second sixth, the tide will move 2/12th's of the overall range. In the 3rd and 4th sixth, the tide will move 3/12ths (in each), and then it will move 2/12ths again in the fifth sixth, and 1/12th in the final sixth.
The maths for this is relatively straightforward - if I know the High Water Time and Low Water time, and their respective heights, I can calculate a data point for each sixth. That then plots to a nice even curve (and some fun pie chart shenanigans shows it on a clock face too).
This produces the following sheet:
What I am now after is the ability to overlay onto that the height for a given time of day. This would be used in a 'live' sense to display the height 'now', or perhaps where the user dragged their finger on the curve if it was in an app. I'm only using this for screenshot/flat file purposes, so I just need it to base the overlay one the data in one cell.
So, in the attached screenshot, if we had a time of day of 1128, (based on Cell J3), excel would take the time in J3, and wherever it intersected the curve, draw both a vertical and a horizontal line, so that the height of tide data (HOT) could be measured off that axis.
This would look something like this (I've circled cell J3 too):
Is that something that's possible? It might be that it needs to do a lookup in the table of calculated data points and then interpolate just between those two - that would probably get close enough.
A two stage question I guess - firstly calculating the intercept, secondly getting it to draw on (complete with the vertical and horizontal lines if possible!).
There's a widget on planetcalc which does almost the same thing - it only gives the calculated data points (and it uses hours rather than the range), but it gives a nice visual idea.
PlanetCalc Tide Calculator
Any thoughts? Is it possible?
I created a solution to this myself in the end.
Given that the two values were easily calculated, I produced a pair of values for the desired time/height, and plotted each as an additional line graph on top of the existing (styled correctly).
This gave the appearance of what I wanted, and intersected my curve perfectly.

Excel how to find algebraic curve and fill in estimate?

Given a generic "rank" column and some actual data in the SOLD-LAST-MONTH column, how can i fill in the blanks using excel's basic algebra functions?
433 2931
1484 2691
1872 2108
2762 495
Seems like the numbers on the left would form a curve and the numbers on the right would shape the curve.
I'm forgetting my highschool math days about how to accomplish this?
Fitting a curve requires much more than simple algebra.
Also, you don't have enough data to define a curve. Plotting the points you already have (using x-y scatter plot), the extrapolation from the last 3 points would be the red line, which runs into negatives very quickly.
Sales obviously need to remain positive, so assuming a very small number of sales for the lowest salesrank and plotting that point as well shows what the curve should look more like.
To generate the green curve I just drew a smooth line over the known points. (Using drawing tools and adjusting the points and gradients until the curve looks reasonable. We can do this visually easily but programmatically it's very complicated.)
It would be easiest (and considering how little data you have, it's also about as accurate as you'll get) to just read values from the curve at each salesrank point.
While it's safe to assume sales are near zero at the lowest ranks, the top ranks can be unpredictable... in some situations the top few ranks are far greater than the rest. For a more accurate curve near the top ranks, you really need to know the number of sales for the top rank. That would allow you to get a far more accurate value for the 171 rank.

Excel average every 0.5 meters, irregular distances between data points

I have a data set that has height values every so often, like topography data in a straight line with GPS coordinates. I used the GPS coordinates and trigonometry to make a cumulative distance column. However, the distance between points varies. Sometimes its 10 cm sometimes its 13, sometimes its 40.
I would like to take the average height every 0.5 meters, but sometimes the distance column doesnt even land on a multiple of 0.5! This would mean my output column would be significantly shorter than my raw data column.
I think my main problem is I do not know what this process is called in order to Google it. Another problem is that the distances are irregular as mentioned above. Things I think may have something to do with it:
binning? I do not want a histrogram though, just the data.
Thanks for the help and if you do not know the answer but at least know what I should be writing in the search bars that would be helpful as well. Thanks!
Perhaps this will work for you. I made up a series of distance vs height measurements and determined that a third order polynomial curve fit pretty well. (A different curve might best fit your real data, so you would have to alter the formula accordingly). I then used that formula to derive a set of new heights for the desired ditances at, in my example five unit differences.
The formula under Extrapolated heights is an ARRAY formula entered into all the cells at once. You select D2:D12, enter the formula in D2 and, hold down CTRL-SHIFT while hitting ENTER. If you did this correctly, you will have the same formula in each cell surrounded by curly braces {...}
Then you can decide how you want to "Average" the heights.
