Can a single snap package install 2 applications? - snap

My project consists of two applications: a service that runs in the tray and a gui application. Ideally, both would be included in the same snap package. Can snap packages install multiple applications?


how to create apps for winget via electron.js

how to create apps for winget using electron.js, I first thought of using portable in target but it just installs the app but I can't use it again, is the any other targets which I can use?
Today, you would need to be able to provide an installer for an electron.js app. The Windows Package Manager supports three types of installers as of the 1.1 release.
.exe installers
Work is in progress for portable applications (just a loose executable like NuGet), and for installers inside of a .zip file. These are targeted for the 1.3 release.

Python app in Azure app service: raise JavaError("can't find Java")

I want to create a Python app in Azure App Service. The code involves module language-check, which requires Java. I am wondering how I could install Java in Azure App Service. Thanks!
It is recommended to choose linux platform to create web app.
Run below command in webssh.
Step 1. apt-get update
Step 2. apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
Step 3. java -version
Step 4. pip install language_check
After trying, I found in windows webapp that although the webapp contains a java environment, when executing tool = language_check.LanguageTool('en-US'), an error language_check.JavaError: can't find Java will be reported.
In windows webapp.
When you create a webapp, no matter what language environment you choose, when the creation is complete, in the azure web app, all language environments are included by default.
Suppose you create a webapp based on the node language of windows, then you can create virtual applications in other languages such as java, .net, python etc., all of which are supported, which I have tested.

How to deploy a Linux application with extra libraries

So I am in the following situation:
We are writing an application which needs to be deployed onto the customer machines which are running either some older version of Ubuntu (16.04 or some older) or Debian 9. Till today our application was packaged as a standard .deb package and it had system dependencies in a way that a sane apt install could handle installing it together with all its dependencies (such as Qt, sqlite, gdal, proj, etc...).
Due to some requirements however recently we have developed a few features which require that some libraries, specifically gdal and proj are using the latest version of aforementioned libraries, which are not to be found on these older systems and we can't got to each of our customer and compile these libraries on their machines.
So, obviously the question comes:
What are the best recommendations to deploy our application in the most painless way with the new libraries onto the old systems?
I have looked into AppImage but I just can't get my head around it (and did not find a good tutorial on how to deploy a Qt application with it), and flatpak and snap are not good, since we don't want to depend on any other repositories.

Electron without GUI

I need to create a node.js application that works in background as a web application. The app should provide some functionality for the main client's site. The application is going to be installed on many machines with differences OS, that's why I want to get rid of node.js dependency and compile it to binary.
I used electron-builder, but as I understood it depended on GUI. So, what can I do to compile the app that can work without GUI and Node.js?
How about pkg?
This command line interface enables you to package your Node.js project into an executable that can be run even on devices without Node.js installed.

UWP app deployment via download

I want to deploy my in-house UWP app only to selected Windows Phone 10 devices via a download link.
This already works for iOS and Android, but I have troubles with WinPhone 10.
On my development device, I can just download and install the created appxbundle file. However, it seems that the appxbundle does not include the dependencies (Microsoft.NET.CoreRuntime.1.0.appx, Microsoft.VCLibs.ARM.Debug.14.00.appx). Therefore the installation does not work on devices, which have never been used to develop the app (and therefore do not have the dependencies installed).
Is there a way to create a complete appxbundle which also installs the dependencies?
Building the app in release mode solved the problem.
The .NET native toolchain includes all the required dependencies into the executable and therefore the installation of the dependencies is not required.
