Excel checkbox feature for Quality Assurance table - excel

I'm working in an excel data sheet and I have a developer checkmark in one cell. My intention is have the checkmark, once clicked to either copy or vlookup information on the previous 8 cells of the same row and have it copy to another tab of the same formatting/spacing. This may seem like a very complicated way of avoiding copy and pasting, however excel skills for others in my group and warehouse a very minimal.
Main cells
I've tried with formulas to detected the checkmark and nothing works as either =If or =Iferror(vlookup... but these do not detect the check box and having it as true or false does not yield the results needed.


Use common dropdown across multiple worksheets to change single cell

I have a large file with a Scenario Manager, where changing a single cell on the Summary worksheet changes the visible scenario throughout the rest of the workbook. Data Tables are working a treat providing the headline values for each option.
I'd like to have a drop down on each sheet that when changed will change the same single cell on the Summary worksheet, so I don't need to go back to the Summary sheet every time I want to switch visible scenarios.
This is a simple process if I'm using macros and would be the solution I'd normally jump straight to. But this needs to be done without macros and this is where I'm now struggling.
Does anyone know if this is possible (without macros) and point me in the right direction?
You can insert combo box (Developer Tab > Insert > Form Controls > Combo Box) on each sheet. Mention linked cell as a cell of the summary sheet (Absolute reference with sheet name). That cell will give you index of the item selected in the drop down list. Then you can insert index formula in the cell you want to change every time to get value of the drop down list. Once you insert it on one sheet you can copy it to other sheets. No macros required.

Excel 2010 VBA: Using Relative references across multiple workbooks

I'm attempting to design a macro to simplify the update process for my company's order tracking, and I'm struggling with relative references. I'm using Excel 2010.
what I need the macro to do: Find a given part number on one workbook, and use the row number of to update formulas in a a second workbook.
In more detail:
Where |Y|= column letter of original spreadsheet, |X|= row number of original spreadsheet, and |X^|=Row number of ‘All Inventory.xls’
There are 4 separate spreadsheets I would need to run the macro from (It’d be a lot easier if I could have the 4 as separate pages on one spreadsheet, but unfortunately, my boss is 60 and is a bit fuzzy on how excel works.)
The spreadsheet ‘All Inventory.xls’ is not in table form, and I can’t convert it to one. (the guy who runs inventory is very fuzzy on how spreadsheets work, approximately five years from retirement, and about as friendly as a snapping turtle.)
When run from cell |Y||X| in a table:
Copy content of the cell in table column ‘Part #’ in the same row – structured reference [#[Part #]]|X|
Paste content of cell ‘[#[Part #]]|X|’ into Find/Replace
Switch to spreadsheet ‘All Inventory.xls’
Hit ‘find next’ – will land on cell C|X^|
switch back to original spreadsheet
return to original cell |Y||X|
type “=’[All Inventory.xls]Sheet1’!$E$|X^|”
go to cell |Y+1||X|
type “=’[All Inventory.xls]Sheet1’!$G$|X^|”
go to cell [Y][X+1]
End macro
I've tried recording this directly, while using relative references. Excel didn't like that. I'm not sure where to go from here.

Excel, linked WorkSheets causing "0" to appear in blank cells

I am working on a project which involves 14 sales consultants each with a client pipeline. These 14 sheets are in a Workbook (Workbook A) that has 1 Sheet to consolidate all the information into one pipeline.
Each consultant has an individual WorkBook that they fill in and the information is then actively transferred to Workbook A from their individual Workbook Sheets.
The problem I have is that I used a direct link (=Sheet1), because of this method I used I have to set the amount of cells to link.
All the cells I have linked with no information returns a zero in Workbook A which then causes my Consolidation page to bring in all the rows with "0" in and it does not look nice.
I would like to prevent the Consolidation sheet to import these 0 figures from the consultant sheets.
This information is constantly being refreshed so the filter also gets refreshed which means I cannot simply hide it by deselecting the value on the filter.
Maybe try using a =isblank formula to prevent the blank cells from causing you to see the 0's.
Something like this maybe =IF(ISBLANK(Sheet1!'YOURCELLSHERE),'','Sheet1!Cell')
Go to File|Options|Advanced and scroll down to "display options for this worksheet" and un-check "Show a zero in cells that have zero value". Keep in mind that this will cause cells that should display a "0" to not display that "0".

How to find out which cells are pulling data from another sheet

I want to find out exactly which cells in my excel workbook are pulling data from another sheet inside the same workbook. Is there a way to do this?
Yes, there is an easy way to do it if you don't have a lot of cells.
Click the cell you want to check, then go to "Formulas" -> "Trace Precedents". [you need to do it for each cell :(, so that's the disadvantage]. You might need to click several times for each cell.
Notice the difference in my picture. The cells in the range B5:B13 has a formula linked to an external source (another worksheet or another workbook, shown as a little mini table), while the cell B15 who has a blue arrow, is linked to cell E14 on the same worksheet!
If you want to know which linkage (which source cell it's linked to), klick on the arrow and you should see this window;
If there are a massive amount of cells, I would give this VBA code a try:
VBA to list all external links together with the cells containing the links

How to copy and paste Excel sheet by option of drop downlist

I have an Excel workbook(s) that have worksheets with formulas for similar products. In the form I created on the worksheets, there is 2 drop down list that work together. (C2) "style" (D3) "version" drop down used for less type-o errors when putting in entries.
What I am wanting to do is, from the selected drop down entries picked, to select worksheet "section A1: J13" and copy to a new sheet for printing and saving. There can be 3 that fit on page.
Currently filling on each sheet and copy and pasting to new new one to print. Resources I have available... Excel 2017, Access 2017, and VB 6.0.
I found How to copy rows of from one sheet to another sheet using vbscript which was helpful. But not there yet. Attached screen shot of control sheet, list, output. The yellow spots calculate the info on sheet. Can't upload picture not enough rep points..
