Extracting gradients of weight of ONNX model - onnx

I am currently working on the testing of DL libraries. Specifically, I want to extract the gradients of weights of ONNX model to do differential testing.
However, I have read a lot of posts online but still could not find a clear way to extract the gradients of weights given an input of an ONNX model. Is there any API to access the gradients of ONNX model?
Thank you so much!
I have read many posts but cannot find any APIs to access the gradients of weights of ONNX model.


Does training a tflite model require images annotated?

I am trying to implement TFLite model for food detection and segmentation. This is the model i chose suitable for my food images dataset: [https://tfhub.dev/s?deployment-format=lite&q=inception%20resnet%20v2].
I searched over google to understand how the images are required to be annotated, but only end up in confusion. I understand the dataset is converted to TFRecords and then fed to the pretrained model. But for training the model with custom dataset, does not it require an annotation file? I dont see any info about this on TF hub either.
Please can anyone help me on this!
The answer to your question is depends on what model do you plan to train.
In the case of a model for food detection and segmentation you do need annotations when training. If you do not provide the model with labeled training data as it is a supervised learning model it cannot learn from them.
If you were to train an autoencoder the data does not need to be annotated. Hope the keywords used in this answer help you out search for more information about the topic.

Pytorch image segmentation transfer learning

I am new in Pytorch. My question is: How do I apply transfer learning to a custom dataset? I am doing image segmentation on brain tumors. I can find examples which use U-net structure but I could not find examples using weights of the pre-trained models for a U-net image segmentation?
You could obtain pre-trained models in two ways:
Model weights or complete models shared in formats such .pt or .pth:
In this case, Saving and Loading Models is a good starting point. Copying from the tutorial there, you could load a model as
model = TheModelClass(*args, **kwargs)
The other way is to load the model from torchvision. A list is available models is available at Torchvision Models. U-Net is not available yet. However, it is possible to load a pre-trained model as the encoder and write a separate decoder to form a U-Net with a pre-trained encoder.
In this case, the model object returned from the function calls shown in the API are already loaded with pretrained weights when pretrained=True.
For writing a custom dataloader, PyTorch data loaders may be a useful guide.

BERT weight calculation

I am trying to understand the BERT weight calculation. Please suggest me some article which can help me to understand the internal workings of BERT. I have read articles from Medium.
I am doing a small project to understand the Bert pretraining and fine-tuning from different sources. My idea is to calculate the weights of each token in their own sources and find avg of all weights to get a global model. Then this global model can be used to fine-tune in different sources.
How can I find these weights, and how can average these weights from multiple sources?
can I visualise it? Then how?
Also, note that I am trying to use Tensorflow version of the Bert implementation and planning to fine-tune for the NER task.

CNN with CTC loss

I want to extract features using a pretrained CNN model(ResNet50, VGG, etc) and use the features with a CTC loss function.
I want to build it as a text recognition model.
Anyone on how can i achieve this ?
I'm not sure if you are looking to finetune the pretrained models or to use the models for feature extraction. To do the latter freeze the petrained model weights (there are several ways to do this in PyTorch, the simplest being calling .eval() on the model), and feed the logits from the last layer of the model to your new output head. See the PyTorch tutorial here for a more in depth guide.

extracting gradients for a model, reversing them and updating the weights in Keras

I'm trying to do domain adversarial training using gradient-reversal procedure. I have a deep-learning model architecture consisting of 5 dense layers. Now I want to extract the gradient, reverse them and then update the weights. I am not sure how to extract the gradients and finally how to add them to update the weights. I have gone through some example codes but I am still pretty doubtful regarding using Keras backend. Any help with some toy code or example with explanation is really appreciated.
Thank you,
