Godot - Staticbody3d collision normal issue - godot

I am having problem figure out how the normal work.
I am using godot4 RC1.
I created a staticbody3D and want to place a 3dobject standing upright like how we stand on earth.
this is my code for the staticbody3d:
func _on_input_event(camera, event, position, normal, shape_idx):
player.global_position = position
var q = Quaternion.from_euler(normal)
player.basis = q
basically I use the code to capture the mouse_over position on the staticbody3d and place my player(Mesh3d) at the position, and align the player basis to the normal.
if mouse at the top of the planet, it turn out ok.
but anywhere else, it just gone hay wire:
How can I resolve this?


ArcGIS - How to move a graphic or symbol on the map

I'm trying to create an overlay in ArcGIS that has moving graphics/symbols which are updated by coordinates received from roving devices. I'm able to display a simple symbol initially but cannot get it to move on the map. My test code is
GraphicsOverlay machineOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay();
MapPointBuilder rdLocation = new MapPointBuilder(150.864119200149, -32.3478640837185, SpatialReferences.Wgs84);
SimpleMarkerSymbol sRD1234 = new SimpleMarkerSymbol()
Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red,
Size = 10,
Style = SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Circle
Graphic graphicWithSymbol = new Graphic(rdLocation.ToGeometry(), sRD1234);
// here the red circle is displayed correctly on the map
rdLocation.SetXY(150.887115, -32.357600);
// here I expect the red circle to move but it doesn't
Do I need to trigger an event to "re-render" or refresh the overlay, or what do I need to do to get the graphic to move on my map?
There was a similar question here and the answer was "just update the geometry" which is what I'm attempting to do, but with no success.
If there is an entirely different or better approach to moving markers on a map please suggest, I'm just getting started in the ArcGIS runtime.
After a lot of searching I replaced one line of code and its now working
graphicWithSymbol.Geometry = rdLocation.ToGeometry();
It seems I misunderstood the function of ReplaceGeometry(). Any clarification on this would be helpful.

Why doesn't my Raycast2Ds detect walls from my tilemap

I am currently trying to make a small top-down RPG with grid movement.
To simplify things, when i need to make something move one way, I use a RayCast2D Node and see if it collides, to know if i can move said thing.
However, it does not seem to detect the walls ive placed until I am inside of them.
Ive already checked for collision layers, etc and they seem to be set up correctly.
What have i done wrong ?
More info below :
Heres the code for the raycast check :
func is_path_obstructed_by_obstacle(x,y):
$Environment_Raycast.set_cast_to(Vector2(GameVariables.case_width * x * rayrange, GameVariables.case_height * y * rayrange))
return $Environment_Raycast.is_colliding()
My walls are from a TileMap, with collisions set up. Everything that uses collisions is on the default layer for now
Also heres the function that makes my character move :
func move():
var direction_vec = Vector2(0,0)
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_right"):
direction_vec = Vector2(1,0)
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_left"):
direction_vec = Vector2(-1,0)
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_up"):
direction_vec = Vector2(0,-1)
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_down"):
direction_vec = Vector2(0,1)
if not is_path_obstructed(direction_vec.x, direction_vec.y):
position += Vector2(GameVariables.case_width * direction_vec.x, GameVariables.case_height * direction_vec.y)
grid_position += direction_vec
With ray casts always make sure it is enabled.
Just in case, I'll also mention that the ray cast cast_to is in the ray cast local coordinates.
Of course collision layers apply, and the ray cast has exclude_parent enabled by default, but I doubt that is the problem.
Finally, remember that the ray cast updates on the physics frame, so if you are using it from _process it might be giving you outdated results. You can call call force_update_transform and force_raycast_update on it to solve it. Which is also what you would do if you need to move it and check multiple times on the same frame.
For debugging, you can turn on collision shapes in the debug menu, which will allow you to see them when running the game, and see if the ray cast is positioned correctly. If the ray cast is not enabled it will not appear. Also, by default, they will turn red when they collide something.

Phaser.js - how do I take an object out of a group?

I'm playing around with phasers invaders example game.
When the object is shot, instead of killing it I'm changing the sprite and moving it to the bottom of the screen. However, it can now be shot again. I don't want it to be shootable a 2nd time. I'm thinking that because the gamephysics are on the group 'aliens', there are probably two options.
a) Either I can take the single shot alien out of the group 'aliens' and hope that stops it from being shot a 2nd time.
b) Or there's some way of saying ' alien just shot = now protected from being shot again' , I tried the following to no avail.
alien.physicsBodyType = null;
This is my collision handler right now
function collisionHandler (bullet, alien) {
// When a bullet hits an alien we kill them both
// move alien to bottom
var tween2 = game.add.tween(alien).to( { y: 300 }, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.EaseIn, true);
tween2.onComplete.add(doNext, this);
So, basically the changed sprite can still be shot at, I need to make it so it cannot be shot at.
I tried this.
It changed the position of the sprite and it was still shootable. Hmmm...
Is there a way to take collision off the single shot alien?
Ok, I figured out my answer, just deactivate the body of the sprite, you don't need to take it out of the group.
sprite.body.enable = false;
Where 'sprite' is the name of your actual sprite. Tested and works.

How to Smooth the Tracking in CamShift

I'm Doing Project on hand Tracking using OpenCV library function. By using Camshift() function I could able to track my hands but it wasn't not stable, even I make my hand stable there is little movement in tracking. So I couldn't able to perform mouse click operation at correct position. Someone please help me to figure out this.
void TrackingObjects::drawRectangle(CvRect objectLocation){
CvPoint p1, p2,mou;
CvRect crop;
p1.x = objectLocation.x;
p2.x = objectLocation.x + objectLocation.width;
p1.y = objectLocation.y;
p2.y = objectLocation.y + objectLocation.height;
In above code I get the tracked object location by obectLocation parameter and I've drawn rectangle over the tracked region.
By getting its center I did mouse movement.
While closing the palm in order to do MouseDown event, the position of tracked object has being changed.
The answer is Kalman filters.
You can use this code. As you can see in the figure below, the filtered results (green line) ignore tracker's sudden displacements (where cyan depicts the original tracking results).

iPhone help with animations CGAffineTransform resetting?

Hi I am totally confused with CGAffineTransform animations. All I want to do is move a sprite from a position on the right to a position on the left. When it has stopped I want to "reset" it i.e. move it back to where it started. If the app exits (with multitasking) I want to reset the position again on start and repeat the animation.
This is what I am using to make the animation..
[UIImageView animateWithDuration:1.5
options:(UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction |
ufo.transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(ufo.transform, -270, 100);
completion:^(BOOL finished){
NSLog(#"ufo finished");
[self ufoAnimationDidStop];
As I understand it the CGAffineTransforms just visually makes the sprite look like it's moved but doesn't actually move it. Therefore when I try and "reset" the position using
ufo.center = CGPointMake(355, 70);
it doesn't do anything.
I do have something working, if I call
ufo.transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(ufo.transform, 270, -100);
it resets. The problem is if I exit the app half way through the animation then when it restarts it doesn't necessarily start from the beginning and it doesn't go the the right place, it basically goes crazy!
Is there a way to just remove any transforms applied to it? I'm considering just using a timer but this seems silly when this method should work. I;ve been struggling with this for some time so any help would be much appreciated.
Applying a transform to a view doesn't actually change the center or the bounds of the view; it just changes the way the view is shown on the screen. You want to set your transform back to CGAffineTransformIdentity to ensure that it looks like "normal." You can set it to that before you start your animation and set it to what you want it to animate to.
