I am new to programming and just started learning python and Tkinter.
Since I am more of a visual and try and error learner I made a personal project which is a Scoreboard.
I created the interface and know that i need to change the label textvariables.
The problem where I am stuck is that I just cant get to understand how to get numbers that appear above the ok btn to display final score and clear once the ok btn is pressed. Another problem thatI have is that when the - btn is choosen how do I put the - before the int even though it is pressed after a number has been inserted and then subtracted from final score. I know code is a bit rough and could def be done better, but i repeat it is a 1st personal project.
Thank You
from tkinter import \*
import tkinter as tk
import ttkbootstrap as ttk
from ttkbootstrap.constants import \*
root = ttk.Window(themename="darkly")
root.resizable(0, 0)
def btn_click(item):
global expression
expression = expression + str(item)
def bt_clear():
global expression
expression = ""
expression = ""
input_text = StringVar()
lbl_title = Label(root, text="",font=("", 14))
lbl_title.grid(row=0, column=6)
clr_scoreboard = Button(root, text="CLEAR SCOREBOARD", command=NONE).grid(row=6, column=6)
lbl_p1score = tk.Label(root, textvariable=p1score, font=("", 110))
lbl_p1score.grid(row=1, columnspan=3)
lbl1_p1points = Label(root, textvariable= input_text, font=("", 50))
lbl1_p1points.grid(row=3, column=4)
p1btn1 = Button(root, text = "1", font=("", 14), command = lambda: btn_click(1), height=4, width=8)
p1btn1.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=1, pady=1)
p1btn2 = Button(root, text = "2", font=("", 14), command = lambda: btn_click(2), height=4, width=8)
p1btn2.grid(row=2, column=1, padx=1, pady=1)
p1btn3 = Button(root, text = "3", font=("", 14), command = lambda: btn_click(3), height=4, width=8)
p1btn3.grid(row=2, column=2, padx=1, pady=1)
p1btn4 = Button(root, text = "4", font=("", 14), command = lambda: btn_click(4), height=4, width=8)
p1btn4.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=1, pady=1)
p1btn5 = Button(root, text = "5", font=("", 14), command = lambda: btn_click(5), height=4, width=8)
p1btn5.grid(row=3, column=1, padx=1, pady=1)
p1btn6 = Button(root, text = "6", font=("", 14), command = lambda: btn_click(6), height=4, width=8)
p1btn6.grid(row=3, column=2, padx=1, pady=1)
p1btn7 = Button(root, text = "7", font=("", 14), command = lambda: btn_click(7), height=4, width=8)
p1btn7.grid(row=4, column=0, padx=1, pady=1)
p1btn8 = Button(root, text = "8", font=("", 14), command = lambda: btn_click(8), height=4, width=8)
p1btn8.grid(row=4, column=1, padx=1, pady=1)
p1btn9 = Button(root, text = "9", font=("", 14), command = lambda: btn_click(9), height=4, width=8)
p1btn9.grid(row=4, column=2, padx=1, pady=1)
p1btn0 = Button(root, text = "0", font=("", 14), command = lambda: btn_click(0), height=4, width=8)
p1btn0.grid(row=5, column=1, padx=1, pady=1)
p1btnclear = Button(root, text = "C", font=("", 14), command = bt_clear, height=4, width=8)
p1btnclear.grid(row=5, column=2, padx=1, pady=1)
p1btnminus = Button(root, text = "-", font=("", 14), command = lambda: btn_click("-"), height=4, width=8)
p1btnminus.grid(row=5, column=0, padx=1, pady=1)
p1btnok = Button(root, text = "OK", font=("", 14), command = lambda: p1_score, height=4, width=8, padx=100)
p1btnok.grid(row=5, column=4, padx=1, pady=1)
lbl_setp1= Label(root, text="0", font=("", 14))
lbl_setp1.grid(row=1, column=5)
btn_setp1plus = Button(root, text = "+", command = None, height=2, width=4)
btn_setp1plus.grid(row = 2, column = 5)
btn_setp1minus = Button(root, text = "-", command = None, height=2, width=4)
btn_setp1minus.grid(row = 3, column = 5)
lbl_set=Label(root, text="SET", font=("", 14))
lbl_set.grid(row=1, column=6)
lbl_setp2= Label(root, text="0", font=("", 14))
lbl_setp2.grid(row=1, column=7)
btn_setp2plus = Button(root, text = "+", command = None, height=2, width=4)
btn_setp2plus.grid(row = 2, column = 7)
btn_setp2minus = Button(root, text = "-", command = None, height=2, width=4)
btn_setp2minus.grid(row = 3, column = 7)
lbl2_p1points = Label(root, text="112", font=("", 50))
lbl2_p1points.grid(row=3, column=8)
p2btnok = Button(root, text = "OK", font=("", 14), command = None, height=4, width=8, padx=100)
p2btnok.grid(row=5, column=8, padx=1, pady=1)
lbl_p2score = Label(root, text="500", font=("", 110))
lbl_p2score.grid(row=1, column=9, columnspan=11)
p2btn1 = Button(root, text = "1", font=("", 14), command = None, height=4, width=8)
p2btn1.grid(row=2, column=9, padx=1, pady=1)
p2btn2 = Button(root, text = "2", font=("", 14), command = None, height=4, width=8)
p2btn2.grid(row=2, column=10, padx=1, pady=1)
p2btn3 = Button(root, text = "3", font=("", 14), command = None, height=4, width=8)
p2btn3.grid(row=2, column=11, padx=1, pady=1)
p2btn4 = Button(root, text = "4", font=("", 14), command = None, height=4, width=8)
p2btn4.grid(row=3, column=9, padx=1, pady=1)
p2btn5 = Button(root, text = "5", font=("", 14), command = None, height=4, width=8)
p2btn5.grid(row=3, column=10, padx=1, pady=1)
p2btn6 = Button(root, text = "6", font=("", 14), command = None, height=4, width=8)
p2btn6.grid(row=3, column=11, padx=1, pady=1)
p2btn7 = Button(root, text = "7", font=("", 14), command = None, height=4, width=8)
p2btn7.grid(row=4, column=9, padx=1, pady=1)
p2btn8 = Button(root, text = "8", font=("", 14), command = None, height=4, width=8)
p2btn8.grid(row=4, column=10, padx=1, pady=1)
p2btn9 = Button(root, text = "9", font=("", 14), command = None, height=4, width=8)
p2btn9.grid(row=4, column=11, padx=1, pady=1)
p2btn0 = Button(root, text = "0", font=("", 14), command = None, height=4, width=8)
p2btn0.grid(row=5, column=10, padx=1, pady=1)
p2btnclear = Button(root, text = "C", font=("", 14), command = None, height=4, width=8)
p2btnclear.grid(row=5, column=9, padx=1, pady=1)
p2btnminus = Button(root, text = "-", font=("", 14), command = None, height=4, width=8)
p2btnminus.grid(row=5, column=11, padx=1, pady=1)
def click():
top1 = Toplevel(root)
top1.config(bg = "blue", relief='raised', bd=0,highlightthickness=0)
top1.window = Canvas(top1, width=0, height=38, bg="blue", bd=2, relief='raised', highlightthickness=0)
top1.window.pack(fill="both", expand=False)
top1.btn3 = tkinter.Button(top1, text="X", font="bold", bg="blue", padx=1, pady=1,activebackground='red',bd = 0,fg='white',highlightthickness=0, command= root.destroy)
top1.btn3.place(x=169, y=3)
top1.btn4 = tkinter.Button(top1, text="Hello", font=("bold", 16), bg="skyblue", command=click2)
top1.btn4.place(x=10, y=70)
def click2():
top2 = Toplevel(root)
top2.config(bg = "red", relief='raised', bd=0,highlightthickness=0)
top2.window = Canvas(top2, width=0, height=38, bg="red", bd=2, relief='raised', highlightthickness=0)
top2.window.pack(fill="both", expand=False)
top2.btn5 = tkinter.Button(top2, text="X", font="bold", bg="red", padx=1, pady=1,activebackground='red',bd = 0,fg='white',highlightthickness=0, command= root.destroy)
top2.btn5.place(x=169, y=3)
btn2 = Button(root, text="Hello", font=("bold", 16), bg="pink", command=click)
btn2.place(x=45, y=45)
The child window won't move. Is it possible to bind without class with the above code?
I want to use the class function, but it's very difficult. I'd appreciate it if you could tell me briefly!
I am creating an office management application. In this, there is admin and staff. In the Log In page based on whether it is admin or staff different frames needs to be displayed.
I used an if-else statement for this purpose.I tried to compare the value of username using get() but was unable to print its value inside the function.
Following is the code I executed.
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
import mysql.connector
class SchoolApp(tk.Tk):
BKGR_IMAGE_PATH = 'images\\bg11.png'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
main_frame = tk.Frame(self,width=200,height=50,highlightbackground="black",highlightthickness=1)
main_frame.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand='True')
main_frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
main_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
self.bkgr_image = tk.PhotoImage(file=self.BKGR_IMAGE_PATH)
self.frames = {}
for F in (HomePage,LogIn,AdminPage,StaffPage):
frame = F(main_frame, self)
self.frames[F] = frame
frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew')
def show_frame(self,container):
frame = self.frames[container]
class BasePage(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, controller):
label_bkgr = tk.Label(self, image=controller.bkgr_image)
label_bkgr.place(x=0,y=0) # Center label w/image.
class HomePage(BasePage):
def __init__(self, parent, controller):
super().__init__(parent, controller)
home_frame = tk.Frame(self, width=200, height=100, background="white")
home_frame.grid(row=50, column=150, padx=300, pady=100)
self.label_title = tk.Label(home_frame, text="Office Management System", font=("Helvetica", 40), bg="white")
self.label_title.grid(row=0, column=0)
staff_frame = tk.Frame(home_frame, width=100, height=50)
staff_frame.grid(row=55, column=0, padx=50, pady=50)
self.staff_Image = tk.PhotoImage(file="images\\staff1.png")
self.staff_Image_Pack = tk.Label(staff_frame, image=self.staff_Image)
self.staff_button = tk.Button(home_frame, text="Staff", width=20, font=("Helvetica", 12),command = lambda: controller.show_frame(LogIn))
self.staff_button.grid(row=60, column=0, pady=20)
admin_frame = tk.Frame(home_frame, width=100, height=50)
admin_frame.grid(row=55, column=10, padx=50, pady=50)
self.Admin_Image = tk.PhotoImage(file="images\\admin1.png")
self.Admin_Image_Pack = tk.Label(admin_frame, image=self.Admin_Image)
self.admin_button = tk.Button(home_frame, text="Admin", width=20, font=("Helvetica", 12),command = lambda: controller.show_frame(LogIn))
self.admin_button.grid(row=60, column=10, pady=20)
class LogIn(BasePage):
def __init__(self,parent,controller):
super().__init__(parent, controller)
login_window = tk.Frame(self, width=200, height=100, background="white")
login_window.grid(row=50, column=150, padx=300, pady=100)
login_img_frame = tk.Frame(login_window, width=200, height=50, background="white")
login_img_frame.grid(row=55, column=0, padx=50, pady=50)
self.login_Image = tk.PhotoImage(file="images\\lock3.png")
self.login_Image_Pack = tk.Label(login_img_frame, image=self.login_Image)
login_frame = tk.Frame(login_window, width=100, height=50, background="white", highlightbackground="black",highlightthickness=1)
login_frame.grid(row=55, column=10, padx=50, pady=50)
self.label_title = tk.Label(login_frame, text="Log In", font=("Helvetica", 40), bg="white")
self.label_title.grid(row=0, column=20, padx=10, pady=10)
self.label_username = tk.Label(login_frame, text="Username", font=("Helvetica", 20), bg="white")
self.label_username.grid(row=50, column=20, padx=10, pady=10)
self.entry_username = tk.Entry(login_frame, width=15, font=("Helvetica", 20), bd=3)
self.entry_username.grid(row=50, column=30, padx=10, pady=10)
self.label_password = tk.Label(login_frame, text="Password", font=("Helvetica", 20), bg="white")
self.label_password.grid(row=60, column=20, padx=10, pady=10)
self.entry_password = tk.Entry(login_frame, width=15, font=("Helvetica", 20), bd=3)
self.entry_password.grid(row=60, column=30, padx=10, pady=10)
self.login_button = tk.Button(login_frame, text="Log In", command=lambda:[self.submit(),controller.show_frame(AdminPage)],font=("Helvetica", 20), bg="white")
self.login_button.grid(row=70, column=25, padx=10, pady=10)
self.login_button = tk.Button(login_frame, text="Log In", command=lambda:[self.submit(),controller.show_frame(StaffPage)],font=("Helvetica", 20), bg="white")
self.login_button.grid(row=70, column=25, padx=10, pady=10)
def submit(self):
self.u_name = self.entry_username.get()
self.p_word = self.entry_password.get()
employee = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="root", password="", database="edatabase")
cursor_variable = employee.cursor()
cursor_variable.execute("INSERT INTO login VALUES ('" + self.u_name + "','" + self.p_word + "')")
class AdminPage(BasePage):
def __init__(self,parent,controller):
super().__init__(parent, controller)
admin_window = tk.Frame(self, width=200, height=100, background="white")
admin_window.grid(row=50, column=150, padx=300, pady=100)
self.label_title_admin = tk.Label(admin_window, text="Welcome Admin", font=("Helvetica", 40), bg="white")
self.label_title_admin.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=10, sticky='W')
admin_add = tk.Frame(admin_window, width=100, height=50)
admin_add.grid(row=55, column=0, padx=50, pady=50)
self.admin_add_Image = tk.PhotoImage(file="images\\add3.png")
self.admin_add_Image_Pack = tk.Label(admin_add, image=self.admin_add_Image)
self.add_staff_button = tk.Button(admin_window, text="Add Staff", width=15, font=("Helvetica", 12))
self.add_staff_button.grid(row=60, column=0, pady=20)
admin_delete = tk.Frame(admin_window, width=100, height=50)
admin_delete.grid(row=55, column=10, padx=50, pady=50)
self.admin_delete_Image = tk.PhotoImage(file="images\\delete2.png")
self.admin_delete_Image_Pack = tk.Label(admin_delete, image=self.admin_delete_Image)
self.delete_staff_button = tk.Button(admin_window, text="Remove Staff", width=15, font=("Helvetica", 12))
self.delete_staff_button.grid(row=60, column=10, pady=20)
admin_select = tk.Frame(admin_window, width=100, height=50)
admin_select.grid(row=55, column=20, padx=50, pady=50)
self.admin_select_Image = tk.PhotoImage(file="images\\select2.png")
self.admin_select_Image_Pack = tk.Label(admin_select, image=self.admin_select_Image)
self.select_staff_button = tk.Button(admin_window, text="Select Staff", width=15, font=("Helvetica", 12))
self.select_staff_button.grid(row=60, column=20, pady=20)
admin_display = tk.Frame(admin_window, width=100, height=50)
admin_display.grid(row=55, column=30, padx=50, pady=50)
self.admin_display_Image = tk.PhotoImage(file="images\\display1.png")
self.admin_display_Image_Pack = tk.Label(admin_display, image=self.admin_display_Image)
self.display_staff_button = tk.Button(admin_window, text="Display Staff", width=15, font=("Helvetica", 12))
self.display_staff_button.grid(row=60, column=30, pady=20)
class StaffPage(BasePage):
def __init__(self,parent,controller):
super().__init__(parent, controller)
staff_window = tk.Frame(self, width=200, height=100, background="white", highlightbackground="black",highlightthickness=1)
staff_window.grid(row=50, column=150, padx=300, pady=100)
self.label_title_staff = tk.Label(staff_window, text="Welcome Staff", font=("Helvetica", 40), bg="white")
self.label_title_staff.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=10, sticky='W')
staff_register = tk.Frame(staff_window, width=100, height=50)
staff_register.grid(row=55, column=0, padx=50, pady=50)
self.register_Image = tk.PhotoImage(file="images\\register1.png")
self.register_Image_Pack = tk.Label(staff_register, image=self.register_Image)
self.register_staff_button = tk.Button(staff_window, text="Add Details", width=15, font=("Helvetica", 12))
self.register_staff_button.grid(row=60, column=0, pady=20)
staff_display = tk.Frame(staff_window, width=100, height=50)
staff_display.grid(row=55, column=30, padx=50, pady=50)
self.staff_display_Image = tk.PhotoImage(file="images\\display1.png")
self.staff_display_Image_Pack = tk.Label(staff_display, image=self.staff_display_Image)
self.display_staff_button = tk.Button(staff_window, text="Display Details", width=15, font=("Helvetica", 12))
self.display_staff_button.grid(row=60, column=30, pady=20)
app = SchoolApp()
This is my log in page code
class LogIn(BasePage):
def __init__(self,parent,controller):
super().__init__(parent, controller)
login_window = tk.Frame(self, width=200, height=100, background="white")
login_window.grid(row=50, column=150, padx=300, pady=100)
login_img_frame = tk.Frame(login_window, width=200, height=50, background="white")
login_img_frame.grid(row=55, column=0, padx=50, pady=50)
self.login_Image = tk.PhotoImage(file="images\\lock3.png")
self.login_Image_Pack = tk.Label(login_img_frame, image=self.login_Image)
login_frame = tk.Frame(login_window, width=100, height=50, background="white", highlightbackground="black",highlightthickness=1)
login_frame.grid(row=55, column=10, padx=50, pady=50)
self.label_title = tk.Label(login_frame, text="Log In", font=("Helvetica", 40), bg="white")
self.label_title.grid(row=0, column=20, padx=10, pady=10)
self.label_username = tk.Label(login_frame, text="Username", font=("Helvetica", 20), bg="white")
self.label_username.grid(row=50, column=20, padx=10, pady=10)
self.entry_username = tk.Entry(login_frame, width=15, font=("Helvetica", 20), bd=3)
self.entry_username.grid(row=50, column=30, padx=10, pady=10)
self.label_password = tk.Label(login_frame, text="Password", font=("Helvetica", 20), bg="white")
self.label_password.grid(row=60, column=20, padx=10, pady=10)
self.entry_password = tk.Entry(login_frame, width=15, font=("Helvetica", 20), bd=3)
self.entry_password.grid(row=60, column=30, padx=10, pady=10)
self.login_button = tk.Button(login_frame, text="Log In", command=lambda:[self.submit(),controller.show_frame(AdminPage)],font=("Helvetica", 20), bg="white")
self.login_button.grid(row=70, column=25, padx=10, pady=10)
self.login_button = tk.Button(login_frame, text="Log In", command=lambda:[self.submit(),controller.show_frame(StaffPage)],font=("Helvetica", 20), bg="white")
self.login_button.grid(row=70, column=25, padx=10, pady=10)
def submit(self):
self.u_name = self.entry_username.get()
self.p_word = self.entry_password.get()
employee = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="root", password="", database="edatabase")
cursor_variable = employee.cursor()
cursor_variable.execute("INSERT INTO login VALUES ('" + self.u_name + "','" + self.p_word + "')")
I have no errors. Whether it's admin or staff the else condition works and staff page is getting displayed.
Any help is highly appreciated.
I modified the class LogIn(BasePage) as follows and it works. I changed the submit(self) to submit(self,controller).
Thank you everyone for your response.
class LogIn(BasePage):
def __init__(self,parent,controller):
super().__init__(parent, controller)
login_window = tk.Frame(self, width=200, height=100, background="white")
login_window.grid(row=50, column=150, padx=300, pady=100)
login_img_frame = tk.Frame(login_window, width=200, height=50, background="white")
login_img_frame.grid(row=55, column=0, padx=50, pady=50)
self.login_Image = tk.PhotoImage(file="images\\lock3.png")
self.login_Image_Pack = tk.Label(login_img_frame, image=self.login_Image)
login_frame = tk.Frame(login_window, width=100, height=50, background="white", highlightbackground="black",highlightthickness=1)
login_frame.grid(row=55, column=10, padx=50, pady=50)
self.label_title = tk.Label(login_frame, text="Log In", font=("Helvetica", 40), bg="white")
self.label_title.grid(row=0, column=20, padx=10, pady=10)
self.label_username = tk.Label(login_frame, text="Username", font=("Helvetica", 20), bg="white")
self.label_username.grid(row=50, column=20, padx=10, pady=10)
self.entry_username = tk.Entry(login_frame, width=15, font=("Helvetica", 20), bd=3)
self.entry_username.grid(row=50, column=30, padx=10, pady=10)
self.label_password = tk.Label(login_frame, text="Password", font=("Helvetica", 20), bg="white")
self.label_password.grid(row=60, column=20, padx=10, pady=10)
self.entry_password = tk.Entry(login_frame, width=15, font=("Helvetica", 20), bd=3)
self.entry_password.grid(row=60, column=30, padx=10, pady=10)
self.login_button = tk.Button(login_frame, text="Log In", command=lambda:self.submit(controller),font=("Helvetica", 20), bg="white")
self.login_button.grid(row=70, column=25, padx=10, pady=10)
def submit(self,controller):
self.u_name = self.entry_username.get()
self.p_word = self.entry_password.get()
employee = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="root", password="", database="edatabase")
cursor_variable = employee.cursor()
cursor_variable.execute("INSERT INTO login VALUES ('" + self.u_name + "','" + self.p_word + "')")
if (self.u_name== "admin"):
I am trying to create an employee web app. I have created the home page, login page and application page. The application page gets the details of the candidates who want to apply for a job.
I have used tkcalendar module for selecting 'expected start date'. The GUI works fine but I am not able to get the value of the date selected.
I tried to use get_date() but it shows the following error:
self.date = self.choose_date.get_date()
AttributeError: 'Button' object has no attribute 'get_date'
This is the code I executed.
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
import mysql.connector
from tkcalendar import *
class ABCApp(tk.Tk):
BKGR_IMAGE_PATH = 'images\\bg5.png'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
main_frame = tk.Frame(self,width=200,height=50,highlightbackground="black",highlightthickness=1,background = "#e6ffe6")
main_frame.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand='True')
main_frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
main_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
self.bkgr_image = tk.PhotoImage(file=self.BKGR_IMAGE_PATH)
self.frames = {}
for F in (HomePage,LogIn,PersonalPage,ApplicationPage):
frame = F(main_frame, self)
self.frames[F] = frame
frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew')
def show_frame(self,container):
frame = self.frames[container]
class BasePage(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, controller):
label_bkgr = tk.Label(self, image=controller.bkgr_image)
label_bkgr.place(x=0,y=0) # Center label w/image.
class HomePage(BasePage):
def __init__(self, parent, controller):
super().__init__(parent, controller)
label = ttk.Label(self, text='Home Page', font =("Helvetica",20))
label.pack(padx=10, pady=10)
button1 = ttk.Button(self, text="Log In",
command=lambda: controller.show_frame(LogIn))
class LogIn(BasePage):
def __init__(self,parent,controller):
super().__init__(parent, controller)
login_frame = tk.Frame(self, width=200, height=50, background="white")
login_frame.grid(row=400, column=20, padx=500, pady=250)
self.label_title = tk.Label(login_frame, text="Log In", font=("Helvetica", 40), bg="white")
self.label_title.grid(row=0, column=20, padx=10, pady=10)
self.label_username = tk.Label(login_frame, text="Username", font=("Helvetica", 20), bg="white")
self.label_username.grid(row=50, column=20, padx=10, pady=10)
self.entry_username = tk.Entry(login_frame, width=15, font=("Helvetica", 20), bd=3)
self.entry_username.grid(row=50, column=30, padx=10, pady=10)
self.label_password = tk.Label(login_frame, text="Password", font=("Helvetica", 20), bg="white")
self.label_password.grid(row=60, column=20, padx=10, pady=10)
self.entry_password = tk.Entry(login_frame, width=15, font=("Helvetica", 20), bd=3)
self.entry_password.grid(row=60, column=30, padx=10, pady=10)
self.login_button = tk.Button(login_frame, text="Log In",command=lambda: [self.submit(),controller.show_frame(PersonalPage)],font=("Helvetica", 20),bg="white")
self.login_button.grid(row=70, column=25, padx=10, pady=10)
def submit(self):
self.u_name = self.entry_username.get()
self.p_word = self.entry_password.get()
employee = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="root", password="", database="edatabase")
cursor_variable = employee.cursor()
cursor_variable.execute("INSERT INTO login VALUES ('" + self.u_name + "','" + self.p_word + "')")
class PersonalPage(BasePage):
def __init__(self, parent, controller):
super().__init__(parent, controller)
personal_frame = tk.Frame(self, width=200, height=100, background="white")
personal_frame.grid(row=50, column=150, padx=300, pady=100)
personal_details_frame = tk.Frame(personal_frame,width =150,height =50,background="#e6ffe6")
personal_details_frame.grid(row =55,column =0,padx = 50,pady = 50)
self.label_title = tk.Label(personal_details_frame, text="Personal Details",font=("Helvetica", 20),bg ="#e6ffe6")
self.label_title.grid(row=10, column=0, sticky='W')
self.label_name = tk.Label(personal_details_frame, text="Name",font=("Helvetica", 12),bg ="#e6ffe6")
self.label_name.grid(row=15, column=0, padx=10, pady=10, sticky='W')
self.entry_name = tk.Entry(personal_details_frame,bd=3, font=("Helvetica", 12), width=50)
self.entry_name.grid(row=15, column=10, padx=10, pady=10, sticky='W')
self.label_email = tk.Label(personal_details_frame, text="Email id", font=("Helvetica", 12),bg ="#e6ffe6")
self.label_email.grid(row=30, column=0, padx=10, pady=10, sticky='W')
self.entry_email = tk.Entry(personal_details_frame, bd=3, font=("Helvetica", 12), width=50)
self.entry_email.grid(row=30, column=10, padx=10, pady=10, sticky='W')
self.label_mobilenumber = tk.Label(personal_details_frame, text="Mobile Number",font=("Helvetica", 12),bg ="#e6ffe6")
self.label_mobilenumber.grid(row=45, column=0, padx=10, pady=10, sticky='W')
self.entry_mobile = tk.Entry(personal_details_frame,bd=3, font=("Helvetica", 12), width=50)
self.entry_mobile.grid(row=45, column=10, padx=10, pady=10, sticky='W')
self.label_address = tk.Label(personal_details_frame, text="Address",font=("Helvetica", 12),bg ="#e6ffe6")
self.label_address.grid(row=60, column=0, padx=10, pady=10, sticky='W')
self.text_address = tk.Text(personal_details_frame,bd=3, font=("Helvetica", 12), width=50, height=5)
self.text_address.grid(row=60, column=10, padx=10, pady=10, sticky='W')
self.button_next = tk.Button(personal_details_frame,text = "Next",font = ("Helvetica",12),bg ="#b3ccff",command=lambda: [self.personal_next(),controller.show_frame(ApplicationPage)])
self.button_next.grid(row = 70,column =20,padx=10,pady=10,sticky='W')
def personal_next(self):
self.name = self.entry_name.get()
self.email = self.entry_email.get()
self.mobile = self.entry_mobile.get()
self.address = self.text_address.get("1.0","end-1c")
employee = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="root", password="", database="edatabase")
cursor_variable = employee.cursor()
cursor_variable.execute("INSERT INTO personal VALUES ('" + self.name + "','" + self.email + "','" + self.mobile + "','" + self.address + "')")
class ApplicationPage(BasePage):
def __init__(self, parent, controller):
super().__init__(parent, controller)
application_frame = tk.Frame(self, width=200, height=100, background="white")
application_frame.grid(row=50, column=150, padx=300, pady=100)
application_details_frame = tk.Frame(application_frame, width=150, height=50, background="#e6ffe6")
application_details_frame.grid(row=55, column=0, padx=50, pady=50)
self.label_title = tk.Label(application_details_frame, text="Application Details", font=("Helvetica", 20),bg="#e6ffe6")
self.label_title.grid(row=10, column=0, sticky='W')
self.label_position = tk.Label(application_details_frame, text="Applied for Position", font=("Helvetica", 12),bg ="#e6ffe6")
self.label_position.grid(row=75, column=0, padx=10, pady=10, sticky='W')
self.list_box1 = tk.Listbox(application_details_frame, width=50, height=3, font=("Helvetica", 12))
self.list_box1.insert(1, "Database Admin")
self.list_box1.insert(2, "Network Admin")
self.list_box1.insert(3, "Deployment Admin")
self.list_box1.grid(row=75, column=10, padx=10, pady=10, sticky='w')
self.label_date = tk.Label(application_details_frame, text="Expected Start Date", font=("Helvetica", 12),bg ="#e6ffe6")
self.label_date.grid(row=90, column=0, padx=10, pady=10, sticky='W')
self.choose_date = tk.Button(application_details_frame, text="Choose Available Date", command=lambda: self.open_calendar(), width=49, bg="white",font=("Helvetica", 12), anchor='w')
self.choose_date.grid(row=90, column=10, padx=10, pady=10, sticky='w')
self.label_proficiency = tk.Label(application_details_frame, text="Proficient Language", font=("Helvetica", 12),bg ="#e6ffe6")
self.label_proficiency.grid(row=120, column=0, padx=10, pady=10, sticky='W')
self.radio = tk.IntVar()
self.radio_button1 = tk.Radiobutton(application_details_frame, text="Java", variable=self.radio, value=1, font=("Helvetica", 12),bg ="#e6ffe6")
self.radio_button1.grid(row=120, column=10, padx=10, pady=10, sticky='w')
self.radio_button2 = tk.Radiobutton(application_details_frame, text="SQL", variable=self.radio, value=2, font=("Helvetica", 12),bg ="#e6ffe6")
self.radio_button2.grid(row=135, column=10, padx=10, pady=10, sticky='w')
self.radio_button3 = tk.Radiobutton(application_details_frame, text="C", variable=self.radio, value=3, font=("Helvetica", 12),bg ="#e6ffe6")
self.radio_button3.grid(row=150, column=10, padx=10, pady=10, sticky='w')
self.submit_button = tk.Button(application_details_frame,text = "Submit",command = self.submit(),font = ("Helvetica",12),bg ="#b3ccff")
self.submit_button.grid(row = 220,column =10,padx=10,pady=10,sticky='W')
def submit(self):
self.position = self.list_box1.get(tk.ANCHOR)
self.date = self.choose_date.get_date()
employee = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="root", password="", database="edatabase")
cursor_variable = employee.cursor()
cursor_variable.execute("INSERT INTO application VALUES ('" + self.position + "','"+self.date+"')")
def open_calendar(self):
self.toplevel1 = tk.Toplevel(self)
self.calendar_variable = Calendar(self.toplevel1, selectmode="day", year=2021, month=4, day=10)
app = ABCApp()
Any help is appreciated.
First the following line:
self.submit_button = tk.Button(application_details_frame,text = "Submit",command = self.submit(),font = ("Helvetica",12),bg ="#b3ccff")
will execute self.submit() immediately. It should be:
self.submit_button = tk.Button(application_details_frame, text="Submit", command=self.submit, font=("Helvetica",12), bg="#b3ccff")
Second as the error said, self.choose_date is a tk.Button not tkcalendar.Calendar. Better create an instance variable of tk.StringVar and associate it to the tkcalendar.Calendar widget. Then you can use this instance variable to get the selected date:
class ApplicationPage(BasePage):
def __init__(self, parent, controller):
self.selected_date = tk.StringVar()
def submit(self):
self.position = self.list_box1.get(tk.ANCHOR)
self.date = self.selected_date.get() # get the selected date
def open_calendar(self):
self.calendar_variable = Calendar(self.toplevel1, selectmode="day", year=2021, month=4, day=10,
This is the last stage of my Python file.
What I am attempting to do is have frame 5 unhidden when Textbox2 value is between 2 numeric numbers.
This an piece out of my original 100+ frames file.
I was able to complete this whole file as an Excel file.
I am stuck on the code for Deff onclick 5.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks as always!!
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import Tk
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
root.title("Dental Milling Machines")
def onclick5():
if ([textbox2], [">0" and "<10.1"]):
frame5.grid(row=0, column=2, pady=2,sticky="NW")
def onclick1():
textbox1.delete('1.0', 'end')
textbox1.insert('end', '2.83')
def onclick2():
textbox1.delete('1.0', 'end')
textbox1.insert('end', '5.66')
def onclick3():
textbox1.delete('1.0', 'end')
textbox1.insert('end', '8.49')
def to_float( string ):
return float( string )
except ValueError:
return 0.0
def onclick4():
tot = 0.0
for box in text_boxes_to_sum:
v = box.get( '1.0', 'end' )
tot += to_float( v )
textbox2.delete( '1.0', 'end' )
textbox2.insert( 'end', str(tot) )
button_var1 = tk.IntVar()
button_var2 = tk.IntVar()
frame1 = Frame(root, height = 150, width= 150, relief= RAISED, bd=8, bg="blue")
frame2 = Frame(frame1, height = 150, width= 150, relief= RAISED, bd=8, bg="lightblue")
frame3 = Frame(frame1, height = 150, width= 150, relief= RAISED, bd=8, bg="lightblue")
frame4 = Frame(frame1, height = 150, width= 150, relief= RAISED, bd=8, bg="lightblue")
frame5 = Frame(frame1, height = 150, width= 150, relief= RAISED, bd=8, bg="lightblue")
textbox1 = Text(frame2, borderwidth=1, wrap="none", width=10, height=2)
textbox1.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky="w")
textbox2 = Text(frame3, borderwidth=1, wrap="none", width=10, height=1)
textbox2.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="NESW")
textbox3 = Text(frame5, borderwidth=1, wrap="none", width=10, height=1)
textbox3.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="NESW")
text_boxes_to_sum = [ textbox1 ]
frame1.grid(row=0, column=0, pady=2,sticky="NW")
frame2.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=2,sticky="NW")
label = Label(frame2, text="Select # Of Units Being Used", fg="red")
label.grid(row=0, column=0, pady= 1, padx=1, sticky= "W")
frame3.grid(row=2, column=0, pady=2,sticky="NW")
label = Label(frame3, text="Total CFM Values", fg="red")
label.grid(row=0, column=0, pady= 1, padx=1, sticky= "W")
frame4 = Frame(frame1, height = 150, width= 150, relief= RAISED, bd=0, bg="lightyellow")
frame4.grid(row=8, column=0, pady=2,padx=3, sticky="E")
frame5 = Frame(frame1, height = 150, width= 150, relief= RAISED, bd=0, bg="lightyellow")
label = Label(frame5, text="Reccommended Compressor Package", fg="red")
label.grid(row=0, column=0, pady= 1, padx=1, sticky= "W")
label = Label(frame5, text="Compressor Package 1", fg="black")
label.grid(row=2, column=0, pady= 10, padx=5, sticky= "EW")
button1=Radiobutton(frame2, text="1 Unit ", variable=button_var1, command=onclick1)
button1.grid(row=1, column=0, pady= 1, padx= 5, sticky= "W")
button2=Radiobutton(frame2, text="2 Units ", variable=button_var1, command=onclick2)
button2.grid(row=2, column=0, pady= 1, padx= 5, sticky= "W")
button3=Radiobutton(frame2, text="3 Units ", variable=button_var1, command=onclick3)
button3.grid(row=3, column=0, pady= 1, padx= 5, sticky= "W")
button4=Radiobutton(frame3, text="Show Values ", variable=button_var1, command=onclick4, value = 0 )
button4.grid(row=3, column=0, pady= 1, padx= 5, sticky= "W")
button5=Radiobutton(frame4, text="Show Reccommended Compressor Package ", variable=button_var2, command=onclick5)
button5.grid(row=0, column=0, pady= 1, padx= 5, sticky= "W")
I am learning python for my A level and have come across a problem in my project, any help would be immensely appreciated. Thank you.
I have a series of tkinter pages that are designed to be linked by one central page. The search, delete and update functions successfully run SQL queries on their own but lose their functionality when called from the main page, I am getting no visible error messages. I am running SQLite 3.11.2 and Python 3.7.3
The main page calls the attendance page like this (triggered using a button):
def ap():
The actual attendance page is as follows:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import*
import tkinter.messagebox
class Attendance:
def __init__ (self,root):
self.root =root
self.root.title("ODIN Attendance Page")
self.root.config(bg="ghost white")
#These are all the entry widgets, where the values will be added
Absent = BooleanVar()
AbsenceNote = BooleanVar()
TotalAbsences = IntVar()
StudentName = StringVar()
StudentID = StringVar()
should_auto = BooleanVar()
#This is the section that will give the buttons their functionality
def Clear():
def Exit():
Exit = tk.messagebox.askyesno("ODIN","Do you wish to exit?")
if Exit > 0:
def searchDatabase():
for row in NEA_SQL_IIII.searchA(StudentID.get(),StudentName.get()):
def viewData():
for row in NEA_SQL_IIII.displayA():
def deleteData():
def AttendRec(event):
global sd
searchAttend = attendanceList.curselection()[0]
sd = attendanceList.get(searchAttend)
def Update():
#These will define all the different frames
MainFrame = Frame(self.root, bg="Ghost White")
TitFrame = Frame(MainFrame, bd=2, padx=54, pady=8, bg="Ghost White", relief = RIDGE)
self.lblTit = Label(TitFrame ,font=('ariel', 47,'bold'),text="ODIN Attendance Page",bg="Ghost White")
ButtonFrame = Frame(MainFrame, bd=2, width=1350, height=70, padx=18, pady=10, bg="blue2", relief = RIDGE)
DataFrame = Frame(MainFrame, bd=1, width=1300, height=400, padx=20, pady=20, bg="ghost white", relief = RIDGE)
#DataFrameTOP = LabelFrame(DataFrame, bd=1, width=1000, height=300, padx=20, pady=4, relief = RIDGE, bg="Ghost White", font=('ariel', 20,'bold'), text = "Student Info\n")
DataFrameLEFT = LabelFrame(DataFrame, bd=1, width=450, height=200, padx=20,pady=3, bg="Ghost White", relief = RIDGE, font=('ariel', 20,'bold'), text = "Student Info\n")
DataFrameRIGHT = LabelFrame(DataFrame, bd=1, width=450, height=200, padx=31,pady=3, bg="Ghost White", relief = RIDGE, font=('ariel', 20,'bold'), text = "Student Details\n")
#Label and Entry Widget
#These are the widgets that will allow for labels onto the entry sections
self.lblStudentID = Label(DataFrameLEFT ,font=('ariel', 11,'bold'),text="Student ID", padx=2, pady=2, bg="Ghost White")
self.lblStudentID.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W)
self.entStudentID = Entry(DataFrameLEFT ,font=('ariel', 11,'bold'),textvariable=StudentID, width=39)
self.entStudentID.grid(row=0, column=1)
self.lblStudentName = Label(DataFrameLEFT ,font=('ariel', 11,'bold'),text="Student Name", padx=2, pady=2, bg="Ghost White")
self.lblStudentName.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W)
self.entStudentName = Entry(DataFrameLEFT ,font=('ariel', 11,'bold'),textvariable=StudentName, width=39)
self.entStudentName.grid(row=1, column=1)
self.lblAbsent = Label(DataFrameLEFT ,font=('ariel', 11,'bold'),text="Absent?", padx=2, pady=2, bg="Ghost White")
self.lblAbsent.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W)
self.chkAbsent = Checkbutton(DataFrameLEFT ,font=('ariel', 11,'bold'),textvariable=Absent, variable = should_auto, onvalue = True, offvalue = False, width=39)
self.chkAbsent.grid(row=2, column=1)
self.lblAbsenceNote = Label(DataFrameLEFT ,font=('ariel', 11,'bold'),text="Absence Note?", padx=2, pady=2, bg="Ghost White")
self.lblAbsenceNote.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=W)
self.chkAbsenceNote = Checkbutton(DataFrameLEFT ,font=('ariel', 11,'bold'),textvariable=AbsenceNote, width=39, onvalue = True, offvalue = False)
self.chkAbsenceNote.grid(row=3, column=1)
self.lblTotalAbsences = Label(DataFrameLEFT ,font=('ariel', 11,'bold'),text="Total Absences?", padx=2, pady=2, bg="Ghost White")
self.lblTotalAbsences.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=W)
self.entTotalAbsences = Entry(DataFrameLEFT ,font=('ariel', 11,'bold'),textvariable=TotalAbsences, width=39)
self.entTotalAbsences.grid(row=4, column=1)
scrollbar = Scrollbar(DataFrameRIGHT)
scrollbar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky = 'ns')
attendanceList = Listbox(DataFrameRIGHT, width=41, height=16, font=('ariel',12,'bold'), yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set)
attendanceList.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=8)
scrollbar.config(command = attendanceList.yview)
#self.btnAddDate = Button(ButtonFrame, text='Add New', font=('ariel',20,'bold'),height=1,width=10, bd=4, command=addData)
#self.btnAddDate.grid(row=0, column=0)
self.btnDisplay = Button(ButtonFrame, text='Display', font=('ariel',20,'bold'),height=1,width=10, bd=4, command=viewData)
self.btnDisplay.grid(row=0, column=0)
self.btnClear = Button(ButtonFrame, text='Clear', font=('ariel',20,'bold'),height=1,width=10, bd=4, command=Clear)
self.btnClear.grid(row=0, column=1)
self.btnDelete = Button(ButtonFrame, text='Delete', font=('ariel',20,'bold'),height=1,width=10, bd=4, command = deleteData)
self.btnDelete.grid(row=0, column=2)
self.btnSearch = Button(ButtonFrame, text='Search', font=('ariel',20,'bold'),height=1,width=10, bd=4, command = searchDatabase)
self.btnSearch.grid(row=0, column=3)
#self.btnUpdate = Button(ButtonFrame, text='Update', font=('ariel',20,'bold'),height=1,width=10, bd=4, command = updateData)
#self.btnUpdate.grid(row=0, column=4)
self.btnUpdate = Button(ButtonFrame, text='Update', font=('ariel',20,'bold'),height=1,width=10, bd=4, command = Update)
self.btnUpdate.grid(row=0, column=4)
self.btnQuit = Button(ButtonFrame, text='Quit', font=('ariel',20,'bold'),height=1,width=10, bd=4, command=Exit)
self.btnQuit.grid(row=0, column=5)
if __name__=='__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
application = Attendance(root)
The SQL code that is being called is:
def Attendance():
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXIST Attendance (Absent BOOLEAN, AbsenceNote BOOLEAN, TotalAbsences INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY StudentName REFERENCES StudentRecord(StudentName),FOREIGN KEY StudentID REFERENCES StudentRecord(StudentID), PRIMARY KEY(StudentID)")
def displayA():
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Attendance")
rows =cur.fetchall()
return rows
def DeleteDataA(StudentID):
cur.execute("DELETE FROM Attendance WHERE StudentID=?", (StudentID,))
return con, cur
def searchA(StudentName="", StudentID=""):
con=sqlite3.connect("Attendance.db", isolation_level=None)
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Attendance WHERE StudentName=? OR StudentID=?", (StudentName,StudentID,))
rows = cur.fetchall()
return rows
def UpdateDataA(StudentID="", StudentName="", Behaviour="", Achievement="", Detention="", ProgressLevel=""):
cur.execute("UPDATE StudentRecord SET StudentName=?, Behaviour=?, Achievement=?, Detention=?, ProgressLevel=? WHERE StudentID=? ", (StudentID,StudentName,Behaviour,Achievement,Detention,ProgressLevel))