Visual Studio 2022 (C++) "Add Event Handler..." generating bad names - visual-c++

I am working on an MFC application with a Ribbon Bar and am experiencing difficulty adding event handlers for new controls from the Ribbon Designer. This was working fine the last time I edited the Ribbon roughly 2 months ago. For instance, adding a new button ("Test Function") I change the resource ID to "ID_BUTTON_TESTFUNC" then right click the button and select "Add Event Handler...". The dialog comes up with a Function Name "On18" rather than "OnButtonTestfunc" and adds a message map and function that don't respond to the button.
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMFCApplication2View, CView)
// Standard printing commands
ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_PRINT_PREVIEW, &CMFCApplication2View::OnFilePrintPreview)
ON_COMMAND(18, &CMFCApplication2View::On18)
void CMFCApplication2View::On18()
I have tried the following, expecting (hoping) VS would return to normal behavior:
The same process on 2 computers with the same results
Updating Visual Studio to 17.4.4 (from 17.4.3)
Repairing Visual Studio
Creating a new blank MFC application - same results
In Account Options: UNchecking "Syncronize Visual Studio settings across devices and installs..."
Clearing all Visual Studio settings (Tools, Import Export Settings, Reset all settings)
Changed IDE Tools menu -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Rescan Solution Interval = 0 per Alen Wesker post on: Can't add event handler in visual studio 2010 (mfc project)
Manually adding the message map entry, function declaration and function definition works and responds to the button press:
afx_msg void OnButtonTestfunc();
ON_COMMAND(ID_BUTTON_TESTFUNC, &CMFCApplication2View::OnButtonTestfunc)
void CMFCApplication2View::OnButtonTestfunc()
//my code here
But I am concerned about what else might be corrupted in VS. Any thoughts would be very welcome.

Microsoft indicates that this is an issue and had been previously fixed in version 17.5 Preview 2. See:


ReSharper - Document Saved Event For Inactive File in Visual Studio

I’ve set up my own source control plug-in for Visual Studio.
It’s registered with visual studio and can be selected from the list of Source Control plug-ins.
I’ve got no issues with files that are modified from with in Visual Studio as I’m using to catch the event before save:
If the file isn’t loaded as an active document in Visual Studio, I’m having problems detecting that it is about to be edited so I can check it out of Source Control.
I’ve tried using the ReSharper event – DocumentManagerOperations suggested here:
I’m having issues detecting if these types of files need checked out:
.DotSettings. – When saving the ReSharper options settings
csproj – When adding Nuget Packages with ReSharper.
.cs when editing files that are not opened in VS with ReSharper, i.e.
fix naming in project.
Is there an event that’s triggered when a file is edited but not loaded?
Thank you!
I used the interface:
More information here:
And made use of:
public int QueryEditFiles(uint rgfQueryEdit, int cFiles, string[] rgpszMkDocuments, uint[] rgrgf,
VSQEQS_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA[] rgFileInfo, out uint pfEditVerdict, out uint prgfMoreInfo)
public int QuerySaveFiles(uint rgfQuerySave, int cFiles, string[] rgpszMkDocuments, uint[] rgrgf,
VSQEQS_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA[] rgFileInfo, out uint pdwQsResult)
something like this:
if (rgfQueryEdit != (uint)tagVSQueryEditFlags.QEF_ReportOnly)
if (rgpszMkDocuments != null)
foreach (var doc in rgpszMkDocuments)
//Do Something
Hope that helps you out.

Command "Window.PinTab" is not available. How to use ExecuteCommand?

I'm writing what I think should be a simple add-in for Visual Studio 2012 to pin a tab upon opening a file. I have the event being handled with this:
_documentEvents.DocumentOpened += DocumentEvents_DocumentOpened;
But within the method handling the event, the error message "Command "Window.PinTab" is not available." is being thrown. It happens for either line below (calling from ActiveWindow or calling from the document itself).
public void DocumentEvents_DocumentOpened(Document document)
I see that that command returns false for IsAvailable, but how do I get it to be available? Or how do I call Window.PinTab such that it will be successfully executed?
So it turns out that the pin tab command has to be executed from the Window, not the Document object. Apparently all panes within the main Visual Studio windows are also windows.
This worked:

Visual Studio Addin not showing

I've created very simple Visual Studio Add-in, ala this article by JP Booodhoo.
The addin works in debug, so if I F5 in the add in solution, and open a solution then the addin shows in the tools. However, it doesn't show when not debugging. i.e. after I've deployed the addin, closed and re-opened my solution.
Am I missing something?
In terms of deployment, I followed the deployment steps in this article and deployed it to C:\Users[your user name]\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Addins
Alternative to macros in Visual Studio 2012
public void Exec(string commandName, vsCommandExecOption executeOption, ref object varIn, ref object varOut, ref bool handled)
handled = false;
if(executeOption == vsCommandExecOption.vsCommandExecOptionDoDefault)
if(commandName == "KinghamExtensions.Connect.KinghamExtensions")
var selection = (TextSelection)(_applicationObject.ActiveDocument.Selection);
if (selection.Text == "") return;
var prefix = "public void ";
var index = selection.Text.IndexOf(prefix);
prefix = selection.Text.Substring(0, index) + prefix;
var description = selection.Text.Replace(prefix, String.Empty);
selection.Text = prefix + description.Replace(" ", "_").Replace("'", "_");
handled = true;
As I say, the code works when running the addin from vs in debug, but doesn't show in the tools menu.
Also, it doesn't show up in the keyboard options like the Git Extensions addin does meaning I can't assign a key binding.
Any thoughts?
It is hard to answer by the information you given, but at first you should check the followings:
Your AddIn should appear in the Tools>Add-in Managger...
If you set the first check box before it, than it should be loaded.
If it isn't and you get an error message, click to no, else the Studio will rename the deployed .AddIn file.
You should check if your release assembly is at the place referenced by the Assembly element like this: <Assembly>C:\Users[your user name]\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\MyAddin1\MyAddin1\bin\MyAddin1.dll</Assembly>
in the .AddIn file deployed by Visual Studio to the AddIn folder you mentioned in your question.
If it is, and the error pesrists, you should add some log to your Add-In (a Windows MessageBox will do)
and place it to the OnConnection method. The error can appear either OnConnection throws an Exception while the IDE trying to load it, or the FullClassName element in the AddIn file refers to an other name than your Connection class has.
If you get no errors and your OnConnection runs properly, then it could be an exception thrown while your code is adding your command, - if you do the same way as it is in a generated Add-In template in a try/catch block- and you need to resolve it.

Is it possible to add solution-specific tools to Visual Studio 2012

Can you do something to the .SLN/.CSPROJ files in VS2012 so that when you right-click the solution/project in the Solution Explorer, there would be a new item on the context-menu which runs a tool you specify?
I know you can add custom entries to the Tools menu, but in this case the tools are specific to that particular solution.
You can add buttons to Solution context menu like below from an Add-In:
Microsoft.VisualStudio.CommandBars.CommandBar menuBarCommandBar = ((Microsoft.VisualStudio.CommandBars.CommandBars)_applicationObject.CommandBars)["Solution"];
//Add a command to the Commands collection:
Command command = commands.AddNamedCommand2(_addInInstance, "MyAddinMenuBar", "MyAddinMenuBar", "Executes the command for MyAddinMenuBar", true, 59, ref contextGUIDS, (int)vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusSupported + (int)vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusEnabled, (int)vsCommandStyle.vsCommandStylePictAndText, vsCommandControlType.vsCommandControlTypeButton);
//Add a control for the command to the solution context menu:
if (command != null)
command.AddControl(menuBarCommandBar, 1);
catch (System.ArgumentException)
// safely ignore the exception.
The specification of tools for different solutions should be handled internally by your Add-In. You can extract the full path of a solution (from _applicationObject.Solution.FullName) also the properties of contained projects (from _applicationObject.Solution.Projects ).
If you are using a VSPackage you should define a vsct file to add the command and the menu item.

How to change the border style of applications main window in visual c++ win32 API

I have an application in Visual c++ (Win32 API). In my application the main window boarder is displayed in old windows styled. I have tried changing the values to WS_OVERLAPPED,WS_POPUP and other which are given in WinUser.h but there is no change in the appearance of the main window were as all my pop-up window are displayed in windows 7 style how this can be rectified. Any help in this regards will be highly appreciated. I have attached both the images the main window and the pop up window.
Code :
// our window class
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// fill window class members
// --------------------------------------------------------- = CS_GLOBALCLASS;
wndWc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC) WndProc;
wndWc.cbClsExtra = 0;
wndWc.cbWndExtra = 0;
wndWc.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
wndWc.hIcon = NULL;
wndWc.hCursor = LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW);
wndWc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(0);
wndWc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
wndWc.lpszClassName = "XYZ";
// register class
if (!RegisterClass(&wndWc)) return false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// get actual screen resolution
int iSw = (WORD)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); // height
int iSh = (WORD)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); // height
// make a rectangle on the center of the screen
RECT rc = {(iSw - iWidth)/2, (iSh - iHeight)/2, width, height};
// create the window. the spaces on the window title
// are just to make sure this will be visible when the region
// is active. just run the app and you'll understand. =)
hWnd = CreateWindow("XYZ", "XYZ",
NULL, NULL, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL);
It could be that your EXE has been flagged to run in compatibility mode for a previous OS version. Right-click the EXE, choose Properties, then ensure everything is switched off on the Compatibility tab. (Especially "Disable visual themes" and "run this program in compatibility mode for...")
Failing that...
It's unusual to need to do anything at all, but try this at the start of the app:
If that doesn't work, try explicitly setting the theme for your window:
SetWindowTheme(hWnd, "WINDOW", NULL);
FWIW, I pasted your code in to a new Visual Studio 2008 project created using the "Win32 project" wizard, and it came out with a Windows 7 border. You usually have to go out of your way not to get the border, in fact.
There could be something unusual about the EXE you are building, like a flag in the EXE's header being set incorrectly. e.g. If it isn't specifying that it is a Windows GUI app, or maybe there are some version fields...
The EXE's manifest may also play a part, but I just tried deleting the manifest completely and my program still got a themed window, so it's probably not that.
If you look closely, you'll see that it's not just the border. The close button also uses the old visual style. Therefore, it's not sufficient that you change the window style. You must indicate that your app is Vista- and Aero-aware
