Fetching User-Defined-Field in Customer Acumatica REST-API - acumatica

I'm trying to fetch the user-defined-field that I added in Customer Entity but it's not working. I'm getting this error:
"message": "An error has occurred.", "exceptionMessage": "The column 'Document_AttributeCWPRODID' is not found in the data set.",
It is working in Contact entity and SalesOrder
My sample parameter in Contact
$custom = Contact.AttributeCWCID
In SalesOrder:
$custom = Document.AttributeSOID


using commission junction API in CJ platform anyone using successfully?

Is anyone successfully using the CJ web services? while passing the parameters as text or xml am getting error.This is my code
Here is my code am using
This is the Params am using
and am getting the error like this...below I've mentioned
"statusCode": 400,
"body": "{"data":null,"errors":[{"message":"Syntax error while parsing GraphQL query. Invalid input """2", expected Value or Argument (line 1, column 71):\n{ publisherCommissions(forPublishers: [""5638564""], sincePostingDate:""2022-12-01T00:00:00Z"",beforePostingDate:""2022-12-28T00:00:00Z""){count payloadComplete records {actionTrackerName websiteName advertiserName postingDate pubCommissionAmountUsd items { quantity perItemSaleAmountPubCurrency totalCommissionPubCurrency }} }}\n ^"}]}",
please can someone solve this problem?
data is showing null I want to show the transaction details.

Setting multiple custom email id in terraform for Azure lb scaling fails

We can set the admin email ids for scaling in vmss as mentioned in the below link.
but when a multiple email id's are specified
enter image description here
notification {
email {
send_to_subscription_administrator = true
send_to_subscription_co_administrator = true
custom_emails = ["email#test.com;email2#test.com"]
the terraform fails with the below error.
[1m[31mError: [0m[0m[1mError creating AutoScale Setting "VMSS-RG" (Resource Group "VMSS-RG"): insights.AutoscaleSettingsClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure responding to request: StatusCode=400 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=400 Code="NotificationEmailInvalidValue" Message="Notification email address 'email#test.com;email2#test.com' has an invalid value."[0m
Any one faced this issue, any help will be appreciated.
As per the Terraform documentation for the resource azurerm_monitor_autoscale_setting, the custom_emails param accepts a list of email addresses. Please try configuring the resource in following way.
notification {
email {
send_to_subscription_administrator = true
send_to_subscription_co_administrator = true
custom_emails = ["email#test.com", "email2#test.com"]

nlapiCreateRecord and nlapiLoadRecord throwing syntax error

I am getting the following wherever I am using nlapiLoadRecord or nlapiCreateRecord in the suitescript(1.0):
"error": {
"message": "syntax error (NLRecordScripting.scriptInit$lib#151)"
Following is the code snippet
if(datain.internalid != null){
record = nlapiLoadRecord('supportcase',datain.internalid);
record = nlapiCreateRecord('supportcase');
Can anyone help with this?
There is a User Event running on beforeLoad that has an error in it; based on the error, I would look for a file containing a reference like NLRecordScripting.scriptInit on line 151.

Time series insight API returning Could not cast or convert from System.String to Microsoft.Rdx.Client.Events.Property

Hi we have just started using time series insight .We need to list specified list of values of properties under particular Time series id .As per the documentation in azure we were using the following API in post method to achieve this .
When posting the following request body to the API
"timeSeriesId": ["UniqueId"],
"searchSpan": {
"from": "2019-02-17T00:00:00Z",
"to": "2019-02-18T00:16:50Z"
"projectedProperties": ["DesiredProp"]
it returns a 400 Bad Request with following error message.
"error": {
"code": "InvalidInput",
"message": "Error converting value \"DesiredProp\" to type
'Microsoft.Rdx.Client.Events.Property'. Path
'getEvents.projectedProperties[0]', line 9, position 45.\r\n---> Could
not cast or convert from System.String to
on removing the projectedProperties property from response body API works fine,but it will return all the properties of the time series .
any help will me much appreciated and thanks in advance .

Odata $filter for the date in the Office 365 REST API

I'm trying to retrieve events for a user from its Office 365 account using the REST API but filtered by the field "Start". For instance, retrieve all the events that will happen after the date: 2014-08-29T09:13:28' but i'm always retrieving this error message
"error": {
"code": "ErrorInvalidUrlQuery",
"message": "The query parameter '$filter' is invalid.",
"innererror": {
"message": "The query parameter '$filter' is invalid.",
"type": "Microsoft.Exchange.Services.OData.InvalidUrlQueryException",
"stacktrace": " at Microsoft.Exchange.Services.OData.Web.ODataQueryOptions.Populate()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Services.OData.ODataContext..ctor(HttpContext httpContext, Uri requestUri, ServiceModel serviceModel, ODataPathWrapper odataPath, ODataUriParser odataUriParser)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Services.OData.Web.RequestBroker.InitializeODataContext()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Services.OData.Web.RequestBroker.Process()",
"internalexception": {
"message": "A binary operator with incompatible types was detected. Found operand types 'Edm.DateTimeOffset' and 'Edm.Int32' for operator kind 'Equal'.",
"type": "Microsoft.OData.Core.ODataException",
"stacktrace": " at Microsoft.OData.Core.UriParser.Parsers.BinaryOperatorBinder.PromoteOperandTypes(BinaryOperatorKind binaryOperatorKind, SingleValueNode& left, SingleValueNode& right)
at Microsoft.OData.Core.UriParser.Parsers.BinaryOperatorBinder.BindBinaryOperator(BinaryOperatorToken binaryOperatorToken)
at Microsoft.OData.Core.UriParser.Parsers.MetadataBinder.Bind(QueryToken token)
at Microsoft.OData.Core.UriParser.Parsers.FilterBinder.BindFilter(QueryToken filter)
at Microsoft.OData.Core.UriParser.ODataUriParser.ParseFilterImplementation(String filter, IEdmType elementType, IEdmNavigationSource navigationSource)
at Microsoft.OData.Core.UriParser.ODataUriParser.ParseFilter()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Services.OData.Web.ODataQueryOptions.Populate()"
Here all the thing i've tried:
url: [ressource]EWS/OData/Me/Events?$filter=Start%20eq%20DateTime'2012-05-29T09:13:28'
url: [ressource]EWS/OData/Me/Events?$filter=Start%20eq%20DateTime'20141231'
url: [ressource]EWS/OData/Me/Events?$filter=month(Start)%20eq%2012
And i've tried the $filter on string field or the $select on the field Start and it worked perfectly so i think my error is caused by the date format but i don't know how to solve it, so if anybody could help me on that, it woud be great!
Thank you!
Filtering on dates does work, but you can't do everything in the OData v4 spec. For example, these all work for me:
/Me/Events?$filter=Start eq 2014-08-28T21:00:00Z
/Me/Events?$filter=Start ge 2014-08-28T21:00:00Z
Adding the "DateTime" in front of it makes it fail. The same with the month function. If you stick with the format above it should work for you.
In V2 of the O365 REST API you should use:
URL encoded: $filter=Start/DateTime%20ge%20%272017-03-15T00:00:00Z%27
Not URL encoded: $filter=Start/DateTime ge '2017-03-15T00:00:00Z'
More info https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/office365/api/complex-types-for-mail-contacts-calendar#filter-requests
Hi Just increase top=100 or more whatever you want to pull from your inbox.
