Remote Debugging Website on LG WebOS Browser - browser

Is there any possibility to debug a Website remotely, which is open on an LG TVs Browser? I found some solutions to debug my own WebOS App with Visual Studio Code, but i want to debug the WebOS internal Browser.
The Reason for this is, that there is a website which has issues only when dsiplaying it on the LG internalal Webbrowser.
I also tried it with the "ares-inspect" command from the WebOS CLI, but i think its only possible to debug your own App with the known AppID.
I hope someone can help me out here ...
Edit 1:
In the meantime i figured out the AppID of the Internal Browser and tried to connect via ares to it:
ares-inspect -a -d tv
Session#forward() failed forwarding client localPort: 0 (inCnx.remotePort: 65530 )=> devicePort: 9998
ares-inspect WARN Session#forward() failed forwarding client localPort: 0 => devicePort: 9998
Session#forward() failed forwarding client localPort: 0 (inCnx.remotePort: 65531 )=> devicePort: 9998
ares-inspect WARN Session#forward() failed forwarding client localPort: 0 => devicePort: 9998
Application Debugging - http://localhost:49576
When i open the URL (http://localhost:49576) in (for my WebOS version corresponding) Chromium Browser i only get this Screen:


Vite expose network URL cannot open in mobile devices

I have run below command for expose the application to external URL for viewing in mobile devices
npm run dev -- --host
VITE v3.1.8 ready in 618 ms
➜ Local: http://localhost:xxx/
➜ Network:
➜ Network:
The network URL is working fine when I open it in my desktop but it can't be opened in mobile devices and show "Safari could not open the page because the server stopped responding" after a period of time.
This might be late but I encountered the same thing right now. You just need to turn off your firewall on public network. Windows security -> Firewall network -> Public network.

can not access from mobile device while using browsersync

I have installed browsersync using command npm install -g browser-sync in windows 10 x64. nodejs version 10.11.0 browsersync version 2.26.3
everything is working fine in desktop. but when i try to access from mobile device using same wifi, i get "this site can't be reached"
i have installed another tool named dev-ip which returns this in powershell:
[ '', '' ]
the ip series used to work fine in my mobile devices.
now, how to use the ip instead of in browsersync globally?
Just specify the host in your configuration that you want the server to run on.
Eg. In you case it would be
host: ""
You can refer to the link below for more information.
Hi, guys. This is how it worked for me:
windows 10
all firewalls are closed
network access (from windows) to the PC is disabled
external url from gulp
proxying local php site from OpenServer
external device - iphone safari/chrome
external (virtual) device - vwware with macos
make sure that Windows Defender firewall monitor in high-risk mode -> rules for incoming connections -> Node.js: Server-side JavaScript is enabled (and other necessary apps)
look at what ip address in the home network my PC has (all devices are connected to the same network) - for example
in the gulp file I specify it host: "",
checking it out
for source - external device - iphone safari/chrome - correct url is only
for source - external (virtual) device - vwware with macos - correct urls is and both
Visually in pic:
Checked on all devices, in virtual devices, on the PC itself
browsersync works
the Internet is not lost
there is no address conflict within the network
Hope this will help someone too 🙂
You don't have to change the settings.
run cmd using Administrator
run ipconfig
copy IPv4 address like
Now open google on mobile and add http:// at the front and :3000 or :5500 at the back.
like run

WampServer 3.0.6 Red Icon after windows update 01.01.2018

Windows 10 x64
WampServer 3.0.6
Everything was working perfect until 01.01.2018
I updated windows and today when i try wamp server not working.
WampIcon -> Right Click -> Tools -> Check state of services:
State of services:
The service 'wampapache64' is NOT started
EXIT error code:1077
Help message for error code 1077 is:
Son açıştan bu yana, hizmeti başlatma denemesi olmadı.
The service 'wampmysqld64' is NOT started
EXIT error code:1077
Help message for error code 1077 is:
Son açıştan bu yana, hizmeti başlatma denemesi olmadı.
The service 'dnscache' is started
WampServer (Apache, PHP and MySQL) will not function properly if any service
is not started.
searched some google and stackoverflow but no post about "error code 1077"
VC packages for wamp prerequisites were already installed
Don't using IIS or Skype.
port 80 is free
***** Test which uses port 80 *****
===== Tested by command netstat filtered on port 80 =====
Test for TCP
Port 80 is not found associated with TCP protocol
Port 80 is not found associated with TCP protocol
===== Tested by attempting to open a socket on port 80 =====
Your port 80 is not actually used.
Need your ideas what the problem is?
Should i reinstall wampserver???
It sounds like the windows update may have removed the 2 services wampapache64 and wampmysqld64
To get these re-installed is simple.
Using the menus on the Wampmanager icon do this:-
[left click] wampmanager->Apache->Service Administration-> Install Service
[left click] wampmanager->MySQL->Service Administration-> Install Service
or if you are using MariaDB then do
[left click] wampmanager->MariaDB->Service Administration-> Install Service

Couchbase post-installation blank screen on localhost:8091/index.html

I have just installed Couchbase Server v.3.0.1. Right after intallation, I am redirected to localhost:8091/index.html. The page is blank on Firefox (error 500 in console), Chrome. IE says "cannot view the page" (error 500).
According to suggestion from link I have run:
netstat -a -b -p tcp and get:
No information is available about the property
TCP my_host_name:0 LISTENING
TCP my_host_name:0 LISTENING
Installation path without whitespaces:
Testing server...
> cbworkloadgen.exe -n localhost:8091
error: could not access REST API: localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets; please check source URL, server status, username (-u) and password (-p); exception: ''
Output of netstat shows that imsagent.exe is listening on port 8091. IMS (Intel Services Manager) agent is not Windows core service. Killing that process solved the problem.

Getting "The connection to 'localhost' failed" error when trying to browse localhost site on IIS

My localhost IIS sites recently stopped working and I can't figure out why. If I try and browse to http://localhost after a while I get the error Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to localhost. If I open Fiddler and try again I get a 502 error that states System.Net.Sockets.SocketException A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
I've tried using netstat -a -b to see if any other applications are blocking port 80, but there doesn't appear to be anything obvious.
I've disabled proxy servers and that doesn't have any affect.
As a last resort I even tried re-installing IIS
Everything has been working fine and I can't think of any configuration changes that would've stopped localhost from working. Any ideas?
