AddCookies in browserContext in Playwright Java - playwright-java

I am trying to add cookies in playwright Java using browser Context in the playwright
below is the code i am using
List<Cookie> ls = new ArrayList<Cookie>();
ls.add(new Cookie("JESSIONID",val));
now while trying to run, it
it is giving me below error: Error {
message='Cookie should have a URL or a domain/path pair
stack='Error: Cookie should have a url or a domain/path pair
Even i also did this:
ls.add(new Cookie("JESSIONID",val,"path"));
This giving me compilation error saying you cannot add extra parameter in cookie
I am not able to add path in the cookie although it is the optional parameter
Can you guys please help how can i add path in the cookie constructors ;


How to pass a variable to the body (not header/params) of a sampler

I have a request from where I am getting a token in response. I have captured that token into a variable using Regular Expression Extractor-Post processor.
Now, I want to pass this token to the body of the next sampler in two places, one as the contributionID and the second as the contrib_(pass the value).mp4
This is how the body looks:
enter image description here
The problem is, passing it via header manager is not working. And passing variable in body causes syntax error.
It seems that I would need to pass it using beanshell script or something else which I am unable to implement.
Any leads?
I have tried adding beanshell preprocessor in the sampler where I want to pass the value but I am unable to capture the body and the respective parameter.
It would be a huge help if I could get a hint towards a working solution.

Integrate GeeTestTask(python3_anticaptcha) with selenium in python3

I have a problem about python3_anticaptcha (api provided by, search on web, find support and try over a month but no luck.
API doc:
I am doing a auto login on a website, and copy the api on anti-captcha's doc:
def runGee(self, challenge):
print("start gee")
# Enter the key to the AntiCaptcha service from your account. Anticaptcha service key.
# обязательные параметры
websiteURL = "https:\/\/"
gt = "2328764cdf162e8e60cc0b04383fef81"
print("challenge:" ,challenge)
# пример работы с GeeTestTask без прокси
result = GeeTestTaskProxyless.GeeTestTaskProxyless(anticaptcha_key=ANTICAPTCHA_KEY,
print("--end gee--")
except Exception as err:
print("--end with error--")
However, the geetask start over 3 minute(or more), and got error everytime. usually error code like:
{'errorId': 34, 'errorCode': 'ERROR_TOKEN_EXPIRED', 'errorDescription': 'Captcha provider
reported that additional variable token has expired.', 'taskId': 1204556667}
{'errorId': 12, 'errorCode': 'ERROR_CAPTCHA_UNSOLVABLE', 'errorDescription': ' Captcha
could not be solved by 5 different workers.', 'taskId': 1204060350}
depends on what parameter i passed.
May i know am i passing the right value to geetask? or some wrong on the code?
Moreover, if geetest return the correct value, i need to do any else to pass capcha(or pass code to geetest server) or GeeTestTaskProxyless already done(not to do anything)?
it is extremely hard to me, does anyone had used this api successfully? Thanks
The problem is not in the anticaptcha but in the geetest provider.
The token challenger can only be used once, when your browser loads the geetest captcha it expires the token.
To fix this problem, you only need to block the request that consumes the token in your browser.
go to devtools and add the block for the geestest captcha API in the browser, like this:
You can automatically integrate this into the selenium with the following command:
driver.execute_cdp_cmd('Network.setBlockedURLs', {"urls": [""]})
driver.execute_cdp_cmd('Network.enable', {})
It seems for me that those errors are because of proxy (if you use any) or just bad IP.
Personally, I use another captcha service and I didn't have such problems with it.
I advice you to try it, it's actually much easier:
You should send a request like this one:
What you need to archieve is to get correct answer from it, like this one:
"seccode":"12fe3d4c56789ba01f2e345d6789c012|jordan" }
Then you just need to implement that answer on a site. Just read the first link I gave you.

simple-oauth2 throws "The content-type is not JSON compatible" on token refresh

I'm using simple-oauth2 in this example to query Microsoft Graph. All works well so far. But when I try to refresh the access token var newToken = await storedToken.refresh();, I get an error:
The content-type is not JSON compatible
This is thrown in wreck's index.js and it seems like there is no content-type set in the headers, while the mode is set to strict. The problem is, that I have no idea how to change this or why this is happening. It only happens on refresh().
I figured this is a configuration problem. The sample provides the config as follows
wreck uses Url.URL to combine OAUTH_AUTHORITY with OAUTH_TOKEN_ENDPOINT which results in and therefore loses common. This results in a 404 and therefore no JSON response anymore.
I changed the config slightly and removed the leading slashes from the relative paths and added a trailing slash to the base URL.
So that OAUTH_TOKEN_ENDPOINT is relative. I have not figured why it worked for authorize though, but still works.

Response URL different from initial browser URL

Im getting a different URL from what was initially displayed when tried on a browser
Facebook's docs say that a
Login Request
should have a format like this so using requests and urllib.parse I tried getting the response URL
import requests, facebook, logging
APP_ID = '1976346389294466'
APP_SECRET = '*************************'
perms = ['manage_pages','publish_pages']
fb_login_url = facebook.auth_url(app_id=APP_ID, canvas_url=REDIRECT_URI, perms=perms)
logging.debug("-----LOGIN URL:" + fb_login_url)
response = requests.get(fb_login_url, params={'response_type':'token'}, allow_redirects=True)
except Exception as exec:
print("%(There was a problem)s" % (exec))
response = requests.get(response.url)
logging.debug("-----Response URL: "+response.url)
I'm expecting a Expected Return URL in the format of
However, I'm only getting the correct response when I use a browser, on my program the response returns a URL of an entirely different format
When I GET from the last redirect url from response.history,
the response returns a url to itself, so I'm not sure how to go about capturing
the initial value of the url such as when I use the browser
the thing is, Im not looking for anything else from the response besides the URL itself.
Additional Notes:
-in the browser after getting the response url I think javascript also changes the url to blank after a brief moment for security reasons
-When I enter the wrong formatted url to the browser, it redirects to the right value so is there something thats handling the response differently when I'm using the browser. If so, how do grab the right url?
Simply put
When I enter fb_login_url in browser I get...
which is what I want, but
when I do it in the app with requests...
either with requests.get(fb_login_url).url
OR (because of a 303) something like
for r in response.history:
i get the wrong url which is

node.js express.js Error handling in View

I am very new to node.js and express.js and in programming concepts. I already made a basic MVC modeled app on node and express.
My problem is how do you handle error, I got this following code:
var params = {
bloodTypeId: request.body.bloodType,
kaiseki.createObject('blood_center_request', params, function(err, res, body, success) {
Kaiseki is just a middleware for, I don't know what to do if it got error. Usually I use ajaxForm.js to look for BadRequest then use javascript to display error message in my view.
I want my error to appear in the same page, where it is success, should I pass a json error to my view?
Or still use ajaxForm.js and instead of res.render or res.redirect I should use res.status(500)
Is there anyway to handle the error and showing it into the view. Without using any javascript to detect BadRequest?
And can a view have a optional variable? In my view If I didnt pass any value on it it gives me error like if i have #{variable} it asks for its value. Can it be made to be optional? Im using Jade Template
To respond to an XHR request with an error you can do something like return resView.status(500).send(err); which will send the err object back as JSON. If you want to render an HTML error page instead you can do return resView.status(500).locals({err: err}).render('/errorPage');
You didn't say which template engine you are using but most likely the #{} version will automatically escape HTML characters for you (turn < into <, etc) to avoid XSS attacks and rendering problems whereas !{} will render the contents of the variable directly without escaping, which is dangerous if the variable contains any user-generated content, but necessary if the variable has HTML you want rendered by the browser.
