To check for a specific value from the values being returned from Listagg function - listagg

I have the following query written
Select a.client_acct_id, asfv.acct_no, asfv.value_text, pim.bill_day,
LISTAGG(pi.plan_no, ', ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY pi.acct_no) Plan_no
from acct a, ACCT_SUPP_FIELD_VALS asfv, plan_instance_master pim, plan_instance pi
where asfv.client_no = 65000005 and asfv.FIELD_NAME = 'BillDispMethod'
and asfv.client_no = a.client_no
and asfv.acct_no = a.acct_no
and asfv.client_no(+) = pi.client_no
and asfv.acct_no(+) = pi.acct_no
and pi.status_cd = 1
and pi.client_no = pim.client_no
and pi.master_plan_instance_no = pim.plan_instance_no
group by a.client_acct_id, asfv.acct_no, asfv.value_text, pim.bill_day
which gives me a result as follows,
603444726 32940414 Paper Bill 11 10140301, 10140306, 10144890, 10145691
525810295 33043952 Paper Bill 19 10140301
What i am actually trying to acheive is that i need to cross verify from the list of value available in the field PLAN_NO do i have the value "10145691". If yes i want to have a field added to the above query which says Yes else it says NO
Can someone guide me on how i can acheive it
What i am actually trying to acheive is that i need to cross verify from the list of value available in the field PLAN_NO do i have the value "10145691". If yes i want to have a field added to the above query which says Yes else it says NO
Can someone guide me on how i can acheive it


SuiteScript getting value from a saved search

I'm having an issue pulling the value of a column in SuiteScript v1.0. The search is looking at Cash Sales and is producing the results I want in the UI, but I am unable to get the value of one column in SuiteScript. I suspect it is because either the value comes from the 'Created From' doc, or because it is a drop down list. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The search looks at Cash Sales where the Dept/Sales Channel (NS id department) doesn't match the Dept/Sales Channel of the Sales Order. The results are:
Document Number
Created From : Dept/Sales Channel
In the UI, it is doing exactly what I hoped. However, when I loop thru the results in my v1.0 SuiteScript, I'm getting a null value for Dept/Sales Channel:
var id = res.getId();
var docid = res.getValue('tranid');
var dept = res.getValue('channel');
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'Found result - '+docid+' ('+id+') - '+dept+'.');
docid and id are correct, but dept ends up being null. I've tried 'channel', 'deptartment' and column[3].value with no luck. What am I doing wrong?
Based on how you formatted this: "Created From : Dept/Sales Channel", I assume it is a joined column.
If it is, you need to do it this way:
var dept = res.getValue('department', "createdfrom");

Python DynamoDB create custom last_evaluated_key from particular table entry

we need create custom last evaluated key
The use case goes Here:
First scan table its having ten records,the tenth record should my last evaluated key when i do second time scan operation
Thanks in advance
#Exclusive start key should be null for your first page
esk = None
#Get the first page
scan_generator = MyTable.scan(Limit=10, exclusive_start_key=esk)
#Get the key for the next page
esk = scan_generator.kwargs['exclusive_start_key'].values()
#Now get page 2
scan_generator = MyTable.scan(Limit=10, exclusive_start_key=esk)
exclusive_start_key (list or tuple) – Primary key of the item from which to continue an earlier query. This would be provided as the LastEvaluatedKey in that query.
For example
exclusive_start_key = ('myhashkey');
exclusive_start_key = ('myhashkey', 'myrangekey');

SuiteScript Access Custom Field in Sublist

I have added two fields to the contact sublist record of customers. Two boolean values. I checked the values to make sure that they would show but in code cannot access those values in SS 1 or SS 2 through a sublist line item, I am accessing like this "var statements = rec.getLineItemValue( 'contactroles', 'custentity_statements', "1" );". When I look in the object for the customer record and look in the "contactroles" sublist, I cannot see those columns. If I load the contact record in SS 1 I can see the columns. Any help with this would be great, I would like to do it in SS 2 but I am flexible, thanks
Not sure whether this helps, but you can retrieve the contact id, then load the contact record and check the field value. This is assuming the custom field showing in the contact sublist is a contact field. The documentation isn't too swift, but it looks as though not all sublist fields are supported for getFieldValue. This is in SS1, but if it does what you want we should be able to take the same idea and write it in SS2.
var rec = nlapiLoadRecord('customer','11499');
var conId = rec.getLineItemValue('contactroles', 'contact', 1);
var con = nlapiLoadRecord('contact',conId);
var statements = con.getFieldValue('custentity9');
console.log(statements); //T

Flickr api doesn't return the estimated value

I am using flickr api in order to count the how many times a tag occur. I want this information in order to calculate the Normalized Google Distance. I am using this query in my java code:
But i don't get good results. For example when i search "bank" the count value is 357439, when i search "credit" the count value is 59288, but when i am search for "bank credit" the count value is only 2. When i searching with the search box at for "bank credit" i get a lot of results. But as far as i can see the query it uses is
which i am not able to use through my java code. I am trying to pass this
and it says
Parameterless searches have been disabled. Please use instead
How can i solve this problem?
Your generated url is incorrect
is missing the question mark
UPDATE based on OP comments:
I didn't see you had the question mark on the top url string. Looking at it again, I did realize you are not passing in any valid parameters. "q" isn't one of the listed parameters on the search api page. Try something like below to search photos with "bank" tag
or one with bank in description/title
I got the same error. but when I added media = photos in the parameters, it got resolved.
e.g. :
baseurl = ""
params_d['api_key'] = 'XXXXXXX'
params_d['method'] = ''
params_d['tag'] = "river,mountains"
params_d['tag_mode'] = 'all'
params_d['per_page'] = 5
params_d['media'] = "photos"
params_d['nojsoncallback'] = 1
params_d['format'] = 'json'
resp = requests.get(baseurl, params = params_d)

Creating an associative array using a while loop for select list?

I am dynamically generating a selectlist in Drupal and I want to create an associative array to populate the node ID as the value, and the title of the node as the option.
By default, it makes the value for each option the index of the select list. This is no good because the select list is dynamic, meaning the values won't be in the same order.
I used drupal_map_assoc to make the value the same as the option, but I have queries based on the value stored in this field, so if someone updates the value stored, the queries won't match.
<option value="Addison Reserve Country Club Inc.">Addison Reserve Country Club Inc.</option>
I want to replace the value with the Node ID also pulled with the query.
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT title, nid FROM {node} WHERE type = \'accounts\' ';
$result = db_query($sql);
while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
$return[] = $row['title'];
//Trying to do something like 'Addison Reserve Country Club' => '2033' - where 2033 is the nid
$return = drupal_map_assoc($return);
I think you just want to do this inside the loop:
$return[$row['nid']] = $row['title'];
Based on your comment, you would also want to do an array_flip() right after the loop, but I think your comment may just have it backwards.
