How to write xpath for svg class=‘MuiSvgIcon-root’ - svg

I am new to selenium Java writing xpath for my project,unable to locate elements in this tag
<svg class=“MuiSvgIcon-root” focusable=“false” viewBox=“0 0 24 24” aria-hidden=‘true’>
//[name()=‘svg’] and I am getting 36 values


How to identify the GitHub page header logo invertocat using selenium python

For learning purpose I am trying to simulate GitHub using selenium.
I am unable to locate the GitHub page header logo invertocat for GitHub homepage button.
I have tried with : find_element_by_class_name, find_element_by_css_selector and find_element_by_xpath but nothing worked.
I am not sure if my value's are wrong.
Here's the html version of that button from inspect element :
<svg height="32" class="octicon octicon-mark-github" viewBox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" width="32" aria-hidden="true"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M8 0C3.58 0 0 3.58 0 8c0 3.54 2.29 6.53 5.47 0-.19-.01-.82-.01-1.49-2.01.37-2.53-.49-2.69-.94-.09-.23-.48-.94-.82-1.13-.28-.15-.68-.52-.01-.53.63-.01 1.08.58 1.21 1.87.87 0-.87.31-1.59.82-2.15-.08-.2-.36-1.02.08-2.12 0 0 .67-.21 1.32-.27 2-.27.68 0 1.36.09 2 .27 1.53-1.04 2.2-.82 2.2-.82.44 1.1.16 1.92.08 1.27.82 2.15 0 3.07-1.87 3.75-3.65 1.48 0 1.07-.01 1.93-.01 2.2 0 . 8.013 0 0 0 16 8c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8z"></path></svg>
This homepage button I am trying to access
and the github link of the pictures page is:
The element you are trying to locate is an <svg> element which is from the SVG namespace and you can use the following XPATH :
//header[#class='Header f5']//a[#class='header-logo-invertocat']/*[name()='svg']/*[name()='path']
Snapshot :

how to insert xmlns and xlink attributes into svg element/tag generated by c3 charts?

I am planning to export c3 charts using But CSS2PDF requires the SVG tags to contain attributes xmlns="" and xmlns:xlink=""
to be a valid for export.
How to add these two attributes to svg element generated by c3 chart ?
$(document).ready(function () {
var svg = $('#chart').find('svg')[0];
svg.setAttribute('xmlns', '');
svg.setAttribute('xmlns:xlink', '');

Namespace prefix NS1 for href on %tagElement% is not defined, setAttributeNS

I got this error in safari while trying to convert svg to base64 url via code:
$svgCopy = $('svg').clone()
html = $('<div>').append($svgCopy).html()
imgSrc = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + btoa(html)
imgEl.src = imgSrc
The problem is that when you set attribute with NS (setAttributeNS) safari sets NS\d+ namespace and do not sets xmlns:NS\d+ attribute in svg, so it looks like
<use NS1:href="#source" />
When you copy such svg in Chrome - you have not such problem because this svg element will look like this:
<use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#source" />
And in result (on svg copy) we getting invalid file.
UPD: #Robert with setAttributeNS all is ok:
el.setAttributeNS('', 'href', '#source')
Without proper call it won't work in Chrome.
I did not find a better solution than to simply replace those occurrences with:
html = html.replace(/NS\d+:href/gi, 'xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href')
Now it works well.
EDIT: Firefox requires xmlns:xlink=" at the root, and Safari likes that, so now I'm adding this attribute to the Root:
draw.canvas.setAttributeNS('', 'xlink', '')
...and correcting HTML of the SVG copy for further use in base64:
// Firefox, Safari root NS issue fix
html = html.replace('xlink=', 'xmlns:xlink=')
// Safari xlink NS issue fix
html = html.replace(/NS\d+:href/gi, 'xlink:href')

Convert SVG Image to Path - to use with skrollr

I recently came across Skrollr, an interesting library to achieve a parallax effect. I am using it to control some opacities and would be ideal to make a 'path' ( provided as an SVG image - including coloring and stroke width etc - from the designers ).
I am hoping to animate a SVG image (path) as the user scrolls down as though the line is drawn. This is a nice example from skrollr which uses a similar effect as expected. The used example has a 'path', but what I have is an svg image - which I notice to have many paths. Skrollr seems to be needing an inline SVG path as it seems.
How can I get a similar effect as in the example specified. To get it, I will have to convert the given svg file in to some thing similar to ( from example ):-
<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="900px" height="1200px">
data-0="stroke-dashoffset:6000;" data-end="stroke-dashoffset:0;"
d="m 199.16266,227.29566 c 0,0 -35.71429,-184.285714 37.14286,-210.000004 72.85714,-25.7142792 95.40137,3.16127 134.28572,42.85715 C 462.01038,153.47988 433.14019,231.62843 612.01981,188.72422 740.78435,157.8401 648.46996,-124.25341 423.44838,73.009946 397.57737,95.689556 342.01981,227.29566 322.01981,268.72423 c -20,41.42857 -15.71429,142.85714 64.28571,222.85714 80,80 143.73919,-10.78923 207.14286,17.14286 89.11717,39.26002 175.71428,70 214.28571,198.57143 38.57143,128.57142 -224.28571,45.71428 -311.42857,50 -87.14286,4.28571 -174.7636,-13.7114 -273.33504,69.14573 -98.57143,82.85724 -123.427376,147.71354 -133.893126,125.93684 -13.988987,-29.1077 -55.031934,-20.6196 -72.436974,2.587 -35.52138,47.36187 48.898892,49.25187 59.501803,81.06057 11.228801,33.6863 -55.491303,91.6685 -70.7122836,61.2265 -14.3563298,-28.7127 55.6559746,-11.2104 68.9875946,-11.2104 59.313946,0 106.207266,-47.3062 135.388156,-93.99577 9.07249,-14.516 16.34065,-34.5597 6.03641,-50.0161 -24.31744,-36.4761 -61.10674,32.1704 -64.67586,50.0161 -1.78804,8.94027 -18.73345,93.13327 -18.9716,93.13327 -15.39093,0 28.03002,-116.70147 77.61105,-83.6473 22.80402,15.2025 -31.82409,33.8676 -43.11725,31.0443 -2.54514,-0.6362 -14.1213,-7.4374 -16.38456,-5.174 -1.98676,1.9867 9.07416,13.8365 10.34816,16.3845 2.87494,5.7499 10.51739,15.8661 17.24688,18.1092 69.57702,23.1924 68.47583,-63.69675 106.93079,-50.8783 25.47788,8.4926 17.93869,61.2265 13.79751,61.2265 -4.54633,0 1.86112,-32.5889 2.58704,-36.2185 1.63481,-8.1741 -8.336,-25.008 0,-25.008 23.1702,0 56.38131,-4.3117 84.50982,-4.3117 6.92267,0 20.69627,8.6474 20.69627,1.7246 0,-22.13767 -106.83933,7.883 -73.29932,52.6031 15.39517,20.5269 45.97363,7.0247 56.91476,-11.2104 4.27342,-7.1224 5.92963,-41.2859 6.03643,-41.3927 3.30032,-3.3003 25.38957,-5.1906 31.04441,-7.7611 8.17799,-3.71727 116.56888,-61.61957 80.19809,-70.71237 -62.06519,-15.5162 -84.81857,132.80117 -47.42898,132.80117 39.83429,0 168.06934,-127.94377 127.62705,-141.42457 -48.77358,-16.2579 -78.2302,99.41297 -51.74069,125.90247 20.35735,20.3573 58.34681,-22.9907 73.29932,-37.9432 37.20757,-37.20767 16.38455,62.9731 16.38455,52.603 0,-50.488 -2.86125,-72.28997 41.39257,-61.2265 18.42188,4.6055 41.59056,-2.80515 61.22649,0 33.65343,4.8077 18.48038,96.0268 157.85652,147.0903"

Calculating viewBox parameters based on path elements in SVG

I get an XML or JSON with paths only, and I need to recreate the SVG image.
I create an empty
<svg xmlns='' version='1.1'></svg>,
I add a <g transform="scale(1 -1)" fill='#aaa' stroke='black' stroke-width='5' ></g> in it, and then in this element I add all of the paths in it (e.g. <path d= ... />).
In the end I get a SVG image, but because I haven't set the viewBox attribute in the SVG element the image isn't properly displayed - when I open it in browser, a part of it is displayed full size.
Can the viewBox be calculated from the values from the paths?
Thank you!
Similar to Martin Spa's answer, but a better way to do get the max viewport area is using the getBBox function:
var clientrect = path.getBBox();
var viewBox = clientrect.x+' '+clientrect.y+' '+clientrect.width+' '+clientrect.height;
You can then set the viewbox to these co-ordinates.
n.b. i think you can change the viewbox of an svg after it's rendered so you may have to re-render the svg.
OK so I solved it the following way:
removed all letters from the paths string and made an array out of it with
var values = pathValue.split('L').join(' ').split('M').join(' ').split('z').join('').split(' ');
found max and min from those values:
var max = Math.max.apply( Math, values );
var min = Math.min.apply( Math, values );
set the viewBox:
viewBox = max min max max
This worked in my case excellent. Hope that it will be helpful to someone else too.
